Re: [Gimp-developer] Color spaces and layer blend modes - tool layers

2010-08-01 Thread Charlie De
> #1:  Add  additional color spaces to the color manipulation  tools
> (HSV/HSL/HSY/RGB/Lab/LMS/CMYK/etc/etc), where  appropriate.

If by this you mean that one could choose the colour space and the individual 
channels in which the command or tool is applied, then this is an excellent 
idea.  It would help speed up the image processing workflow, allow for tools to 
be used with more precision, and in many cases obviate the need for using 
to accomplish processing tasks.



Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] [ Re: small Wishlist regarding Guides]

2010-08-01 Thread oliver

this should have been sent to the list...

so my answer forwarded to here.

- Forwarded message from -

Date: Sun, 1 Aug 2010 23:40:45 +0200
To: LightningIsMyName 
Subject: Re: [Gimp-developer] small Wishlist regarding Guides
User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.20 (2009-06-14)


On Sun, Aug 01, 2010 at 06:42:00PM +0300, LightningIsMyName wrote:
> Hello
> >  - non-rectangle-bound guides:
> >       Guides that can be enabled to have any angle, which means that they do

> I think we have seen this request already several times and I
> definitely agree it could be useful. Your request made me take a look
> at the code (app/display/gimpdisplayshell-draw.c,
> app/core/gimpimage-guides.c, /app/core/gimpguide.c) and it actually
> seems possible. I'll add it to my to-try list for when I have some
> more time.

Fine :)

> >  - boundary guides, instead of middle.guides:
> >    Guides, where the outer boundary of a drawing tool snaps to the guide 
> > (instead the middle of the
> >    drawing tool snapping to the guide).
> >
> >    This would be helpful for drawing in general, and correcting pictures: 
> > the color will
> >    not pass this line of the guide, which means, you can be sure no color 
> > enters a certain region.
> This does not seem trivial to code - in fact with how I remember the
> paint core works, this is going to be one very hard hack...
> Also, I think that if the purpose is just to stay inside of the lines
> you can use a selection (create it using the guides and freeform

The selection does not has the magnetic behaviour as a guide has.

Maybe even a freely definable guide would help here,
or a magnetic selection, or something like this ?!

> >  - Adding Multiple Guides
> >    (there is a Script for this on, but native would be 
> > nice)
> >
> >    This feature is good for some repetitive tasks, where a lot of Guides 
> > will be needed,
> >    something like a guide-grid.
> Can you give a direct link to the script?

I didn't found the link by myself, but I have the script local on my machine 
and can attach it.
It's not writen by me. But I may look for the original link later (or ask the 

> I definitely agree this
> sounds useful - it's worth checking if we can simply include this
> script with GIMP

The GUI/behaviour could be enhanced, and could be more Gimp-like.
But it's already useful and has saved me a lot of time in some tasks.

> (or at least if you give us a link to it, we'll be
> able to write something similar with extra features if needed).

I will attach it here.

I hope attachements are not blocked here.


import os

from gimpfu import *
import os.path
import pygtk
import gtk

gettext.install("gimp20-python", gimp.locale_directory, unicode=True)

def debugMessage(Message):
dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(None, 0, gtk.MESSAGE_INFO, gtk.BUTTONS_OK, 

def findMaxDimensionOfImage(Image, Direction):
if (Direction == 0):
   limit_value = pdb.gimp_image_height(Image) -1
   limit_value = pdb.gimp_image_width(Image) -1
return limit_value

# This defines the class
class addMultipleGuidesDialog:

# Things to do with the image reference
imageRef = 0
def set_imageRef(self,Image):
  self.imageRef = Image
def get_imageRef(self):
  return self.imageRef

# Things to do with the guides we create  
thisGuide = 0
def set_thisGuide(self, guideRef):
  self.thisGuide = guideRef
def get_thisGuide(self):
  return self.thisGuide

# RadioGroup
radio_group = []
def set_radioGroup(self, radioGroup):
  self.radio_group = radioGroup
def get_radioGroup(self):
  return self.radio_group
# Adjustment
the_adjustment = 0
def set_adjustment(self, newAdjustment):
  self.the_adjustment = newAdjustment;
def get_adjustment(self):
  return self.the_adjustment

# Labels (possible to change later for translation purposes)
Labels = ["Horizontal", "Vertical", "Add", "Close", "Remove Last"]
#Labels = ["H", "V", "A", "C"]
def get_Labels(self, labelIndex):
  return self.Labels[labelIndex]

