Re: [Gimp-user] retouching dark photos

2005-08-06 Thread Andrew Robinson

Steven Woody wrote:

 when playing with level or curves, did you guys adjust each channel 
alone or

 the overall combined value?

I'm no expert, but I usually start with the easiest operation and work 
my way to the more difficult. I'll try Auto-Levels first, adjusting the 
brightness with the middle triangle. If I don't like that, which is 
probable with a dark image, I'll undo it and adjust the white and black 
points on the combined channel. If that leaves a color cast, I'll adjust

individual channels.

Wish I knew how to work the curves. Any recommend a good tutorial?

Andrew Robinson

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Coloring questions

2005-04-24 Thread Andrew Robinson
I'm trying to build menus for DVDs which are sensitive to the number of 
colors in the pgn files. I've got two related (I think) questions 
concerning coloring in The Gimp.

I want to create a layer with text on it that will be used as labels for 
buttons. I want the text to be in a single color and the layer to have a 
transparent background. That should total to two colors in the layer. 
When I create the layer and then save it as a png file, it winds up with 
 about 10 colors. I assume this is because of antialiasing, but I'm not 
experienced enough with The Gimp to know. How would I create the text in 
a single color?

Second, I want to change the color of text on the first layer to 
generate a png file that will be used to indicate highlighted buttons. 
How do I change all the non-transparent pixels in a layer from one color 
to another? I've tried painting and bucket-fill of each character, but 
that is tedious and generates yet more colors per layer, I suppose 
because of feathering. There seems like there should be a simpler way.

Andrew Robinson
Gimp-user mailing list