Re: [Haskell-iPhone] Can anyone help me test GHC-iOS compiler?

2013-08-13 Thread Luke Iannini
Hello all!

I'm extremely happy to report (thanks to invaluable help from Stephen) that
my issues were my own dumb fault : ) — I was using LLVM 3.0's Clang but not
its llc or opt. With some other tweaks to Stephen's above patch[1], we now
have a perfectly working GHC-iOS on OS X 10.9 Mavericks. Hurray!


[1]Stephen's work:

On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 1:44 AM, Luke Iannini wrote:

 Hi all,

 I tried this — building GHC HEAD configured to use the native code gen,
 and then building the cross compiler using that, and got the same errors as
 everything else thus far:

 10.9 Mavericks is likely coming out in less than a month, along with iOS7
 and Xcode5 final, so it's definitely worth sorting this out!
 Not quite sure what to try next though...


 On Sun, Aug 11, 2013 at 3:18 PM, Carter Schonwald wrote:

 What if you build a copy of head with the native code gen. Then build the
 cross compiler using head on head?

 On Sunday, August 11, 2013, Luke Iannini wrote:

 And the truly final word for the moment : ) —
 I built a tool to partially automate the indentation workaround for LLVM
 3.0 and it yields the same co-processor offset out of range/unsupported
 relocation on symbol LCPI65_0 errors LLVM 3.3/3.4 did when it finally gets
 to integer-simple/GHC/Integer/Type.hs.

 On Sun, Aug 11, 2013 at 3:06 AM, Luke Iannini lukex...@gmail.comwrote:

 OK! So just to summarize:
 Building GHC HEAD with LLVM 3.0 or 3.2 (using GHC 7.6.3 as the
 bootstrap) on OS X 10.9 DP5/Xcode 5 DP5 exhibits very strange behavior
 wherein layout-based code along with mixed-tabs-and-spaces code fails to
 parse correctly, with issues in hundreds of files in the GHC HEAD tree.
 I don't have a 10.8 machine to check if this is a 10.9 exclusive issue,
 so I'd love if someone can try using these binaries to build GHC HEAD:

 Building GHC HEAD with LLVM 3.3 or 3.4 works great as a regular compiler
 with the 10.9 workarounds I outlined in another thread, but fails when
 compiling as a cross-compiler (./configure --target=arm-apple-darwin10)
 with these errors:

 So I'm between a rock and a hard place at the moment.

 The only (very tedious and slow) workaround I've found for the 3.0/3.2
 bug is to manually expand tabs to spaces, and to transform
 do x
 (similarly for where and let blocks)


 On Sun, Aug 11, 2013 at 1:53 AM, Luke Iannini lukex...@gmail.comwrote:

 Argh, sorry for the confusion: 3.2 *does* exhibit the issue. 3.3 and 3.4
 do not.

 On Sun, Aug 11, 2013 at 1:39 AM, Luke Iannini lukex...@gmail.comwrote:

 Further investigation:

 I grabbed 7.6.3 just to see if I somehow had a bad install of GHC, but
 the problem still occurred.

 The problem only occurs with LLVM 3.0.

 It is not related to cross-compilation or Stephen's patches: I tested
 this on multiple fresh clones with --with-gcc=clang.

 LLVM 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 do not exhibit the issue.

 If anyone wants to try to reproduce, you can grab the LLVM 3.0 binaries
 here Clang Binaries for MacOS 
 just drop them in your path.

