Re: Re: potential for GHC benchmarks w.r.t. optimisations being incorrect

2018-05-07 Thread Sven Panne
2018-05-06 16:41 GMT+02:00 Andreas Klebinger :

> [...] If we only consider 16byte (DSB Buffer) and 32 Byte (Cache Lines)
> relevant this reduces the possibilities by a lot after all. [...]

Nitpick: Cache lines on basically all Intel/AMD processors contain 64
bytes, see e.g.
ghc-devs mailing list

Re: Re: potential for GHC benchmarks w.r.t. optimisations being incorrect

2018-05-06 Thread Joachim Breitner

Am Sonntag, den 06.05.2018, 16:41 +0200 schrieb Andreas Klebinger:
> With a high number of NoFibRuns (30+) , disabling frequency scaling,
> stopping background tasks and walking away from the computer
> till it was done I got noise down to differences of about +/-0.2% for
> subsequent runs.
> This doesn't eliminate alignment bias and the like but at least it
> gives fairly reproducible results.

That’s true, but it leaves alignment bias. This bit my in my work on
Call Arity, as I write in my thesis:

   Initially, I attempted to use the actual run time measurements, but it
   turned out to be a mostly pointless endeavour. For example the knights
   benchmark would become 9% slower when enabling Call Arity (i.e. when
   comparing (A) to (B)), a completely unexpected result, given that the
   changes to the GHC Core code were reasonable. Further investigation
   using performance data obtained from the CPU indicated that with the
   changed code, the CPU’s instruction decoder was idling for more cycles,
   hinting at cache effects and/or bad program layout.
   Indeed: When I compiled the code with the compiler flag -g, which
   includes debugging information in the resulting binary, but should otherwise
   not affect the relative performance characteristics much, the unexpected
   difference vanished. I conclude that non-local changes to the
   Haskell or Core code will change the layout of the generated program
   code in unpredictable ways and render such run time measurements
   mostly meaningless.

   This conclusion has been drawn before [MDHS09], and recently, tools
   to mitigate this effect, e.g. by randomising the code layout [CB13], were
   created. Unfortunately, these currently target specific C compilers, so I
   could not use them here.

   In the following measurements, I avoid this problem by not measuring
   program execution time, but simply by counting the number of instructions 
   This way, the variability in execution time due to code
   layout does not affect the results. To obtain the instruction counts I employ
   valgrind [NS07], which runs the benchmarks on a virtual CPU and
   thus produces more reliable and reproducible measurements.

Unpleasant experience.

Joachim Breitner

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ghc-devs mailing list

Re: Re: potential for GHC benchmarks w.r.t. optimisations being incorrect

2018-05-06 Thread Andreas Klebinger

Joachim Breitner schrieb:

This runs on a dedicated physical machine, and still the run-time
numbers were varying too widely and gave us many false warnings (and
probably reported many false improvements which we of course were happy
to believe). I have since switched to measuring only dynamic
instruction counts with valgrind. This means that we cannot detect
improvement or regressions due to certain low-level stuff, but we gain
the ability to reliably measure *something* that we expect to change
when we improve (or accidentally worsen) the high-level
While this matches my experience with the default settings, I had good 
results by tuning the number of measurements nofib does.
With a high number of NoFibRuns (30+) , disabling frequency scaling, 
stopping background tasks and walking away from the computer
till it was done I got noise down to differences of about +/-0.2% for 
subsequent runs.

This doesn't eliminate alignment bias and the like but at least it gives 
fairly reproducible results.

Sven Panne schrieb:
4% is far from being "big", look e.g. at 
where changing just the alignment of the code lead to a 10% 
difference. :-/ The code itself or its layout wasn't changed at all. 
The "Producing Wrong Data Without Doing Anything Obviously Wrong!" 
paper gives more funny examples.

I'm not saying that code layout has no impact, quite the opposite. The 
main point is: Do we really have a benchmarking machinery in place 
which can tell you if you've improved the real run time or made it 
worse? I doubt that, at least at the scale of a few percent. To reach 
just that simple yes/no conclusion, you would need quite a heavy 
machinery involving randomized linking order, varying environments (in 
the sense of "number and contents of environment variables"), various 
CPU models etc. If you do not do that, modern HW will leave you with a 
lot of "WTF?!" moments and wrong conclusions.
You raise good points. While the example in the blog seems a bit 
constructed with the whole loop fitting in a cache line the principle is 
a real concern though.
I've hit alignment issues and WTF moments plenty of times in the past 
when looking at micro benchmarks.

