Re: get_iplayer 3.35.0-MSWin32-x64 Web PVR not refreshing cache automatically

2024-02-08 Thread Tom Guest

-- Original Message --


Date 28/01/2024 02:50:46
Subject get_iplayer 3.35.0-MSWin32-x64 Web PVR not refreshing cache 

I think this started in version 3.34.0. It seems the web PVR is not
automatically refreshing the cache as it is supposed to, by default every 4

I have Auto-Refresh Cache Interval and Auto-Run PVR Interval both set to 4
hours. My installation is essentially exactly as the default install apart
from specifying different download folders for radio and tv.

Jon - puzzled.

get_iplayer mailing list
I have also been experiencing issues with this in the web PVR on Windows 
10 Pro with version 3.34.0. I've not yet gone to 3.35.0, but found that 
there were issues with "hibernating tabs" in Vivaldi, my default 

For both the Cache and PVR Run tabs I went to the following address:
and toggled the entry in the Auto Discardable column for them to disable 
this status. Since doing so all is working well again.

I'm not sure if I will need to do this each time I start the Web PVR 
e.g. after a machine restart. I think this applies to most Chrome-based 
browsers as the original page I foumd mentioned was chrome://discards, 
Vivaldi changed the reference. The hibernation seems to stop the reload 
specified in the web page on initial load, 1 hour, 4 hours or whatever 
is selected in the Settings section of the Search PVR page initially 
displayed when the Web PVR is started.

Apologies if the formatting of this message is not quite right as have 
been a read only user of the mailing list until now.

Tom Guest / Mr Jest

get_iplayer mailing list

Update crashes my PC.

2019-10-10 Thread tom
I am running Windows 10 ver 1607.

HP Compaq dc7800p Ultra Slim Desktop PC

I have version get_iplayer 3.20. Installed.

I want to update and have downloaded the Windows installer from.. 

My problem is that whenever I try to launch the installer, from the
downloaded .exe file, it crashes my PC.

Firstly, I get the box in the middle of the screen and then it goes
completely black.

It flashes a couple of times and then freezes the PC.

At this point I have to switch the PC off and restart.

As I cannot install, this version, there is no log to show. 

I have installed this file on another PC and it went perfectly.

I have tried various downloads, with the same result.

Any help to get the upgrade done, would be gratefully received.

Many thanks

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: GIP 2.95 reports as v2.83 in Linux Mint!!!

2016-07-05 Thread Tom

On 05/07/16 08:10, Colin Law wrote:

On 4 July 2016 at 23:36, Roger Bell_West <> wrote:

On Mon, Jul 04, 2016 at 07:31:09PM +0100, Alan Milewczyk wrote:

On 04/07/16 19:15, Roger Bell_West wrote:

You asked the system to uninstall the package, but not to purge its
configuration files.

Oh, so what is the command to do that, please?

apt-get purge, or aptitude purge.

Can you do that after you have removed the package?  I thought not,
but I have never tried.


get_iplayer mailing list

Reinstall and then purge!

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: [ANN] get_iplayer 2.95 released

2016-07-04 Thread Tom

Thanks Mr Pumpkin!
I only have a 2MB connection but the Pi Zero handles get_iplayer from 
the command line fine. Not bad for £4.20!
Installation was easy doing git clone and updating via git pull and then 
just adding missing apps as advised by running the program.


On 03/07/16 20:31, artisticforge . wrote:


A Raspberry Pi Version 3 running Raspbian (Debian Linux Jessie) will
run get_iplayer-2.95 very nicely.
Run the Pi headless and use SSH/VNC to communicate.
Inexpensive way to retain get_iplayer use.

I have Pi acting as DNS servers, HTTP servers & Mail Servers. Great
little computers.
So there is little at the end of the tunnel and it is NOT an oncoming train.

On Sun, Jul 3, 2016 at 2:03 PM, Owen Smith <> wrote:

Another piece of software dropping Vista support almost a year before the end 
of official Microsoft support, sigh. Well I haven't used get_iplayer for 
several months, this probably means I never will.