 (Stephen, I'm now trying your patch with LLVM 3.2)


 On Sat, Aug 10, 2013 at 8:11 PM, Luke Iannini lukex...@gmail.comwrote:

 The first error on a fresh checkout is

 /usr/local/bin/ghc -hisuf hi -osuf  o -hcsuf hc -static  -H32m -O
 -package-db libraries/bootstrapping.conf  -hide-all-packages -i
 -iutils/hsc2hs/. -iutils/hsc2hs/dist/build
 -iutils/hsc2hs/dist/build/autogen -Iutils/hsc2hs/dist/build
 -Iutils/hsc2hs/dist/build/autogen -optP-include
 -optPutils/hsc2hs/dist/build/autogen/cabal_macros.h -package base-
 -package containers- -package directory- -package
 filepath- -package process- -XHaskell98 -XCPP
 -XForeignFunctionInterface  -no-user-package-db -rtsopts  -odir
 utils/hsc2hs/dist/build -hid

ghc-devs mailing list

Re: Hoopl 3.9 not on hackage

2013-08-13 Thread Simon Marlow
Right - I made a lot of changes while working on the new codegen. 
Norman signed off on them (in principle at least) so it should be fine 
to upload the package.  I should admit I did very limited testing 
outside of GHC's use case, and GHC even contains a copy of some of the 
hoopl code with its own specialisations (the core dataflow algorithm in 


On 31/07/13 22:37, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

No I think it's just oversight.  Do upload it!  thanks


|  -Original Message-
|  From: ghc-devs [] On Behalf Of Thomas
|  Schilling
|  Sent: 31 July 2013 19:53
|  To:
|  Subject: Hoopl 3.9 not on hackage
|  I just noticed that the latest version of hoopl (shipped with 7.6.3) is not 
|  Hackage.  Is there a reason for this (other than oversight)?
|  / Thomas

ghc-devs mailing list

ghc-devs mailing list

Re: Two Hoopl questions

2013-08-13 Thread Simon Marlow

On 26/07/13 22:56, Edward Z. Yang wrote:

Thank you Edward. I am aware of these requirements - my problem is writing the 
code in which these
will always hold (I'm optimizing Cmm and hand-written Cmm files tend to cause 
many problems that
don't appear in automatically generated Cmm). Having a debugging tool in form 
of Fuel would be
helpful for me, because instead of getting a freeze and seeing no output from 
-ddump-cmm I would
see incorrectly transformed Cmm that would allow me to track bugs more easily.

In that case, I would recommend taking a look at when -dopt-fuel got removed
and seeing if you can put it back in.  I quite liked this feature and it is
too bad it is gone.

Guilty.  I got rid of the fuel (in GHC's version of the dataflow 
algorithm).  I think removing it was worth a percent or two in 
compile-time performance - not a lot, but this was one of a whole heap 
of such things that I did to get the new codegen from about 100% to 5% 

I've no objection to the idea of optimisation fuel, but it should be an 
optional thing that doesn't cost anything if you don't use it.


ghc-devs mailing list

Re: Non-parallel version of GC

2013-08-13 Thread Simon Marlow

On 10/08/13 00:58, Edward Z. Yang wrote:

How would people feel about an alternate GC implementation in GHC which
is not parallel?  A GC like this would be simpler to understand, maybe a
little faster when parallel collection is not being used, and (most
importantly for my case) easier to extend with interesting features.

In particular, this implementation would not have gen_workspace or
gc_thread; these would either be unnecessary or folded directly into the
actual generation object.

From my point of view I'd like such a thing to be as separate as 
possible from the rest of the GC code.  However it might be hard to do 
that - you mentioned modifying the generation structure, for example.

As with most things in the RTS, the GC is exactly as modular as it 
needs to be right now, which in practice means not quite modular 
enough for what I want to do next :-)  So your first step might be to 
abstract some things so that the two GCs can coexist peacefully.

But perhaps there's another way to achieve your goals - what are the 
interesting features you want to add?


ghc-devs mailing list

Re: RTS option parsing

2013-08-13 Thread Simon Marlow

It's probably best not to rely on external libraries for this.

I'd be happy with representing the options as data rather than code, 
along with a generic parser.  Performance is very likely a non-issue, 
but you could always do something really simple like bucketing the 
options based on the first character.


