On Behalf Of Thomas Dietz
Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2008 9:36 PM
Subject: [SSWG] Environmental policy position at Michigan State


Please forward as appropriate.

Michigan State University seeks a faculty member in the area of
environmental policy.   The appointment will be joint between the
Environmental Science and Policy Program and the Department of Political
Science.  Political Science will be the tenure home for the position.
Ph.D. or equivalent is required at the time of appointment.  Candidates
should have strong quantitative skills and rigorous theoretical focus.
International experience or demonstrated interest in international
issues is an advantage.  The successful candidate will be expected to
develop externally funded research.  Applications will be reviewed
starting September 15, 2008, and will be accepted until the positions
are filled.  Please send curriculum vitae, samples of written work, a
short statement of professional goals and at least three letters of
recommendation to: ESPP/Political Science Search Committee,
Environmental Science and Policy Program, Michigan State University, 274
Giltner Hall, East Lansing, MI  48824-1101.  Electronic applications
should be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and directed to Search Committee.  


For more information on the Environmental Science and Policy Program see


MSU is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution. 

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