What annoys me is XP was well supported by third parties for several years 
after Microsoft ceased support. Whereas Vista is being dropped by third parties 
long before Microsoft support ceases. Why? My laptop came with Vista installed, 
it does what I need, why do I get a much shorter life out of it than XP 
purchasers got?

Owen Smith <>
Cambridge, UK

On 3 Jul 2016, at 18:18, dinkypumpkin <> wrote:

Release notes:

get_iplayer mailing list

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get_iplayer mailing list

Re: BBC iPlayer cracks down and blocks VPN users

2015-10-09 Thread Tom

On 09/10/15 13:23, John Crisp wrote:

On 09/10/15 11:59, CJB wrote:

On an entirely technical point it is clearly not all VPNs - I have just
tested with 2 different ones that I can use and neither are currently

Both are VPNs with endpoints I control and are not through commercial
services. So perhaps they are just targeting the major VPN providers
such as the one mentioned above.

Clearly an issue if you are a BBC licence paying UK user with a VPN in
the UK to which this is relevant.

Not entering into the debate about inside/outside UK etc which is indeed
off topic.

B. Rgds

get_iplayer mailing list

A VPN will have a stable IP address - yours will only have a few 
accesses to iplayer. An 'open' VPN will have many more. This will point 
it out as a possible access point from abroad and a little research will 
show it up as suspicious.


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: get_iplayer 2.92 on Ubuntu vivid vervet

2015-04-22 Thread Tom

On 21/04/15 17:32, Jon Davies wrote:

I've built packages for get-iplayer and dependencies for the imminent
Ubuntu Vivid Vervet release, but I haven't tested them...

if anyone has an install of vivid and fancies a go, then follow the
usual instructions at, but substitute
get-iplayer with get-iplayer-testing.

if you do try this out then please let me know whether it works for you.


get_iplayer mailing list

Thanks for your efforts.
I am of the opinion that the best way to do this thing is with git.
A simple git pull and everything is up to date - unless of course you do 
multiuser machines ...


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Your message to get_iplayer awaits moderator approval

2014-11-09 Thread Tom

On 09/11/14 13:18, Alan Milewczyk wrote:

On 09/11/2014 11:18, C E Macfarlane wrote:

True, you can do that, but ...

1)It is mainly the calling of external programs that causes
stuttering to
other processes

2)I often forget to start get_iplayer with nice, and it's nice to
have the
fallback position of the worst offenders being controlled anyway.

 If you want that, why wouldn't you just start get_iplayer
 with nice anyway?

 i.e. nice -19 get_iplayer 

You and a few others have mentioned nice in the last few days. I've
never heard of it before. What is it and what are its benefits?


get_iplayer mailing list

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Your message to get_iplayer awaits moderator approval

2014-11-09 Thread Tom

On 09/11/14 13:18, Alan Milewczyk wrote:

On 09/11/2014 11:18, C E Macfarlane wrote:

True, you can do that, but ...

1)It is mainly the calling of external programs that causes
stuttering to
other processes

2)I often forget to start get_iplayer with nice, and it's nice to
have the
fallback position of the worst offenders being controlled anyway.

 If you want that, why wouldn't you just start get_iplayer
 with nice anyway?

 i.e. nice -19 get_iplayer 

You and a few others have mentioned nice in the last few days. I've
never heard of it before. What is it and what are its benefits?


get_iplayer mailing list

Sorry about last blank response! nice is a unix/linux command that sets 
the priority of a process so that other processes can get more of less 
of the computer resources. So for a long long download you can set nice 
so get just burbles around in the background and you can use your 
computer as if it was not running at all - assuming its not consuming 
too much network bandwidth!!


get_iplayer mailing list

Here's another reason why DRM is pointless

2014-11-05 Thread Tom

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Thank You

2014-11-04 Thread Tom

On 04/11/14 09:54, Alan Milewczyk wrote:

I'm amazed at these discussions.

The issue for the BBC is one of the protection of intellectual property.
Yes, the problem has been around since recording devices became
available but since the advent of digital technology it has spiralled
out of all belief as a problem to the copyright holder.

