Re: [Gimp-developer] Isn't this behaviour unintuative?

2011-06-26 Thread Jason Simanek
On 06/26/2011 09:22 AM, Jeremy Morton wrote:
 The thing is, if I go about it a different way and export another file
 to overwrite that file, I'm using the export function.  Each time I then
 press ctrl+E, I'm overwriting that file again and again, without even a
 prompt.  I don't see a meaningful difference between this workflow, and
 that of importing/editing/exporting.

Yes, it's going to take some getting used to. However, the HUGE benefit 
of the new Export functionality is that you will not have to repeatedly 
specify/confirm the settings of the file format you wish to save to.

In the old version hitting Save was very general-purpose. As a result 
you would have to confirm two or sometimes three (Are you sure you want 
to overwrite that file?) dialog windows to save a file.

For someone like a web developer/designer, especially working through 
iterations on one design project, the new approach is a big time-saver.

Now if only the Save for Web dialog would remember the destination 
folder from save to save

Jason Simanek
Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Fwd: Re: Isn't this behaviour unintuative?

2011-06-26 Thread Jason Simanek
On 06/26/2011 09:31 AM, SorinN wrote:

  He doesn't  know that Ctrl + Shift + E bring to you the Export Dialog
  where you can choose your different filename AND  / OR different

I have to admit, I'm constantly getting tripped-up by that. Is there any
reason that the FIRST time you hit Ctrl + E couldn't do the same thing
as Ctrl + Shift + E rather than _nothing_? Or at least bring up a dialog
asking the user if that is what they'd like to do?

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] file-psd-save plug-in should embed a color profile

2011-05-09 Thread Jason Simanek
On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 10:39 AM, Mukund Sivaraman wrote:
 Verify this file has a proper sRGB profile:

Just opened this file in Adobe Photoshop CS4 for OSX and can confirm
that the sRGB color profile seems to have been embedded in the file.

-Jason Simanek
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] file-psd-save plug-in should embed a color profile

2011-05-06 Thread Jason Simanek
On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 9:13 AM, Joao S. O. Bueno wrote:
 I think that an important next step is to get people to indepently
 test the files
 generated with this patch working, to see if its working fine.
 I say that  since most GIMP developers won't have easy access to a Photoshop
 to test the generated files.

I have access to Photoshop CS4 at work. Would I need to install the
developer branch of Gimp to test? Or I could test files created by
somebody else.

-Jason Simanek
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] scanner support should be File-Acquire

2010-08-26 Thread Jason Simanek
I personally think

File  Import  Scan


File  Import from Device  Scanner

would make the most sense. 'Acquire' isn't really a common word that I
hear being used in association with images, graphics, typesetting,
etc. Not in the U.S.A. anyway (for the U.S. perspective on word
choice, if anyone cares). 'Acquire' is certainly used regularly over
here, but not in this context in my experience.

I was a little thrown off by the use of 'Create' in the Gimp menu
myself, as a professional graphic designer. It took me a bit to figure
it out. 'Create' to me suggests that the children of that menu all
refer to making new documents.

Using Photoshop every day for 15 years has perhaps tainted the
validity of my opinion.

-Jason Simanek

On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 1:23 AM, Jim Michaels wrote:
 newbies who are using GIMP are always asking where is the scanner support.
 why? because they can't find it.
 File-Create is not intuitive, nor does it imply anything about scanners.

 File-Acquire would be more appropriate.  maybe even File-Scanners if you
 want to be obvious (which is even better!).

 but I can tell you from a thought process and human usability standpoint
 that grouping it under File-Create makes no rational, reasoning sense.

 at least keep the scanner stuff separate and make it obvious that it's for

 scanners are I think a very important part of any imaging tool, and deserve
 direct access, and even warrant a button.

 Jim Michaels (my personal site, has software) (group which I lead)
 Computer memory/disk size measurements:
 [KB KiB] [MB MiB] [GB GiB] [TB TiB]
 Note: disk size is measured in MB, GB, or TB, not in MiB, GiB, or TiB.
 computer memory (RAM) is measured in MiB and GiB.

 Gimp-developer mailing list

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Gimp UX: Paste

2010-06-03 Thread Jason Simanek
On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 8:21 AM, peter sikking wrote:
 Gino D wrote:
 as I said yesterday, this new-layer-from-clipboard workflow
 needs attention too. user efficiency (speed!) and flexibility
 are important here. one aspect (as Gino points out) is default
 placement of the paste on the new layer.