On 10/08/13 02:54, David Laing wrote:

Hi Edward,

I was more worried about the effect that it would have on the 2nd tier
platforms, some of which don't have getopt_long_only - which I think is
desirable due to the two-character short options that need to be dealt

My feeling is that writing and maintaining a correct getopt_long_only as
a fallback for those platforms - which I assume someone would have to do
- might take more effort than putting togther something less general /
more tailored to how the RTS parses the options.

I've been idly thinking about how to approach this problem enough that I
think I'm going to put some proof-of-concept code together just to test
the ideas / so my metaphorical teeth stop itching.

At the core of the idea is the options would be stored in an array of
structs of the form
   {option-string, has_argument, is_safe, function_pointer_to_handler}
where the function pointer is probably of the form
   int(RtsFlags*, some-error-info-struct*)
or possibly
   int(RtsFlags*, some-cross-option-information-sharing-struct*,

I've been in the C++ world for a while now, so I'll need to double check
the standard / idiomatic way to express that in C.

If options don't effect anything but the flags or the error state, it
seems to me that the overall complexity of the option parsing code would
drop.  I don't know what the priority of option parsing performance is,
but there are quite a few optimisations available that wouldn't
complicate the code all that much.

If anyone has any thoughts on this, I'd love to hear them before I get
too far along.



On Sat, Aug 10, 2013 at 10:09 AM, Edward Z. Yang wrote:

Hi David,

  I was initially thinking of something like getopt_long_only, as per:
  however it looks like the portability of that function isn't the
  and from looking at rts/RtsFlags.c:procRtsOpts(...) it might not
be the
  best solution.

That's not necessarily true; we target MingW for Windows compilation,
so if you can make sure it works there getopt_long may be viable.  On
the other hand, maintaining backwards compatibility may be tricky.
Some investigation is probably necessary.


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ghc-devs mailing list

Yet Another Hoopl Question

2013-08-13 Thread Jan Stolarek
I have yet another Hoopl question. One of my rewrites allocates a new unique 
local register and this register is later added as a fact. So I have Cmm code 
that looks like this:

  I32[(old + 4)] = complicated_expr

which is rewritten to:

  newReg1 = complicated_expr
  I32[(old + 4)] = newReg1

and then I add { I32[(old + 4)] = newReg1 } as a fact. When Hoopl reaches end 
of the iteration it realizes it has learned some new facts, so it keeps the 
facts (including fact about a new unique register) and discards rewritten graph 
(including said new register). In the next iteration it performs the rewrite 
again, allocating a different new register and adding fact about this different 
register. At the end of this iteration same thing happens again: facts are 
kept, rewrite is discarded. And so my code falls into an infinite loop, because 
every time I'm allocating a different register and every time hoopl thinks it 
learned sth new and discards the rewritten graph. How can I perform this 
rewrite and avoid falling into a loop?


ghc-devs mailing list

HEADS UP! was: Re: New Git-commit-message - Trac-ticket interaction

2013-08-13 Thread Simon Marlow
Just in case there are other people (like me) who didn't notice this, 
the syntax for telling git that you want to update a Trac ticket in the 
commit log has changed.  Read Herbet's message for details.

I used to just mention the ticket number in the commit message blah 
blah (#1234), the new syntax for this is blah blah (see #1234).

I have updated to mention 
this, but it could probably do with more complete docs since the 
standard Trac docs don't take into account our local settings.  Herbert, 
could you expand that please?


On 10/08/13 10:57, Herbert Valerio Riedel wrote:

On 2013-08-10 at 11:06:06 +0200, Herbert Valerio Riedel wrote:

And finally, the changes resulting from the new Trac commit-hook
integration is worth a separate posting of its own to follow shortly.