Digital gives us the unprecedented ability to make a perfect copy, not a
lossy copy as with tape (whether audio or video). It enables us to make
copies faster than ever before, even without ever holding that medium
in one's hands.

We've seen how the film studios have been clamping down on piracy. The
BBC is sitting on a massive treasure trove. What makes anyone think they
will give this up willingly. Ignoring the technical limitations of the
BBC iPlayer, the BBC lets us enjoy THEIR content for a limited period.
What we have with get_iplayer is a way of circumventing the restrictions
the BBC puts on us.

Don't get me wrong, I am a massive fan of get_iplayer, but I think
protestations of the sort described in these threads will fall on deaf
ears. Just be thankful we have people with the technical ability to keep
up with whatever barriers are put our way!


On 04/11/2014 09:18, wrote:

On 04/11/14 01:51, Peter S Kirk wrote:

After all, GiP is no different from the old method of recording TV to
or Radio to cassette tape.

Isn't that the point, by using GIP we are only using another type of
recording device to record content from the BBC. I could buy a
DigitalTV today, connect a external HD to it and record digital TV and
store it for as long I wish. The only difference by using GIP is that
I am recording programs that have been aired in the past 30 days, not
live broadcasts.

Would it be worth trying to start some dialogue with the BBC (not sure
if this has already been tried ?) to see if there is a way they (GIP
developers) could work together and have GIP as a recognised 3rd party
product or just accepted for Nitro. As it has proved in the last few
days, the BBC changes things people will find a way to get over these
changes, by closing doors, it only makes people more determined.

If the BBC wanted to they could shut down GIP today by appling DRM to
all content streaming (like Netflix and Prime) so I cannot see by
starting any dialogue, how that would change anything as they already
know about GIP, we are not telling them something they don't know about.

get_iplayer mailing list

The mistake you and they are making is that it can somehow be protected 
and so is worth a fortune. It cant and so it isn't. As you say they 
could shut down GIP today but that would not stop anything they 
broadcast or make available appearing on 'pirate' sites immediately.
If I can watch it on TV or in iPlayer I can make a perfect copy of it 
irrelevant of the DRM. The DRM merely inconveniences everyone - it does 
not achieve any form of IP security. They are wasting their time - and 
the licence payers but barely anyone elses.

This is the message that should be going out.
OH that an a big thanks again DP!

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: some insights and thoughts

2014-11-02 Thread Tom

On 02/11/14 17:56, artisticforge . wrote:


I have been talking with a friend, who is a presenter on BBC Radio 4
Extra. about the changes at the BBC.

For the past year I have noticed that changes have been made to
provide information where program episodes may be purchased.

Music programs have the Playlist detailing the music played and
where it may be purchased.

We both agree that the BBC archives are a Treasury trove that is worth
a good deal of £.

I have purchased many audiobooks off iTunes and

We both are of the opinion that the BBC is making changes to protect
the archives from being blundered.

who is going to purchase the Journey into Space - Operation Luna,
Journey into Space - The Red Planet and Journey into Space - The
World in Peril  series when they can download it off numerous web
sites? what is scary is that I can remember when the they were first
broadcast. ;-)

There are numerous other examples. Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere, Ben
Moor's Undone series, EarthSearch series 1  2, The Paul Temple
series, The Charles Paris Mysteries, and the Lord Peter Wimsey series,
Doctor Who Audio Books from Big Finish Productions, Sebastian
Bacziewicz's Pilgrim series  and others.

We both wonder how many users of get_iplayer also support the BBC with
purchases of CDs and/or DVDs.

I tend to think that I am one of few.

I paid my license at the time. Should I have to pay again?
I have a feeling they, like many others, will spend more money on 
attempting to control things that they cant - once its transmitted its 
out there. And more importantly more money spent tying things down they 
will bring in in revenue.
I can record things directly through iPlayer (or I could if my ADSL was 
up to it) but its very easy to run up a VM (kind of a computer within a 
computer) and record the screen and audio from that. They are fighting a 
loosing battle and we license payers are paying for their  stupidity.


