Re: [Gimp-user] Simple Radial Lines

2003-08-10 Thread David Millet
heres an idea for this:

you can check out a .gif here:

1) make a new image significantly larger than your final project needs to 
be, twice the size to be safe
   I wanted one that was 500 x 500, so i started with a 1000 x 1000 image
2) fill the background layer with white, create a new layer called BLACK1
3) select the left half of BLACK1 (in this example, select from x=0,y=0 to 
4) fill that selection with black and deselct
5) rotate the BLACK1 layer exactly -10 degrees.  the edge of the black will 
now probably be pretty poorly anti-aliased, so you can guassian blur it and 
then play with the curves of the alpha channel to fix the anti-aliasing, but 
thats optional and can potentially mess up your end product.  i just did a 
guassian blur of 1 for the example i'm using here
6) duplicate the BLACK1 layer to produce BLACK1 copy, flip BLACK1 copy 
7) merge the visible layers.  the resulting layer should be called 
8) duplicate Background and flip the Background copy layer vertically. set 
the Background copy layer mode to Screen
9) merge the visible layers again
10) duplicate the Background layer again, set the new layer mode to Screen 
and rotate it 45 degrees
11) duplicate the Background layer twice more, set both the new layer modes 
to Screen and rotate one of them 90 degrees and the other -45 degrees
12) merge the visible layers and crop out the edges to your hearts content

in step 5 i mentioned the antialiasing thing.  blurring it and messing with 
the alpha channel can make it so that your black sections dont connect in 
the middle.  not blurring and messing with the alpha channel will ensure 
that they do connect but the lines may look jagged

also, i know the black and white lines arent the same width in my example.  
to get them perfect, i believe you need to rotate exactly -11.25 degrees in 
step 5 instead of -10 degrees.  if i did my math right, that should take 
care of it.

good luck & happy gimping!

David Millet

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Re: [Gimp-user] Re: smooth outline to scripture

2003-02-24 Thread David Millet

About the best technique I've found for doing something like that is:

1. use the select contiguous regions tool to select all the black
2. click the quickmask button in the lower left hand corner
3. use filters>blur>blur to blur the whole thing (aka smooth it, you'll have 
to blur it alot to get it smooth)
4. use image>colors>layers to sharpen up your selection
5. click the turn off quickmask button in the lower left hand corner, giving 
you a smooth selection
6. fill the selection with black

david millet
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Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] layer manipulation question, scripting, etc.

2003-02-17 Thread David Millet
a couple of thoughts:

1) if you want to save a layer separately, the easiest way i know of to do 
that is to click on the layer in the layers, channels, and paths dialoge, 
drag it to the toolbar, and it will create a new image with just that layer. 
 then save it to whatever you need

2) to move the different colored text to a different layer and keep it in 
the same spot, i would do the following:

1. use the select contiguous regions tool, select the red letters
2. hit ctrl-c to copy, then ctrl-k to clear whats in the selection
3. create a new layer
4. right click on the image and choose Edit>Paste Into

if you know how to customize keyboard shortcuts you could make this process 
really ez


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Re: [Gimp-user] Stroke selection

2003-01-27 Thread David Millet

I tried using the Edit -> Stroke command to stroke the outline of a
selection. It gave me the message "Paint operation failed. Message
repeated once." Am I using the Stroke command in a wrong manner?

I am using 1.3.10 (compiled from source) on RedHat 8.0

^^ That is your mistake right there.  The only stable version of the gimp 
(meaning where everything is supposed to work) is 1.2.3.  1.3.10 is a 
development version.

David Millet

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Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] cool gimp effect!

2003-01-15 Thread David Millet
hey all,

just did a cool effect with the gimp without even meaning too, thought i'd 
tell ya about what i did.  looks like that green astro turf stuff (you know, 
the stuff on the football field?)

created a background layer, filled it with dark green (about #002200)

created a layer above that, filled it with grey (about #99)

on the grey layer, i applied filters>artistic>cubism and set tile size to 
13.6 and tile saturation to .5

i adjusted the image>colors>levels of that layer, adding a bunch of green

voila! astroturf!

if anybody uses this effect or has an improvement for it, please let me 

david millet

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