[Gimp-developer] Is dock windows transient to image display option removed ?

2007-08-17 Thread damianzalewski
Will this option be removed and not introduced in 2.4 ?

I'm talking about windows version of Gimp.

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] 4 annoying things in Gimp

2007-08-04 Thread damianzalewski

1. When designing complicated project for example cd cover I often
have to chain and unchain layers.

Would be nice if gimp would have option - unchain all.

2. I can't make gradients bigger the current image area.
Couldn't it work like other tools.

3. Every time I want to move layer using move tool I have to
click on this layer first to be able to use arrows keys on keyboard

4. I have to click on the top of image window to go to
fulscreen mode (pressing TAB)

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] completely new layout of gimp site

2007-08-03 Thread damianzalewski
Witam Esteban,

Friday, August 3, 2007, 2:17:11 AM, napisałe/aś:

EB 2007/8/2, damianzalewski [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


 I want you to show completely new layout of gimp.org instead of this
 one at next.gimp.org

 This is just a prototape.

 Here's a link

 It is over 600kb png file so be patient

EB I like it, it's better than the current one. But I suggest some changes:
EB 1) there's too much wasted space on the top. this is the place that users
EB see first, and currently it's a green bg. The dark menu should be on top.
EB 2) the text should be text, not images. This font looks nice, but it seems
EB not common. I haven't read the html, but it shouldn't be implemented as
EB images just to use that font. This allows for users to change size and even
EB the font (from useit).
EB 3) there's 2 menus that look similar. it's better to have just one or make
EB two menus with clearly different purposes.
EB 4) -minor- there's 3 green bgs. Why not use an image bg and a solid color
EB bg?
EB 5) -minor- the dark menu could be horizontal (placed on top of the website).
EB also there's no need to label it menu. the blueish color may be used as a
EB hover effect.
EB 6) there's no graphics, at minimum place a logo that links to the
EB /index.html (from useit, in /index.html it shouldn't be a link) and
EB -optional- some screenshots.

1.Yes, the top is too big but I can be easily reduced by almost a half.

2. But it looks nice however it be changed with more common font

3. As a matter of fact submenu is optional too.

4,5,6 This is just prototype

 damianzalewskiMój mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Time to stick a fork into the GIMP again?

2007-08-03 Thread damianzalewski
Witam damianzalewski,

Friday, August 3, 2007, 11:56:39 AM, napisałe/aś:

icc Well, I am afraid of the GIMP's future. It seems that the restrict users 
and remove functionality mindset is prevalent among the current GIMP men of 
influence. The often harmful HIG rules the
icc day. The useful after-delay for taking screenshot is removed. This is not 
only just pain in the ass for the power-users, but it sends a message to anyone 
who would like to hack on the GIMP and
icc bring new, useful, but not simple, features. But this is only the 
beginning. GUI nazis has been hired to work on the GIMP. I have read their blog 
and their messages. In horror. They are talking
icc about removing features which are critical to any serious pixel pushing 
aplication - layer modes. And more. The GIMP is on the slippery slope of the 
way to become crippleware.

icc Well, if that is the case, we need a new application. Power-user 
friendly, not caring about grand-mas and their fear of advanced features. We 
need an application with interface which is to
icc newbies as much confusing and incomprehensible as the Blender's interface 
is. But such an interface brings features - and for a power-user willing to 
learn it is much more usable than the
icc interface crippled down to appeal to newbies.

icc But there is no point in developing such an application from sratch if we 
have the GIMP, under GPL, which already went at least half the way to become 
the great pixel pushing application. Lets
icc fork it. But I want to discuss it first with the developers here, anybody 
interested to go that way?

icc Mist

d I'm afraid that gimp project is too big to easily redesign it. You
d probably overestimate your capabilities or underestimate others. I've
d seen a lot of projects started with passion and ended because
d of lack of programmers or motivation.  Cinepaint seems to stuck and look what
d happened to Gimpshop too.

d However there are some positive changes in gimp
d for example color management, one-window option on windows,
d new selection tool and others.

d In my personal opinion gui should be redesigned to MDI
d Why ? As a Windows user I'm tired of problems with vanishing
d windows (one-window option) not to mention that work without
d one-window option
d makes Gimp unusable on windows platform. I have tried Gimp 2.0 and
d uninstalled it, then 2.2 and the same, 2.4 is the first usable version
d of Gimp on Windows.

d ___
d Gimp-developer mailing list
d Gimp-developer@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU
d https://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gimp-developer

I mean gui should be redesigned to SDI of course.