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Information Overload on GiP Changes

2014-11-01 Thread Tom

On 31/10/14 23:11, Budgie wrote:

First my grateful thanks for the massive amount of work which
dinkypumpkin and others have put into GiP.  I have made constant use of
--pvr facility, mainly for radio, over the last two years and am most
grateful for the work which has brought my family and me a great deal of
pleasure.  I too am deeply troubled by the loss of this facility.

I have been following the fast moving discussion and developments of
fall back options but regret have not been able to keep up.  In fact I
am left at starting gate.  Please could somebody point me to where I can
find out what exactly is Nitro API and where does it fit in with BBC.

Also I see references to JSON.  OK, JavaScript Object Notation but what
does it mean to me and where does it fit in with GiP and BBC.  I
thought, in my ignorance, that JavaScript was going the way of the brown
ball.  Certainly I get grave warnings when it is used or fails to work
on the web management interface of my L2 managed switch.

Hope to learn more in due course and with help.

get_iplayer mailing list

Just to defend JavaScript - it is a perfectly capable language that in 
the hands of a programmer can produce some fantastic results. Its main 
problem is MS/Apple/Adobe who all joined the ECMA committee to try and 
stop it being developed properly so their products could be sold instead 
of it. Their efforts have mostly failed (JS2 would have been really 
handy tho) but they did manage to convince a lot of people that somehow 
JavaScript was a bad language - and like any other programming language 
you can write rubbish programs with it and as many people do, and 
everyone in the world can see it, it gets the blame when its really MS 
who sold the lie that 'computing' was easy that should get a good kicking.


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Proof-of-concept scraper for iPlayer web frontend TV data to JSON

2014-11-01 Thread Tom

On 01/11/14 02:01, Steven Maude wrote:

On 01/11/2014 00:27, dinkypumpkin wrote:

Thanks for that.  From underneath 10,000 lines of Perl I gaze longingly
at that lovely strictly-indented, sigil-less Python.

Python is really easy to use, though not everyone loves the indentation!
As someone who has written many ASP (PHB .NET etc) pages this feature of 
Python makes it almost completely unusable in that situation.
I do use it for some things but its just a computer language and any any 
feature that seems to make one thing easier almost invariably makes 
something else harder. At certain level of coding most python stuff 
seems to write and compile C++ to get the job done!


get_iplayer mailing list

Seem to be subscribed OK and expecting digests but not received any

2014-10-01 Thread Tom

Is this list doing digests?

get_iplayer mailing list

Under the radar

2013-07-17 Thread Tom
How is using get_iplayer any different from having some form of video 
recorder - other than it allows people to watch things they've missed - 
which I could do anyway if I recorded all bbc content and kept it for a 
week, which as far as I know is currently feasible, and as a licence 
payer my right.
I know the providers may try to argue differently but they are fighing a 
loosing battle with reality and the sooner the whole issue gets sorted 
the better for all.

Tom te tom te tom

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Under the radar

2013-07-17 Thread Tom

On 17/07/13 10:28, Long Al wrote:
get_iplayer differs fundamentally from a VCR/PVR in that programs may 
be recorded without the use of an aerial feed and, therefore the need 
to acquire a TV Licence.
If Auntie Beeb could get us on loss of revenue what could the 
defence be?

Al (Devil's Advocate for a free planet)

-Original Message- From: Tom
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 10:12 AM
Subject: Under the radar

How is using get_iplayer any different from having some form of video
recorder - other than it allows people to watch things they've missed -
which I could do anyway if I recorded all bbc content and kept it for a
week, which as far as I know is currently feasible, and as a licence
payer my right.
I know the providers may try to argue differently but they are fighing a
loosing battle with reality and the sooner the whole issue gets sorted
the better for all.
Tom te tom te tom

get_iplayer mailing list
I'm presuming that they dont allow feeds to get_iplayer by IP location 
in the same way that iplayer does here but if you can watch it on 
iplayer in a VM (as you can) then you can record direct from the screen 
and audio anyway so there is no real difference - just ease of use.


