installation - I can't upgrade from 3.31 to 3.35

2024-03-16 Thread Paul Phillips
I have tried installing the pkg file from here:
It completes the install, but when I launch Web PVR is says I'm still
on version 3.31

When I look at the folder where Get_iPlayer is installed the files
date back to 2020. I'd expect to see today's date

I am using an iMac with Apple silicon

Any advice would be appreciated

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Experimental HD and audio only downloads

2022-04-07 Thread Paul Phillips
I have seen this too. I think get_iplayer is trying to get the
programme in full HD, but actually it is only available in 720p
I think it's a bug in get_iplayer - either full HD isn't there and it
thinks it is, or the programme is only in 720p and get_iplayer doesn't know

On Thu, 7 Apr 2022 at 22:02, fred.d  wrote:
> I've found that a lot of content seems to be available in the new Full
> HD format. However every so often I come across one that downloads only
> the audio. Playing with parameters and download method doesn't help so
> I'm guessing it's the far end.
> Anyone know if this is a get_Iplayer thing or is it simply that the
> files on the BBC sites aren't 100% when it comes to this quality?
> Ta.
> ___
> get_iplayer mailing list

Paul Phillips

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Problems downloading Winter Olympics

2022-03-06 Thread Paul Phillips
The change in video quality available is described on this page for
version 3.29.

I've seen a doubling in file sizes to approx 4GB per hour when
selecting fhd video quality
Whether it is true full HD or not, I'm not sure, but the files seem to
report they are 1080p

On Sun, 6 Mar 2022 at 17:43, MacFH - C E Macfarlane - News
> On 06/03/2022 02:25, MacFH - C E Macfarlane - News wrote:
> >
> > On 05/03/2022 21:00, Paul Phillips wrote:
> >>
> >> Where you downloading in HD or Full HD (1080) ?
> >>>
> >>> FWIW, I downloaded all the above using the following command ...
> >>>
> >>> perl \ --profile-dir= --type tv
> >>> --tvmode hlshd,dvfhd,hvfhd,dvfsd,hvfsd,dvfxsd,hvfxsd --pid 
> >>> --file-prefix "" -g
> >>>
> >>> ... noting that at one time my mode list was giving warning messages,
> >>> though still working, but that I think this is a corrected version that
> >>> did not.
> >
> > The answer to your question is in the command-line above.  I wasn't
> > aware that you might be able to download any higher than 1280*720@50p,
> > but the '--info' command for your first download above ...
> >
> >  --info --pid p0blc3vb
> >
> > ... gives ...
> >
> >  modesizes: original:hvfhd1=14877MB,[...],dvfhd1=3986MB,[etc]
> >
> > ... suggesting that hvfhd might well be 1280*1080@50p, while my
> > parameter for '--tvmode' above tries to get the old hlshd (720@25p) mode
> > if available, then tries dvfhd (720@50p) if there's no 25p, so it would
> > never have tried to download hvfhd, and my size for that file is the
> > same as for dvfhd above.  Perhaps I should try changing my default order
> > for some things such as films, but I certainly won't for the Winter
> > Olympics, which essentially are mostly throwaway items.
> >
> > However, out of interest, I've just tried giving the parameter as ...
> >
> >  --type tv --tvmode hvfhd
> >
> > ... but the result was not touted to be 14GB or so ...
> >
> > INFO: Downloading tv: 'Winter Olympics: Beijing 2022 - Mixed Doubles
> > Curling - Great Britain v Italy (p0blc3vb) [original]'
> > 2.9% of ~4332.24 MB @  15.4 Mb/s ETA: 00:36:44 (hvfhd1/un) [audio+video]
> >
> > ... so it began normally enough, but didn't actually seem to be
> > downloading at significantly better quality than I already have, so I
> > stopped it.
> A further thought ... if the hvfhd mode above was really 1080p, one
> would expect that its filesize would be approximately that of a 720p
> mode x 1080 / 720 or about 6GB, so I have no idea where the figure of
> 14GB is supposed to come from and suspect that it's a software error.
> JOOI, I've investigated this further by downloading the first episode of
> Green Planet in hvfhd, just to see if it would be 1080p, but it wasn't,
> it was 720p, so I'm still not aware of anything that suggests that
> iPlayer downloads are available in 1080p.  AFAAIA, apart possibly from
> some test downloads, they've always been available only in 720p or
> below, never 1080p.

Paul Phillips

get_iplayer mailing list

Problems downloading Winter Olympics

2022-03-05 Thread Paul Phillips

I am having difficulty downloading some of the Winter Olympics - it
seems to affect broadcasts that are from the red button / digital
channel. It ends up downloading small sound-only recordings - not even
sound for the whole episode

NB - My settings are set to record in FHD (full HD)

Examples programmes that won't download:

Other Winter Olympics episodes download ok,, e.g. Today at the Games,
in full HD (1080)

It seems to me, Red Button recordings on iPlayer don't work, But TV
channel ones do

I use WebPVR and my recording quality settings are: fhd,hd,sd,web,mobile,high

Is there a way to report this bug?

Paul Phillips

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Is Web PVR installable on a Mac?

2021-07-10 Thread Paul Phillips
Many thanks, I'd incorrectly assumed it was a separate download
altogether, I didn't realise it was all bundled in one

On Sat, 10 Jul 2021 at 09:30, Chris Walker
> On Thu, 8 Jul 2021 19:42:55 +0100
> Paul Phillips  wrote:
> > Hi,
> > Is it possible to install Web PVR on a Mac?  I can see from google
> > that some people seem to be using it on a Mac, but I can't find any
> > beginner level guides to install the Web PVR version
> > thanks
> Have you looked at this?
> If you've managed to install get_iplayer then surely you ought to be
> able to install the PVR.
> --
>  __ __| |_ __ __  ..
> / _/ _` \ V  V /  |  |
> \__\__,_|\_/\_/   ||
> ___
> get_iplayer mailing list

Paul Phillips

get_iplayer mailing list

Is Web PVR installable on a Mac?

2021-07-08 Thread Paul Phillips
Is it possible to install Web PVR on a Mac?  I can see from google
that some people seem to be using it on a Mac, but I can't find any
beginner level guides to install the Web PVR version
Paul Phillips

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: GiP-2.95-develop & list archives

2016-04-07 Thread Paul Phillips
Thanks for this info.

