[Apache Geronimo Wiki] Updated: LogoContest

2003-12-20 Thread incubator-geronimo-cvs
   Date: 2003-12-20T14:27:52
   Wiki: Apache Geronimo Wiki
   Page: LogoContest
   URL: http://wiki.apache.org/geronimo/LogoContest

   no comment

Change Log:

@@ -84,3 +84,4 @@
 || K. Harward || Entry #10 || n/a ||
 || C. Cuilla || Entry #7 || Variant #2 ||
 || S. Weber || Entry #10 || n/a ||
+|| Jason Calabrese || Entry #8 || Variant #2 ||

[Apache Geronimo Wiki] New: GeronimoEtymology

2003-12-20 Thread incubator-geronimo-cvs
   Date: 2003-12-20T15:43:50
   Wiki: Apache Geronimo Wiki
   Page: GeronimoEtymology
   URL: http://wiki.apache.org/geronimo/GeronimoEtymology

   no comment

New Page:

An entry from the ''Dictionary of Word and Phrase Origins, Second Edition'' by 
William and Mary Morris:

= Geronimo =

From the earliest wars in recorded history, men have plunged into battle 
shouting battle cries. Indeed, our common word 'slogan' was originally the 
Gaelic ''sluggh-ghairm,'' meaning the call to battle used by Scottish 
Highlanders and Irish clan. One of the most interesting of these cries is that 
used by the U.S. airborne paratroopers: Geronimo!

When we speculated in print on why our soldiers use the name of a dead Apache 
chieftain for their slogan, several alumni of airborne regiments reported 
stories of its origin. A plausible one came from Arthur A. Manion. At Fort 
Sill, Oklahoma, he wrote, a series of rather steep hills, called, I believe, 
Medicine Bluffs, was pointed out to all new arrivals. It was said that one day 
''Geronimo'', with the army in hot pursuit, made a leap on horseback down an 
almost vertical cliff -– a feat that the posse could not duplicate. The legend 
continues that in the midst of this jump to freedom he gave out the 
bloodcurdling cry of Geronimo-o-o! Hence the practice adopted by our 
paratroopers. I hope this helps. It's at least colorful, if not authentic.

Another correspondent, who once lived at Fort Sill, added the information that 
the bluff from which Geronimo made his daring leap is a cliff overlooking a 
small river. So we know that Geronimo and his steed had water, rather than 
desert floor, to break their fall. Now, this is indeed an interesting tale and 
one that may very well be the real inspiration for the paratroopers were 
trained at Forts Bragg and Campbell. Why, then, did they reach to Fort Sill for 
inspiration for their battle cry?

R. Collier of Milwaukee offered a less glamorous but probably more accurate 
account of the origin of the call. In the early days of the 82nd Airborne, he 
wrote, the men used to go to the nearby movie in Lafayetteville. During the 
week scheduled for the division's initial jumps, they saw a movie named 
Geronimo. (If that wasn’t the title, at least the Indian chief played a leading 
part.) Anyway, one guy hollered the name and one of those things no one can 
explain happened. The whole division took it up and from them it spread to the 
later-activated airborne forces. 

[Apache Geronimo Wiki] Updated: WhyApacheGeronimo

2003-12-20 Thread incubator-geronimo-cvs
   Date: 2003-12-20T15:48:42
   Wiki: Apache Geronimo Wiki
   Page: WhyApacheGeronimo
   URL: http://wiki.apache.org/geronimo/WhyApacheGeronimo

   no comment

Change Log:

@@ -112,3 +112,4 @@
  * Geronimo's [http://odur.let.rug.nl/~usa/B/geronimo/geronixx.htm biography].
  * [http://www.aniwaya.org/write/writings/write021-geronimo-campaign.html A 
Chiricahua Apache's Account] of Geronimo's 1886 Campaign
  * Did George Bush's Grandfather really [http://www.pa56.org/skullandbones.htm 
steal Geronimo's skull?] while at Yale?
+ * The etymology of the exclamation geronimo! as it relates to charging into 
battle and leaping off a cliff. [GeronimoEtymology]