Re: [Gimp-user] Noob request for information

2005-01-12 Thread Carol Spears
On Thu, Jan 13, 2005 at 07:08:42AM +0100, Andy wrote:
> Hi Carol
> I wish to thank you for your long email and wish to point out that if excuses 
> need to be made, they should be made by me - excuse me for not having looked 
> for help where I should have.
> Thank you
actually, thank you.  this is what i have been trying to do and what i
thought others were trying to do also.


Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] ANNOUNCE: GIMP 2.1.0 Development Release

2005-01-12 Thread Carol Spears
On Thu, Jun 03, 2004 at 03:00:41PM +0200, Jean-Luc Coulon (f5ibh) wrote:
> Le 03.06.2004 14:27:08, Sven Neumann a ?crit?:
> >it's about seven weeks since we branched the CVS tree and there is  
> >now
> >a first development snapshot of GIMP 2.1 available from
> >and it's mirrors:
> >
> >
> >
> >This is an unstable development release. It certainly has bugs and
> >there are a number of unfinished hacks. We are nevertheless  
> >interested
> >in your feedback and would like you to file bug reports for crashes
> >and non-obvious problems.
> >
> [ ... ]
> I've built the cvs several time, just to see if I have everything  
> needed on my system.
> After the incoming of gtk-2.4 on Debian sid, everything went fine...  
> about compilation and run.
> I've anyway a couple of question :
> 1 - localization : I've not found the way the localization is done (if  
> done) with the new xml menu structure.
> 2 - gtk-2.4 file chooser : I've not found the way to enter a filename  
> from the keyboard but only a graphical, "mouse friendly" menu. Is there  
> a way to select a file in a classical way ? With the previous versions,  
> it was easy, even the gtk+ completion was fine.
still not fixed.

it is not easier.  it has some cool new features, yet this file selector
is dictating how people work.

any suggestions?

my suggestion is that configurability for the old way the file selector
worked be added.  since for whatever reason it needs to be "simpler" for
new users, this can be something that is added to the file selector via
editing the configuration files, the way a few different operating
systems used to do it.

a certain amount of expertise and the desire to have the old way working
again -- and the cool linux originated app would have its
configurability back.

also, it would make certain corporations look less responsible for
mangling perfectly good software.

better yet, everyone put the credit where it belongs and when changes
are made that are so against the overall nature of what made the
software strong and good to begin with, well, if it is so good, put your
own name on it and do with it what you will.  keeping the gimp's name on
a tool kit that spits in the eye of its origins is perhaps a sin?

it smells of lack of pride of the people who did it. i know the
individuals, and i think there is nothing wrong with them or the name.
they should be as proud of themselves as i am to know them and have
worked with them and put their own name on their software.

all this time, who should feel the shame?


Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Graphire3 flakiness in gimp (1.2.5 and 2.0.4)

2005-01-12 Thread Mark D. Montgomery II

> > 
> i think we are having some problems because i dont really understand how
> gentoo works.

Basically, it uses a package tree system (similar to debian I believe).
When you tell it to install a package, it downloads the source and
specified patches from the gentoo archives and compiles the program.
When the maintainers for the specified package in the tree (for instance
gimp), deem a package to be properly stable on gentoo, they set it
Packages that are not quite deemed stable are masked, but you can easily
tell the system to try to install it anyway.  This is what I did to go
from 2.0.4 to 2.0.6.  A package that is in the tree, but not deemed
stable enough to even try to install (probably very new or has not been
tested yet or depends on something funny) will be hard masked (set to
masked in a file).  To install these you need to unmask the package in
the mask file and then tell it to install.
Gimp 2.2.0 is currently hard masked.

As I dug around (and tried compiling gimp2 from the stock source), I
discovered that gimp 2.2.x require freetype 2.1.7 or greater.
The current stable version in gentoo is 2.1.5-r1.
2.1.7 is not in portage.
2.1.9 is masked in portage because of problems with it and Mozilla and
Firefox being compiled with older versions.
To install 2.1.9, you must first uninstall Mozilla and Firefox.
For me, however, they would not recompile afterwards (I'll have to try
again later and see if it was just a fluke).

So the current state of gimp 2.2.x on gentoo seems to depend on the
freetype/Mozilla issue.

If you can get freetype to upgrade and Mozilla/Firefox to recompile
afterwards (don't want to lose those obviously), you could then try to
install gimp 2.2.x and see what happens.