Disk space aside, and frame rate aside, is the picture quality better
if you use "best" with 2.95?  (I would be plugging this into WebPVR
and using quick URL)

On 7 April 2016 at 19:41, Vangelis forthnet <> wrote:
> On Thu Apr 7 12:09:34 BST 2016, artisticforge . wrote:
>> I spent part of yesterday reading the list archives
>> and have a better understanding now
>> as to why GiP-2.95-dev is so slow.
>> (snip)
>> interesting reading the archives.
> Hello terry :-)
> (I do hope the pain relievers are still doing their job fine...)
> 2.95-dev is indeed unsupported and undocumented,
> plus it is under constant change - the best source to
> read if you have time and want to get a clue as to how
> things work in 2.95dev is to trace the individual commit
> logs in the Github repo - start from
> in page 4 of main script commit history
> opening each commit in a separate tab
> and reading the commit log (where available)
> and work your way up to latest commit
> in page 1:
> Then you'll get a good grasp of the features
> removed/added during the development process...
>> Part of that slowness is from perl
>> doing a main part of the work.
> 2.95dev implements by default a native - pure perl -
> HLS/DASH streamer; container change
> (lossless remux) and transcoding, when specified,
> is still being realised by FFmpeg.
> HLS modes for video and (re-introduced) DASH
> modes for audio are now the default in latest snapshot.
> FWIW, I do not find the native downloader to be
> that much slower to FFmpeg...
> FFmpeg itself cannot handle DASH downloads,
> but if you'd like to re-assign FFmpeg to manage
> HLS downloads (current - and only - behaviour
> in GiP 2.94), you can do so via the --hls-ffmpeg switch.
>> Nearly all downloads are hls
>> with two to four times the bit rate.
> You can get a glimpse of available modes/modesizes
> for a specific pid via the --info (-i) switch.
> perl --pid=b073rfc0 -i
> =>
> ===
> modes:  original:
> flashhd1,flashvhigh1,flashvhigh2,flashhigh1,flashhigh2
> ,flashstd1,flashstd2,flashlow1,flashlow2,hlshd1,hlsvhigh1,hlshigh1,hlslow1,hlslo
> w2,hvfhd1,hvfhd2,hvfsd1,hvfsd2,hvfvhigh1,hvfvhigh2,hvfhigh1,hvfhigh2,hvfstd1,hvf
> std2,hvflow1,hvflow2,subtitles1
> modesizes:  original:
> flashhd1=499MB,flashvhigh1=314MB,flashvhigh2=314MB,fla
> shhigh1=168MB,flashhigh2=168MB,flashstd1=107MB,flashstd2=107MB,flashlow1=84MB,fl
> ashlow2=84MB,hlshd1=510MB,hlsvhigh1=321MB,hlshigh1=171MB,hlslow1=109MB,hlslow2=1
> 09MB,hvfhd1=1182MB,hvfhd2=1182MB,hvfsd1=669MB,hvfsd2=669MB,hvfvhigh1=386MB,hvfvh
> igh2=386MB,hvfhigh1=210MB,hvfhigh2=210MB,hvfstd1=121MB,hvfstd2=121MB,hvflow1=86M
> B,hvflow2=86MB,subtitles1=60KB
> ===
> The flash* and hls* tvmodes are exactly the same
> as you know them from GiP 2.94. If you'd like to
> download one of those, indicate so via the --modes
> (or --tvmode) switch.
> The hvf* tvmodes are new to 2.95dev, they are the
> "Video Factory" ones.
> - hvfvhigh is comparable to hlsvhigh, but slightly better
> both in resolution (540p) and BR (ca. 1700kbps).
> - hvfsd is again 540p, but the doubled size is due to
> 50FPS, not to a mere increase of BR in the 25FPS file.
> - hvfhd is 720p (same resolution as flashhd/hlshd),
> but again the huge filesize is due to 50FPS.
> I am not following this currently, as I have
> no interest in the 50FPS files, however it was
> posted previously in the Support Forum
> that the vast plethora of TV content on iplayer
> is not 50FPS originally, so for most 50FPS files
> there is a simple dublication of 25FPS=>50FPS,
> IOW in a minute's worth of video stream, there
> exist only 25 unique different frames.
> One notable exception to the above are sports
> events (and possibly other genres where quick
> motion is involved...).
> Due to the excessive toll on bandwidth and
> disk space storage, plus some issues pertaining to
> 1) older FFmpeg versions (<2.5), which do not
> work with hvf streams,
> 2) the absence of AD versions in hvf format,
> hls tvmodes are still the default for VOD.
> Just some useful info for those trialing the 

Re: GiP-2.95-develop & list archives

2016-04-07 Thread Paul Phillips
Is the picture quality better then and would you recommend it?  I use web PVR

On 7 April 2016 at 12:09, artisticforge . <> wrote:
> Hello
> I spent part of yesterday reading the list archives and have a better
> understanding now as to why GiP-2.95-dev is so slow. Nearly all
> downloads are hls with two to four times the bit rate.
> Part of that slowness is from perl doing a main part of the work.
> interesting reading the archives.
> --
> terry l. ridder ><>
> ___
> get_iplayer mailing list

Paul Phillips

get_iplayer mailing list

Downloading news videos with Web PVR Quick URL has stopped working

2015-10-29 Thread Paul Phillips
I used to be able to download news videos using Web PVR Quick URL. Now I can't.
Any ideas what might be wrong?

Recording The Following Programmes - -

INFO: Trying pid: using type: tv
INFO: Trying to stream pid using type tv
INFO: pid not found in tv cache

INFO: 1 Matching Programmes
WARNING: The 'default' programme version could not be determined
WARNING: No programme versions found
WARNING: You may receive this message if you are using get_iplayer
outside the UK
INFO: Trying pid: using type: radio
INFO: Trying to stream pid using type radio
INFO: pid not found in radio cache

INFO: 1 Matching Programmes
WARNING: The 'default' programme version could not be determined
WARNING: No programme versions found
WARNING: You may receive this message if you are using get_iplayer
outside the UK

Recording complete

Paul Phillips

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: [ANN] get_iplayer 2.89 released

2014-11-02 Thread Paul Phillips
Cache loaded in seconds. I tried radio and tv shows, worked
flawlessly. This is on Windows/web pvr

A big thank you for fixing it so quickly.

On 2 November 2014 23:06, dinkypumpkin wrote:
 get_iplayer 2.88 was withdrawn due to a bug found after it was released for
 Homebrew.  v2.89 is the successor to v2.87.

 Release notes here:

 get_iplayer mailing list

Paul Phillips

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Information Overload on GiP Changes

2014-11-01 Thread Paul Phillips
I agree, it also looks to me like they are moving to some sort of
closed model that needs keys to access it.
Quite how on earth they will do this without locking out lots of
legacy devices I don't know.

 Thanks Jeremy, that helps me understand a bit more.  Having continued to
 read on the BBC site it certainly seems to me they are working towards a
 closed system to prevent leakage of licence fees.

 I guess the public will only get access to the iPlayer material if they have
 a TV licence or some new on-line license.  Just a guess but is it a
 credible threat?

 Now to do some PID searches.

 Thanks again,

 get_iplayer mailing list

Paul Phillips

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: [ANN] get_iplayer search and PVR functions no longer work - no fix available

2014-10-29 Thread Paul Phillips
I'm going to an open evening the iplayer team are having in early
December in Salford , and I expect to be able to speak directly to the
iplayer product team so if you have any questions let me know and I'll
see if I can get them answered.

On 29 October 2014 13:20, dinkypumpkin wrote:
 The BBC have removed the programme data feeds used by get_iplayer, so search
 and PVR functions no longer work. There is no programme information to
 cache, and it was the cache that supported search and PVR functions. There
 is no fix available at this time. You can still download individual
 programmes via PID or URL.

 get_iplayer mailing list

Paul Phillips

get_iplayer mailing list

Strugging to record Building Dream Homes

2014-10-27 Thread Paul Phillips

Everything has been working since I upgraded web pvr to 2.87 , apart
from this show:

It's one of those morning programmes on BBC 2 that doesn't seem to
ever appear in the iplayer list of programmes available to record.  Is
it something to do with them putting on sign language programmes at
this hour?

