Re: Request for ENGO bibliography

2005-11-07 Thread Michael Maniates

Dear Raul,
The bibliography that I have in my files from you dates back to
4/13/2004.  As such, it predates our new list archive at
(scroll down to "gep-ed").  If you're thinking of something more recent, can you give me the date?  Or check the new list archive?  In lieu of updating the gep-ed website (darn, I really need to get to this), I try to save all attachments and bibliographies posted to the list.  
Let me know if this **isn't** what you were looking for.
Mike Maniates
Dear all,
Well, it took me a while but here is the preliminary version of the ENGO bibliography. Sorry for the delay, but work has been overwhelming.
I did not include a few works that were sent to me because they were websites and I created this list from EndNote, and I wasn't able to input the reference properly so I apologize in advance. When I transform this document into a webpage I will include websites. Also, I didn't include works in other languages, I chose to use English as the standard (which left some of my own papers out, given that they´re published in Spanish!).
I didn't receive as many references from the GEP-ED list as I expected but I know for a fact that some works by members  of the list are included in this bibliography. Those who want to have their most recent work (or works that I somehow missed) are welcome to email me (and if you could include reprints of the paper that would be an added bonus!)
I know that there are many people from whom I have only cited one or two papers (e.g. Paul Wapner, Kathy Hochstetler, Michele Betsill, Elisabeth Corell, Peter Newell to name a few). I would expect the list to grow as people update me on what they've been up to insofar it relates to environmental NGOs, transnational environmental social movements, etc.
Also, I used standard EndNote "Author-Date" format for the bibliography (sorry to those who use legal formatting but I am not used to it). 
Hope this is useful to people from the GEP-ED list. I, for one, have benefited enormously from the wisdom and knowledge that has been shared by members of the list.
Warmest regards,
Arts, B. (2002). "'Green Alliances' of Business and NGOs. New Styles of Self-Regulation or 'Dead End Roads'?" Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 9(1): 26-36.
Betsill, M. M. and E. Corell (2001). "NGO Influence in International Environmental Negotiations: A Framework for Analysis." Global Environmental Politics 1(4): 65-85.
Bombay, P. (2001). "The Role of Environmental NGOs in International Environmental Conferences and Agreements: Some Important Features." European Environmental Law Review 10(7): 228-231.
Breitmeier, H. and V. Rittberger (2000). Environmental NGOs in an Emerging Global Civil Society. The Global Environment in the Twenty-First Century: Prospects for International Cooperation. P. S. Chasek. Tokyo, United Nations University Press: 130-163.
Caniglia, B. S. (2001). "Informal Alliances vs. Institutional Ties: The Effects of Elite Alliances on Environmental TSMO Networks." Mobilization: An International Journal 6(1): 37-54.
Clark, A. M. (1995). "Non-Governmental Organizations and their Influence on International Society." Journal of International Affairs 48(2): 507-525.
Clarke, G. (1995). "Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Politics in the Developing World." Political Studies 46: 36-52.
Corell, E. (1999). "Non-State Actor Influence in the Negotiations of the Convention to Combat Desertification." International Negotiation 4(2): 197-223.
Corell, E. and M. M. Betsill (2001). "A Comparative Look at NGO Influence in International Environmental Negotiations: Desertification and Climate Change." Global Environmental Politics 1(4): 86-107.
Doh, J. P. and H. Teegen (2002). "Nongovernmental Organizations as Institutional Actors in International Business: Theory and Implications." International Business Review 11(6): 665-684.
Doh, J. P. and H. Teegen (2003). Globalization and NGOs. Transforming Business, Government and Society. Westport, CT, Greenwood Publishing Group/Praeger.
Edwards, M. and G. Sen (2000). "NGOs, Social Change and the Transformation of Human Relationships: A 21st-Century Civic Agenda." Third World Quarterly 21(4): 605-616.
Fox, J. (2000). "Assessing Binational Civil Society Coalitions: Lessons from the Mexico-US Experience." Chicano/Latino Research Center Working Paper(26): 45.
Gemill, B. a. B.-I., Abimbola (2002). The Role of NGOs and Civil Society in Global Environmental Governance. Global Environmental Gobernance: Options and Opportunities. D. C. Esty and M. H. Ivanova. New Haven, CT, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies: 77-100.
Gutner, T. (202). Banking on the Environment: Multilateral Development Banks and Their Performance in Central and Eastern Europe. Cambridge, MA, MIT Press.
Hochstetler, K. (2002). "After the Boomerang: Environmental Movements and Politics in the La Plata River Basin." Global Environmental

Request for ENGO bibliography

2005-11-07 Thread Raul Pacheco

Dear all,
A few months ago I compiled a bibliography 
specifically focusing on ENGOs. I requested suggestions and submitted the 
bibliography to the list. Well, I can't find the file and I need it, 
so if anyone still has the message I sent in their archives, I'd be very 
grateful for a copy.