I've already switched my keyboard shortcut Ctrl+V to be associated
with 'paste as new layer' rather than the 'pasted selection' that is
default. This works almost right but...

 but in the majority of cases it will be in the 'wrong' position
 and it needs to be moved to be 'right'.

Paste to new layer currently pastes the copied pixels in the top-left.
I think Gino suggested that it be changed to 'centered'. It sounds
like you are saying it should be pasted to the exact location where it
was copied from. I agree. The pasted pixels should end up exactly
where I copied them from.

 sounds like the solution is actually to have the new layer appear with the
 paste anchored in the default position, but with a selection
 around it active (same shape as used for floating paste) and
 the upcoming combined transform tool as active tool for
 moving, sizing and deforming.

Not sure about this. I actually think the selection should be removed.
When you copy/paste text in a text editor the pasted result is just
text, not 'selected' text. Besides, if the pasted result is on a new
layer there should be no need for a selection. The entire layer is
dedicated to the previously selected pixels, so you should be able to
manipulate the layer without the need for the initial selection.

-Jason Simanek
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Gimp UX: Paste

2010-06-02 Thread Jason Simanek

On 06/02/2010 06:12 AM, Gino D wrote:
 2010/6/2 Jason
 A new layer is non-destructive. Why is there a need for this other type
 of layer? The name 'floating selection' isn't even accurate. This is a
 collection of pixels. It is not a selection. A selection is an ephemeral
 mask not a collection of specific pixels.

 Until some time ago, I also doubt the usefulness of this kind of
 layer. Recently, however, I discovered that the floating selections
 can be really handy, especially when they are put into action within
 the scripts.

Thanks for pointing out the usefulness of floating selections for 
scripting/plugins. That makes a lot of sense. But if that is the only 
usefulness for this special type of layer I think it should be a special 
behavior that can be employed by script and plugin writers, not the 
default in the GUI.

What Gino just told me is that the floating selections are a special 
type of layer whose special properties can only be perceived or employed 
by scripts. How would a normal mouse-user derive any usefulness from the 
qualities of this special layer?

In this case it seems the interest in making Gimp scriptable has 
overridden the interest in making Gimp's UI intuitive.

-Jason Simanek
Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Gimp UX: Paste

2010-06-01 Thread Jason Simanek

Has there been any discussion about doing away with the 'floating 
selection' quasi-layer that occurs after copy/pasting in Gimp? I don't 
mean to compare the Gimp to Photoshop, but it seems like this is a place 
where Photoshop does the right thing: when graphics are copy/pasted a 
new layer is created. In my experience the floating selection 
quasi-layer has little or no usefulness.

A new layer is non-destructive. Why is there a need for this other type 
of layer? The name 'floating selection' isn't even accurate. This is a 
collection of pixels. It is not a selection. A selection is an ephemeral 
mask not a collection of specific pixels.

What would be best, I think, is that a new layer would automatically be 
created after pasting and that this new layer, rather than appearing at 
the top of the layer stack, would be created directly above the 
currently active layer.

While I'm at it I also recommend that layer boundaries should be 
disposed of. They only add confusion. A layer should be apparently 
without dimension and should be masked only by the canvas. The current 
way of doing things is confusing. If a boundary smaller than the canvas 
is desired a layer mask should be used. Currently I am confused about 
the relationship between layer boundaries and layer masks. They seem to 
be the same thing.

Thanks for listening. If a discussion about these issues has already 
taken place, please provide URLs to those discussions. I have no 
intention of reopening discussions that have already been resolved.

Jason Simanek
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Color space support

2010-05-07 Thread Jason Simanek

On 05/07/2010 06:13 AM, Cristian Secară wrote:
 On Fri,  7 May 2010 12:24:19 +0200 (CEST), Easyword wrote:
 - GIMP supports only RGB color space

 This is a limitation, which prevents the use of the software in
 professional use. You may use GIMP to create graphics for
 professionals, but you may not receive any professional graphics.

 It depends what „professional” for you means.
 I am working in television/video area, where all graphics are in RGB
 (sometimes with additional key channel (alpha)). For me the CYMK color
 space is of no use (and I get in trouble when someone gives some color
 specifications in non-RGB values).

As a professional graphic designer I think that there's a real lack of 
understanding about color spaces among graphic designers. I know lots of 
designers that do color corrections in Photoshop with an image in CMYK 
color mode. In fact they do everything in CMYK mode if they open 
Photoshop at all.