Here's my output from an attempt at recording it via the url for the
PID using web pvr

Recording The Following Programmes
- - 

INFO: Episode-only pid detected
INFO: Trying pid: b0467k48 using type: radio
INFO Trying to stream pid using type tv
INFO: pid found in cache
199: Building Dream Homes - Episode 2, Signed, Audio
Described,Factual,Gardens,Homes  Gardens,Lifestyle  Leisure,Sign
Zone,TV, signed,audiodescribed

INFO: 1 Matching Programmes

WARNING: No programmes are available for this pid with version(s):
default (available versions: signed,audiodescribed)
INFO: Episode-only pid detected

Recording complete

Paul Phillips

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Accessing programmes more than a week old?

2014-10-27 Thread Paul Phillips
You used to be able to scroll back/select a date more than one week
ago on the tv guide page. Ironically they stopped this just as they
introduced the 30 day catch up window which is quite bizarre and I
wonder if its intentional or a bug.
However, I've found if you go into the url and manually enter the date
you want into the url of the tv guide page you can see old dates past
one week old. Even this didn't worked initially when they introduced
the 30 day catchup, but it seems to have been fixed

On 27 October 2014 15:18, Chris Marriott wrote:
 Which programme(s) did you have in mind?
 Simon Morgan

 The programme I had in mind was Cagney and Lacey, series 2, episode 5,
 which was broadcast on Friday 17th October.

 It's more of a general query, though: on the iPlayer TV web site, unlike for
 radio programmes, which have a Previous Week and Next Week button on the
 schedule page, I can't see any way of selecting a date earlier than the most
 recent week. How do you actually choose a day earlier than the current week?



 get_iplayer mailing list

 get_iplayer mailing list

Paul Phillips

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Strugging to record Building Dream Homes

2014-10-27 Thread Paul Phillips
Is it possible to download them in the webpvr?

On 27 October 2014 16:25, SquarePenguin wrote:
 On 27 Oct 2014, at 15:30, Paul Phillips wrote:

 WARNING: No programmes are available for this pid with version(s):
 default (available versions: signed,audiodescribed)

 That's the important bit of info. It's telling you that no 'default'
 versions of the programme are available, just signed and audio described

 If you still want to download these programmes you can use the --versions
 command. I wrote a small guide to downloading these versions in the guide
 section of the forums:

Paul Phillips

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Does anyone know what a 'reversion' is?

2014-10-27 Thread Paul Phillips
I'm under the impression these are versions of the original programme
which have been edited down for time purposes or because something in
them is out of date. Very often I've noticed the programme is shorter
than the original
They put reversions in the title so that their internal media
archive systems can recognise the original master programme.

On 27 October 2014 16:44, Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer wrote:
 I've noticed that a few BBC programmes are described as 'reversions'.  For
 example there's a repeat (or maybe it's more than that?) of Series 5 of Rip
 Off Britain on at the moment.  In the tv.cache file ( on the BBC website)
 the episodes are titled:

   Rip Off Britain: Series 5 (Daytime Reversions)

 The tv.cache file currently lists some other 'reversions':

   Coast: Series 5 Reversions

   Flog It!: Series 7 Reversions

   Flog It!: Series 9 Reversions

   Flog It: Trade Secrets: Series 2 - Reversions

 Presumably there's more to these than just repeats... but what?  I watched a
 couple of the Rip Off Britain ones and had the impression that I'd seen the
 whole of the programmes before a few months ago, though that doesn't
 preclude subtle editorial changes or omission of previous material.

 I did email the BBC to ask (without mentioning get_iplayer), but they didn't
 reply.  Does anyone here know?

 Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

 get_iplayer mailing list

Paul Phillips

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Accessing programmes more than a week old?

2014-10-27 Thread Paul Phillips
NB I was editing the url in the overall tv guide page..  Anyway that
has stopped working too for some reason - It definately was working
last week.

Like this

On 27 October 2014 17:34, Chris Marriott wrote:

 -Original Message- From: Paul Phillips
 Sent: Monday, October 27, 2014 3:54 PM
 To: get_iplayer
 Subject: Re: Accessing programmes more than a week old?

 However, I've found if you go into the url and manually enter the date
 you want into the url of the tv guide page you can see old dates past
 one week old. Even this didn't worked initially when they introduced
 the 30 day catchup, but it seems to have been fixed

 No joy, unfortunately. If I'm looking at yesterday's page for BBC2, the URL

 But if I change the part at the end to 20141017 to try to see the schedule
 for 17th October, I get today's listing instead.

 Thanks for the suggestion, though. Much appreciated.


Paul Phillips

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Winter Olympics live stream recording

2014-02-16 Thread Paul Phillips
I had a couple of streams die on me today half way through and they
didn't seem to reattempt. Should I be using --attempts=x  or --resume
to improve this?

This is a typical command line I'm using at the moment with the head code:
--modes=best --type=livetv --fileprefix=name - episode pid
version mode --resume

I saw it said ignoring resume in the output when it crashed.

On 15 February 2014 17:01, Paul Phillips wrote:
 New head is working consistently - it always finds the right stream.
 Occassionally it croaks early leaving a FLV filem presumably due to
 internet drop out
 Also sometimes the file is over 4gb and so stops early, so I will try
 your latest RTMPDUMP GB

 On 12 February 2014 18:55, Paul Phillips 
 Pleased to report the new HEAD successfully found the Snowboarding
 live stream this evening, and recorded the whole thing (2GB). I'll
 test it further tomorrow.

 On 12 February 2014 14:59, dinkypumpkin wrote:
 On 11/02/2014 20:55, Paul Phillips wrote:

 I think the latest Git Head is picking up the live stream from the
 player page but something wierd is happening at the end when the
 stream finishes.  That's my hunch.  The player pages seem to have
 things feeding into them - eg the main channel sometimes feeds into
 them. It's as if they are channels in their own right with different
 feeds going into them

 Seems plausible, but I've no real idea.  It still seems strange that a
 static resource like one of the event guides would overwrite a live stream.
 I don't understand how an output file would be overwritten at all unless
 they're monkeying with the streams and rtmpdump gets confused.  It's
 impossible to tell from the log what is going on.

 I've made another change to HEAD that refreshes the values of dldate and
 dltime for each download attempt for a live stream.  Those two parameters
 are in the default value of fileprefix for live streams, so the effect
 would be to create a new output file every time rtmpdump croaks and
 get_iplayer restarts the download. That should probably be in get_iplayer
 anyway. I don't know if it will completely prevent files being overwritten
 on your machine, but give it a try if you're feeling brave.

 Another approach would be to choose a single CDN and quality (e.g.,
 --modes=flashhd1) and --retries=1 to prevent additional download attempts if
 rtmpdump croaks.  But if it chokes in the middle of the event, that will be
 the end of the recording.

