re: [Gimp-developer] 1.3.10 failing to use system fonts.

2002-12-12 Thread Matthew Lewis

After some research, I've discovered some things 
about fonts, gimp, and linux. (Some of this may be old news to many of you, but 
it was new to me because I'm not a font expert.) On RH8.0 (and probably other 
dist's as well) there are 3 font handlers. The first is the traditional X font 
server "xfs" or "xfstt" on some systems. The other two font handlers are Xft and 
the new Xft2. Xfs gets it's configuration from the familiar /etc/X11/XF86Config 
file and from /etc/X11/fs/config. Nothing new here. The Xft font handler uses 
/etc/X11/XftConfig for it's config (it may also be in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11 as 
well). But the newest version of Xft called Xft2 uses a pair of new config files 
which live in /etc/fonts called "fonts.conf" and "fonts.dtd".

It seems that Gnome now uses Xft2 for it's fonts 
because when I added the directories to the new config file, then ran "fc-cache" 
in the font directory, the new fonts suddenly became available to Gnome 
applications with the exception ofGimp. I also added the new font 
directories to the older XftConfig file so that they would be available to any 
app using Xft. Gimp now sees the fonts, but only about a third of them look 
right. The other two-thirds seem to be usinga default font in place of the 
actual selected font. So for example, if I chose one of the microsoft fonts, I 
get the default "sans" font instead.

This situtation kinda sucks because I have a lot of 
nice looking fonts which are useless under 1.3.10, but work perfectly under 
1.2.3. I'm not sure why the font hadlers have become so fragmented under 
X/Gnome/Gimp, but it would be nice if there was some way to regain the use of 
the font libraries which worked under earlier versions of 

Re: [Gimp-developer] 1.3.10 failing to use system fonts.

2002-12-09 Thread Matthew Lewis

Hmmm. That's exactly what I did, but it didn't work. I also did a
system-wide search to make sure there wasn't another XftConfig file that it
may be using instead of the one in /etc/X11. No other copies were found
except for a symbolic link in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11.

All the fonts I'm trying to add are TrueType and as far as I know are all
scalable. Is there a way to find out for sure which fonts are scalable and
which are not? All of the fonts appear in the fonts.scale file which I think
means they are scalable.

(btw: restarting xfs was an act of desperation.)


 Matthew Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  The man page wasn't much help. I added the relevent directories to the
  XftConfig file and restarted xfs just in case, but Gimp is still
refusing to
  use anything other than the default fonts. Could someone post a copy of
  their XftConfig file as an example of how to add font libraries to Gimp?

 I will say it again: GIMP-1.3 does _not_ make use of X11 to render
 fonts. It thus doesn't make any sense to restart xfs since the font
 server is not involved at all.

 Adding the font directories to /etc/X11/XftConfig should do the
 trick. Here's an example line:

  dir /usr/local/share/fonts/TrueType

 Please note that you need scalable fonts, not necessarily TrueType,
 but scalable.

 Salut, Sven

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