# This is a callback function. The data arguments are ignored
# in this example. More on callbacks below.
def hello(self, widget, data=None):
print "Finished"

def findActiveRadioButton(self):
active = [r for r in self.get_radioGroup() if r.get_active()][0]
return active.get_label()

# call back for the Add button
def add_guide(self, widget, Data):
activeLabel = self.findActiveRadioButton()
position = Data.get_value()
if (activeLabel == self.get_Labels(0)):
   currentGuide = pdb.gimp_image_add_hguide(self.get_imageRef(), 
   currentGuide = pdb.gimp_image_add_vguide(self.get_imageRef(), 

Re: [Gimp-developer] small Wishlist regarding Guides

2010-08-01 Thread Martin Nordholts
On 08/01/2010 05:42 PM, LightningIsMyName wrote:
> Hello
>>   - non-rectangle-bound guides:
> I think we have seen this request already several times and I
> definitely agree it could be useful.

FYI, here's a bug report with a non-finished patch:

  / Martin


My GIMP Blog:
"Automatic tab style and removed tab title bar"
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] pick color anywhere on the screen ? not quite

2010-08-01 Thread LightningIsMyName

I discovered that when using windows it will indeed turn to the
regular cursor when you leave GIMP's UI, but the "pick" functionality
still works. Click anywhere on the screen - although GIMP's window
will loose focus (in favour of the window you clicked on) the right
color would still be picked (at least on my windows XP SP3 32).

On linux it works perfectly - the GIMP window doesn't even loose the focus.

If colour picking still doesn't work (check that if you click out of
the window and go back to GIMP, if the foreground color was set to the
right color) you are welcome to open a bug report at the GIMP bugzilla

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] pick color anywhere on the screen ? not quite

2010-08-01 Thread Cristian Secară
On Sun, 1 Aug 2010 23:31:00 +0300, Cristian Secară wrote:

> [...]
> - it does not work on the image itself or GIMP UI, in that a click
> anywhere on the image will set the foreground and/or background to
> black (has set both at different moments, but could not undesrtand why
> the one, or why the other)

No, the last part I understand, I clicked accidentally the fg/bg
rectangles (but the rest of my message remains true).


Cristian Secară
Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] pick color anywhere on the screen ? not quite

2010-08-01 Thread Cristian Secară
Open the colors dialog (Windows -> Dockable Dialogs -> Colors). On the
bottom of the panel, there is a button with a screen and an eyedropper
over it. The floating tooltip says:

Click the eyedropper, then click a color anywhere on your screen to
select that color.

Is this true on Linux ? (I cannot check)
On Windows (Vista 64, GIMP 2.7.1, classic mode UI):
- it does not work on the image itself or GIMP UI, in that a click
anywhere on the image will set the foreground and/or background to
black (has set both at different moments, but could not undesrtand why
the one, or why the other)
- when the mouse cursor goes off the GIMP UI, the eyedropper turns to
normal mouse cursor, thus not being able to pick anything

Apart from that, the "select" word is confusing, I think it would be
better "pick" instead (assuming it should work as stated here )


Cristian Secară
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Color spaces and layer blend modes - tool layers

2010-08-01 Thread Christopher Curtis
On Sun, Aug 1, 2010 at 1:04 PM, Bill Skaggs  wrote:
> It would be much better not to use the word "tool"in this way.

I agree terminology is going to be difficult.  I get the impression
you are only thinking about color, but I'm not.  Maybe it's clearer if
I use the terms "Image layer" and "Blend layer".

So our layer tree has an image on the bottom and an image on the top.
Where the top image has alpha, the bottom image can been seen through,
as it is today.

Now, instead of making the layer mode "Multiply" (or 'screen' or
'saturation' or 'lighten' (which have the same issues as color), etc),
the user inserts a "Blend Layer" between the images.  This "Blend
Layer" is a "Multiply" type, and the "Multiply Blend Layer" has
properties associated with it.  One of these is "Color Space".

Further, this "Blend Layer" has a gray(/alpha) mask so that the layer
effect may apply to only a portion of the image.  Further still,
multiple "Blend Layers" may reside between the two images.