 Anyway, I'm throwing in the towel on this.  I'll leave the changes in HEAD
 until the Olympics are over, though.  As you said, you can still use the
 olympics branch version of get_iplayer with playlist URLs picked out of
 Firefox web console or similar.  For anyone keeping score, that means you
 can fall back to the earlier instructions here:

 get_iplayer mailing list

 Paul Phillips

 Paul Phillips

Paul Phillips

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: 4GB filesize limit

2014-02-16 Thread Paul Phillips
INFO: MP4 tagging MP4 file
AtomicParsley error: C:\Users\Paul\Desktop\iPlayer
image file is not jpg/png and cannot be embedded.
INFO: Command exit code 1 (raw code = 256)
WARNING: Failed to tag MP4 file

Recording complete

On 15 February 2014 02:53, dinkypumpkin wrote:
 On 15/02/2014 00:25, Paul Phillips wrote:

 that threw me I'm afraid, I deleted the file when I saw the size of it.

 On 14 February 2014 22:19, dinkypumpkin wrote:

 Forgot to mention that.  I couldn't remember the incantation to use the
 32-bit tools to build rtmpdump with large file support, so the file size
 display will wrap around when it hits 4GB.

 Uploaded a (hopefully) corrected build to the same location, FWIW.

 get_iplayer mailing list

Paul Phillips

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: 4GB filesize limit

2014-02-15 Thread Paul Phillips

FLExtract works ok - gives me separate sound and video

But FLVExtractCL doesn't work for me - the app just flashes up for a
split second then vanishes. I am on Windows 8 64 bit. I wonder if it's
not compatible? I've tried various compability mode without success

On 14 February 2014 17:53, Vangelis forthnet wrote:
 On Fri Feb 14 16:14:13 GMT 2014, Paul Phillips wrote:

 Can you explain

 As per my recent post of Feb 12th, I do not have much spare time nor am I in
 the mood
 to offer extended help on the list; just shared the FRD thing 'cos it could
 be helpful to others...
 There are many knowledgeable members in this list apart from dinkypumkin
 that may help you with your queries.

 Does this result in any loss of quality or is the bitrate the same?

 No loss, same bitrate; it's just that the file has less overhead (less empty
 space within the MP4 container)

 where are you getting FLVExtractCL from?

 It is found within this zip file (link directly from the dev's site):
 c/o J.D. Purcell (aka moitah)

 For help, type (command line)
 FLVExtractCL  Help.txt

 You'd be better off ignoring my remuxing batch file
 (aimed perhaps at more techie audio-video users) and
 just use the standard remuxing method with FFmpeg that
 GiP itself already uses:

 FFmpeg -i foo.flv -c copy foo.mp4


 get_iplayer mailing list

Paul Phillips

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Winter Olympics live stream recording

2014-02-15 Thread Paul Phillips
New head is working consistently - it always finds the right stream.
Occassionally it croaks early leaving a FLV filem presumably due to
internet drop out
Also sometimes the file is over 4gb and so stops early, so I will try
your latest RTMPDUMP GB

On 12 February 2014 18:55, Paul Phillips wrote:
 Pleased to report the new HEAD successfully found the Snowboarding
 live stream this evening, and recorded the whole thing (2GB). I'll
 test it further tomorrow.

 On 12 February 2014 14:59, dinkypumpkin wrote:
 On 11/02/2014 20:55, Paul Phillips wrote:

 I think the latest Git Head is picking up the live stream from the
 player page but something wierd is happening at the end when the
 stream finishes.  That's my hunch.  The player pages seem to have
 things feeding into them - eg the main channel sometimes feeds into
 them. It's as if they are channels in their own right with different
 feeds going into them

 Seems plausible, but I've no real idea.  It still seems strange that a
 static resource like one of the event guides would overwrite a live stream.
 I don't understand how an output file would be overwritten at all unless
 they're monkeying with the streams and rtmpdump gets confused.  It's
 impossible to tell from the log what is going on.

 I've made another change to HEAD that refreshes the values of dldate and
 dltime for each download attempt for a live stream.  Those two parameters
 are in the default value of fileprefix for live streams, so the effect
 would be to create a new output file every time rtmpdump croaks and
 get_iplayer restarts the download. That should probably be in get_iplayer
 anyway. I don't know if it will completely prevent files being overwritten
 on your machine, but give it a try if you're feeling brave.

 Another approach would be to choose a single CDN and quality (e.g.,
 --modes=flashhd1) and --retries=1 to prevent additional download attempts if
 rtmpdump croaks.  But if it chokes in the middle of the event, that will be
 the end of the recording.

 Anyway, I'm throwing in the towel on this.  I'll leave the changes in HEAD
 until the Olympics are over, though.  As you said, you can still use the
 olympics branch version of get_iplayer with playlist URLs picked out of
 Firefox web console or similar.  For anyone keeping score, that means you
 can fall back to the earlier instructions here:

 get_iplayer mailing list

 Paul Phillips

Paul Phillips

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: 4GB filesize limit

2014-02-14 Thread Paul Phillips
I'm trying your method now thanks. The download is working in the
background as I write.

Can you explain the remux a little more though:

1. Re: the mp4(v2) files MP4Box produces are more compact than the
mp4(v1) FFmpeg yields.}
 -- Does this result in any loss of quality or is the bitrate the same?

2. Can you explain the remux steps a little more please. eg where are
you getting FLVExtractCL from?

I'm on Windows

 I then proceeded to remux the flv file to an .mp4(v2) one using a
 combination of FLVExtractCL (CLI version of FLVExtract) and
 MP4Box (see attached batch file - extension changed to .txt;
 to use change it back to .bat), and ended up with this:

 {I prefer MP4Box remuxing (-brand mp42) to the FFmpeg one,
 because the mp4(v2) files MP4Box produces are more compact
 than the mp4(v1) FFmpeg yields.}

 Yes, I KNOW this post may have little to do with get_iplayer,
 but I thought it'd be useful for some to share this nice and simple
 tool for the once-every-2-years case a  4.0 GiB file needs to be
 recorded in one chunk...

 get_iplayer mailing list

Paul Phillips

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: 4GB filesize limit

2014-02-14 Thread Paul Phillips
that threw me I'm afraid, I deleted the file when I saw the size of it.

On 14 February 2014 22:19, dinkypumpkin wrote:
 On 14/02/2014 19:49, Vangelis forthnet wrote:

 On Fri Feb 14 16:40:34 GMT 2014, dinkypumpkin wrote:

 You can try this 32-bit build:

 So it seems that when the reported file size
 reaches the 4 GiB limit, it restarts from 0 kB.
 Or possibly this is a limitation of the 32bit
 version of rtmpdump or x86 version of my OS?

 Forgot to mention that.  I couldn't remember the incantation to use the
 32-bit tools to build rtmpdump with large file support, so the file size
 display will wrap around when it hits 4GB.

 get_iplayer mailing list

Paul Phillips

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: 4GB filesize limit

2014-02-13 Thread Paul Phillips
Try this maybe

Go into command line in Windows and try this - note I've not tested it
(it's running now, but it will take a while)

C:\Program Files (x86)\get_iplayer--get 1231 --modes=best --stop
3:30:00 --attempts 1 --force

where 1231 is the PID for the ceremony on my PC.

The above is an attempt to record the first 3.5 hours of the ceremony.
There was a lot BBC commentary at the end which took it to 4 hours.

You've got about 15 hours to sort this out before it goes for good from iplayer.

On 13 February 2014 19:35, Peter S Kirk wrote:
 On 13 Feb 2014 at 8:42, Derek Balling Derek Balling

 What OS are you on?