> sorry for the lack of understanding of your distribution on my part and
> if all this work does not lead to getting your tablet working.  on the
> other hand, many people do have their tablets working with that gimp you
> have and with the current stable gimp, so perhaps the best approach for
> you right now is to provide more information.

Yeah.  And I believe several people in gentoo (there are posts about the
graphires in the gentoo forums) are using them successfully.
So the problem seems to be something with gimp on my silly computer.  :)

> carol

Mark II

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [Gimp-user] gap-xanim

2005-01-12 Thread Carol Spears
On Thu, Jan 13, 2005 at 01:30:24AM +0100, Sven Neumann wrote:
> Hi,
> Beatriz Botero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Carol, that is the problem: I don't have the option "Extract
> > Videorange" I only have "Any XANIM readable". I have the programs
> > installed in /usr/bin that is in the path. The option Video is
> > working I did some tutorials with it.
> Carol is using the CVS version of GAP which has much better support
> for importing video and doesn't any longer rely on the outdated XAnim.
well, there you go, now we both know.  to get gap from cvs follow these

only use "cvs checkout gimp-gap" instead of "cvs checkout -r gimp-2-2
gimp" as the tutorial says.


Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Noob request for information

2005-01-12 Thread Carol Spears
On Wed, Jan 12, 2005 at 10:17:52PM +0100, Andy wrote:
> Hi all
> I'm having problems adapting to the GIMP.  I'm not a professional designer 
> (far from) and never had much plastic skills.  I mainly used psp and paint to 
> create my webimages before.  
when i was first starting to play with graphics on the computer my
experience was with paint shop pro and gimp.  it took more time to learn
to use gimp, but when i went back to psp, i found i could do everything
that was easy with it and more with gimp.  in fact, i was able to spot
paint shop pro web graphics then and liked the fact that my graphics
looked like my own.  so, be patient and understand that the more you use
the gimp, the less you will want that so called simplicity that you
might be used to.

> Are you aware of resources that might facilitate the switch for me? Like for 
> instance, when I want to create a geometric shape, like a rectangle I don't 
> find the tool for it.
there are shapes on buttons on the toolbox, the button with the square
on it will draw shapes that are rectangular, depressing the shift or the
control button will constrain the shape to be a square.  the same thing
is true for the button on the toolbox with a circle on it.

Edit -->Stroke paints on that line for you, converting the "selection"
(which is what those shapes are once they are drawn) makes better
outlines in almost the same way.

i am working on tutorials that should be helpful for new users, and
users experienced with other applications -- at least this is my goal.
i dont have any recent experience with other apps though and the people
who have stopped using other apps have not been as generous with writing
tutorials as the people who have been using the gimp for a long time, as
far as i can tell from this list.

else where on my web site are other broken and messy tutorials that i am
trying to clean up and update, so feel free to wander around: and (in particularly bad shape)

please understand that as soon as you start to help with free software,
it seems that everyone wants a voice and has an opinion on what you are
doing and how you are doing it.  as well as being used; you can get used
for good purposes and bad purposes and still not seem to get anything
from it.  whatever mess you find there is a really good reflection of
what happens when people who do not know you are able to affect you and
have access to your good intentions.

> From what I see, GIMP has SO many options and menus that some level of (GIMP) 
> training is required to be able to maximize output.
there is an online book:

and tigerts tutorials were useful to me:

also, the tutorials at the gimp web site were chosen to make it easier
to use gimp and to learn graphics, some of them are suffering from some
of the same problems that my attempts on my web site suffer from.  so
please be nice to people who are not new to gimp and still trying
inspite of everything.

> Please refrain from criticizing a gimp newbie.  Remember, we ALL are newbies 
> in some area or another.
criticism is usually a reflection of the inquery.  there is a lot of
criticism when you request features that have been discussed to death
via the established ways to request features.  the developers and other
volunteers get frustrated when someone running their computer without
ttf fonts has a problem when gimp doesnt work, for instance (this was
being discussed on the irc today).

a respectful approach should always get a respectful answer.  if this
has not been the case it is because the people trying to help have been
stressed out and like other humans, a second try should be given.

your request was respectful, people will get frustrated if your
questions do not get more specific and it doesnt seem like you are
working with the stuff that is out there to help yourself with.

here is an apology from at least one person trying to document things
precisely for this situation, sorry it is so difficult to take what life
gives you and keep your tutorials up to date.  many of the out dated
tutorials can be useful for you if you know in advanced that several
items moved from the Image menu to the Layers Menu between gimp-1.2 and
gimp2 and a few others found a place in the Filters Menu.

gimp has so many options and buttons because it tries too much to be
everything to everybody.


Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] gap-xanim

2005-01-12 Thread Sven Neumann

Beatriz Botero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Carol, that is the problem: I don't have the option "Extract
> Videorange" I only have "Any XANIM readable". I have the programs
> installed in /usr/bin that is in the path. The option Video is
> working I did some tutorials with it.

Carol is using the CVS version of GAP which has much better support
for importing video and doesn't any longer rely on the outdated XAnim.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Noob request for information

2005-01-12 Thread Andy
Hi all

I'm having problems adapting to the GIMP.  I'm not a professional designer 
(far from) and never had much plastic skills.  I mainly used psp and paint to 
create my webimages before.  

Are you aware of resources that might facilitate the switch for me? Like for 
instance, when I want to create a geometric shape, like a rectangle I don't 
find the tool for it.

From what I see, GIMP has SO many options and menus that some level of (GIMP)  
training is required to be able to maximize output.

Please refrain from criticizing a gimp newbie.  Remember, we ALL are newbies 
in some area or another.

With kind regards

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Graphics Muse Tools

2005-01-12 Thread Michael J. Hammel
On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 16:42:31 +0100 (MET) Michael Schumacher wrote: 
> Please use the plug-in template when you do this, it makes it really easy to
> build them on each platform.

Autoconf and friends make the template portable.  I use Imake (I'm old,
it's what I grew up with).  As long as X continues to use imake then
that portability should continue to exist for Unix/Linux platforms.  I
don't worry about Windows because I don't want to support Windows issues
(see reference to being old and add "crotchety").  But I continue to use
Imake because it's what I know and it tends to work just fine for me. 
My XNotesPlus is also imake based and I know it builds on just about all
Unix/Linux platforms (or at least no one is reporting problems

To my knowledge the only current problem with portability is that the
imake templates related to building man pages have changed for some
distributions of Linux, probably the based distributions.  XFree86
based distributions should be okay.  As soon as I get a chance to try
the build on my newly installed FC2 I'll fix the problem with the man
page rule that causes the build to break on other systems.  At least I'm
assuming its a change to the imake templates that is causing the
problem.  I've run into this issue before in various forms.

> You didn't advertize them much, did you? I discovered them only recently
> when hunting for plug-ins to build...

I posted to Freshmeat, c.o.l.a and a few other places.  I always post
updates to my open source software on Freshmeat.  It seems the most
appropriate place.  I didn't announce on GIMP User because I felt that a
commercial announcement (even shareware) was just not appropriate.  I
think I referenced them in replies to some posts here but tried not to
make it sound like an advertisement.
Michael J. Hammel Politicians are the same all over: they promise 
The Graphics Muse to build a bridge even where there is no river.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Nikita Khrushchev (1894-1971), Soviet premier.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Well I finally upgraded

2005-01-12 Thread Jim Clark

and wanted to say "Thank You" to the large group of amazing folks who have created such a wonderful tool. 

I know you know it's good, but it seems important to let you know. Among the most useful improvements are the highlight while setting the crop (great idea! smile every time I use it) and font changing in the image as you change it in the dialog. Much easier to experiment now.

No requests, no "Yeah, it's nice...but I wish..." Love it.


Jim Clark

Re: [Gimp-user] gap-xanim

2005-01-12 Thread Carol Spears
On Wed, Jan 12, 2005 at 08:14:26PM +0100, Beatriz Botero wrote:
> Carol Spears wrote:
> >On Wed, Jan 12, 2005 at 03:05:21PM +0100, Beatriz Botero wrote:
> >>
> >>mpeg2vidcodec_12 (MPEG-2 Encoder / Decoder, Version 1.2)
> >>mpeg_encode-1.5b
> >>mpeg_play-2.4
> >>wavplay-1.4
> >>MPlayer-1.0pre6
> >>
> >>However, if I try to open Xtns -> Split video to frames -> Hummingbird.avi
> >>(from the 
> >>Gimp gives the same error message about Xanim instead working with the 
> >>above mentioned programs. Xanim istn't installed at all !
> >>The avi file works in MPlayer without problems.
> >>Thanks for your assistance
> >>
> >>   
> >>
> >there should be two options in the Xtns -->Split Video to Frames Menu,
> >"Any XANIM readable" which uses XANIM and "Extract Videorange" which
> >uses MPlayer.  
> >
> >use "Extract Videorange".  that hummingbird.avi came from a tutorial
> >about my first time with gap which was interesting.  my later experience
> >and better experiences with gap can be found here:
> >
> >
> Carol, that is the problem: I don't have the option "Extract Videorange" 
> I only have "Any XANIM readable". I have the programs installed in 
> /usr/bin that is in the path. The option Video is working I did some 
> tutorials with it.
sorry for my rambling answer to the same question on this list.

