Re: HD 1080 or 720

2013-03-02 Thread Christopher Woods (CM)

On 01/03/2013 19:02, Shevek wrote:

On 1 March 2013 16:36, Rog wrote:

I'm pretty sure I get 1080 from iPlayeer...
Ripper Street for example.

File sizes are about 1.15 GB per hour.

All Ripper Street have been 1280x720 from iPlayer

File size is not an indication of pixel dimensions, it is the bit-rate
which determines file size

Agreed. All HD content available on the main iPlayer service is 1280x720p25.

HOWEVER, the HD programme material available if you have a Sky+HD box 
... is 1920x1080i25 (I think, you get combing artifacts when you hit 
pause but this might also be because the Sky+HD boxes max out at 1080i 
on HDMI).

So, either BBC provides a feed exclusively to Sky's on-demand platform 
just for us lucky Sky customers, or there is another unadvertised 
version feed only available for specific devices or proxied through 
specific gateways. When I realised I Wiresharked some traffic as I 
downloaded a file, it was coming from a CDN. More investigation required.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Thank you

2013-02-18 Thread Christopher Woods (CM)

On 18/02/2013 09:25, Colin Law wrote:

On 18 February 2013 00:23, Peter S Kirk wrote:

Dinkypumpinkin and the rest of the crew who work or have worked on updating
and improving get_iplayer and it's plugins (rtmp dump etc)

A big thank you for all your hard work, it is much appreciated by me and
I'm sure by countless others too.



+9000! GiP's one of my must-have apps on any machine I get to use.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: infradead is down

2013-02-11 Thread Christopher Woods (CM)

On 11/02/2013 15:22, Kapitano wrote:

On 2/11/2013 14:30 PM, Colin Law wrote:
Possibly a solution would be to provide a command line parameter to 
get-iplayer which would specify where to store the cache and settings,

That would be a very good feature, which I suppose I'm hereby 
requesting. We've already got one for the default download folder.

The rights and wrongs of which folders should have what access a good nerdy subject on which we won't be able to agree.

Shevek wrote:
 Anything that has a portable install, I put it in C:\Applications

I've got over 200 programs on my laptop, and they're *all* portable 
and outside Program Files. Erm, except for Get_iPlayer. :-).

+1 (+1 bonus) for portable option. I'd *love* me some portable GiP.

Just this weekend, on an old installation I fell afoul of 2.79's 
inability to write to the default download location problem. And woe 
betide me, infradead was down to boot!

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Why M4a and not mp4?

2012-11-14 Thread Christopher Woods (CM)

Google would be your friend here. M4A and MP4 have the same container 
format.  The M4A extension is just a naming convention for audio-only 
files, a convention to which get_iplayer adheres.  For whatever 
reasons, some players won't recognise the M4A extension, so rename.

Personally I always use the aactomp3 flag in get_iplayer to 
transcode the AAC file as MP3 for a radio programme. No problem 
playing in anything that way.


Yikes, enjoy that double-compressed sound? ;-) It's so ... squishy.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: I haven't been able to download using PID for ages....

2012-09-26 Thread Christopher Woods (CM)

Some interesting comments all, thanks.

The reason I put --pid at the end of my string is partially to stop me 
from forgetting to change it ;-) And I only ever use get_iplayer to grab 
stuff for which I've already found the PID for, I always found its PVR 
features a little cumbersome for what I wanted.

My explicit SWFVfy declaration was after the default player URL was 
removed by the BBC so rtmpdump was having problems with dropped frames 
and corrupt downloads, particularly on the HD content.

I was under the impression get_iplayer still transcoded to MP3? I'm 
using 2.79 on Windows; I remember a lot of discussion a while back about 
the quality of the downloads and people asking how to stop it from 
transcoding. I left it as-is because I remember a few things being 
broken in updates pushed out - but if newer versions have those bugs 
squished and have a newer build of ffmpeg rolled in, I'll certainly give 
that a try. I'm a sucker for metadata. Undoubtedly YAMB is a bit long in 
the tooth now, I've only just got used to some of its UI quirks ;-)

On 26/09/2012 19:26, dinkypumpkin wrote:

On 26/09/2012 18:19, Christopher Woods (CM) wrote:

