Re: [Gimp-developer] starting newbie, looking forward to contribute

2005-10-26 Thread Luis de Bethencourt
Thanks for the replies, really charming =). I got
myself to gtk developer manuals, the one written by havoc pannington
( and the one in the gtk webpage.
My interest in learning gtk is to apply it to gimp, understand how the
interface works and connects to the internal process and be able to
change it if necessary (like adding a new option to a plug-in for

 At the same time I'm going to be reading a classic
book I found in my college's library, computer graphics: principles
and practices by Foley and Van Dam. Old stuff but basics are always
applicable. I know I can find figure out the how things work looking
into the gimp code, but want to get the basics in my head meanwhile I
start. If anybody knows a better book out there for this purpose let me
know please. I saw one written by Sun but didn't seam so complete as
the other.



pd: not d33p anymore in the irc channel but luis (or similar since luis seams to be taken)

On 10/26/05, 
Jeremy White [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hah! Well, same story for me, actually. I've been just going through
the code over and over again, seeing something I didn't notice before,
taking an hour of research here and there. It's a slow process, but
when you get how some stuff works, it really wows you. The code is
surprisingly easy to read once you get the system down of how it's
made. One thing I decided to do was look at some of the way earlier
code for gimp when I didn't get how something ties in with the rest. I
still haven't really done much with the older gimp code yet, so I don't
know how much it really helps with understanding, but you could try
that as well. Then again, if all you want to learn is GTK, I can't help
you there as I've mostly just been studying the graphics tools in gimp
right now. I'm starting to get in to that, though. Tell me if you find
any really good stuff for helping to understand and debug gimp more. I
for one have a hard time asking the right questions on the irc list
because I'm starting out so far behind.

Stick to it... it doesn't look impossible for me, so I'm sure you'll do fine.

Oh, and your english is fine. ;-)

On 10/25/05, Leon Brooks [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Wednesday 26 October 2005 05:36, Luis de Bethencourt wrote: Obviously any advice and help will be welcomed.I don't have much advice for you up front, but I do have a welcome.Thanks for committing to chip in and make this corner of the world a
better place! pd: sorry for my horrible english, english is my second language after spanishHah! If you think you've got problems with English, try my Spanish oneday. (-:Cheers; Leon
-- Modern tools; traditional dedication Member, Perth Linux User Group, Linux Professionals WA
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Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] starting newbie, looking forward to contribute

2005-10-26 Thread Luis de Bethencourt
Thanks for your reply Sven. I just made a reservation to pick up
tomorrow in the library the gonzalez and woods book Digital Image
Processing, looks really good. I will start slowly and fixing little
bugs, probably ones with the gnome-love tag, but my interest is image
processing. I'll just need some patience =)

On 10/26/05, Sven Neumann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi,Luis de Bethencourt [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:I got myself to gtk developer manuals, the one written by havocpannington ( and the one inthe gtk webpage.The book you are referring to deals with the GTK+ 1.2 API which is not100% compatible to GTK+ 2.x. I would not recommend it any longer. The
online GTK+ tutorial is reasonably well maintained though and shouldget you further. But the best way to learn GTK+ is to read code.At the same time I'm going to be reading a classic book I
found in my college's library, computer graphics: principles andpractices by Foley and Van Dam. Old stuff but basics are alwaysapplicable.Foley, van Dam, ... is a very good book that I can recommend. Large
parts of it don't have much relevance for GIMP though.looking into the gimp code, but want to get the basics in my headmeanwhile I start. If anybody knows a better book out there forthis purpose let me know please.
It really depends on what you are interested in. There are some goodbooks on image manipulation algorithms such as the one from Gonzalezand Woods. But you can spend years hacking on GIMP w/o having any clue
on image manipulation algorithms.Sven

[Gimp-developer] starting newbie, looking forward to contribute

2005-10-25 Thread Luis de Bethencourt
Hello all,
 My name is Luis de Bethencourt GuimerĂ¡ (d33p in the
irc channel). A few days ago I decided I'm really interested in being
part of the gimp project. I've been doing some research and decided to
start with a a bug with the gnome-love tag I finded in bugzilla, it's
the bug #312800 ( So
once getting my hands into the sel_gaus plug-in, I saw I have a long
path ahead. First I will have to learn some gtk, just to handle the
interface coding before getting to the fun image processing part and
start understanding the internals of gimp.
 I write this to introduce myself and comment my will of
fixing the bug. Obviously any advice and help will be welcomed.

pd: sorry for my horrible english, english is my second language after spanish