I am forwarding this mail to ghc-devs and cabal-devs in case anyone missed
the original which went to haskell-cafe only.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alan & Kim Zimmerman <alan.z...@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Dec 11, 2016 at 9:39 PM
Subject: [Ann] Haskell Ecosystem Proposals
To: haskell <haskell-c...@haskell.org>

Earlier this year Simon Peyton Jones wrote about respect [1], and said

"It's worth separating two things

  1. Publicly debating an issue where judgements differ
  2. Using offensive or adversarial language in that debate"

There is now a repository[2]  for us as a community to have the first kind
of discussion about issues that affect the community as a whole.

The intention is that this becomes a neutral place where  discussion can
take place about coordinating the various services offered to the haskell

This is partly to expose the thinking and constraints on a particular
approach, so proponents of other approaches can have a better understanding
of how things can evolve.

The idea is that through an honest understanding of the various parts we
can achieve consensus on how to improve things.

If this all sounds a bit handwavy, the first concrete example of this
approach is a pull request [3] discussing the management of implicit or
speculative version bounds between cabal-install/hackage and
stack/stackage.  This has reached a point where there is a clearer
understanding of the actual problem, and a viable solution must be agreed.

The structure of the repository is shamelessly copied from the one for GHC
proposals, so the actual process description is way off. It should probably
just state that we discuss until consensus is reached if possible, but that
we are always open for further discussion.

It is up to all of us to make this work.


[1] https://mail.haskell.org/pipermail/haskell/2016-September/024995.html
[2] https://github.com/haskell/ecosystem-proposals
[3] https://github.com/haskell/ecosystem-proposals/pull/1
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