So for example, picture a bottom layer of a frog sitting on a log.
Above that is a "Desaturation Blend Layer" in the HSY color space,
making it appear black and white.  Above that is "Lighten Blend Layer"
that is a graymask of the frog, making only the frog appear slightly
puched-out.  Above that is a color image layer of a butterfly (or
something) near the frog.

Your graph now resembles:
- [Image]: Butterfly
- [Blend]: Lighten (Lab), Frog mask
- [Blend]: Desaturate (HSY)
- [Image]: Frog on a log

I'm thinking that some color tools could become unnecessary if you do
this (just create a blend layer and flatten the image...), but I'm not
advocating their removal.

I'm also thinking that 'layer modes' could be useful when you have
multiple blend layers, but they wouldn't be as problematic as they are
all gray masks (add, subtract, etc. are all well-defined.)

> backward compatibility.  If you can find a way to make the Hue/Saturation
> tool work better, there's no strong reason it couldn't be put into Gimp.
> Changing layer modes that are stored in XCF files is more problematic.

I'm not sure where this is coming from, but so it's clear: I think
that Hue/Saturation is essentially unfixable.  If you want to work in
L*a*b space, such ideas don't exist.  You would either need a color
space selector and a complicated tool, or a tool for each colorspace
type.  And layer modes go away altogether.

Instead you get a "Blend Layer" that performs the operations of the
tool, using the color space specified in the properties of this "Blend
Layer".  And instead of constraining your image using a selection, the
"Blend Layer" retains a gray mask indicating the affected pixels.
The gray, in this case, replacing (or augmenting) an opacity slider.

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] html layers

2010-08-01 Thread Tobias Ellinghaus
Am Sonntag, 1. August 2010 schrub Christopher Curtis:


> but HTML is a decent way to store stylized text.

HTML may be suitable to store basic things like size, font face, color and so 
on, but it's far from typographic needs like manual kerning, …

HTML isn't meant to describe the form of data but the content. In an ideal 
world all form would be defined with CSS. So better stop dreaming of HTML in 
GIMP. The best I can think of is an plugin which takes the text layers, throws 
away all the information it doesn't understand and output the rest as HTML.

> Chris


Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Color spaces and layer blend modes - tool layers

2010-08-01 Thread Bill Skaggs
It would be much better not to use the word "tool"in this way.  In Gimp, a
is an element of the user interface.  When the user applies a tool, the end
result is to perform a series of operations on the image.  Thus, a tool is a
user interface element that allows the user to interactively specify a
of operations.  What you are talking about storing as part of the image are
color operation layers, not tool layers.

The flip side is that the way a tool works can be changed without violating
backward compatibility.  If you can find a way to make the Hue/Saturation
work better, there's no strong reason it couldn't be put into Gimp.
layer modes that are stored in XCF files is more problematic.

  -- Bill
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] html layers

2010-08-01 Thread peter sikking
Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:

> On 7/31/10, peter sikking wrote:
>> so there is an explicit 'no' for GIMP as a web design tool.
> You probably meant web programming :)

no I really meant the web design job: deciding how all information
and interaction is gong to be represented on the page, how the
layout handle fluid conditions of resizing browser width and
browser font resizing. all the typography and readability.
that combined with the 'master' visual design from which
all the pages will be produced, at which point all the images
for a site will be produced (which is where GIMP comes in).

>> there is an explicit 'yes' for GIMP as a production tool for
>> all graphics that are used on a website. This does mean that
>> there needs to be better support for this, like automated
>> cutting and exporting of all the parts from a working canvas,
>> much more than the hack-ish slicing we have right now.
> But that would also involve saving information about slicing in XCF or
> whatever comes after current XCF, because one really doesn't want to
> do all the work over and over again.

yep, one or more 'cutting masks' would be part of the file,
because the (perhaps overlapping) rectangles where to cut
are gonna be different for every file.


 founder + principal interaction architect
 man + machine interface works : on interaction architecture

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] html layers

2010-08-01 Thread peter sikking
Lightning wrote:

> I don't agree with some of the product vision points as stated in the
> UI redesign wiki and by some developers (for example that GIMP is
> meant mainly for high end users and less for "simple" users - as we
> discussed on IRC yesterday)

well, that is a tricky thing to say.

It was the core GIMP team that was there at the first LGM,
and they were really sure about this. The vision is not my
thing, I was only there at that moment to function as
a catalyst to get the vision on the table.