Unless you are creating a graphic that is intended to specifically match 
a printed color, this method of working in CMYK is unnecessary and ill 
advised. The belief that working with photographs in CMYK mode is 
'professional' and more color accurate is wrong. An image should only be 
translated to CMYK mode once it's finished and ready to go to press. And 
that translation needs to happen in a color managed process.

The CMYK mode in Photoshop is merely an estimation of the CMYK color 
space. It understands the gamut of CMYK but the representation of those 
colors on the screen is an estimation dependent on a calibrated display 
and fully color managed workflow. After all, your display renders colors 
in RGB.

It's much more important to work in a color managed environment. I've 
worked with many, many 'professional' designers that have very little or 
no understanding of color profiles or color management. I've even seen 
them discard the color profiles of images when they open them in 
Photoshop. That was actually the recommended practice at a magazine I 
worked at. Unbelievable. Don't believe it? I still can't believe it.

Of course, this is all anecdotal. I don't mean to start a flame war. My 
point is that Gimp is not Photoshop. A lot of folks give Gimp a try and 
frequently criticize Gimp for not being a complete clone of Photoshop. 
Granted, Photoshop is a great tool in many ways and a good ruler for 
Gimp to measure itself against. But assuming that Photoshop is 
infallible and that every aspect of it is sacrosanct is a mistake.

The developers are addressing aspects of Gimp that they find useful and 
interesting. The CMYK color mode is complex I'm sure, mostly due to all 
of the color estimation that is needed to display the mode on screen (as 
mentioned above). Alexia is right. This is building things from scratch. 
And we do have the Separation plugin to export to CMYK. But no, Gimp 
does not have the safety blanket of CMYK color mode to give graphic 
designers the assurance that their colors look right (even if the 
accuracy of those colors is an estimation dependent on a color managed 
and calibrated display).

Gimp CAN be used to create professional graphics. You can also make 
professional graphics with printed photos, rubylith, paste, pens, ink, 
lead type and paper. Both of these approaches are dependent on the 
creator having a certain level of knowledge about the printing process.

The trouble that most contemporary designers have when it comes to 
creating professional graphics with the Gimp (and Inkscape, Scribus, 
etc.) is due to their lack of knowledge. That's not an insult. They're 
just used to working with a lot of programs that handle most of the 
technical details that graphic designers and prepress workers needed to 
know in the past. These open source programs, as great as they are, just 
aren't entirely to that point yet.

One of the big reasons that they aren't to that point is because they 
are developed by very smart people that only need the program to take 
the project to a certain point. The other reason is that most of the 
developers are not professional graphic designers. Along with that, most 
professional graphic designers know very little about programming.

If graphic designers want great open source tools that meet their needs, 
they're going to have to start contributing to the projects. That's what 
I've been trying to do. You got to put your money (or time and effort) 
where your mouth is.

Thanks for listening.

-Jason Simanek
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Color space support

2010-05-07 Thread Jason Simanek
On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 1:49 PM, Chris Mohler wrote:
 As long as they insist on CMYK artwork, CMYK mode is a necessary evil.

I guess I thought Separate+ handled that necessary evil. But I don't
use it myself, so it might be pretty sketchy.

 But this has all been discussed in depth on this list, and once gegl
 is fully integrated we'll have all the tools needed for a managed
 workflow, and also the necessary evil of CMYK mode :)

Yes, indeed. Thanks, Peter, for the URL of your post discussing the
plan for addressing CMYK and other color mode outputs. That sounds

-Jason Simanek
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] [Fwd: GTK+ 2.20.0 released]

2010-03-25 Thread Jason Simanek

On 03/25/2010 01:00 AM, wrote:
 The mnemonics are unrelated to GIMP's keyboard shortcuts (which will
 still be visible in the menus, unless the user has specified otherwise
 in his gtkrc).

Wait. I thought they were using the word 'mnemonics' to mean what is 
commonly called 'shortcuts'. I see now that what was meant by 
'mnemonics' was the underlined letters in menu items. As I understand 
it, these underlined letters are only useful if you are navigating the 
menus via keyboard. Well, making those visible only when navigating the 
menus by keyboard makes sense.

Pardon my confusion. The UI-world use of the words 'mnemonic' and 
'shortcut' seem confusing to me, since the functionality of the two in 
this case is very similar. I would call that a misuse of the word 
'mnemonic'. But this isn't a debate about language use.

 Advanced users will learn to avail
 themselves of such optional conveniences without requiring prompting
 from talking paperclips or animated walkthroughs, and the neophytes
 are better off not being confronted with the additional complications.

