Re: [Gimp-developer] How to compile a vala GIMP plugin on Windows pc?

2021-01-04 Thread Bill Ross via gimp-developer-list

Curses, foiled again! :-)

Glad it's gotten easier, I keep thinking MS might go with the nix in the 
end, once someone looks at the amount of internal effort it takes given 
the nix are so mature, respected, and supported.


On 1/3/21 11:43 PM, Liam R E Quin wrote:

On Sun, 2021-01-03 at 22:35 -0800, Pen Guin via gimp-developer-list

Thanks everyone, for your valuable input.


* I have installed msys2 on my windows 8 pc.

haha thank you for proving us wrong! ;:-) that's awesome. (and i'm not
being sarcastic)

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Re: [Gimp-developer] [Gimp-user] How to compile a vala GIMP plugin on Windows pc?

2021-01-03 Thread Bill Ross via gimp-developer-list
To be clear, I don't speak for gimp, haven't worked on it even, but did look 
into Windows programming for a possible job during a dry spell, and I'd rather 
code in COBOL with vi. So, sorry the intent was wasted. 
 Original message From: Christopher Curtis via 
gimp-developer-list  Date: 1/3/21  6:48 PM  
(GMT-08:00) To: gimp-developer  Subject: Re: 
[Gimp-developer] [Gimp-user] How to compile a vala GIMP plugin
  on Windows pc? These are incredibly unhelpful responses.It is fine to 
evangelize if you are also providing useful information, butone cannot 
simultaneously bemoan the lack of developers for a particularplatform and also 
chastise those developing on that platform.To the original questioner, I would 
suggest following Jernej's advice. I,unfortunately, don't regularly use Windows 
or Vala, but there are claims ofVala support in 2.99.4 so someone must have had 
some success. I do have aWindows 10 machine that I installed Debian on using 
WSL2 (I may have eveninstalled it from the Microsoft Store) - that may be an 
easier solutionthan installing MSys2, but I cannot say authoritatively. If 
nothing else,it may be a better first step to ensure you can build the plugin 
onGIMP's primary development environment, then try it with MSys2.If you can 
document your Windows Vala Plugin build process in the Wiki thatwould be even 
better. This may be useful to get 
started:, GIMP would 
provide a Windows SDK that plugins could be builtagainst, but I don't know if 
anyone has considered that. It's quitepossible that with GObject introspection 
simply installing the GIMPexecutable provides that function and you only need a 
Vala compiler tocompile the Vala code (I don't know how linking works in that 
case, but itsounds nice).ChrisOn Sun, Jan 3, 2021 at 5:52 PM Bill Ross via 
gimp-developer-list  wrote:> If you can find any 
online docs on Windows programming, that should> finish convincing you.>> 
Bill>> On 1/3/21 12:36 PM, Ruben Safir wrote:> > Save yourself a life time of 
trouble and switch ovr the a GNU system now> -->> 
___> gimp-developer-list mailing 
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Re: [Gimp-developer] [Gimp-user] How to compile a vala GIMP plugin on Windows pc?

2021-01-03 Thread Bill Ross via gimp-developer-list
If you can find any online docs on Windows programming, that should 
finish convincing you.


On 1/3/21 12:36 PM, Ruben Safir wrote:

Save yourself a life time of trouble and switch ovr the a GNU system now

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Re: [Gimp-developer] deriving transform by comparing image before/after edit

2021-01-01 Thread Bill Ross via gimp-developer-list

Hi Adlbert,

That might add all kinds of great functionality to gimp, enabling it 
could be optional, although wouldn't handle the old edits I want to 
train nets on so I can just stop editing 'now'. :-)

In planning it, I'd think of what core functions are required for basic 
touchup, so a network could be trained to make optimal use of them once 
they could be worked out mathematically from all one's old edits 
(worst-case, autoadjust 20? numerical sliders til you get the least net 
'distance' from the edited pic, likely faster with some optimization 
library, then accept or reject each best-effort by visual inspection 
before it is used for training). It'd be like having your own custom 
version of equalization but I expect it'd be good and final about 80-90% 
of the time for people who spend less than a few minutes editing each 
photo. I wonder if a joint effort with ImageMagick or other groups might 
be worthwhile, given the possibility for shell-scripting as well as 
within workbenches.

I'm being gradually educated / figuring out how NNs might be applied in 
further discussion here:


On 12/29/20 4:46 PM, Adalbert Hanßen via gimp-developer-list wrote:

Hello Bill,

your problem could be solved much easier and doing that would open great
new things to Gimp:

Let us for short think of all of Gimp's functions (I just cal them
functi, but their names of coursee would be unique within Gimp), which
are accessible from any menu function, being split into a parameterizing
function parametrize_functi and an actual operating one operate_functi, i.e.

* parametrize_functi just asks for all parameters (if there are any) but
does not process them

* imagine thatparametrize_functi createsa log entry "functi, pi1, ,
pin"with all necessary parameters which it has obtained when the ok
button is pressed (if there is one),

* those log entries would be recorded.

* when the ok button is pressed,operate_functi functions would be called
through one central placewith those recorded parameters. Thefuncti
areidentified by the firstentry in each recorded parameter set.

Then it would become very easy to automatically re-run such recorded
steps . Your question “How exactly did I achieve this result?” would
become superfluous.

Would that not be great?