So it really does not matter whether you or I agree if GIMP
should be what is says in the vision. Because it is going to
be what it says in the vision anyway. It is going to be UI
designed and developed in that way, because GIMP as a project
wants to to go there. Anything that gets done in another direction
is just a detour and a (ultimately) a waste of time because
it will get corrected in the long run.

and no, the vision cannot be changed on the hoof, because most of
the work that has been done since that first LGM and now would have
the be redone.


 founder + principal interaction architect
 man + machine interface works : on interaction architecture

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] html layers

2010-08-01 Thread LightningIsMyName

On Sun, Aug 1, 2010 at 7:15 PM, Christopher Curtis  wrote:
> What format does it save the per-character formatting in?  Would HTML
> be an option?
> Understanding even a subset of the basic HTML1 tags plus  could
> likely be a good 80% solution.  That's not to say that it's easy
> ( the most obvious problem), but HTML is a decent way
> to store stylized text.

GIMP supports some of the features described in the pango markup - see
Currently, this includes the following per-character control: Font,
Size, Spacing, bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, baseline
(raising/lowring the caracter) and when I'll have more time it will
also include color.

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] html layers

2010-08-01 Thread Christopher Curtis
On Sun, Aug 1, 2010 at 3:40 AM, Martin Nordholts  wrote:

> Have you tried GIMP from git? It has been made possible to do
> per-character formating in text layers there.

What format does it save the per-character formatting in?  Would HTML
be an option?

Understanding even a subset of the basic HTML1 tags plus  could
likely be a good 80% solution.  That's not to say that it's easy
( the most obvious problem), but HTML is a decent way
to store stylized text.

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Color spaces and layer blend modes - tool layers

2010-08-01 Thread Christopher Curtis

Let me start by saying I haven't been following any development builds
of GIMP or GEGL, so I may have some false presumptions and I certainly
lack some information.  That aside, I'd like to ask some broader
questions about color spaces.

Firstly, some background: the HSY color space appears to be much
better than HSL, at least for some color operations.  The package
"PhotoPNMTools" operate in HSY mode and produce very nice output on
their page of sample images.  I'm not sure how the operation "Increase
saturation 4x" is performed in GIMP, but when I use the Hue-Saturation
tool and set Saturation to "100" four times the result is far worse
than what is displayed on the sample images page (using GIMP 2.6.8).

[ PhotoPNMTools: ]
[ Sample Images: ]

Using the PhotoPNMTools and the flower image, I've set the saturation
to 4000 (on a scale of 0..1) and it still looks better than GIMP's
output.  I've also set the saturation to '2' four times in series.
There is a difference between these two images (the saturation at 2
four times and at 4000) but the distorted parts of the image remain
fairly consistent, so the algorithm appears to produce very stable

Next, Windows Vista uses something called the Windows Color System,
which uses CIECAM02 LMS space, ratified in 2008.  I don't see any
tools that work in this space for comparison with HSY, but it seems to
be clear that there are a lot of different models of how colors can be
displayed and manipulated.

[ ]

My observations, now, are that the layer blend modes chose a color
space based on some semi-abritrary criteria, and that this information
isn't immediately obvious to the end user.  Secondly, tools such as
Hue-Saturation are fixed to the HLS color model.

My thoughts are that this is too limiting, and I'd like to know what
you think about the following:

#1:  Add additional color spaces to the color manipulation tools
(HSV/HSL/HSY/RGB/Lab/LMS/CMYK/etc/etc), where appropriate.

#2:  Allow a tool configuration layer to appear as a node in a GEGL graph.

#3:  Remove the concept of explicit layer blend modes.

So what we end up with is something like the following:

- Image01
- + Layer Group 1
- - Layer Group 2
- - - Top Image
- - : Saturation Tool in HSY-space @40%
- - - Bottom Image
- + Layer Group 3
... etc.

This is probably a very poor example and I'm sure I'm abusing some
terminology, but I hope you get the gist of what I'm saying.  "Layer
Group 2" is an image-tool-image sandwich, which in current GIMP would
be two images with a layer blend mode of "Saturation".  But this way,
instead of a fixed mode, we have something far more configurable.
Unlike a layer mode it's not a fixed thing, so it should also be
relatively future-proof as new modes or color spaces simply become new
options for this tool layer.