Some clarification for new users -

get_iplayer --raw --output G:\iplayer\raw\ --modes
flashaachigh,flashaac,flashaacstd,flashaudio,flashaaclow --rtmptvopts
--rtmpradioopts --swfVfy; --force
--get --type=liveradio --pid=pidhere

The --swfvfy value is built into get_iplayer.  There is no need to use 
it on a command line unless you know of a case where the built-in 
value no longer works.  Also, you don't need --get if you specify 
--pid. Think of --pid as shortcut to download a specific programme 
when you already know its unique identifier.

a liveradio category result for the pid you enter. My golden rule is to
always have --pid or --url at the very end of the string. Specifying the
10player URL stopped frame drops in videos when rtmpdump couldn't swfvfy

There is no need to put --url or --pid at the end of your command 
line.  get_iplayer's argument parsing is not sensitive to entry order.

Using --raw obviates the transcoding (yeurgh). use FLVExtract to rip out
AAC from the FLVs and then use YAMB (or MP4Box if you're not lazy like
me) to remux as an M4A and get it seekable. For videos, I just leave as
FLV as MPC can parse and decode them fine natively; when I remuxed as
MP4 I had frame drift for whatever reason... and at that point I was
happy enough anyway with the H.264 FLVs. :-)

To echo SeƱor Guano: get_iplayer does not transcode.  You only need to 
re-mux files yourself if you wish to use a different tool or different 
parameters.  If you prefer to use --raw and stick with FLV files, 
that's fine.  But if you prefer to re-mux files to MP4 format and get 
metadata tags, etc., the combination of get_iplayer and ffmpeg works 
pretty well.

If you're using YAMB and consistently seeing drift in re-muxed video, 
get an up-to-date version of ffmpeg and let get_iplayer re-mux a few 
programmes and then compare the results.  No guarantee it will be 
better, but ffmpeg (as well as MP4Box) has come along a bit since YAMB 
was released a few years ago.

get_iplayer mailing list

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Yahoo! Groups: Welcome to WebSurfing. Visit today!

2012-07-21 Thread Christopher Woods (CM)
This keeps on bloody happening. If it's not PayPal spam it's the whole 
list being signed up to Yahoogroups, what's going on?! List admin, 
what's the craic? ;-)


On 21/07/2012 21:06, Derek J. Balling wrote:

This seems to me like a big mistake, no?  Like we've just signed up the mailing 
list to be a member of some spamming list?


On Jul 21, 2012, at 10:48 PM, WebSurfing Moderator wrote:


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get_iplayer mailing list

Re: BBC iPlayer introduces Live Restart capability

2012-06-20 Thread Christopher Woods (CM)
This is a very interesting topic, particularly as I've noted that the 
Beeb's been running a (non-advertised) 720p BBC HD stream using chunked 
H.264 for a while. Quality's pretty darned decent, I'd watch it if I 
didn't have a Sky+HD box.

I can't imagine they'd rip and replace their entire infrastructure for 
on-demand, particularly with all the embedded devices they support... If 
anything this means more complexity - chunked HTTP for PC and Mac with 
the latest versions of Flash, progressive streaming for everything else.

On 20/06/2012 13:51, Shevek wrote:

Is this going to kill of get_iplayer?

Or is it only for live TV?

Will they switch from RTMP to chunked streaming for non live?

As we can keep all the video chunks as we distribute them, we can
offer them to be viewed again later, or even store them more

get_iplayer mailing list

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: iPad3

2012-06-05 Thread Christopher Woods (CM)
I imagine there isn't and won't be for a while. Apple's policies on what 
apps can do and what they can access is remarkably restrictive. AIUI 
they only permit Objective-C - no scripting in languages Perl - and not 
only that, to easily achieve what get_iplayer does would require 
additional installation of static dependencies which Apple is always 
against. (Never mind the device probably needing to also be rooted!)

On 05/06/2012 19:52, Rog wrote:

Is there an app for the ipad3?


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get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Editing those m4a files.

2012-06-03 Thread Christopher Woods (CM)
Awesome news! About to download it, here's hoping I can edit 
losslessly... I've been so fed up booting into OSX at work just to use 

On 03/06/2012 20:45, bat guano wrote:

mp3DirectCut-v2.16 now has aac support. :-)
Works with Windows or Linux with WINE.

First need to extract the aac.
Then edit and save with mp3DirectCut.
And mux the aac back into m4a.

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