However on the scale of nofib so far I haven't really seen this happen. 
It's good to be aware of the chance for a whole suite to give

wrong results though.
I wonder if this effect is limited by GHC's tendency to use 8 byte 
alignment for all code (at least with tables next to code)?
If we only consider 16byte (DSB Buffer) and 32 Byte (Cache Lines) 
relevant this reduces the possibilities by a lot after all.

In the particular example I've hit however it's pretty obvious that 
alignment is not the issue. (And I still verified that).
In the end how big the impact of a better layout would be in general is 
hard to quantify. Hence the question if anyone has

pointers to good literature which looks into this.


ghc-devs mailing list

Re: potential for GHC benchmarks w.r.t. optimisations being incorrect

2018-05-05 Thread Joachim Breitner

Am Samstag, den 05.05.2018, 12:33 -0400 schrieb Daniel Cartwright:
> I write this out of curiosity, as well as concern, over how this may affect 
> GHC.

our performance measurements are pretty non-scientific. For many
decades, developers just ran our benchmark suite (nofib) before and
after their change, hopefully on a cleanly built working copy, and
pasted the most interesting numbers in the commit logs. Maybe some went
for coffee to have an otherwise relatively quiet machine (or have some
remote setup), maybe not.

In the end, the run-time performance numbers are often ignored and we
we focus on comparing the effects of *dynamic heap allocations*, which
are much more stable across different environments, and which we
believe are a good proxy for actual performance, at least for the kind
of high-level optimizations that we work on in the core-to-core
pipeline. But this assumption is folklore, and not scientifically

Since two years or so we started collecting performance numbers for
every commit to the GHC repository, and I wrote a tool to print

This runs on a dedicated physical machine, and still the run-time
numbers were varying too widely and gave us many false warnings (and
probably reported many false improvements which we of course were happy
to believe). I have since switched to measuring only dynamic
instruction counts with valgrind. This means that we cannot detect
improvement or regressions due to certain low-level stuff, but we gain
the ability to reliably measure *something* that we expect to change
when we improve (or accidentally worsen) the high-level

I wish there were a better way of getting a reliable, stable number
that reflects the actual performance.


Joachim Breitner

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
ghc-devs mailing list

potential for GHC benchmarks w.r.t. optimisations being incorrect

2018-05-05 Thread Daniel Cartwright
I am admittedly unsure of how GHC's optimisation benchmarks are currently
implemented/carried out, but I feel as though this paper and its findings
could be relevant to GHC devs:

Basically, according to this paper, the cache effects of changing where the
stack starts based on the number of environment variables are huge for many
compiler benchmarks, and adjusting for this effect shows that gcc -O3 is
only in actuality 1% faster than gcc -O2.

Some further thoughts, per :

"The question they looked at was the following: does the compiler’s -O3
optimization flag result in speedups over -O2? This question is
investigated in the light of measurement biases caused by two sources: Unix
environment size, and linking order.
to the total size of the representation of Unix environment variables (such
as PATH, HOME, etc.). Typically, these variables are part of the memory
image of each process. The call stack begins where the environment ends.
This gives rise to the following hypothesis: changing the sizes of
(unused!) environment variables can change the alignment of variables on
the stack and thus the performance of the program under test due to
different behavior of hardware buffers such as caches or TLBs. (This is the
source of the hypothetical example in the first paragraph, which I made up.
On the machine where I am typing this, my user name appears in 12 of the
environment variables that are set by default. All other things being
equal, another user with a user name of a different length will have an
environment size that differs by a multiple of 12 bytes.)"

"So does this hypothesis hold? Yes. Using a simple computational kernel the
authors observe that changing the size of the environment can often cause a
slowdown of 33% and, in one particular case, by 300%. On larger benchmarks
the effects are less pronounced but still present. Using the C programs
from the standard SPEC CPU2006 benchmark suite, the effects of -O2 and -O3
optimizations were compared across a wide range of environment sizes. For
several of the programs a wide range of variations was observed, and the
results often included both positive and negative observations. The effects
were not correlated with the environment size. All this means that for some
benchmarks, a compiler engineer might by accident test a purported
optimization in a lucky environment and observe a 10% speedup, while users
of the same optimization in an unlucky environment may have a 10% slowdown
on the same workload."

I write this out of curiosity, as well as concern, over how this may affect
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