get_iplayer mailing list

tv recording immediately defaults to 'recording complete' (but radio is ok)

2012-09-30 Thread Tom

I guess I've got a network/setup problem on my machine somewhere - is
they some way I can diagnose the problem?
thank you

get_iplayer mailing list

can't download late junction (or any other radio)

2012-09-12 Thread Tom

I've had a scan of previous similar errors reported in this forum but
not sure I've got quite the same thign. I can't seem to download
anymore - is there any easy fix available? Seems to have stopped
working overnight at some point in the last month.


RTMPDump 2.4 git-6230845 2011-9-25
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL
Connecting ...
ERROR: RTMP_Connect0, failed to connect socket. 10013 (Unknown error)
INFO: Command exit code 3 (raw code = 768)
WARNING: Failed to stream file C:\Users\Tom\Videos\TV - get
via RTMP
INFO: skipping flashaaclow1 mode
INFO: Trying flashaaclow2 mode to record radio: Late Junction -
Tuesday - Nick Luscombe

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: XBMC TV episode xml output

2012-06-16 Thread Tom
 The web pvr is going to be useless to you.

 In the interest of balance, I should point out that if you can't abide the
 command line and insist on using the web pvr, you can rename and rearrange
 your files after downloading in order to satisfy XBMC, though it seems like
 it would be a pain.  Just be sure to set the Download Meta-data option
 under Recording is set to save metadata in XBMC Episode format.


many thanks indeed.. I will see how I get on with this.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: XBMC TV episode xml output

2012-06-15 Thread Tom
 Since you've not done this stuff before, I'd tend to suggest that
 first you use the --prefs* and --preset options in get_iplayer, and
 have a look at what it creates.

I've filled in a few fields in the 'Search' tab and then under
'recording' (I usually have a specific folder set for video output).
I've also added 'test' as sample text in most of the fields. No new
'options' file seems to appear in the .get_iplayer\ folder however.
Have I correctly understood that when you speak of the --prefs* and
--preset options you're referring to the search fields and Save as
Default function in the Web PVR manager?

a lot of new-user-type questions, I know. many thanks

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: XBMC TV episode xml output

2012-06-14 Thread Tom
hello Jon

many thanks for this. I hadn't realised XBMC was quite so exacting
about folder naming.

 the following settings help (all are extracts from my
 options file, not command lines ;-):

Would you kindly point me towards the location of
this file? I'm new to this. thanks again.


On 14 June 2012 16:23, Jon Davies wrote:
 On 13 June 2012 23:27, Tom wrote:


 I've been wanting for a while to view saved getIplayer TV items in
 XBMC. [snip]

 So, any leads? thanks very much.

 I use get_iplayer with XBMC, with variable success.  First thing is to
 get files saved in a directory structure that matches what XBMC
 expects - the following settings help (all are extracts from my
 options file, not command lines ;-):

 for TV programmes:

 subdirformat = nameshort/Series_seriesnum
 --- this puts tv programmes into a subdir matching the series name
 (nameshort) and a further subdir reflecting the series number
 subdir = 1
 --- this says to use subdirectories
 fileprefix = sseriesnumeepisodenum_
 --- the media file itself is prefixed with something like s1e1
 metadata = xbmc
 --- and tell get_iplayer to produce xbmc metadata

 for films I use something slightly different, again to meet XBMC's 
 subdirformat = nameshort
 fileprefix = nameshort
 --- (subdir and metadata remain the same as above)
 --- this puts films into a single level of subdirectory matching the
 name of the film

 with these I find that xbmc generally finds and uses the metadata.  I
 select which set of options to use by using presets.