I don't think that philosophy applies to the presence of keyboard 
shortcuts next to the names of menu items. These subtle bits of 
additional information are a different species than talking paperclips. 
One is helpful but not intrusive. The other is condescending and 
intrusive when on by default.

In my experience 'neophytes' or non-expert users don't even notice that 
the shortcuts are there. I have people at work that supposedly work on 
computers every day that don't know the keyboard shortcuts for 
copy/paste. For some it seems the GUI is filled with lots of small 
details that they don't comprehend, so they just ignore those details 
and continue working to the highest level of efficiency that they are 

-Jason Simanek
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] [Fwd: GTK+ 2.20.0 released]

2010-03-24 Thread Jason Simanek

On 03/24/2010 03:21 PM, Karl Günter Wünsch wrote:
 On Wednesday 24 March 2010, Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:
 On 3/24/10, Karl Günter Wünsch wrote:
 This is ludicrous - how would anyone trying to use the keyboard learn the
 different mnemonics available?

 This is default behaviour on Windows.
 Which is the first thing I disable on any Windows installation I do and the
 users are happy about that.

The shortcuts should definitely be shown while using the mouse. Who came 
up with this idea? I know this isn't the GTK+ mailing list, but 
seriously, how is this an improvement? Were the drop down menus getting 
too wide with the included shortcuts? Were they interfering with 
legibility? Why are they trying to fix problems that don't exist?

What percentage of users navigate the menus via keyboard? To me 
beginners use the mouse to navigate the menus. Experts use keyboard 
shortcuts. People that are unable to use the mouse use the keyboard to 
navigate the menus until they learn the shortcuts. It is very awkward 
for me to learn the keyboard shortcuts if they aren't visible during 
mouse navigation. I never use the keyboard to navigate the menus.

Just my two cents.

-Jason Simanek
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] GIMP distributing sRGB profiles: license issues?

2010-03-10 Thread Jason Simanek

On 03/10/2010 02:37 AM, Sven Neumann wrote:
 Some file formats, such as PNG for example, allow to tag the file to be
 in a particular well-known color space. The color profile is not
 embedded then, it is assumed to be well-defined. Instead of distributing
 the profile with the image file, there is just a flag saying this data
 should be interpreted as sRGB.

Ah, so the color problems I am having with images created by Gimp are 
due to the PNG files being 'tagged' as sRGB. The color profile isn't 
embedded to the image, it's just specified and, since it's a well known 
color profile, any program that attempts to display the image will do so 
as though the PNG had an embedded sRGB profile. Thanks for pointing that 

To summarize:
Tagging is great because it specifies a color profile without increasing 
the image file size. Assuming that the destination system applies the 
correct profile.

Embedding is great because you have greater flexibility for an endless 
variety of custom color profiles.

The end result of the two is the same though: the image will be color 


As for gballard's recommendation for not including color profiles in web 
images: He's only saying that because his ultimate goal is color 
consistency across all platforms/browsers.

I, as a professional web designer, think he's right when it comes to 
page element images that are intended to match colors defined in HTML or 
CSS. Otherwise all of the Safari users that visit your site are going to 
doubt your design capabilities. For photographs I think it's fine to 
include color profiles. Browsers that don't color manage are going to 
show you the same limited gamut either way, but browsers that DO color 
manage will display an enhanced image with a wider gamut of colors. 
Progressive enhancement.

You do have to also keep in mind that profiled/tagged sRGB and 
un-profiled/un-tagged RGB images will display differently in color 
managed browsers/environments. The assumption that Gimp currently makes 
(for historical reasons, explained by Sven previously) about 'assigning 
sRGB color profile' being the same as 'having no color profile' is 

-Jason Simanek
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] GIMP distributing sRGB profiles: license issues?

2010-03-10 Thread Jason Simanek
On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 11:31 AM, Alexia Death wrote:
 Problem is not serving different content. Problem is making content
 that works for those, and ultimately for all browsers. So your
 suggestion misses the point. The point is need to create images that
 are not color managed or rather are managed as browser sees fit.

Right. I don't think client sniffing is very efficient and probably
more complicated than needed. The 'progressive enhancement' approach
is much more pragmatic and one that is employed with other web
development features like CSS and JavaScript.

