Re: Where do I start if I would like help improve GHC compilation times?

2017-04-18 Thread Johannes Waldmann
> it would be quite helpful if `pretty`
> gained a special-case for the infinite band-width case

Absolutely +1 this.

Not "pretty" but similar:

- J.W.
ghc-devs mailing list

Re: StablePtr / StableName ?

2017-01-24 Thread Johannes Waldmann
Dear Simon,

thanks for looking into this.

> is StableName in the inner loop? 

Yes. This application's inner loop uses a
HashMap (StableName Expression) Int  for memoization.

This is the Tseitin transform: for each node, build a literal.
Each node is stable-named.

I guess the RTS's hashmap performance comes into play
only when pointers are moved (in GC).
The application's hashmap cost will dominate,
because it's used more often.

> You'd have to measure it.

I did. It seems we're good on StableNames, and time goes elsewhere.

- Johannes.

ghc-devs mailing list

StablePtr / StableName ?

2017-01-22 Thread Johannes Waldmann
Dear ghc devs,

would the StablePtr performance issue (slow hash table)
also affect StableNames?

Could making 10^5 stable names, and accessing each just once,
take noticeable time? Where would this show up in a profile?

I guess there's no easy way to change the ersatz library
(StableName this is the fundamental mechanism for detecting sharing)
but if these issues are related, then ersatz provides a
performance test case.

Thanks, Johannes.
ghc-devs mailing list

Re: Measuring performance of GHC

2016-12-07 Thread Johannes Waldmann
Hi Ben, thanks,

>  4. run the build, `cabal configure --ghc-options="-p -hc" $args && cabal 
> build`

cabal configure $args --ghc-options="+RTS -p -hc -RTS"

> You should end up with a .prof and .hp file.

Yes, that works. - Typical output starts like this

COST CENTRE   MODULE   %time %alloc

SimplTopBinds SimplCore 60.7   57.3
OccAnal   SimplCore  6.06.0
Simplify  SimplCore  3.00.5

These files are always called ghc.{prof,hp},
how could this be changed? Ideally, the output file name
would depend on the package being compiled,
then the mechanism could probably be used with 'stack' builds.

Building executables mentioned in the cabal file will
already overwrite profiling info from building libraries.

When I 'cabal build' the 'text' package,
then the last actual compilation (which leaves
the profiling info) is for cbits/cbits.c

I don't see how to build Data/Text.hs alone
(with ghc, not via cabal), I am getting
Failed to load interface for ‘Data.Text.Show’

- J.
ghc-devs mailing list

Re: Measuring performance of GHC

2016-12-06 Thread Johannes Waldmann

> ... to compile it with a profiled GHC and look at the report?

How hard is it to build hackage or stackage
with a profiled ghc? (Does it require ghc magic, or can I do it?)

> ... some obvious sub-optimal algorithms in GHC.

obvious to whom? you mean sub-optimality is already known,
or that it would become obvious once the reports are there?

Even without profiling - does hackage
collect timing information from its automated builds?

What needs to be done to add timing information in places like ?

- J.W.

ghc-devs mailing list

Re: Bikeshedding request for GHCi's :type

2016-04-28 Thread Johannes Waldmann
> .. :type should report the real type

What about defaulting? Is it real?

- J.W.
ghc-devs mailing list

Re: Proposal for removing transformers dependency

2015-01-23 Thread Johannes Waldmann
 ... a proposal for removing transformers dependency from ghc library.


- J.W.

(I subscribed to this list just to send this one message ...)
ghc-devs mailing list