 4GB file limit sounds a lot more like an OS-/Filesystem-driven limitation 
 than a get_iplayer limitation.


 On Feb 13, 2014, at 8:35 AM, Sam P wrote:

  i just tried to record with winter olympics opening ceremony 720p:
  Unfortunately the recording stops at 3.99GB. Please fix this issue and 
  allow us to download the full file or
 split it to seperate 4gb files.
  i'm using v2.85 btw.

 As dinky has pointed out before, it appears to be an rtmpdump issue. See:



 15GB + 5GB bonus Free cloud storage, no credit card details required: - 5GB bonus for both for using referal link

 Cloud storage space and app provided by

 get_iplayer mailing list

Paul Phillips

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Winter Olympics live stream recording

2014-02-12 Thread Paul Phillips
thanks very much for your help again. I will try the new head now.

For anyone else keeping track I'll give my synopsis so far:
(a) It's definitely possible to record the live BBC HD streams from
the Winter Olympics

(b) Picture quality is excellent. Not true HD bitrates, but very good
nevertheless (eg much better than red button on my tv)

(c) There are two methods in this thread to capture the recordings, both
sometimes work, but not all the time.

Method 1 tries to pick up the stream from the player page direct from the
BBC sport website using a revised head code. It's 50/50 in my experience
that you'll get the right recording at the end though based on my
experience (at the time of writing I haven't tested the very latest code
from dinkypumpkin).  The code is in the HEAD page here

Method 2 is a bit more work for you upfront at the start but I'd say it has
an 80% success rate. The only failures I get with this approach are when
the stream croaks due to internet connection (I assume) and it dumps early
missing the end.
- this is a special olympics branch version of get_iplayer with
playlistURLs picked out of
Firefox web console or similar.  instructions here:

On 12 February 2014 14:59, dinkypumpkin wrote:
 On 11/02/2014 20:55, Paul Phillips wrote:

 I think the latest Git Head is picking up the live stream from the
 player page but something wierd is happening at the end when the
 stream finishes.  That's my hunch.  The player pages seem to have
 things feeding into them - eg the main channel sometimes feeds into
 them. It's as if they are channels in their own right with different
 feeds going into them

 Seems plausible, but I've no real idea.  It still seems strange that a
 static resource like one of the event guides would overwrite a live stream.
 I don't understand how an output file would be overwritten at all unless
 they're monkeying with the streams and rtmpdump gets confused.  It's
 impossible to tell from the log what is going on.

 I've made another change to HEAD that refreshes the values of dldate and
 dltime for each download attempt for a live stream.  Those two parameters
 are in the default value of fileprefix for live streams, so the effect
 would be to create a new output file every time rtmpdump croaks and
 get_iplayer restarts the download. That should probably be in get_iplayer
 anyway. I don't know if it will completely prevent files being overwritten
 on your machine, but give it a try if you're feeling brave.

 Another approach would be to choose a single CDN and quality (e.g.,
 --modes=flashhd1) and --retries=1 to prevent additional download attempts if
 rtmpdump croaks.  But if it chokes in the middle of the event, that will be
 the end of the recording.

 Anyway, I'm throwing in the towel on this.  I'll leave the changes in HEAD
 until the Olympics are over, though.  As you said, you can still use the
 olympics branch version of get_iplayer with playlist URLs picked out of
 Firefox web console or similar.  For anyone keeping score, that means you
 can fall back to the earlier instructions here:

 get_iplayer mailing list

Paul Phillips

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Winter Olympics live stream recording

2014-02-12 Thread Paul Phillips
Pleased to report the new HEAD successfully found the Snowboarding
live stream this evening, and recorded the whole thing (2GB). I'll
test it further tomorrow.

On 12 February 2014 14:59, dinkypumpkin wrote:
 On 11/02/2014 20:55, Paul Phillips wrote:

 I think the latest Git Head is picking up the live stream from the
 player page but something wierd is happening at the end when the
 stream finishes.  That's my hunch.  The player pages seem to have
 things feeding into them - eg the main channel sometimes feeds into
 them. It's as if they are channels in their own right with different
 feeds going into them

 Seems plausible, but I've no real idea.  It still seems strange that a
 static resource like one of the event guides would overwrite a live stream.
 I don't understand how an output file would be overwritten at all unless
 they're monkeying with the streams and rtmpdump gets confused.  It's
 impossible to tell from the log what is going on.

 I've made another change to HEAD that refreshes the values of dldate and
 dltime for each download attempt for a live stream.  Those two parameters
 are in the default value of fileprefix for live streams, so the effect
 would be to create a new output file every time rtmpdump croaks and
 get_iplayer restarts the download. That should probably be in get_iplayer
 anyway. I don't know if it will completely prevent files being overwritten
 on your machine, but give it a try if you're feeling brave.

 Another approach would be to choose a single CDN and quality (e.g.,
 --modes=flashhd1) and --retries=1 to prevent additional download attempts if
 rtmpdump croaks.  But if it chokes in the middle of the event, that will be
 the end of the recording.

 Anyway, I'm throwing in the towel on this.  I'll leave the changes in HEAD
 until the Olympics are over, though.  As you said, you can still use the
 olympics branch version of get_iplayer with playlist URLs picked out of
 Firefox web console or similar.  For anyone keeping score, that means you
 can fall back to the earlier instructions here:

 get_iplayer mailing list

Paul Phillips

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Winter Olympics live stream recording

2014-02-12 Thread Paul Phillips
This is interesting, a blog that they've changed the platform for live

On 12 February 2014 18:55, Paul Phillips wrote:
 Pleased to report the new HEAD successfully found the Snowboarding
 live stream this evening, and recorded the whole thing (2GB). I'll
 test it further tomorrow.

 On 12 February 2014 14:59, dinkypumpkin wrote:
 On 11/02/2014 20:55, Paul Phillips wrote:

 I think the latest Git Head is picking up the live stream from the
 player page but something wierd is happening at the end when the
 stream finishes.  That's my hunch.  The player pages seem to have
 things feeding into them - eg the main channel sometimes feeds into
 them. It's as if they are channels in their own right with different
 feeds going into them

 Seems plausible, but I've no real idea.  It still seems strange that a
 static resource like one of the event guides would overwrite a live stream.
 I don't understand how an output file would be overwritten at all unless
 they're monkeying with the streams and rtmpdump gets confused.  It's
 impossible to tell from the log what is going on.

 I've made another change to HEAD that refreshes the values of dldate and
 dltime for each download attempt for a live stream.  Those two parameters
 are in the default value of fileprefix for live streams, so the effect
 would be to create a new output file every time rtmpdump croaks and
 get_iplayer restarts the download. That should probably be in get_iplayer
 anyway. I don't know if it will completely prevent files being overwritten
 on your machine, but give it a try if you're feeling brave.

 Another approach would be to choose a single CDN and quality (e.g.,
 --modes=flashhd1) and --retries=1 to prevent additional download attempts if
 rtmpdump croaks.  But if it chokes in the middle of the event, that will be
 the end of the recording.