There are times when you have to work with the lowest common
denominator (web page image elements that need to match HTML and CSS
colors) and others where progressive enhancement allows you to provide
additional features/functionality without negatively affecting
visitors that aren't using the latest browsers (photographs with color

-Jason Simanek
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Option to save images without embedded ICC profile

2010-03-04 Thread Jason Simanek

On 03/04/2010 02:14 AM, Sven Neumann wrote:
 The point of the current behavior is that you need to make an assumption
 if no profile is attached to an image. Otherwise you could not even
 display this image. Without a color profile or an assumption about the
 meaning of the RGB values it's just numbers.

It's really unfortunate that the one color space that Gimp actually uses 
is sRGB, which has a fairly limited gamut (as I understand it). Of 
course, since it's the default color space of computer displays, sRGB 
makes perfect historical sense. But if it were instead something like 
Adobe RGB, Gimp would probably be pretty respectable as long as it color 
managed the transition from whatever original color space an image was 
in to the native wide-gamut RGB. And the export would work the same. In 
that situation the wide-gamut RGB would most likely be able to preserve 
all/most existing color variations in any image.

Sven, thanks for explaining the reality of color management in Gimp. Is 
somebody on the team already working on this or in this direction? Is 
there anything a non-programmer can do to contribute to this color 
management problem? Or is it just a matter of waiting for the developers 
to move all of Gimp over to GEGL's way of doing things?

-Jason Simanek
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Option to save images without embedded ICC profile

2010-03-04 Thread Jason Simanek
On 03/04/2010 05:58 PM, Patrick Horgan wrote:
 On 03/03/10 11:19, Jason Simanek wrote:
 That's not true in my experience. Yes, sRGB should be as good as NOT
 having a profile since sRGB is the ASSUMED color space on most
 computersy. But Gimp still adds a color profile to the image: an sRGB
 color profile. This still causes all of the color mismatch problems on
 websites thoroughly described on the site mentioned

 Now I'm confused I thought gballard said the opposite.

Here's how it works:

1 Web Browsers That Don't Support Color Management
With these browsers images that do or don't include color profiles is 
irrelevant because they can't do anything with them anyway. The colors 
are just displayed as whatever RGB color space is available, most likely 
some form of unmanaged sRGB.

2 Safari (Browsers that ONLY color manage images with color profiles, 
not colors defined in HTML or CSS)
If a color profile is included with an image Safari uses color 
management to adjust the colors to the computer's display color space. 
If a color profile is not included it acts like #1. Also, as far as 
colors defined in HTML and CSS, it acts like #1.

3 Firefox 3.2+/3.5+ by default (Browsers that color manage images with 
color profiles. Images without color profiles are also managed assuming 
the sRGB color profile. PLUS: Colors defined in HTML and CSS are managed 
with assuming the sRGB color profile.

What this means for web designers/developers:

#1 isn't a problem unless you want color managed photos that look 
beautiful on your website. Otherwise, #1 is the way web browsers have 
generally worked until recently.

#2 is the wrong way to do color management on the web. It's a nice 
effort and photos certainly look beautiful, but this approach causes big 
problems for web designers that want to use images for page elements 
that are intended to exactly match and blend with colors on the web page 
that are defined in HTML or CSS. This approach forces web developers to 
NEVER include color profiles on images that are part of a website's 
design, otherwise the page elements won't match the colors defined in 
HTML/CSS. At least not in Safari. It'll look perfect everywhere else.

#3 is the right way to do color management. It makes color profiled 
photographs look as close to the creator's intentions as possible on any 
computer system that is color managed. But it also allows web designers 
to use color management to make their page element images look as good 
as intended while still matching the HTML/CSS colors that are also part 
of the web page.

Thanks to browser type #2 I can only use color profiles on images that 
are not intended to be a part of the web site's design. If I do include 
color profiles on those images, every time I bring up the site in Safari 
it will look like my page elements don't match the flat colors defined 
in my site's HTML/CSS.

So the color mismatch I'm concerned about really only happens in Safari, 
but mismatches like that are not acceptable.

Did that resolve your confusion? Or just add to it?

-Jason Simanek
Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Option to save images without embedded ICC profile

2010-03-03 Thread Jason Simanek

Apparently I was supposed to discuss any potential new features with the 
developer mailing list prior to filing a bug. Sven Neumann pointed this 
out to me. Thanks Sven.

For web designers it is essential to have the option to either include 
or exclude color profiles on images that are created with Gimp. It would 
be great to have a checkbox on the save/export dialog or the Save for 
Web plugin dialog that would allow you to exclude the color profile.