i built my own MPlayer and installed a lot of software.  the problem
with this is that i don't know which software i installed that triggered
the option in the menu.

the software i got to build mplayer for gap with is this:

i seem to remember removing the things that did not work or install from
that directory.

i wish i understood the software more and could give more specific help.


Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] gap-xanim

2005-01-12 Thread Beatriz Botero
Carol Spears wrote:
On Wed, Jan 12, 2005 at 03:05:21PM +0100, Beatriz Botero wrote:

Carol Spears wrote:

On Sat, Dec 18, 2004 at 03:29:15PM +0100, Beatriz Botero wrote:
i am now using gap successfully and xanim is not installed here.  please 
make certain you have installed the supporting software that is listed in 
the README file and avoid using xanim to extract frames with.  unless you 
dont want the blue chanel 


please excuse the long absence time, as I was outdoors spending some 

I upgraded the Gimp-gap to version 2.0.2 and installed, without 
problems,  the following packages:

mpeg2vidcodec_12 (MPEG-2 Encoder / Decoder, Version 1.2)
However, if I try to open Xtns -> Split video to frames -> Hummingbird.avi
(from the 
Gimp gives the same error message about Xanim instead working with the 
above mentioned programs. Xanim istn't installed at all !
The avi file works in MPlayer without problems.
Thanks for your assistance


there should be two options in the Xtns -->Split Video to Frames Menu,
"Any XANIM readable" which uses XANIM and "Extract Videorange" which
uses MPlayer.  

use "Extract Videorange".  that hummingbird.avi came from a tutorial
about my first time with gap which was interesting.  my later experience
and better experiences with gap can be found here:

Carol, that is the problem: I don't have the option "Extract Videorange" 
I only have "Any XANIM readable". I have the programs installed in 
/usr/bin that is in the path. The option Video is working I did some 
tutorials with it.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] gap-xanim

2005-01-12 Thread Carol Spears
On Wed, Jan 12, 2005 at 07:36:22PM +0100, Andrew wrote:
> Carol Spears wrote:
> >there should be two options in the Xtns -->Split Video to Frames Menu,
> >"Any XANIM readable" which uses XANIM and "Extract Videorange" which
> >uses MPlayer.  
> >
> So how come I've only got the first of these? This is gimp-2.2-pre. Do I 
> need to upgrade? Mplayer is installed.

okay, let me start by confessing that i have no idea what i added to my
MPlayer that got that working.  the MPlayer documentation is full of
suggestions for supporting software and i found myself looking for
software in many places i would not usually get software from.  i
eventually drew the line and would only get the suggested software from
ibiblio if it was not available from the gnuish sites i am acustomed to.

(recently my faith in this site experienced a set back from some
interesting screenshots which a lot of work went into but contained only
not free and not even smart file formats)

one more confession, i can extract frames with the MPlayer i built but
my MPlayer will not show video here.  it looks like i built all of this
in october of last year and there is a more current version that might

i find it interesting that you do not have both options as well, since i
have the XANIM dependent option but since i do not have XAnim installed,
i get instructed to install it and told where to get it in an error

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/build/gap$ whereis mencoder
mencoder: /usr/local/bin/mencoder

i think you should see what you need to do to get mencoder installed.


to the best of my knowledge, gap uses mencoder to extract frames with.
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] gap-xanim

2005-01-12 Thread Carol Spears
On Wed, Jan 12, 2005 at 03:05:21PM +0100, Beatriz Botero wrote:
> Carol Spears wrote:
> >On Sat, Dec 18, 2004 at 03:29:15PM +0100, Beatriz Botero wrote:
> >
> >i am now using gap successfully and xanim is not installed here.  please 
> >make certain you have installed the supporting software that is listed in 
> >the README file and avoid using xanim to extract frames with.  unless you 
> >dont want the blue chanel 
> >
> please excuse the long absence time, as I was outdoors spending some 
> holydays.
> I upgraded the Gimp-gap to version 2.0.2 and installed, without 
> problems,  the following packages:
> mpeg2vidcodec_12 (MPEG-2 Encoder / Decoder, Version 1.2)
> mpeg_encode-1.5b
> mpeg_play-2.4
> wavplay-1.4
> MPlayer-1.0pre6
> However, if I try to open Xtns -> Split video to frames -> Hummingbird.avi
> (from the 
> Gimp gives the same error message about Xanim instead working with the 
> above mentioned programs. Xanim istn't installed at all !
> The avi file works in MPlayer without problems.
> Thanks for your assistance
there should be two options in the Xtns -->Split Video to Frames Menu,
"Any XANIM readable" which uses XANIM and "Extract Videorange" which
uses MPlayer.  