 Anyway, I'm throwing in the towel on this.  I'll leave the changes in HEAD
 until the Olympics are over, though.  As you said, you can still use the
 olympics branch version of get_iplayer with playlist URLs picked out of
 Firefox web console or similar.  For anyone keeping score, that means you
 can fall back to the earlier instructions here:

 get_iplayer mailing list

 Paul Phillips

Paul Phillips

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Winter Olympics live stream recording

2014-02-11 Thread Paul Phillips
The newer method isn't always working I find today. Here's an example.
C:\Program Files (x86)\get_iplayerget_iplayer
inter-olympics/26034774 --modes=best --type=livetv --force
get_iplayer v2.85, Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Phil Lewis
  This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details use --warranty.
  This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain
  conditions; use --conditions for details.

INFO: Trying pid: using
 type: livetv
INFO Trying to stream pid using type livetv
INFO: pid not found in livetv cache
WARNING: No programmes are available for this pid with version(s): default

C:\Program Files (x86)\get_iplayer

On 10 February 2014 20:56, Paul Phillips wrote:
 Both methods worked very well for me today. Occasionally it didn't
 record the whole thing, and finished early - I assume thats from
 connectivity issues.

 Note - It only works when the streams are live.

 On 10 February 2014 20:03, dinkypumpkin wrote:
 On 10/02/2014 19:47, ross wrote:

 Sorry still isn't working for me.

 ./get_iplayer --modes=best --type=livetv

 INFO: Trying
 pid: using
 type: livetv INFO Trying to stream pid using type livetv INFO: pid not
 found in livetv cache ERROR: Failed to get EMP page from BBC site

 Works fine here.  It looks like the attempt to download the media player
 page timed out, which could have happened for any number of reasons.  I
 expect whatever the connectivity problem is should be temporary.

 get_iplayer mailing list

 Paul Phillips

Paul Phillips

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Winter Olympics live stream recording

2014-02-11 Thread Paul Phillips
There was actually something similar going on on the snowboarding half
pipe page earlier, maybe its a technical/human error their side with
one operator?  First time I recorded snowboarding using the page url
when there was a live stream all I got an highlights type clip. Later
somehow I got it to record the live stream just using the page url, it
was recording for a couple of hours, but something stopped the stream
(I didn;'t check what), and the file didn't save - it just vanished
which is wierd.

I'll try the new head.  I take it I'm just using the page url still eg
this  - which
is luge whic is about to start at 14:25

On 11 February 2014 13:27, dinkypumpkin wrote:
 On 11/02/2014 13:00, dinkypumpkin wrote:

 The .sxml playlist URLs generally point to the associated highlight
 clips and event guides, but this live stream uses one for some reason.
 If you come across any more like this, post them and I'll have another

 I've pushed another change that attempts to ferret out the live stream from
 this alternate page structure.  Update to HEAD version as before and give it
 a try.  Of course, if the cross-country stream page was a one-off, you won't
 notice any difference.

 get_iplayer mailing list

Paul Phillips

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Winter Olympics live stream recording

2014-02-11 Thread Paul Phillips
: Connected...
ERROR: Closing connection: NetStream.Failed
INFO: Command exit code 1 (raw code = 256)
WARNING: Failed to stream file C:\Users\Paul\Desktop\iPlayer Recordings\Olympic_
artial.mp4.flv via RTMP
INFO: skipping flashvhigh4 mode
INFO: Trying flashhigh1 mode to record livetv: Olympic Figure Skating - Sochi 20
14: Figure Skating: pairs short program
INFO: File name prefix = Olympic_Figure_Skating_Sochi_2014_Figure_Skating_pairs_
RTMPDump v2.4
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL
WARNING: Can't resume live stream, ignoring --resume option
Connecting ...
INFO: Connected...
ERROR: Closing connection: NetStream.Failed
INFO: Command exit code 1 (raw code = 256)
WARNING: Failed to stream file C:\Users\Paul\Desktop\iPlayer Recordings\Olympic_
artial.mp4.flv via RTMP
INFO: skipping flashhigh1 mode
INFO: Trying flashhigh2 mode to record livetv: Olympic Figure Skating - Sochi 20
14: Figure Skating: pairs short program
INFO: File name prefix = Olympic_Figure_Skating_Sochi_2014_Figure_Skating_pairs_
RTMPDump v2.4
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL
Connecting ...
INFO: Connected...
ERROR: Closing connection: NetStream.Failed
INFO: Command exit code 1 (raw code = 256)
WARNING: Failed to stream file C:\Users\Paul\Desktop\iPlayer Recordings\Olympic_
artial.mp4.flv via RTMP
INFO: skipping flashhigh2 mode
INFO: Trying flashstd1 mode to record livetv: Olympic Figure Skating - Sochi 201
4: Figure Skating: pairs short program
INFO: File name prefix = Olympic_Figure_Skating_Sochi_2014_Figure_Skating_pairs_
RTMPDump v2.4
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL
WARNING: Can't resume live stream, ignoring --resume option
Connecting ...
INFO: Connected...
ERROR: Closing connection: NetStream.Failed
INFO: Command exit code 1 (raw code = 256)
WARNING: Failed to stream file C:\Users\Paul\Desktop\iPlayer Recordings\Olympic_
artial.mp4.flv via RTMP
INFO: skipping flashstd1 mode
INFO: Trying flashstd2 mode to record livetv: Olympic Figure Skating - Sochi 201
4: Figure Skating: pairs short program
INFO: File name prefix = Olympic_Figure_Skating_Sochi_2014_Figure_Skating_pairs_
RTMPDump v2.4
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL
Connecting ...
INFO: Connected...
ERROR: Closing connection: NetStream.Failed
INFO: Command exit code 1 (raw code = 256)
WARNING: Failed to stream file C:\Users\Paul\Desktop\iPlayer Recordings\Olympic_
artial.mp4.flv via RTMP
INFO: skipping flashstd2 mode
INFO: Trying flashlow1 mode to record livetv: Olympic Figure Skating - Sochi 201
4: Figure Skating: pairs short program
INFO: File name prefix = Olympic_Figure_Skating_Sochi_2014_Figure_Skating_pairs_
RTMPDump v2.4
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL
WARNING: Can't resume live stream, ignoring --resume option
Connecting ...
INFO: Connected...
ERROR: Closing connection: NetStream.Failed
INFO: Command exit code 1 (raw code = 256)
WARNING: Failed to stream file C:\Users\Paul\Desktop\iPlayer Recordings\Olympic_
artial.mp4.flv via RTMP
INFO: skipping flashlow1 mode
INFO: Trying flashlow2 mode to record livetv: Olympic Figure Skating - Sochi 201
4: Figure Skating: pairs short program
INFO: File name prefix = Olympic_Figure_Skating_Sochi_2014_Figure_Skating_pairs_
RTMPDump v2.4
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL
Connecting ...
INFO: Connected...
ERROR: Closing connection: NetStream.Failed
INFO: Command exit code 1 (raw code = 256)
WARNING: Failed to stream file C:\Users\Paul\Desktop\iPlayer Recordings\Olympic_
artial.mp4.flv via RTMP
INFO: skipping flashlow2 mode
ERROR: Failed to record 'Olympic Figure Skating - Sochi 2014: Figure Skating: pa
irs short program ('

C:\Program Files (x86)\get_iplayer

On 11 February 2014 14:14, Paul Phillips wrote:
 There was actually something similar going on on the snowboarding half
 pipe page earlier, maybe its a technical/human error their side with
 one operator?  First time I recorded snowboarding using the page url
 when there was a live stream all I got an highlights type clip

Re: Winter Olympics live stream recording

2014-02-11 Thread Paul Phillips
They definitely started recording - I took a copy of the recording
file and checked the output before I let it continue running. And it
was recoding a large file - gb's worth, which just disappered. Instead
and in its place I have one of those little clips (BBC guide to Ski
jumoping ) time stamped much later than when I started the recordings.
It's as if I recorded the stream, then it went on to record a little
clip which overwrote it.  Looking at the timestamp on the clip, it
must have happened when the stream stopped, because I wasn't actually
in the house when it made the recording.