The new post-receive hook for notifying Trac about new commits has been
updated to use Trac's CommitTicketUpdater[1]

One of the changes is the way commit messages are added to a ticket

  - Previously, the commit message was put into a verbatim code block, as in

  - Now, the commit message is wrapped in a code block using Trac's
CommitTicketReference wiki processor which effectively interprets the
commit message as Trac wiki markup[2]. This is more consistent with the
way commit messages are exposed in other places throughout Trac and
allows for proper Wiki and URL links in the ticket comment view.

For instance,

As for *when* a Git commit is actually associated with a ticket:

  - Currently, only the 4 Git repos associated with GHC Trac
(ghc,nofib,testuite,base; [3]) are scanned for ticket

  - Currently, only if a commit becomes reachable during a git push
from the 'master' branch it gets scanned for trigger words. This is
the simplest way to avoid duplicate commit messages getting added as
comments to tickets (and avoid premature ticket closing).[4]

  - The ticket-referencing syntax explained below must be used, for the
ticket reference to get recognized.

To quote the documentation[1]:

| The basic syntax is of the form [command] [ticketreference]. A colon
| between the command and the ticket reference is allowed. The
| ticketreference also allows to list multiple ticket numbers separated by
| spaces and/or comma. The word 'and' is also allowed between ticket
| numbers.
| You can optionally refer to tickets with the following words
| ticket, issue, bug
| Examples (note: not verified!):
| close #10
| closed: #10
| closes ticket #10
| closes ticket:10
| fixes #10
| fixes bug: #10
| see issue #5
| references #5, #6
| fixes bug #10 and #11
| A fairly complicated example of what you can do is with a commit
| message of:
| Changed blah and foo to do this or that. Fixes #10 and #12, and refs #12.
| This will close #10 and #12, and add a note to #12.

The command verbs currently recognized for referencing a ticket are

| addressing addresses re references refs see Trac

...and the verbs currently recognized for referencing *and* closing a
ticket are

| close closed closes fix fixed fixes

Consequently, if you just write Fixes Trac #1234 in your commit (which
occurs quite often in the git history), this will only reference the
ticket but *not* close the ticket.

If closing from commits is not desired or causes problems, we can move
the close/fix verbs into the reference-only set of verbs and be done
with it.

If there's something you'd like to behave differently, please tell us.
If accomplishable with reasonable effort, we're happy to implement it.

The information from this posting may/should/shall/will be put on the
GHC Trac Wiki as well for future reference.


  [4]: Should the need arise, we can consider a more sophisticated
   approach can be used, which would consider commits in more than
   just the 'master' branch.

ghc-devs mailing list

ghc-devs mailing list

Re: Non-parallel version of GC

2013-08-13 Thread Edward Z. Yang
 But perhaps there's another way to achieve your goals - what are the 
 interesting features you want to add?

Yeah. The key thing I need to change is how the GC decides where
live objects are evacuated to, to support a more efficient implementation
of resource limits (think BiBoP for cost centers) where every user
gets his own set of pages, and his objects are always evacuated to
pages he owns.  I don't know how to parallelize his, and even in
the non-parallel case it requires quite a restructuring of the GC code.


ghc-devs mailing list

Re: Yet Another Hoopl Question

2013-08-13 Thread Simon Marlow

On 13/08/13 13:03, Jan Stolarek wrote:

I have yet another Hoopl question. One of my rewrites allocates a new unique 
local register and this register is later added as a fact. So I have Cmm code 
that looks like this:

   I32[(old + 4)] = complicated_expr

which is rewritten to:

   newReg1 = complicated_expr
   I32[(old + 4)] = newReg1

and then I add { I32[(old + 4)] = newReg1 } as a fact. When Hoopl reaches end 
of the iteration it realizes it has learned some new facts, so it keeps the 
facts (including fact about a new unique register) and discards rewritten graph 
(including said new register). In the next iteration it performs the rewrite 
again, allocating a different new register and adding fact about this different 
register. At the end of this iteration same thing happens again: facts are 
kept, rewrite is discarded. And so my code falls into an infinite loop, because 
every time I'm allocating a different register and every time hoopl thinks it 
learned sth new and discards the rewritten graph. How can I perform this 
rewrite and avoid falling into a loop?