use "Extract Videorange".  that hummingbird.avi came from a tutorial
about my first time with gap which was interesting.  my later experience
and better experiences with gap can be found here:


Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Scripts and paint tools

2005-01-12 Thread Daniel Arbuckle
I'm writing a script which is supposed to convert the alpha channel of
a layer into a selection, and then stroke that selection with various
paint tools. Easy to do through the GUI, but its turning out to be
rather hard to script.

The best I've been able to do so far was convert the selection into a
path, get the path points, and use them for input into gimp_smudge,
gimp_convolve, etc. Unfortunately, this a) produces somewhat different
results and b) sometimes causes python-fu to segfault.

What I'd really like to do is choose the active tool and then call
gimp_edit_stroke to stroke it over the selection.

So my question is this: how can I choose the active tool from a script?

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] arrow

2005-01-12 Thread David Neary

J.W.J. Geenen wrote:
> The first line gave this error: tcsh: export: Command not found.  
> Indeed a man command confirmed the export verb is not available. 

export is a sh (Bourne shell) built-in. It is common to use shell
in makefiles - try running bash and trying the build again.


David Neary,
Lyon, France
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Re: Gimp-user Digest, Vol 28, Issue 12

2005-01-12 Thread Michael Schumacher
> The Graphics Muse Tools are a set of plugins (C source) for GIMP 1.2. 
> They've been around for at least 4 years now.  I haven't had time to
> port to GIMP 2.x yet, but its definitely on my todo list.  

Please use the plug-in template when you do this, it makes it really easy to
build them on each platform.

> There are no binaries for this, however.  You have to build them from
> source.  I did release the binaries as shareware on a CD and as
> downloads for a time, but nobody wanted that so now they have a modified
> BSD license and are available in source code format only.
> If you're interested, the web site is

You didn't advertize them much, did you? I discovered them only recently
when hunting for plug-ins to build...
> FYI - I've also started putting up my old tutorials from Linux Format in
> the articles section.  I only have up to issue 45 online - I still have
> up to issue 60 to upload.  These are 1.2 tutorials, however.  The latest
> tutorials for the magazine are starting to be 2.x tutorials but it will
> be quite some time before I have permission to post those.

You could release them under a suitable Creative Commons License, thus
allowing them to be adapted to current versions.


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Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Gimp-user Digest, Vol 28, Issue 12

2005-01-12 Thread Michael J. Hammel
On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 16:51:21 +0200 (EET), Steve Stavropoulos wrote 
> On Wed, 12 Jan 2005, J.W.J. Geenen wrote:
> > export CVSROOT=:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvs/gfxmuse
> > 
> > The first line gave this error: tcsh: export: Command not found.
>  In tcsh that line should be:
> setenv CVSROOT :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvs/gfxmuse
>  (I really have no idea though, about the software you are trying to 
> install and its connection to gimp...)

The Graphics Muse Tools are a set of plugins (C source) for GIMP 1.2. 
They've been around for at least 4 years now.  I haven't had time to
port to GIMP 2.x yet, but its definitely on my todo list.  My personal
favorite of these is GFXLayers, which is an interactive layer alignment
tool.  I use it far more than any of the others.

There are no binaries for this, however.  You have to build them from
source.  I did release the binaries as shareware on a CD and as
downloads for a time, but nobody wanted that so now they have a modified
BSD license and are available in source code format only.

If you're interested, the web site is

FYI - I've also started putting up my old tutorials from Linux Format in
the articles section.  I only have up to issue 45 online - I still have
up to issue 60 to upload.  These are 1.2 tutorials, however.  The latest
tutorials for the magazine are starting to be 2.x tutorials but it will
be quite some time before I have permission to post those.

