Fwd: gimp swapfiles

2000-09-13 Thread Fethi BELGHAOUTI


on Monday, 11 Sep 2000 11:46:11 i have asked you about
my problem of GimpSwapFile, this is my mail:

> hi everybody!
> i'm using gimp in network and in --no-interface and
> --batchmode !
> i never exit gimp, and it generate me too many
> swapfiles !
> how can i do to purge ths files without exiting Gimp
> ?
> thank you !
> Fethi, Simply.

can i have answer for my question please ?

cordially Fethi.

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gimp swapfiles

2000-09-11 Thread Fethi BELGHAOUTI

hi everybody!
i'm using gimp in network and in --no-interface and
--batchmode !
i never exit gimp, and it generate me too many
swapfiles !
how can i do to purge ths files without exiting Gimp ?
thank you !
Fethi, Simply.

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help me please

2000-08-18 Thread Fethi BELGHAOUTI

hello everyone !

i have asc this question several times but nobody had
answer me !!!

i'm blocker because i couldn't save an animated gif
with perl-Gimp!!!

for example, how can i save the generated image by
script-fu-waves-anim wich is constitued of many

what is meaning of frame ?
how can i handel them ?

thank you verry well !

Fethi, simply.

PS: excuse for my english.

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2000-08-07 Thread Fethi BELGHAOUTI

hi to all !

can you tell how can i savec an animated Gif whith a
script in Perl-fu ?

thank you!


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2000-08-07 Thread Fethi BELGHAOUTI

hi to all !
can you tell mes where can i found the list of all the
recensement filters of Gimp ?

thank you.


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logos in gimp-perl !!!

2000-08-02 Thread Fethi BELGHAOUTI

hi to all,
can you tell me what the differance with
perl_fu_logulator_***_logo and script_fu_***_logo ans
how can i use them in Gimp-Perl?
because there is no out for this scripts.
Thank you!
Fethi, simply.

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Patterns ans brush

2000-08-01 Thread Fethi BELGHAOUTI

hi to all,

can you tell me why, when i use Brushes or Patterns i
receive an error from my script like:

 gimp_patterns_get_pattern: procedural database
execution failed at /home/httpd/cgi-bin/my_file_cgi
line 54 (DIE) 

thank you.

simply Fethi.

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animated GIF

2000-08-01 Thread Fethi BELGHAOUTI

hi to all,

can you tell me how can i save an animated gif wich i
generate with Perl-Gimp script!

Tnak you.

Symply Fethi.

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gimp brushses ans patterns ???

2000-07-26 Thread Fethi BELGHAOUTI

hello everyone,

can you tell me why when i lunsh a script wich handle
brushs or patterns it returns an error !!!

gimp_patterns_set_pattern(...) ???  or
gimp_brushes_get_brush(...) ???

and i'm sure that all the brushes ans patterns are
present !!!

thank you verry well !

Fethi simply.

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patterns and brushes !!!

2000-07-19 Thread Fethi BELGHAOUTI

hi to all,
i'm using gimp with Xvfb (no-interface mode) and some
function doesn't work correctly !!!
can you tell me why ?

i think, for two probabiltyes :

1- i haven't patterns and brushes whith my Gimp, if
this is the raight cause can you tell me how can i
verify if all the brushes and patterns are recognised
by my Gimp ?

2- Gimp don't recongnised some of his functions, so
if is this the real cause, tell me please how to know
if my functions existe or not? like:
gimp_patterns_get_pattern ()
or gimp_gradients_set_active () wich generate errors
when executing my script.

Thank you !
Fethi simply.

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2000-07-17 Thread Fethi BELGHAOUTI

hi to all,
how can i do to know of which package depond my
procedure (or all of the PDB) ?

i ask this question, because when i execute some
script in two differents PCs i have some errors in one
of this PCs. And i think that's because there is not
the same PDB !
am i right ?

thank you.
Fethi, simply.

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exemple of the PDB

2000-07-17 Thread Fethi BELGHAOUTI

hi to all,
can you tell me where can i find, exemple of the most
procedures of Perl-Gimp ?

Thank's to all.
Fethin simply.

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need manus

2000-07-07 Thread Fethi BELGHAOUTI

hi to all,
smoe of many manus aren't in my Gimp.
Like file->saves as->GIF89a or Gif format.
or ->scrpt-fu->animator->fire
or many other! how can i do to add all the manu's Gimp
thank you !

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2000-07-07 Thread Fethi BELGHAOUTI

hi to all,
how can i save a GIF animation ?
the file_gif_save(...) don't generat an animate photo,
but just one fixe phto like JPG.
thak you!
Fethi, symply.

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gimp swap file

2000-07-06 Thread Fethi BELGHAOUTI

Hi averybody,
can you tell me what the meaning of the folowing

/usr/bin/gimp: unable to open swap file...BAD THINGS

thak you ?

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2000-07-03 Thread Fethi BELGHAOUTI

Hi all,
when i lunch my script perl, which contan the function
script_fu_old_photo(...), i have the folowing error :

my_file: function/macro "script_fu_old_photo" not
found in Gimp at ./my_file line 8 (DIE).

how can i use this function ?
thank you.

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Gimp, PDL en fonts

2000-06-26 Thread Fethi BELGHAOUTI

hi every one,
can you tell me why when i use some Procedure
(function) or some fonts, the execution of my script
die ?
it is because some package or fonts not installed ? if
it is wich are ?

thank you verry well.

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Gimp en mode console

2000-06-16 Thread Fethi BELGHAOUTI

quelcun pourrait il me dire ce que veux dire l'erreure
Glib-CRITICAL **: file ghash.c: line 138
(g_hash_table_lookup): assertion 'hash_table !=NULL'
*** ERROR ***: could not find handler for message :5
abording ...

ceci en essayant de lancer Gimp en mode --no-interface

Merci d'avance.

is ther any one ti say me what meaningof the followinf
Glib-CRITICAL **: file ghash.c: line 138
(g_hash_table_lookup): assertion 'hash_table !=NULL'
*** ERROR ***: could not find handler for message :5
abording ...

this is an error generate after traing to lunch Gimp
en --no-interface mode.

thank you.

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2000-06-16 Thread Fethi BELGHAOUTI

quelcun pourrat il me dire comment faire pour lancer
un script-fu en mode console, sans avoir a lancer ni
le serveur X ni Gimp lui meme? sachant que beaucoup de
scripts sont à lancer en meme temps.

is there any one to say me how to make to launch a
script-fu in text-mode, without having to launch
neither the server X or Gimp? knowing that many
scripts are to be launched in same time.
Thank you. 

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