Your transfer function is not monotonic, because each time you apply it 
it gives a different result.

The next question is well how do I do this then?. I'm not quite sure, 
maybe you need to use a deterministic name supply monad.


ghc-devs mailing list

Re: Yet Another Hoopl Question

2013-08-13 Thread Edward Z. Yang
Forgive me for asking the classic question: What are you really trying to do?


Excerpts from Simon Marlow's message of Tue Aug 13 09:25:51 -0400 2013:
 On 13/08/13 13:03, Jan Stolarek wrote:
  I have yet another Hoopl question. One of my rewrites allocates a new 
  unique local register and this register is later added as a fact. So I have 
  Cmm code that looks like this:
 I32[(old + 4)] = complicated_expr
  which is rewritten to:
 newReg1 = complicated_expr
 I32[(old + 4)] = newReg1
  and then I add { I32[(old + 4)] = newReg1 } as a fact. When Hoopl reaches 
  end of the iteration it realizes it has learned some new facts, so it keeps 
  the facts (including fact about a new unique register) and discards 
  rewritten graph (including said new register). In the next iteration it 
  performs the rewrite again, allocating a different new register and adding 
  fact about this different register. At the end of this iteration same thing 
  happens again: facts are kept, rewrite is discarded. And so my code falls 
  into an infinite loop, because every time I'm allocating a different 
  register and every time hoopl thinks it learned sth new and discards the 
  rewritten graph. How can I perform this rewrite and avoid falling into a 
 Your transfer function is not monotonic, because each time you apply it 
 it gives a different result.
 The next question is well how do I do this then?. I'm not quite sure, 
 maybe you need to use a deterministic name supply monad.

ghc-devs mailing list

Re: NOTICE: Gitolite migration is complete.

2013-08-13 Thread Edward Z. Yang
What happened to the libraries repositories?

ezyang@javelin:~/Dev/ghc-clean/libraries/binary$ cat .git/config
repositoryformatversion = 0
filemode = true
bare = false
logallrefupdates = true
ignorecase = true
[remote origin]
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
url = git://
pushurl = ssh://
[branch master]
remote = origin
merge = refs/heads/master
ezyang@javelin:~/Dev/ghc-clean/libraries/binary$ git pull
fatal: remote error: access denied or repository not exported: 


