So, How in the heck have you been?

2000-09-20 Thread nile333

So, How in the heck have you been?

Do you remember holding previous conversations regarding business and
money making opportunities? I did not send this to you in error!

You Said:

If only I could find an easier way to make a higher income!


If I had more money, I could spend more time with my Family, and less
time at work and I sure could use more money so I could pay off my
bills once and for all!


I would love to get involved in a business in which will generate money
while I am not at work (like a Gas Pump)!

Dear Friend,

There is a possibility that we haven’t met, but you were chosen by
someone to receive this E-Mail. Please, please, print this off and
read thoroughly. Be sure that you don’t miss any of the points
outlined.  Then put it down, and then read it again. I am sending
you a whole lot of information in which you might not understand
the first time you read it. If you don’t believe this  program
will work for you, send it to 10-20 of your closest friends
(in which you trust deeply),  and ask them what they think?
This really works! Have faith, don’t miss this opportunity,
get involved also, and it will work for you as it does for us

Due to the popularity of this letter on the Internet, A Major Nightly
News Program recently dedicated an entire show to the investigation of
program described below to see if it really can make people money.
The show also investigated whether or not the program was legal. Their
findings proved that there are absolutely no laws prohibiting the
participation in the program. This has helped to show people that this
is a simple, harmless and fun way to make extra money at home. The
results have been truly remarkable. So many people are participating
that those involved are doing much better than ever before. Since
everyone makes more as more people try it out, its been very exciting.

You will understand only if you get involved!
 Print This Now For Future Reference 

If you would like to make AT LEAST $50,000 in less than 90 days! If not,

forward this to someone who would like to make this kind of money.
It works (like designed) but only for those who follow it to the letter!

Please read this program THEN READ IT AGAIN!!

require you to come into contact with people or make or take any
calls. Just follow the instructions, and you will make money. This
simplified e-mail marketing program works perfectly 100% EVERY TIME!

E-mail is the sales tool of the future. Take advantage of this virtually

free method of advertising NOW!!! The longer you wait, the more people
be doing business using e-mail. Get your piece of this action!!!

Hello, My name is Johnathon Rourke, I’m from Rhode Island.  The enclosed

information is something I almost let slip through my fingers.
Fortunately, sometime later I re-read everything and gave some thought
and study to it. Two years ago, the corporation I worked for the past
twelve yearsdown-sized and my position was eliminated. After
job interviews, I decided to open my own business. Over the past year,I
incurred many unforeseen financial problems. I owed my family, friends
creditors over$35,000. The economy was taking a toll on my business and
just could not seem to make ends meet. I had to refinance and borrow
my home to support my family and struggling business.

AT THAT MOMENT something significant happened in my life. I am writing
to share the experience I hopes that this could change your life

In mid December, I received this program in my e-mail. Six months prior
receiving this program I had been sending away for information on
business opportunities. All of the programs I received, in my
not cost effective. They were either toodifficult for me to comprehend
the initial investment was too muchfor me to risk to see if they would
But as I was saying, in December of 1997 I received this program.I
send for it, or ask for it, they just got my name off a mailing list.


After reading it several times, to make sure I was reading it correctly.
couldn’t believe my eyes! Here was a MONEY MAKING MACHINE I could start
immediately without any debt. Like most of you I was still a little
skeptical and a little worried about the legalaspects of it all. So I
checked it out with the U.S. Post Office (1-800-725-2161 24-hrs)  and
confirmed that it is indeed legal ! After determining the program was
I decided WHY NOT!?!??

Initially I sent out 10,000 e-mails. It cost me about $15 for my time
on-line. The great thing about e-mail is that I don’t need any paper for

printing to send out the program, and because I also send the product
(reports) by 

Re: help, please

2000-09-20 Thread Avi Bercovich

On Wed, 20 Sep 2000, Elena Piquer wrote:

 Hi, I'm a new user of gimp program. I used to work with other
 applications of desing like photoshop, but I found in the net the
 posibility to use gimp. I would like to know if is dificult learn all
 the options of the program, and how much time i need for control as a
 profesional this aplication. Please answer me, and tell me if you are
 satisfaced with gimp. elen.

I've just taken a job as a 'new media designer' at an established design
company where Macs hold sway - all the way. I;m the only guy that uses
Unix (GNU/Linux) on the desktop and I use GIMP as my main app. So yes, you
can use GIMP as your main app in a RealWorld(tm) 'there's money on the
line here' environment.

The GIMP as an application has all of the functionality you need to do
work for with bitmapped images for screen/on-line presentation. and does a
presentable job in other fields too. It is still weak for heavy duty
Pre-Press. I refer you to the usenet archives for the whole scoop on that
issue. However, GIMPs scriptability is _way_ beyond anything else out
there I;ve used. But I really do think that there are some interface
issues that need to be adressed at some point. Probably in the 2.0
development cycles. Mainly the operations for grouping/tagging and
selecting layers need an update. Also the selection/marquee tools need a
look. But GIMP 1.2.xx is in feature freeze now, so I'll keep my fingers
crossed for 2.xx. As it is I'm really thankful to the GIMP developers
that I can do what I;m doing now on GNU/Linux because of GIMP and not have
to use MS Windows or MacOS... Big Respect!!