Sven suggested I just 'unset the color profile' on the image, but the 
option doesn't seem to exist. I'm running Gimp 2.6.7 on Ubuntu Karmic 
9.10. Under

File  Image  Mode 

I have the options 'Assign Color Profile' and 'Convert Color Profile'. 
Neither of these gives me the option to 'unset the color profile'. If 
the option isn't available next to these color profile options, what is 
the next logical place for that option to be located?

Adding it to the Save for Web plugin (why else would you NOT want a 
color profile included?) makes sense to me because that is the least 
destructive way to do such a thing. This is in line with your recent 
changes to 'Save' being non-destructive and 'Export' representing the 
act of saving images to 'destructive' formats/settings.

I think this is similar to the act of switching from RGB colorspace to 
indexed colors. Sure, you can do it on the document itself, but 
suggesting that that is the best approach is disregarding the real world 
workflow of producing images for the web.

On the other hand, is it possible that Ubuntu has mucked up something 
here? Scribus likes to point the finger at Ubuntu a lot. This option to 
'unset the color profile' might exist, but doesn't on Ubuntu for some 

I apologize if I'm missing something obvious, but I've looked all over 
and the online manual doesn't mention this and I can't even find a 
blogger talking about the subject. All of the literature just assumes 
that color management and including color profiles in images is always 
the desired route. It SHOULD be, but this isn't a perfect world and the 
web certainly has a long way to go before all browsers support color 
profiles consistently.

Your patience and guidance is much appreciated.


Jason Simanek
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Option to save images without embedded ICC profile

2010-03-03 Thread Jason Simanek
Hope my message didn't add too much of a stir. yahvuu's proposal does
indeed encompass the small feature that I was requesting as well as
other features that sound excellent.

On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 12:14 PM, Jay Smith wrote:
 Here is a great reference site exactly on this subject

 For people like me, I recommend reading it thoroughly AND following all
 his links.  It does go on a bit, but there are many pearls in it.  Too
 bad he does not seem to talk about Gimp, but the content is still great.

For the issues that I'm concerned with (I'm a professional web
designer/developer) skip to the part titled ANOTHER PROBLEM with
Embedding ICC Profiles: on the page linked to by Jay
Smith. That's problem I'm dealing with that forces me to open certain
Gimp-created images in Photoshop in order to strip out the color

Gballard doesn't mention that Firefox, when its color management is
enabled, actually does website color management correctly, since it
applies color profiles to both images and HMTL/CSS-defined colors. But
that really doesn't affect the discussion as it pertains to Gimp. And
besides, Firefox's color management is not enabled by default.

Sven says:
 You assign the sRGB profile.
 That is equivalent to un-setting the color profile.

That's not true in my experience. Yes, sRGB should be as good as NOT
having a profile since sRGB is the ASSUMED color space on most
computersy. But Gimp still adds a color profile to the image: an sRGB
color profile. This still causes all of the color mismatch problems on
websites thoroughly described on the site mentioned

-Jason Simanek
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Option to save images without embedded ICC profile

2010-03-03 Thread Jason Simanek
Below is a response I wrote, but accidentally only sent to Sven. -JS

On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 1:42 PM, Sven Neumann wrote:
 On Thu, 2010-03-04 at 06:22 +1100, Graeme Gill wrote:
 Sven Neumann wrote:
  You assign the sRGB profile. That is equivalent to un-setting the color

 If it actually does this, it's being highly un-intuitive. Assigning
 an sRGB profile would normally be expected to tag a file with sRGB,
 not at all the same thing as having no assigned profile.

 Untagged files are assumed to be sRGB [. . .] This is surely far from ideal, 
 but that's the
 current situation and it is not likely to change before everything is
 fully ported to GEGL.

I agree with Graeme. I will have to check if what you are saying is
true. I don't actually believe that I tried that because what you
described as the result of an action that is titled 'Assign Color
Profile' doesn't make any sense. That's pretty much lying to the user
and assuming the difference is irrelevant. Not to mention, if that
function was properly titled I wouldn't have started this

I understand that color management is complicated and probably not
worth completely implementing until Gimp fully employs GEGL, but I
think changing the menu so that

File  Image  Mode  Assign Color Profile  sRGB
ACTUALLY applies the selected sRGB color profile to the image

and something like
File  Image  Mode  Remove Color Profile
would discard any color profile associated with the image

would be a simple change that would be a huge improvement to Gimp's
user interface.

Thanks for pointing this behavior out.

-Jason Simanek
Gimp-developer mailing list