I think the latest Git Head is picking up the live stream from the
player page but something wierd is happening at the end when the
stream finishes.  That's my hunch.  The player pages seem to have
things feeding into them - eg the main channel sometimes feeds into
them. It's as if they are channels in their own right with different
feeds going into them

The other mod you did - the is working fine
still (if I use Web console to get the real stream link)

On 11 February 2014 19:32, dinkypumpkin wrote:
 On 11/02/2014 18:01, Paul Phillips wrote:

 I've had three recordings fail using Head, I've seen them put the
 stream down, copied them and checked they are recording. But when the
 streams end the file disappears. This is an example, any idea whats
 going on?

 Judging from your log, you never really started recording.  It could have
 been bad connections, though more likely problems at the server. It looks
 like every stream failed, so you would have downloaded virtually nothing.
 When get_iplayer finds that an attempt produced 100KiB output, it presumes
 failure and deletes the file.

 get_iplayer mailing list

Paul Phillips

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Winter Olympics live stream recording

2014-02-10 Thread Paul Phillips
I've found by accident that if you just let it run stops at just over
4gb anyway and decodes. So no need for a stop command. Not sure
whether its get_iplayer or the BBC that is stopping the stream

On 10 February 2014 09:22, dinkypumpkin wrote:
 On 09/02/2014 23:20, Paul Phillips wrote:

 I make that 2.5 hours, which is more bitrate than normal.  That was on

 As I suspected.  HD catch-up content is around 2500-2800 kbps.

 wifi too, I assume it adjusts so it may be possible to get a higher
 rate over a LAN connection maybe?

 No.  You're already getting the best stream available.

 get_iplayer mailing list

Paul Phillips

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Winter Olympics live stream recording

2014-02-10 Thread Paul Phillips
Both methods worked very well for me today. Occasionally it didn't
record the whole thing, and finished early - I assume thats from
connectivity issues.

Note - It only works when the streams are live.

On 10 February 2014 20:03, dinkypumpkin wrote:
 On 10/02/2014 19:47, ross wrote:

 Sorry still isn't working for me.

 ./get_iplayer --modes=best --type=livetv

 INFO: Trying
 pid: using
 type: livetv INFO Trying to stream pid using type livetv INFO: pid not
 found in livetv cache ERROR: Failed to get EMP page from BBC site

 Works fine here.  It looks like the attempt to download the media player
 page timed out, which could have happened for any number of reasons.  I
 expect whatever the connectivity problem is should be temporary.

 get_iplayer mailing list

Paul Phillips

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Winter Olympics live stream recording

2014-02-09 Thread Paul Phillips
They seem to have done something different since the 2012 olympics.
There are highlight type programmes on iplayer but they seem to have
done something very different with the live feeds URLs. I can't figure
out how to record them , when I did record some of them in 2012 using
get_iplayer.   It's a pain because the tv live feeds on red button are
much poorer picture quality and there is much less choice since they
cut back on the red button. The highest picture resolution is actually
the internet live feeds than the red button.

Now trying to record the snowboarding from this morning - here without
much success.
- if I open this in a new brower , there is no video, but a second
browser I have open from earlier this morning does have video, and
plays catchup. I don't understand why they are hiding the video after
the event.

 On 7 February 2014 19:44, dinkypumpkin wrote:

 On 07/02/2014 18:16, Paul Phillips wrote:

 I'm just getting INFO 0 matching programmes  using this URL (which is the
 live page with the video player)

 Works here, but delivers the wrong content.  I went back and checked the 
 output from my earlier tests, and it seems the content of the opening 
 ceremony player page was changed afterwards.  I wasn't just dreaming. If I 
 plugged in the playlist URL used in my original attempts, the live steam 
 played fine, but get_iplayer could no longer see that playlist URL in the 
 player page.  I'll look at again when some streams are up and running.

 get_iplayer mailing list

 Paul Phillips

Paul Phillips

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Winter Olympics live stream recording

2014-02-09 Thread Paul Phillips
Wow, thank you so much

Got the BBC URL no problem,
I am struggling to get the new iplayer script to be recognised though.
I get this (see screenshot)

On 9 February 2014 16:16, dinkypumpkin wrote:
 On 09/02/2014 11:59, Paul Phillips wrote:

 They seem to have done something different since the 2012 olympics,
 there are highlight type programmes on iplayer but they seem to have
 done something very different with the live feeds URLs. I can't figure

 Yeah, it is a different system from 2012, at least on the front end.  It
 isn't obvious to me how the asset identifiers used in the player page URLs
 are translated into stream identifiers.  It may not be discoverable at all.
 Whatever the case, I'm not drunk enough to go rooting through a pile of
 minified javascript to find out.

 It turns out that there is a hacky way to record the live streams. First,
 download a slightly modified version of get_iplayer:

 It's probably a good idea to rename the script to something like
 get_iplayer-olympics.  The get_iplayer modifications are required because
 it doesn't interpret playlist URLs in the form below as referring to live
 streams, which normally they don't.

 Second, find the playlist URL for the live programme.  These instructions
 are for Firefox, but other browsers have similar tools.

 - Open web console (Web Developer - Web Console)
 - Only the Net tab needs to be selected in web console
 - Navigate to player page for live stream
 - Click play button to start stream playback
 - Once playback begins, click pause button to stop
 - In the Filter output field in web console, enter playlist
 - In the filtered list, you should see one or more URLs in this form:

 - If there is more than one URL in that form, it is the last one you want to
 - Right click on URL and select Copy link location
 - Paste the URL as an argument to the modified get_iplayer

 get_iplayer-olympics --modes=best

 get_iplayer mailing list

Paul Phillips

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Winter Olympics live stream recording

2014-02-09 Thread Paul Phillips
Its working but I got figure skating instead of luge. So at least it
recorded something. I'm sure I got the url right , maybe it was a typo
!  Good quality though.

On 9 February 2014 17:52, dinkypumpkin wrote:
 On 09/02/2014 17:49, Paul Phillips wrote:

 I am struggling to get the new iplayer script to be recognised though.
 I get this (see screenshot)

 Since you're on Windows, rename script to and use:

 perl --modes=best ...

 from get_iplayer console window.

 get_iplayer mailing list

Paul Phillips

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Winter Olympics live stream recording

2014-02-09 Thread Paul Phillips
Thanks. I'm getting the URL's correctly now.  Recording the Ski
jumping at the moment !

How do you stop it recording and get it to dump/recode?  Can you
actually just leave it until the stream ends?

