Sorry for cross-posting and especially if you have recently seen this already.

I wanted to send it again because it's a /*great opportunity*/ and we would l/*ove to see more young social scientists*/ at this workshop. So.....

DISCCRS pays the way!
Come to Hawaii!
Have a great time!
Learn how to do interdisciplinary work effectively!
Get the best mentoring you have received yet!
Get a head start on your career!

(What more do you need for encouragement?!?!)

Best, Susi

DISCCRS DISCCRS (pronounced "discourse") is an interdisciplinary initiative for recent Ph.D. graduates conducting research related to climate change and its impacts. The goal is to broaden research interests and establish a collegial peer network extending across the spectrum of natural and social sciences, humanities, mathematics, engineering and other disciplines related to climate change and its impacts. The initiative includes a public webpage, electronic newsletter, and annual symposia funded through 2008.

                             DISCCRS III Symposium
                               September 10 - 17, 2007
                                       Hawai'i Island

                                Application Deadline
                                      April 30, 2007

Expenses: Airfare and on-site expenses are provided through NSF grant EAR-0435728 to Whitman College.

Eligibility: Ph.D. requirements completed April 1, 2004 - March 31, 2007 in any discipline related to climate change and impacts. Recent Ph.D. graduates from all disciplines and countries are invited to join the DISCCRS network and apply to be a DISCCRS symposium scholar. Thirty-six applicants will be selected by an interdisciplinary committee of research scientists. During the week participants will provide oral and poster presentations in plenary format, hone interdisciplinary communication and team skills, and discuss emerging research, societal and professional issues with each other and with established researchers invited to serve as mentors.
A report on the DISCCRS II Symposium is posted at

Mentors for the DISCCRS III Symposium are: Kenneth H. Broad
Charles Kolstad Susanne Moser
Terry L. Root <> Stephen H. Schneider <>




Susanne C. Moser, Ph.D.
Institute for the Study of Society and Environment (ISSE)
National Center for Atmospheric Research
P.O.Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307-3000
Tel.: 303.497.8132
Fax.: 303.497.8125


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