I expect some people will want to know what this "tool layer" looks
like, and I'm thinking it would be something like a simple gray mask,
but I'm more interested what people think about the concept at this

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] small Wishlist regarding Guides

2010-08-01 Thread LightningIsMyName

>  - non-rectangle-bound guides:
>       Guides that can be enabled to have any angle, which means that they do
>       not have to be restricted to be 0 degrees or 90 degrees (being parallel
>       to the window).
>       This feature can be helpful, e.g. when correcting pictures, or for 
> drawing parallels
>       that do not fit the 0/90/180/270/360 degree orientation.
>       It would be good, to enable/disable this behaviour via toggle box, so 
> that normal behaviour
>       will be available and guides can be restricted to classical 
> window-parallel behaviour.

I think we have seen this request already several times and I
definitely agree it could be useful. Your request made me take a look
at the code (app/display/gimpdisplayshell-draw.c,
app/core/gimpimage-guides.c, /app/core/gimpguide.c) and it actually
seems possible. I'll add it to my to-try list for when I have some
more time.

>  - boundary guides, instead of middle.guides:
>    Guides, where the outer boundary of a drawing tool snaps to the guide 
> (instead the middle of the
>    drawing tool snapping to the guide).
>    This would be helpful for drawing in general, and correcting pictures: the 
> color will
>    not pass this line of the guide, which means, you can be sure no color 
> enters a certain region.

This does not seem trivial to code - in fact with how I remember the
paint core works, this is going to be one very hard hack...
Also, I think that if the purpose is just to stay inside of the lines
you can use a selection (create it using the guides and freeform
selection) and stroke it on a new layer with a mask which is exactly
the selection - I do this all the time. Stroking a selection is
usually faster than me painting it by hand, and it's probably more

>  - Adding Multiple Guides
>    (there is a Script for this on, but native would be 
> nice)
>    This feature is good for some repetitive tasks, where a lot of Guides will 
> be needed,
>    something like a guide-grid.

Can you give a direct link to the script? I definitely agree this
sounds useful - it's worth checking if we can simply include this
script with GIMP (or at least if you give us a link to it, we'll be
able to write something similar with extra features if needed).

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] html layers

2010-08-01 Thread Kevin Cozens
bob wrote:
> But I find it an interesting idea that, if it possible to implement in an
> image editor, could help smooth the process of designing web application
> front-ends.
> Anyway, I'm just putting it out there to you guys to see what you think.

It might be possible to provide some form of HTML editing in GIMP via a 
plug-in (especially once GEGL is more fully a part of GIMP) but I don't see 
it as something that should be added as an integral part of GIMP.

Creating a decent GUI based HTML editor is a non-trivial task. I have yet 
to see an HTML editor I like better than vi. I have seen HTML editors that 
will let you link to an external editor when you need to edit an image that 
will be appearing in a page.

If you really want to edit HTML in a program, use a program designed 
primarily for that purpose and use its hooks to invoke GIMP when you need 
it rather than trying to make an image editing program capable of doing 
page layout.

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] small Wishlist regarding Guides

2010-08-01 Thread oliver

I have a small wishlist regarding Guides.

  - non-rectangle-bound guides:
   Guides that can be enabled to have any angle, which means that they do
   not have to be restricted to be 0 degrees or 90 degrees (being parallel
   to the window).

   This feature can be helpful, e.g. when correcting pictures, or for 
drawing parallels
   that do not fit the 0/90/180/270/360 degree orientation.

   It would be good, to enable/disable this behaviour via toggle box, so 
that normal behaviour
   will be available and guides can be restricted to classical 
window-parallel behaviour.

  - boundary guides, instead of middle.guides:
Guides, where the outer boundary of a drawing tool snaps to the guide 
(instead the middle of the
drawing tool snapping to the guide).

This would be helpful for drawing in general, and correcting pictures: the 
color will
not pass this line of the guide, which means, you can be sure no color 
enters a certain region.

  - Adding Multiple Guides
(there is a Script for this on, but native would be 

This feature is good for some repetitive tasks, where a lot of Guides will 
be needed,
something like a guide-grid.

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Help with new default resources in 2.8

2010-08-01 Thread Alexia Death
On Sunday, August 01, 2010 11:45:19 Matjaz L. wrote:
> I contacted David Revoy and got a reply. He explained he doesn't feel GIMP
> 2.7 is stable enough for regular production work, which would allow him to
> develop a good default brush set through actual work.
> It's a sort of a chicken&egg who-came-first problem.
> Stable GIMP -> develop stable brush set -> release stable GIMP.
I agree with him. Exact dynamics/brush set development is best left after we 
have the first RC out of the door. But baseline setting can start now. Adding 
basic simple things that are likely to be keepers and removing stuff we arent 
going to keep for sure.