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Time to stick a fork into the GIMP again?

2007-08-03 Thread damianzalewski
icc Well, I am afraid of the GIMP's future. It seems that the restrict users 
and remove functionality mindset is prevalent among the current GIMP men of 
influence. The often harmful HIG rules the
icc day. The useful after-delay for taking screenshot is removed. This is not 
only just pain in the ass for the power-users, but it sends a message to anyone 
who would like to hack on the GIMP and
icc bring new, useful, but not simple, features. But this is only the 
beginning. GUI nazis has been hired to work on the GIMP. I have read their blog 
and their messages. In horror. They are talking
icc about removing features which are critical to any serious pixel pushing 
aplication - layer modes. And more. The GIMP is on the slippery slope of the 
way to become crippleware.

icc Well, if that is the case, we need a new application. Power-user friendly, 
not caring about grand-mas and their fear of advanced features. We need an 
application with interface which is to
icc newbies as much confusing and incomprehensible as the Blender's interface 
is. But such an interface brings features - and for a power-user willing to 
learn it is much more usable than the
icc interface crippled down to appeal to newbies.

icc But there is no point in developing such an application from sratch if we 
have the GIMP, under GPL, which already went at least half the way to become 
the great pixel pushing application. Lets
icc fork it. But I want to discuss it first with the developers here, anybody 
interested to go that way?

icc Mist

I'm afraid that gimp project is too big to easily redesign it. You
probably overestimate your capabilities or underestimate others. I've
seen a lot of projects started with passion and ended because
of lack of programmers or motivation.  Cinepaint seems to stuck and look what
happened to Gimpshop too.

However there are some positive changes in gimp
for example color management, one-window option on windows,
new selection tool and others.

In my personal opinion gui should be redesigned to MDI
Why ? As a Windows user I'm tired of problems with vanishing
windows (one-window option) not to mention that work without
one-window option
makes Gimp unusable on windows platform. I have tried Gimp 2.0 and
uninstalled it, then 2.2 and the same, 2.4 is the first usable version
of Gimp on Windows.

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] completely new layout of gimp site

2007-08-02 Thread damianzalewski

I want you to show completely new layout of gimp.org instead of this
one at next.gimp.org

This is just a prototape.

Here's a link

It is over 600kb png file so be patient

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Webdesign is wrong

2007-06-25 Thread damianzalewski
gcn I agree that the tools should aimed towards top end users not splicing.
gcn Gimp's declared aim is to provide tools for creating elements for web  
gcn design not page layout.

Does it really mean I have to use separate program to make few cuts.

And how can I make web page without slicing ?

 damianzalewskiMój mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Gimp save for web

2007-05-29 Thread damianzalewski

AJ Hi,

AJ Save for web plug-in is getting closer to usable state (version 0.18.0
AJ so far). (For those, who got 0.15 version please update to recent, as
AJ it had saving bug.)

AJ The plug-in now has most of the stuff that has been suggested as
AJ improvement on this mailing list. Most important is that previews
AJ update much faster and it is much more comfortable to experiment (but
AJ I am not sure if this wouldn't cause problems on slow PCs)

AJ BTW, It could be good time to discuss how far it is from vision of
AJ GIMP user top request number seven.
AJ ___
AJ Gimp-developer mailing list
AJ Gimp-developer@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU
AJ https://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gimp-developer

Integrating slice plugin with save for web would simplify a lot of
webdesigner work.
Anyway it is long expected feature and it looks like Gimp moves forward.

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Webdesign is wrong

2007-05-25 Thread damianzalewski
 What gimp is not:

not a web page mock-up application
I brought up web mock-ups, but we realised that seriously supporting this would 
mean introducing a ton of functionality;
it is better done in a specialised application

   I really don't understand what tons of functionality you mean.
   The most bothering shortcoming for webdesign workflow is slice tool
   and save for web (integrated into one app).

   Maybe your research methods are wrong.

   Webdesigners DO NOT design elements of page separately.
   Webdesigners DO NOT slice page and then open sliced files to save
   them for web. It would be great waste of time.

   As a matter of fact approach 'not a web page mock-up application'
   means that gimp is useless for any modern form of

   PS I didn't intend to offend anyone.

Gimp-developer mailing list