Re: [Gimp-user] how to change colors

2004-06-13 Thread Frans Flippo
Off the top of my head: change the image to RGB (Image:Mode:RGB ?). From here 
on you have a few options. For instance, Layer:Colors:Hue/Saturation and dial 
saturation way down. If you want you could also change the hue instead and 
turn the brown shades into shades of another color. Then save your image as 
GIF again (it will convert it back from RGB to Indexed for you).

Good luck,

On Sunday 13 June 2004 20:45, Rick Pasotto wrote:
> I have a fairly simple gif image that has various shades of brown. I'd
> like to have the same image but with various shades of grey instead.
> What would be the easiest way of doing this? Is there an algorithmic way
> of converting the brown range to a grey range? Given that I could easily
> change the values in the colormap.
> I'm very much a novice at this sort of thing so I'm just fumbling my way
> around. Any help would be much appreciated.
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Terrible time to get 2.01 running

2004-06-13 Thread Frans Flippo
>   This is like deja-vu.   I recently completed a thread with the
> exact same scenario, only using SuSe linux 9.0.My wife downloaded
> Gimp 2.01 on her Dell XP laptop, and it!  No problems, no
> configurations, no dependencies, no bulls---, it just works.   I'm still
> screwing around trying to get it to work, but your point is 100% correct.
> If this extremely common situation is not resolved for the ordinary
> user, it will be yet one more example showing that Linux never got
> beyond the Geek stage.

Maybe you want to try another distro. On my Debian box, I typed

apt-get install gimp

and it got installed. No problem there.
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] for-each disappeared from Script-fu?

2004-05-08 Thread Frans Flippo

I am trying to run a script I used with gimp 1.2 under the new Gimp 2.0 (which 
I love, by the way), and it stops with the following error:

Error while executing
(script-fu-menu-items "/home/rabbit/hv/design/menu_items/" 
"-b&h-lucida-medium-r-normal-*-*-140-*-*-p-*-iso8859-1" TRUE TRUE)
ERROR: unbound variable (errobj for-each)

The error message gives me the impression that the for-each construct is 
somehow not supported anymore in Script-fu/scheme. Can anyone confirm this? 
If so, what is the alternative?

I'm using Debian unstable on linux-x86.

Thanks in advance,

The function in which the error occurs (slightly trimmed) follows. I added the 
"Here x" messages to try to narrow down the location of the error, but now I 
get the following behavior:
1) error message
2) message "Here 2"
3) message "Here 1"

This order makes no sense to me at all. Can anyone shed some light on this?

(define (script-fu-menu-items path font normal hi)
(gimp-message "Here 1")
(let* (
(items (list
'("Home" "home_en" 0)
; ... and a whole lot more of these
(i 0)
(gimp-message "Here 2")
(lambda (x)
(if (= normal TRUE)
(let ((img (script-fu-menu-item (car x) font FALSE 
(caddr x) FALSE)))
; save as (string-append path (cadr x) ".gif")
(file-gif-save 1 img (car 
(gimp-image-get-active-layer img)) 
(string-append path (cadr x) ".gif") (string-append (cadr x) ".gif") 0 0 0 0)
(gimp-image-delete img)
(set! i (+ i 1))
(if (= hi TRUE)
(let ((img (script-fu-menu-item (car x) font TRUE 
(caddr x) FALSE)))
; save as (string-append path (cadr x) 
(file-gif-save 1 img (car 
(gimp-image-get-active-layer img)) 
(string-append path (cadr x) "_hi.gif") (string-append (cadr x) ".gif") 0 0 0 
(gimp-image-delete img)
(set! i (+ i 1))
(gimp-message "Here 3")
(gimp-message (string-append (number->string i) " menu items created 
saved to `" path "'."))
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