Michael J. Hammel - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - XEUS:
Got a full 6-pack, but lacks the plastic thing to hold it all together.
-- From a real employee performance evaluation.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] arrow

2005-01-12 Thread Steve Stavropoulos
On Wed, 12 Jan 2005, J.W.J. Geenen wrote:

> export CVSROOT=:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvs/gfxmuse
> The first line gave this error: tcsh: export: Command not found.

 In tcsh that line should be:
setenv CVSROOT :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvs/gfxmuse

 (I really have no idea though, about the software you are trying to 
install and its connection to gimp...)

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] arrow

2005-01-12 Thread J.W.J. Geenen

Sometimes i need an arrow. An arrow is a straight line ending in an arrow-point. >
Up till now I found not a gimp tool on my gimp version. On the net i found 'the graphics muse tools'. 

To download the code I must type the following commands:
export CVSROOT=:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvs/gfxmuse
cvs login
cvs checkout -r V2_0_0-1 GFXMuseTools
cvs checkout GFXMuseData

The first line gave this error: tcsh: export: Command not found. 
Indeed a man command confirmed the export verb is not available.

What is wrong and how can I download this graphic arrows program?
Are there other solutions for this arrow problem?


Jan Geenen


Re: [Gimp-user] gap-xanim

2005-01-12 Thread Beatriz Botero
Carol Spears wrote:
On Sat, Dec 18, 2004 at 03:29:15PM +0100, Beatriz Botero wrote:

I am trying to use "gap" but I have problems with "xanim". From the 
addresses given by "gimp" only loki exists, from which I download 
"xanim-loki". But "gimp" delivers this error:

-- quote ---
An error occurred while trying to call xanim:
The xanim program on your system "/usr/lib/xanim2801-loki
does not support the exporting options Ea, Ee, Eq
--- un quote 
In Google I found, in "twocows",  another "xanim" version but "gimp"  
-- quote 
An error occurred while trying to call xanim:
The xanim program on your system "/usr/lib/xanim2801
does not support the exporting options Ea, Ee, Eq
-unquote -

I looked in Google but without exit.
Any help on what I should do will be greatly appreciated

i installed the proper xanim once.  the version that gap requests is
seriously broken.  when i used it to extract video frames from one of my
movies, it extracted frames without a blue chanel (see
i am now using gap successfully and xanim is not installed here.  please 
make certain you have installed the supporting software that is listed in 
the README file and avoid using xanim to extract frames with.  unless you 
dont want the blue chanel 

feel free to ask other questions as they arise.

Hi Carol,
please excuse the long absence time, as I was outdoors spending some 

I upgraded the Gimp-gap to version 2.0.2 and installed, without 
problems,  the following packages:

mpeg2vidcodec_12 (MPEG-2 Encoder / Decoder, Version 1.2)
However, if I try to open Xtns -> Split video to frames -> Hummingbird.avi
(from the 
Gimp gives the same error message about Xanim instead working with the 
above mentioned programs. Xanim istn't installed at all !
The avi file works in MPlayer without problems.
Thanks for your assistance

Gimp-user mailing list

RE: [Gimp-user] Install gimp2

2005-01-12 Thread Deem Vermeulen

Dear Ron,


I have exact the same
problem, whereas the installation on Windows is rather easy. Hope that someone
can give a good advice.





[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ron Eggler
Sent: woensdag 12 januari 2005
Subject: [Gimp-user] Install gimp2




i try to install gimp2.

had to update glib(2.6.0), pkconfig (0.14.0) but still get
this error:

checking for pkg-config... /usr/local/bin/pkg-config
checking for GLIB - version >= 2.4.5... no
*** Could not run GLIB test program, checking why...
*** The test program compiled, but did not run. This usually means
*** that the run-time linker is not finding GLIB or finding the wrong
*** version of GLIB. If it is not finding GLIB, you'll need to set your
*** LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable, or edit /etc/ to point
*** to the installed location  Also, make sure you have run ldconfig if
*** is required on your system
*** If you have an old version installed, it is best to remove it, although
*** you may also be able to get things to work by modifying LD_LIBRARY_PATH
configure: error: Test for GLIB failed. See the file 'INSTALL' for help.
server:/mnt/SaveFiles/data/zip/linux/gimp-2.2.2 #

erm, yes i have an older version installed but if i remove
it in yast, it tells me it couldn't remove it cause several applications would
need it. i updated to version 2.6.0.

what do i have to do to solve this problem?



chEErs roN

Ron Eggler

Alte Römerstr.34

CH-8404 Winterhur 