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Help with new default resources in 2.8

2010-08-01 Thread Matjaz L.

I contacted David Revoy and got a reply. He explained he doesn't feel GIMP 2.7
is stable enough for regular production work, which would allow him to develop
a good default brush set through actual work. He also said his current brush
set made for Chaos&Evolutions DVD probably won't fit directly in GIMP 2.8 due
to all the advancements made to the brush engine between 2.6 and 2.8. It's a
sort of a chicken&egg who-came-first problem. Stable GIMP -> develop stable
brush set -> release stable GIMP.

However, he did make a proposal how he imagines a default robust brush set
(and by the look of it, it appears very similar to the one made for
Chaos&Evolutions). Here's his proposal:

In addition, I'm giving you a link to his portfolio so you can see what kind
of artistic background he's coming from and evaluate how his use-case vs.
proposed brush set vs. GIMP product vision relate to one another.


Matjaz L. (via
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] html layers

2010-08-01 Thread Martin Nordholts
On 08/01/2010 09:25 AM, Joseph Areeda wrote:
> In my mind an hmtl layer would serve the same function as a text layer,
> except that it would provide formatted text.  It would be nice if could
> be stored and edited as html then rendered on the fly.


If you want more powerful formating of text layers, the solution is to 
improve text layers, not add HTML layers.

Have you tried GIMP from git? It has been made possible to do 
per-character formating in text layers there.



My GIMP Blog:
"Automatic tab style and removed tab title bar"
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] html layers

2010-08-01 Thread Joseph Areeda
  I'm just starting to learn what it takes to be a GIMP developer so 
this is more from a user's perspective.

In my mind an hmtl layer would serve the same function as a text layer, 
except that it would provide formatted text.  It would be nice if could 
be stored and edited as html then rendered on the fly.

I don't see GIMP becoming an html editor and I don't see a use for much 
of html such as links and forms but a rich text environment that could 
do tables, multiple fonts, multiple colors as a separate layer that 
could be edited in the original format would be pretty cool.

HTML is a decent markup language and the undefined rendering attribute 
could be ignored.  In our case all rendering attributes would be defined 
by our implementation.  The end result for me would still be exported 
single layer images.

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] html layers

2010-08-01 Thread LightningIsMyName

On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 2:29 PM, Alexandre Prokoudine
> On 7/31/10, LightningIsMyName wrote:
>> I don't see GIMP becoming an HTML editor - not only because there is
>> no one with time to develop this (building an html editor is lots of
>> work), but also because this isn't GIMP's product vision.
> Really? So GIMP is suddenly not the tool for web developers? :)
>> GIMP is meant to be a high-end image manipulation/creating program,
>> and not an application for designing web interfaces (and coding them).
> Who said that?

I don't say that I agree with that, but that is from the UI redesign
If we follow what's listed there then GIMP isn't a tool for
generating/editing html code with graphics and stuff. As peter said:

On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 2:38 PM, peter sikking  wrote:
> I thought immediately of what the GIMP team said during
> the discussion of the product vision.
> I brought up 'what about making mock-ups of web pages?' after a
> serious look at what it means to support that (like pro-grade html
> generation, support for fluid layouts), the team clearly felt that
> this is not what they wanted GIMP to be.
> so there is an explicit 'no' for GIMP as a web design tool.
> there is an explicit 'yes' for GIMP as a production tool for
> all graphics that are used on a website. This does mean that
> there needs to be better support for this, like automated
> cutting and exporting of all the parts from a working canvas,
> much more than the hack-ish slicing we have right now.

I don't agree with some of the product vision points as stated in the
UI redesign wiki and by some developers (for example that GIMP is
meant mainly for high end users and less for "simple" users - as we
discussed on IRC yesterday), but I do agree on this point. GIMP is an
image editining/authoring tool and not a web tool for coding and
designing websites.

>> I don't want overcomplicated interfaces just to get more features
> What makes you think this would be overcomplicated?

Expirience taught me that lots of features *usually* mean more
complicated interfaces. Let's hope that I'm wrong and we can keep the
interface simple if/when we add this =)

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