In Gimp, all theses log entries should be recorded strictly inthe
sequence in which they are done. Of course, the number of the tab to
which they go (and the plane in it and son on) also have to be recorded.
When the clipboard is used, that has to be recorded too and if the
clipboard-content doesnot originate from this particular Gimp session, a
copy of it has to be stored to make everything reconstructible. (IfGimp
does not get notified when the system clipboard is changed outside of
Gimp, Gimp has to maintain ashadow copy of a clipboard with an image and
it has to compare the current system clipboard containing an image to
its own shadow copy, in order to storea reconstruction copy of the
system clipboard image, if any operation happens, where the system
clipboard from outside of Gimpis actually used in Gimp).

With such log-keeping, even all “destructive” functions could be undone
in Gimp without much storage requirements: In the worst case, the
sequence of processing steps would have to be redone from the very
beginning. One could speed that up by storingintermediate result toa
file, until the session ends.

When a picture is stored or exported, some cleanup has to be done to
eliminate all logged operations and possibly also all stored system
clipboards which entered the flow of operations but do not not influence
any non-stored result any more. Idemat the end of a session or closing a

Of course, loading an image has also a parametrize function: The one
which lets you select the image to be loaded and the tab to which it
goes. Of course, switching to anothertab also has to be recorded. When
you copy something from one tab and paste it e.g. to a plane in another
tab, the associated processing logs become “mangled” because the
pasted-to history now also depends on the history of the pasted-from tab
and its associated image.

The number of parameters of the functi differ from one function to
anotherone. There could be none, like in transform to grayscale. There
could be only a few, like in setting a threshold transforming to B/W or
when doing some brightness or colour manipulations. There would also
onlybe a few like when pasting something from the clipboard to a
specified place (i.e. the coordinates of the placement and possibly an
orientation angle). There could be functions which have many parameters,
like cutting out some fancy shape.

The whole log filecould be a plain ASCII file! It would besomething like

tab1, openFile, full_path_to_it

tab1, rotateImage, centerx, centery, degrees

Re: [Gimp-developer] deriving transform by comparing image before/after edit

2020-12-28 Thread Bill Ross via gimp-developer-list
tion with only positive values).

Of course it would be great, if the convolution matrix could be made
larger than 5*5 for such folding matrices to remove background.

For removing stains and shadows, it would also be beneficial if one
could apply some gray level transformation to each pixel of the image
(e.g. given by a polynominal) before the pixel value is mutiplied with
the matrix entry in the convolution operation and to apply some other
gray  level transformation (one which mostly anihilates the first one)
on the way back before the convolution image is shown.

In addition I would whish me something where I could apply two
convolution matrices to an image: the first one acting like now, but the
second one just to compute some "comparison value" which is used to set
the pixel to "black" if the outcome of the first mentioned convolution
is greater or equal to the outcome of the second convolution. Think of
the second convolution going to some "alpha channel".

But it would become necessary to be able to store and reload all those
matrices and the coefficients of the gray level transformations and the
coefficients of the comparison operation with that second convolution 9n
norder to be usefull.  Great things could be done with Gimp if there
would be some easy to perate playground for such image manipulations!

Try my background removal operation with the appended example file,
which is just a small part from an image taken from a newspaper. Play
with it with different values of the centre weight. Of course, it would
be best to first reduce the immage to a grayvalue-only image, i.e.
without colours.


Am 27.12.20 um 07:52 schrieb Bill Ross via gimp-developer-list:

Given a pair of before/after jpeg photos edited with global-effect
commands (vs. operations on selected areas), is it possible to derive
transformation matrix/matrices that reproduce the result from the
original? Presumably by iterating over all the pixels in a 1:1 mapping.

My hope is to train neural nets to predict the matrix operation(s)
required. Example:



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Re: [Gimp-developer] deriving transform by comparing image before/after edit

2020-12-27 Thread Bill Ross via gimp-developer-list

Thanks Alexandre!

I figured I'd most likely be writing the code if the math is possible - 
it would start as a standalone batch prog that could be appified. But 
I'd need an obvious path to even start, since I'm more of a 
jack-of-all-trades programmer, e.g. not sure how close LUTs could come.

I realized it would be capable of reverse engineering any global 
filters, so could irk anyone who makes money from them.

Here's where I tried the question earlier:

My current editing backlog is 150K photos.


On 12/27/20 4:06 AM, Alexandre Prokoudine via gimp-developer-list wrote:

Hi Bill,

I don't know of plugins that would calculate a matrix in GIMP. There's
a plugin called GetCurves by Elsamuko [1] that calculates a rough
approximation of a color transform between two layers and creates an
RGB curves preset.

Due to its nature, the plugin has obvious issues treating different
hue ranges differently [2] but maybe it's a motivation for someone to
come up with a better tool. Although I'd be damned if I knew how you
would then apply a generated 3x3 matrix to a different image :)

I recently looked at free/libre options to create 3D LUT files, and
the existing options like Harlequin [3] are not very encouraging yet.



On Sun, Dec 27, 2020 at 2:47 PM Bill Ross via gimp-developer-list

Given a pair of before/after jpeg photos edited with global-effect
commands (vs. operations on selected areas), is it possible to derive
transformation matrix/matrices that reproduce the result from the
original? Presumably by iterating over all the pixels in a 1:1 mapping.

My hope is to train neural nets to predict the matrix operation(s)
required. Example:



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[Gimp-developer] deriving transform by comparing image before/after edit

2020-12-27 Thread Bill Ross via gimp-developer-list
Given a pair of before/after jpeg photos edited with global-effect 
commands (vs. operations on selected areas), is it possible to derive 
transformation matrix/matrices that reproduce the result from the 
original? Presumably by iterating over all the pixels in a 1:1 mapping.

My hope is to train neural nets to predict the matrix operation(s) 
required. Example:



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