Bamako Convention

2009-11-02 Thread Alcock, Frank
I have a student that would like to write a paper on the Bamako
convention...does anyone know of any in depth assessments on the
surrounding politics and ultimate impacts?


Frank Alcock

Associate Professor of Political Science

New College of Florida

5800 Bay Shore Road

Sarasota, FL 34243

(941) 487-4483 (phone)

(941) 487-4475 (fax)


Rethinking global climate governance

2009-11-02 Thread HARRIS, Paul Gordon
Dear GEP Colleagues,

I am trying to rethink global environmental governance, and to encourage my 
students to do likewise, especially in the context of climate change. While I 
know that some of you won't agree, it's my feeling the practice of global 
environmental governance surrounding climate change has been a failure. This is 
not to discount positive developments and steps forward, but is (by my 
estimation) a fact revealed by warnings of natural scientists and apparently by 
ongoing environmental changes. Thanks to hard work by many governments and 
nongovernmental actors, etc., things won't be as bad as they might have been. 
But I think they'll be very bad nevertheless, especially for the world's poor.

Assuming I am correct (even if you don't agree), do you have ideas for how we 
might rethink global governance and climate change, or conceive of global 
governance in this context in very new ways? What are you saying to your 
students in this regard? What do you say when they ask for alternatives to the 
incrementalism of climate change diplomacy? Are their practical alternatives, 
or desirable ones that may appear to be impractical today?

Many thanks for your ideas.

All best,

P.G. Harris
Department of Social Sciences
Hong Kong Institute of Education
10 Lo Ping Road
General Office Tel.: +852 2948 7707
Direct Tel.: +852 2948 6763
Fax: +852 2948 8047
Email: pharris @

Assistant Professorship in Public Policy at Duke

2009-11-02 Thread Erika Weinthal
This position may be of interest to many on the GEP-ED list. BUT NOTE 

Public Policy: Duke University.  The Sanford School of Public Policy 
invites applications for a tenure-track position at the rank of 
assistant professor of public policy.  The successful candidate’s 
research will focus on the institutions and mechanisms for addressing 
problems that transcend national boundaries, including such areas as 
environment, global health, development, and energy.   We welcome 
applications from scholars trained in economics, political science, 
public policy, and other social science disciplines.  Send a CV and 
three letters of reference to Philip Cook, Search Committee Chair, c/o 
Lisa Bradrick, Sanford School of Public Policy, Duke University, Box 
90239, Durham, NC 27708-0239.  Applications received by November 6th 
will be guaranteed consideration.  Duke University is an Equal 
Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.