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[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2009 1:34 PM
Subject: [NCSE] NCSE releases The Climate Solutions Consensus


NCSE releases The Climate Solutions Consensus

With the world’s eyes focused on the climate talks in Copenhagen, the US 
National Council for Science and the Environment (NCSE) announces publication 
of its first  book.  The Climate Solutions Consensus, written by David 
Blockstein and Leo Wiegman, describes in non-technical language what we know 
about climate change, and the solution paths available today for climate 
mitigation and adaptation.  It presents 39 reasons why we need to act now to 
control climate change.

Most importantly, the NCSE book describes ways that we can work together now to 
foster solutions. The book proposes 35 climate actions for immediate 
consideration, many of which are on the table in Copenhagen this month. 

The NCSE National Conference on Science, Policy and the Environment, in 2008 
brought together more than 1,300 research and policy experts around the topic 
of Climate Change: Science and Solutions. The ideas, research, and policy 
options presented and discussed at that conference served as the starting point 
for this book. The recommendations developed in breakout discussions around 
topics such as agriculture, buildings, coastal and urban management, education, 
energy, forestry, health, human population and international partnerships form 
the basis for the 35 climate actions.

The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA) announced yesterday 
atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide reached record highs of 385 parts 
per million at the end of 208. The World Meteorological Organization (WMO), 
announced this week that the years 2000-2009 is thus far the warmest decade on 

The Climate Solutions Consensus: What We Know and What To Do About It places 
these trends into perspective for the average citizen and offers practical and 
game-changing pathways available to business, government, and citizens.  It is 
published by Island Press, the leading non-profit publisher of environmental 
The book’s package offers special features designed to help teachers of climate 
policy courses or citizens involved in developing local climate action plans. 
The NCSE and authors have prepared an extensive website on NCSE’s content rich 
Encyclopedia of Earth. The web site  offers extra discussions 
not available in the print version, including illustrations and figures. In 
addition, every bibliographic reference in the book is accompanied by a 
hyperlink to the original source from the book’s website.  This should help 
readers follow the latest research and policy developments. 

Visit for links to the extra content, 
the Climate Change: Science and Solutions conference website (including videos 
of presentations by John Holdren, now President Obama’s science advisor, Mohan 
Munasinghe (IPCC Vice Chair), James E. Rogers, (Chairman, President and Chief 
Executive Officer, Duke Energy Corporation), Sarah James, (Alaskan Gwitch’in 
Steering Committee and Goldman Environmental prize-winner), Bill McKibben 
(, Abigail Kimbell, (then Chief, US Forest Service), Congressman Jay 
Inslee (Washington), scientists Stephen Schneider, Bob Corell, Tom Lovejoy and 
many others, recommendations for action, climate education resources and much 

The website also contains a link to the 
Island Press website where you can order the book. NCSE and Island Press are 
pleased to offer a 25% discount off the listed price of $30 paper and $60 hard 
cover. Use the code 25source on your order form to receive the discount.  
Customers in Europe and the Middle East should contact to 
order the book.

The National Council for Science and the Environment (NCSE) 
<>  is a national non-partisan organization with a 
mission to improve the scientific basis for environmental decisionmaking. 


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