On 31 October 2014 21:21, Rob Dixon <rob.di...@gmx.com> wrote:

> Scrape the BBC web site directly for the information that used to come
> from the RSS feeds. Apart from being a very clumsy approach, this is
> almost certainly against the terms of service for the web site.

Nevertheless, as a stop-gap (so my daughter doesn't freak out at missing
episodes of '64 Zoo Lane') I've written a (very rough) Ruby script which
runs through my PVR files, pulls out the search term, and scrapes the
iplayer site for matching episodes' PIDs.

These get pumped into a system call to download the episode by PID.

A hideous process... I'm doing hundreds of calls to the iplayer website,
and the filtering functionality is much reduced from what GiP gives/gave (I
can't specify by channel - yet -  for instance).

Also, it's only working for TV, since the Radio channels' interface for
iplayer is totally different (and more obfuscated) - so I'll nibble away at
that tonight.

I'll stick it on github later - but it *might* only work on *nix - I'll
leave a Windows user to see if they can get it working for them.

PS Sorry, to Rob Dixon for multiple copies of this email - it seems I can't
work a mailing list :-/

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