On 9 February 2014 18:10, Paul Phillips wrote:
 Its working but I got figure skating instead of luge. So at least it
 recorded something. I'm sure I got the url right , maybe it was a typo
 !  Good quality though.

 On 9 February 2014 17:52, dinkypumpkin wrote:
 On 09/02/2014 17:49, Paul Phillips wrote:

 I am struggling to get the new iplayer script to be recognised though.
 I get this (see screenshot)

 Since you're on Windows, rename script to and use:

 perl --modes=best ...

 from get_iplayer console window.

 get_iplayer mailing list

 Paul Phillips

Paul Phillips

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Winter Olympics live stream recording

2014-02-09 Thread Paul Phillips
I let it run to the end as this sorts of things can overrun . I found
that they kill it about 10 mins after its over. The stream ended
cleanly and it remuxed okay !
The only risk is I guess if the recording goes over the maximum time
iplayer can cope with
It's a perfect recording by the way - far better quality than watching
it on the red button
thank you again for your help.

On 9 February 2014 19:43, dinkypumpkin wrote:
 On 09/02/2014 18:51, Paul Phillips wrote:

 How do you stop it recording and get it to dump/recode?  Can you
 actually just leave it until the stream ends?

 Not sure.  I assume rtmpdump will quit when the stream ends, but that's just
 an assumption. You can also run with --stop=hh:mm:ss, where hh:mm:ss is
 elapsed time for rtmpdump to run.  Otherwise, just kill rtmpdump from Task
 Manager when you're done. The file should be re-muxed if you use --stop, and
 maybe if the stream ends cleanly - not sure about that.  Definitely not if
 you just kill rtmpdump.

 get_iplayer mailing list

Paul Phillips

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Winter Olympics live stream recording

2014-02-09 Thread Paul Phillips
2 hours - I thought it was about 4 ?

On 9 February 2014 21:29, dinkypumpkin wrote:
 On 09/02/2014 19:55, Paul Phillips wrote:

 The only risk is I guess if the recording goes over the maximum time
 iplayer can cope with

 Good point.  As people discovered with London 2012, there is a 4GB limit
 with RTMP, so you may need to record in roughly 2-hour chunks for HD
 streams.  I think the live streams have higher bit rates than catch-up

 get_iplayer mailing list

Paul Phillips

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Winter Olympics live stream recording

2014-02-09 Thread Paul Phillips
3384 kps - is that more than normal?

On 9 February 2014 22:52, dinkypumpkin wrote:
 On 09/02/2014 22:01, Paul Phillips wrote:

 2 hours - I thought it was about 4 ?

 Have a look at the bit rate for whatever you already recorded.  I used
 London 2012 streams as a yardstick (about 2.5 hours per chunk), but I didn't
 check the bit rates for current HD streams.

 get_iplayer mailing list

Paul Phillips

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Winter Olympics live stream recording

2014-02-09 Thread Paul Phillips
I make that 2.5 hours, which is more bitrate than normal.  That was on
wifi too, I assume it adjusts so it may be possible to get a higher
rate over a LAN connection maybe?
I'll have to put a --stop in on the recordings I think, that was a good tip.

On 9 February 2014 23:02, Paul Phillips wrote:
 3384 kps - is that more than normal?

 On 9 February 2014 22:52, dinkypumpkin wrote:
 On 09/02/2014 22:01, Paul Phillips wrote:

 2 hours - I thought it was about 4 ?

 Have a look at the bit rate for whatever you already recorded.  I used
 London 2012 streams as a yardstick (about 2.5 hours per chunk), but I didn't
 check the bit rates for current HD streams.

 get_iplayer mailing list

 Paul Phillips

Paul Phillips

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Winter Olympics live stream recording

2014-02-07 Thread Paul Phillips

Can I do that in Web PVR?

On 7 February 2014 17:19, dinkypumpkin wrote:
 On 07/02/2014 15:46, Paul Phillips wrote:

 Would appreciate some advice on how to record the live HD streams BBC

 get_iplayer --modes=best URL

 where URL is the event's media player page on the BBC Sports site. It's
 working for the opening ceremony, but you'll have to check the pages for
 other events starting tomorrow.

 get_iplayer mailing list

Paul Phillips

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Winter Olympics live stream recording

2014-02-07 Thread Paul Phillips
Thought so, I used quick URL for London2012, but it doesn't work here.

On 7 February 2014 17:39, dinkypumpkin wrote:
 On 07/02/2014 17:28, Paul Phillips wrote:

 Can I do that in Web PVR?

 Use Quick URL.

 However, I've discovered that this isn't actually working.  It looks like
 get_iplayer can be confused by the contents of the player pages.  I think my
 first couple of tests succeeded due to dumb luck, or else the page content
 was updated in the interim.

 get_iplayer mailing list

Paul Phillips

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Winter Olympics live stream recording

2014-02-07 Thread Paul Phillips
I'm just getting INFO 0 matching programmes  using this URL (which is the
live page with the video player)

On 7 February 2014 17:54, Paul Phillips wrote:
 Thought so, I used quick URL for London2012, but it doesn't work here.

 On 7 February 2014 17:39, dinkypumpkin wrote:
 On 07/02/2014 17:28, Paul Phillips wrote:

 Can I do that in Web PVR?

 Use Quick URL.

 However, I've discovered that this isn't actually working.  It looks like
 get_iplayer can be confused by the contents of the player pages.  I think my
 first couple of tests succeeded due to dumb luck, or else the page content
 was updated in the interim.

 get_iplayer mailing list

 Paul Phillips

Paul Phillips

get_iplayer mailing list

Web PVR not working

2013-06-07 Thread Paul Phillips
Hi ,

Help please.

I cannot get webPVR to work anymore

I used the terminal and added:

get_iplayer --prefs-add

 But I get results like this:

INFO Trying to stream pid using type tv
INFO: pid found in cache
825: The Apprentice: Series 9 - 6. Away Day, BBC One,
Entertainment,Factual,Highlights,Popular,Reality,TV,Talent Shows,

INFO: 1 Matching Programmes
ERROR: Failed to get iphone URL from iplayer site

INFO: Checking existence of default version
modes will be tried for version default
INFO: Trying flashhd1 mode to record tv: The Apprentice: Series 9 - 6. Away Day

INFO: File name prefix =
RTMPDump 2.4 git-6230845 2011-9-25
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL
.\RTMPDump\rtmpdump.exe: unrecognised option
unknown option: ?

.\RTMPDump\rtmpdump.exe: This program dumps the media content streamed
over RTMP.

--help|-h   Prints this help screen.
--rtmp|-r url   URL (e.g. rtmp://host[:port]/path)
--host|-n hostname  Overrides the hostname in the rtmp url
--port|-c port  Overrides the port in the rtmp url
--socks|-S host:portUse the specified SOCKS proxy
--protocol|-l num   Overrides the protocol in the rtmp url (0 -
--playpath|-y path  Overrides the playpath parsed from rtmp url
--playlist|-Y   Set playlist before playing
--swfUrl|-s url URL to player swf file
--tcUrl|-t url  URL to played stream (default: rtmp://host[:port]/app)

I also tried the patching instructions at the link below for webpvr
manager.  They are either wrong or too complicated for a layman like
me to follow:

Paul Phillips

get_iplayer mailing list