But I've had to invest a bit of time to get the unix environment fully
integrated into the workflow here. Mainly read/writing psd and reading
apple fileshares and other stuff like java clients for scheduling and
projectmanagement, or vmware to run those pesky ms-windows clients...

If you're not comfortable in getting the nitty gritty unix file sharing
stuff or GIMP patching for psd write-capability sorted, ON YOUR OWN (since
no resident Mac-head will be able to help you with much) then I wouldn;t
even try to use GIMP as your main app.

It's not the GIMP - but your environment  workflow that's the problem.

just my 0.02.


ANNOUNCE: gimp-print 4.0b1

2000-09-20 Thread Robert L Krawitz

This is the first beta of gimp-print 4.0.  This is a major release,
and has many important changes over all previous versions.  In
particular, the format of the printrc file has changed incompatibly
with all earlier versions of the print plug-in.  The new plugin can
read old printrc files but not vice versa.  There are also major
changes with the Ghostscript driver, a new CUPS driver, and full
support for Grant Taylor's Foomatic printer configuration system.

Please test this rigorously, and report all problems, major and minor,

I expect that there will be one more beta before the final 4.0
release.  However, I do not currently anticipate any further
incompatible changes between now and final release.  There are no
guarantees, of course.

Here is a summary of changes:

1) For Gimp plug-in users: the format of the printrc file has changed
   in a way that is incompatible with older versions of the plugin.
   This version of the software can read old printrc files, but older
   versions of the plugin cannot read the new format.

   The new format uses a keyword-based approach that is far superior
   to the old format, and will be much more amenable to future changes
   that may become necessary.

2) Support for the HP Deskjet 800 series has been changed
   incompatibly.  The "pcl-800" driver (HP Deskjet 800 series) no
   longer exists, since the 800 series printers fall into two distinct
   groups, the older 850/855/870/890 printers which supported 4-level
   dithering (HP calls this C-RET) at 300x300 DPI, and the newer
   810/812/840/842/895 printers which do not support C-RET at 300x300
   DPI (these are the same as the Deskjet 600 series).

   If you are using the gimp plugin, re-select your 800 series printer
   from the combo box and re-save the settings.

   If you are using the Ghostscript driver, choose from one of the
   pcl-8xx values detailed in Ghost/README.

   If you have an 800 series printer that is not on the list, please
   try both the old C-RET driver (choose model 890) and the non C-RET
   driver (choose model 895) and see which one works at 300x300 dpi.
   Also, please let us know; the address is in the README file.

3) The HP Deskjet 1220C has been grouped with the 900 series.

4) The HP PhotoSmart P1000 and P1100 have been added, they are like
   the HP 900 series.

5) Online documentation for the print plugin finally exists.

6) Support for CUPS, through a choice of a native CUPS driver or

7) Support for the Foomatic printer configuration system, greatly
   simplifying configuration and use with lpd, CUPS, and PDQ.

8) The preview window in the plugin now shows a low-resolution
   representation of the actual image.  The color adjustment window
   shows an thumbnail that reflects the effect that color adjustments
   have on the output.

9) The old GTK-based interface is now disabled by default when used
   with the Gimp 1.1.  It can be enabled by running configure with

10) The plugin now detects the spooling system at runtime, so it need
   not be compiled specifically for use with Berkeley lpd, System V
   lp, CUPS, or LPRng.

11) Substantial quality improvement for many Epson Stylus printers in
   in 1440x720 DPI modes.  The price is that printing takes much
   longer.  If you need high quality with better performance, use
   720x720 DPI Highest Quality.

   The specific printers that are affected are the Epson Stylus Color
   600, 800, 850, 900, 1520, and 3000, and the Epson Stylus Photo 700
   and EX.  The effect in all cases will be smoother output that is
   particularly visible in pale tones.

12) The Fast dither algorithm has been slightly tweaked, and a Very
   Fast dither algorithm has been added.

13) Most menus have been converted to combo boxes.

14) The printrc code has been fixed to set reasonable defaults if an
   old printrc file with now-invalid parameter settings is read.

15) It is now possible to print in seascape and upside down portrait

16) The support for the Stylus Photo 2000P has been fixed and should
   now be correct.

17) Printer names may now be up to 127 characters.

18) Additional performance improvements over earlier versions of this

19) A number of miscellaneous bugs have been fixed.


1) The higher resolutions of the HP Deskjet 900/1220C and the HP
   PhotoSmart P1000/P1100 have been disabled as they do not work.
   Investigation into these modes (Photo-Ret III) is continuing.

Robert Krawitz [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Tall Clubs International  -- or 1-888-IM-TALL-2
Member of the League for Programming Freedom -- mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Project lead for The Gimp Print --

"Linux doesn't dictate how I work, I dictate how Linux works."
--Eric Crampton