 your other problem was with thumbnails:
 for better or worse (ok, for worse) xbmc looks for an image file with
 the same name as the media file but with a .tbn suffix (not .jpg).
 You can write a script which moves or links the jpg thumbnail to a
 .tbn file with the same basename, and then run this after every
 download using the command option in get_iplayer.  I'm going to
 guess you're using some sort of linux, in which case you can do
 something like this:

 command = /home/media/scripts/finalise filename
 (/home/media/scripts/finalise is the full pathname to my script,
 filename including the quotes is the parameter - get_iplayer
 expands this to the full pathname of the file, in quotes to stop
 embedded spaces being a problem)

 and then in the script something like


 filedir=$(dirname $mediafile)
 cd $filedir

 # link .jpg to .tbn if the .jpg exists
 basefile=$(basename $1 ${mediafile##*.})
 if [ -f ${basefile}.jpg ]; then
   echo Linking artwork
   ln ${basefile}.jpg ${basefile}.tbn

 (which is a little clunky - this is extracted from the script I use,
 which always works in the same directory as the media file itself
 because of some weirdness that existed in an mp4 optimizer I once
 used.  I never tidied up the script on the
 it-ain't-broke-so-don't-fix-it basis.)


 get_iplayer mailing list

get_iplayer mailing list

XBMC TV episode xml output

2012-06-13 Thread Tom

Apologies firstly if I have missed something obvious but I'm new to
the list and archive and haven't been able to search it very
effectively. Please bear with me if this repeats any discussion
already existing there.

I've been wanting for a while to view saved getIplayer TV items in
XBMC. I am able to do this but program information output in either
'movie' or 'episode' format does not appear, nor do the thumnail
images appear (instead XBMC seems to thumbnail the a screen grab from
the programme). The folder containing GI items has it's content set to
'TV' with as default scraper (this doesn't appear to be
able to retrieve anything relevant or otherwise). I noticed that
setting folder conent to 'movie' does in fact lead XBMC to display
programme info correctly, but not the thumbail. This also causes all
programmes to appear in the 'movies' list, which is unwanted as I'm
aiming to keep movies and TV content separate.

So, any leads? thanks very much.


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Running on QNAP with ARM

2012-03-29 Thread Tom Finch
On 28 March 2012 16:50, Thomas Finch wrote:
 I have get_iplayer running happily on ARM under vanilla debian, though
 it's on a Linkstation not a QNAP. I'm running stock squeeze which runs
 beautifully (if a little slow) and get_iplayer was pretty easy to
 install direct from the debian repositories.

Actually - I recall now that that isn't entirely true: the version of
get_iplayer in the stable repositories is(was?) old (2.78) which
doesn't work with the new Radio 4 Extra streams. Easily updated to the
latest version from git at infradead.

I think this an ffmpeg bug which has since been fixed, so hope to fix
 it with git version of ffmpeg which is compiling as we speak.

And some advice for those compiling ffmpeg on a Linkstation:
cross-compile! I didn't have my ARM toolchain to hand on my desktop,
so just set it running on the box itself. It's done the job, but did
take 18hrs+!

Unfortunately, though it seems to have compiled fine and is working
for video remuxing, it hasn't fixed the radio error, which fails at
the second ffmpeg pass (Invalid non monotonically increasing dts).
Evidently, this may be related to an old problem
that surfaced with live recordings, due to a partially corrupted

As before, the 'partial' file still seems to play fine in my usual
players, but I'll have a look into it further, unless anyone knows of
any good solutions.


get_iplayer mailing list

Failed to get programme index feed

2012-01-17 Thread Tom Vincent
Using the latest clone `get_iplayer-git` fails to index any TV/Radio feeds:

WARNING: Failed to get programme index feed for parliament from iplayer site
INFO: Got 0 programmes

(For a full, but not very interesting log, see:

I can open a feed (such as in a web browser

How can I debug this further?

I am using this [Arch Linux package][1], which threw an error since
perl-http-cookies wasn't listed as a dependency. Could it be related


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Failed to get programme index feed

2012-01-17 Thread Tom Vincent
On 17 January 2012 16:21, marshall wrote:
 I *think* I needed perl-net-http when I installed way back when.

Installed `perl-net-http` and all is fine. Thanks! I'll mention it to
the maintainer.

get_iplayer mailing list