Excerpts from Herbert Valerio Riedel's message of Sat Aug 10 05:06:06 -0400 
 Hello GHC Devs,
 Let me add some details and clarifications to yesterday's
 migration completion notice:
 On 2013-08-10 at 00:19:53 +0200, Austin Seipp wrote:
  Push access is now restored and Gitolite is in place! This brings some
  nice updates:
   * There's now access to the 'git' protocol for cloning anonymously.
 This lets you clone even the biggest repos extremely quickly, and is
 the fastest method for getting a copy of the tree.
 Consequently, if you are a developer (and not behind a firewall that
 filters port 9418) you should try out the following assymetric
   ./sync-all -r git:// remote set-url origin
   ./sync-all -r ssh:// remote set-url --push origin
 This uses the unauthenticated low-latency git:// protocol for fetching
 repository data, and the authenticated encrypted high-latency ssh://
 protocol for pushing into the GHC repositories.
 This setup has the advantage over using the GitHub GHC mirrors, that the
 fetch and push locations are really identical and never out-of-sync
 (e.g. if the Git mirroring breaks or lags for some reason)
   * Firewalled? Cloning over HTTP now uses Smart HTTP support for Git,
 meaning it should be faster too!
   * We will soon have Gitweb available, once our CNAME
 is in place. Eventually we'd like something akin to
 Small clarification: Smart HTTP Git transport is only enabled on; The legacy URLs at
 are is still served dumbly.
 If you don't want to wait for the DNS CNAME entry, you can fake the DNS
 entry to point to, e.g. by
   echo  /etc/hosts
 (...and don't forget to remove that entry once the real DNS CNAME entry
 is in place) and then just point your browser to
  The following people have had their keys re-added, and should be able
  to push and pull from the new setup.
 You should all check your current permissions by invoking
   ssh info
 you should see something like
 | hello $USERNAME, this is gitolite 2.3-1 (Debian) running on git
 | the gitolite config gives you the following access:
 | @R   W ghc
 | @R   W ghc-tarballs
 | @R   W git-sandbox
 | @R   W haddock
 | [...]
 | @R   W packages/unix
 | @R   W packages/vector
 | @R   W packages/xhtml
 | @R   W testsuite
 Please make sure, *YOUR* username shows up in place of $USERNAME, to
 find out whether we mixed up your public keys.
 (See, if you want
 to know more about the meaning of the output)
 Note: The current setup denies non-fast-forward and ref-deletion updates
 via git push. This will be relaxed once we reach an agreement over
 what the Git heads/tag refs namespace policy shall be (i.e. who is
 allowed to create/delete/non-fwd-update heads/tags (and which ones)).
 If you want to debug/test 'git push', feel free to push whatever you
 like to the 'git-sandbox' repository.
  Please direct any concerns to me, like if you need something off the
  server, need your shell account back, or need commit access.
 For technical problems with TracGit(olite) itself, please CC me as
 well; as I am in a different timezone from Austin, this may help reduce
 the response time for solving the issue at hand. Alternatively, you can
 also reach us on freenode's #haskell-infrastructure
 And finally, the changes resulting from the new Trac commit-hook
 integration is worth a separate posting of its own to follow shortly.

ghc-devs mailing list

Re: Yet Another Hoopl Question

2013-08-13 Thread Jan Stolarek
 The next question is well how do I do this then?. I'm not quite sure, 
 maybe you need to use a deterministic name supply monad.

So why are Hoopl's rewrite functions specialized to UniqSM monad? My 
understanding so far was that this is precisely because we need access to Uniq 
supply to generate new labels and registers during rewriting. I'm guessing that 
nobody intended that these newly generated things will be added as facts?

 Forgive me for asking the classic question: What are you really trying to 

I'm doing copy (constant) propagation and one of my intentions is to minimize 
traffic to/from the stack when possible. Since I cannot propagate 
complicated_expr, I rewrite a store to a stack location with

  newReg1 = complicated_expr
  I32[(old + 4)] = newReg1

By recording second assignment as a fact it is now possible to replace 
references to I32[(old + 4)] with references to newReg1, which will effectively 
make I32[(old + 4)] = newReg1 assignment dead. So now information will be 
kept in registers instead of the stack. Of course it is still possible that 
there will be not enough registers and we'll have to spill some things to the 


ghc-devs mailing list

Segfault on x86 with -O2

2013-08-13 Thread 山本和彦

Some changes in the last 8 days fixed segfault on 32bit x86 with -O2:

I read recent log messages but I cannot guess which commits fixed this
bug. Does anyone guess?


Thanks to this, now I started running Mighty with multicore IO manager
on I'm watching whether or not multicore IO manager works
stably in the real world.


ghc-devs mailing list

Re: Segfault on x86 with -O2

2013-08-13 Thread Austin Seipp

What about 3e598fe0b01f4692f50c377ac91010040227e7ce in ghc? This was a
calling convention bug that Geoffrey fixed.

It looks like it is almost certainly the culprit.

On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 10:14 PM, Kazu Yamamoto wrote:

 Some changes in the last 8 days fixed segfault on 32bit x86 with -O2:

 I read recent log messages but I cannot guess which commits fixed this
 bug. Does anyone guess?


 Thanks to this, now I started running Mighty with multicore IO manager
 on I'm watching whether or not multicore IO manager works
 stably in the real world.


 ghc-devs mailing list

Austin - PGP: 4096R/0x91384671

ghc-devs mailing list

Re: Segfault on x86 with -O2

2013-08-13 Thread Austin Seipp
And just for the record, people reported this morning they couldn't
reproduce #8103 anymore, and I'd bet this probably fixes that one,

On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 10:17 PM, Austin Seipp wrote:

 What about 3e598fe0b01f4692f50c377ac91010040227e7ce in ghc? This was a
 calling convention bug that Geoffrey fixed.

 It looks like it is almost certainly the culprit.

 On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 10:14 PM, Kazu Yamamoto wrote:

 Some changes in the last 8 days fixed segfault on 32bit x86 with -O2:

 I read recent log messages but I cannot guess which commits fixed this
 bug. Does anyone guess?


 Thanks to this, now I started running Mighty with multicore IO manager
 on I'm watching whether or not multicore IO manager works
 stably in the real world.


 ghc-devs mailing list

 Austin - PGP: 4096R/0x91384671

Austin - PGP: 4096R/0x91384671

ghc-devs mailing list

Deriving clauses for EmptyDataDecls [was: request for reviews for my first patch -- ticket 7401]

2013-08-13 Thread Austin Seipp
On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 9:33 AM, Richard Eisenberg wrote:
 My proposal below doesn't really give different behavior for EmptyDataDecls 
 in the two scenarios… the available constructs are the same under either H98 
 or H2010. It's just that the distance from the spec is different.

 Personally, I'm loathe to stray from a well-defined note in a standard for 

You're right, sorry about that. I suppose we can let someone else
weigh in on this note.

 I see my proposal below as a feasible solution to #7401, but I would actually 
 favor not implementing any change here, because the workaround -- using 
 standalone deriving -- is so easy and doesn't seem to have any real drawbacks 
 (e.g. performance).

Hmmm, I'm sort of ambivalent at this point.

Looking at the user manual[1], the relevant point for
-XStandaloneDeriving is that Unlike a deriving declaration attached
to a data declaration, GHC does not restrict the form of the data

At the same time, from a user POV, I'd think it's reasonably annoying to reject:

data Foo deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)

in favor of:

data Foo
deriving instance Eq
deriving instance Show
deriving instance Ord

with an extra extension - and if you happen to mention a type
variable, then it gets even longer since the context isn't inferred.

Also, given that EmptyDataDecls in its current form is now standard in
H2010, but StandaloneDeriving is not, this makes for longer code for
people who do want to be standards compliant to write the trivial
instance. And as a user of H2010, I'd see an empty data type as a
data type - and not an extension. So I might expect deriving to work
consistently with it, like with any other H2010 data type.

This, I suppose, is what I was alluding to when I talked about
'inconsistency' earlier. Although, then it is a question of the
standard itself! And then maybe it should be under an extra flag.

I think there are legitimate points on all sides here. But, I think
this is pretty squarely a 'user interface problem'. It's easy for us
no matter what. So, I have CC'd glasgow-haskell-users - I think
there's room for voices on this note, and I'd really appreciate users
and developers weighing in.



 On Aug 12, 2013, at 12:55 AM, Austin Seipp wrote:

 On Sun, Aug 11, 2013 at 10:00 PM, Richard Eisenberg 
 But, instead of creating a new extension for this feature, what about just 
 co-opting EmptyDataDecls? More concretely, I propose this:

 Under H98: EmptyDataDecls allows both the declaration of empty data decls 
 and deriving instances for them.

 Under H2010: EmptyDataDecls allows deriving instances for empty data decls.

 This proposal brings the annoyance that H2010 no longer implies 



 IMHO, I'd find this inconsistency in extension behavior much more
 annoying than just going against the standard on this note. But that's
 just my 0.02c.

 Austin - PGP: 4096R/0x91384671

Austin - PGP: 4096R/0x91384671

ghc-devs mailing list