[Gimp-user] use of the gimp gap tool

2006-04-08 Thread sam ende


thanks for such a great tool. :)

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] gap story board

2006-04-05 Thread sam ende
does anyone know or can point me to a tutorial on how the storyboard works 
in the gap filter, carol perhaps ? thanks :)

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] wilbert

2006-03-30 Thread sam ende
where is he ?, i am looking for a wilbert i saw some time ago, he had a 
hat on and a paintbrush in his mouth, dratted if i can find that image 
age, any ideas ?

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Re: Livre sur Gimp (aka publishing GIMP books)

2005-09-08 Thread sam ende
On Tuesday 06 September 2005 04:10, Michael J. Hammel wrote:

 FWIW, I'm working on another GIMP book, tentatively titled The Artist's
 Guide to GIMP Effects.  It's essentially a followup to my first book,
 The Artist's Guide to the GIMP.  I think the publication date is early
 next year - publisher is No Starch Press.  It will be full color,
 glossy print if all things go as planned.  The text is still in
 development but should be ready before years end.

i look forward to seeing it, i saw your first one on amazon and was going 
to buy that, i have the other gimp book somewhere, the grokking the gimp 

 The book is not a reference guide, I.E. it's not a you'll find filter
 X in menu Y book.  It's completely tutorial based, with multiple
 sections of multiple tutorials each.  There will be sections on Type,
 Print/Advertising, Web, and UI Design, among others.

sounds good :)

 One of mine did well, the other not so well.  There wasn't a really big
 desktop Linux market at the time 1.2 rolled out (and GIMP existed only
 marginally on non-Unix platforms for awhile) and ~8 books pretty much
 saturated that market.  The market is bigger now, but at least some of
 that spreads into the Windows and Mac market.  It's unclear (at least
 to me) if that means better sales for these kinds of books or not.

i think (from a users view :)) a tutorial based one should do well. i have 
had the grokking the gimp one for quite a long while but to do stuff i 
bought magazines which featured photoshop tutorials.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Remove Blue Pencil

2005-09-08 Thread sam ende
On Thursday 08 September 2005 07:57, Chris Spencer wrote:
 I've scanned an inked pencil drawing, and I'd like to remove the blue
 pencil sketch marks with the GIMP, but I can't figure out how.
 Basically, all I need to do is remove all shades of blue from the
 image. Is this possible? I haven't found any tutorials on this subject.
 Any help is appreciated.

hi, have you tried the colour picker tool ? that's the icon that looks 
like a medicine dropper (for some reason).

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] set Crop to Inches

2005-08-31 Thread sam ende
On Wednesday 31 August 2005 04:30, Carol Spears wrote:

 when you are looking at the computer display, you are not seeing
 inches, you are seeing pixels.  complicated stuff -- sometimes i lose
 track of where i am and what resolution i should be working at.  every
 device works better with different amounts of pixels and it really
 sucks on the user end, no matter what the application you are using.

yes, i tend to stick with the defaults as i haven't a clue really what is 

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] set Crop to Inches

2005-08-31 Thread sam ende
On Wednesday 31 August 2005 04:30, Carol Spears wrote:

 from the Toolbox in the Preferences:
 File--Default Image, Image Size has a little radio menu next to the
 numbers windows there.  change this from pixels to the next entry
 which should be inches.

i am looking at this now, to be honest it makes no sense to me. the 
default image grid i thought did something else (god knows what though).
confusing is the grid picture upper right, without knowing anything i 
would think this menu had something to do with changing the grids on 
images (i don't use grids, can't get the hang of them either). honestly 
that menu makes no sense to me at all.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Help on tools

2005-08-18 Thread sam ende
On Thursday 18 August 2005 17:17, michael chang wrote:

 When/if you flatten the image, transparency turns into the background
 colour.  You can also maintain a background layer (with your
 background colour) under the image...

i just tried the channel to selection thing, seems to work too, go to 
dialogues/channels, select the colour you want to delete (well you've 
only got the three ranges but still..:)) and click channel to selection, 
it'll select all the colours in that range, then go to edit and cut. have 
no idea if that is what you meant but i thought it was neat :)

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Re: [Gimp-developer] New to list--curious about progress of 'Resources'

2005-08-14 Thread sam ende
On Sunday 14 August 2005 06:33, Carol Spears wrote:

 maybe it would be fun to put the contest back up to collect images that
 show the different resources in action and skip the splash 'test until
 it looks like a real release is inevitable or whatever they call it.

i think that's a very cool idea.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Re: [Gimp-developer] New to list--curious about progress of 'Resources'

2005-08-14 Thread sam ende
On Sunday 14 August 2005 13:27, michael chang wrote:

 Sounds like fun,

it does sound like fun. i was quite disapointed whne i discoverd gimp a 
few years ago that the contest and display areas of what you could do 
with the gimp were and are so dead. 

 but are we allowed to create resources that aren't
 made entirely in GIMP (e.g. use an external tool, like POV-Ray) and
 then use GIMP to make them more resource-like?

it would make sense, but there is an awful lot you can do with just the 
gimp, apart from the fractal plug-ins (which could be improved) there are 
pretty neat ways of creating original images, ie 
filters/render/patterns/defraction patterns, or qubist.

  and skip the splash 'test until
  it looks like a real release is inevitable or whatever they call it.

 Maybe we should have one or two splashes in ... 

what is a splash ?

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] gimp-gap: From Still-Images to an avi-file?

2005-08-13 Thread sam ende
On Saturday 13 August 2005 20:35, Al Bogner wrote:

 That is the key-question. I need a tool which does perfect rendering,
 when transitions are created or the motion of the still images is

have you seen cinelerra ? 
http://heroinewarrior.com/cinelerra.php3, it's something i'm looking into 
but i need a differnt video card first.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Save pcx file as 2-bit (black and white)

2005-08-11 Thread sam ende
On Thursday 11 August 2005 17:48, Robin Bowes wrote:

 PS. Is it just me, or are Sven's and Michael's posts not getting to the
 list? I'm only getting the copy that is sent directly to me and the
 copy to the list is not arriving.

must be just you :)

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Rotating an image

2005-08-08 Thread sam ende
On Monday 08 August 2005 15:33, michael chang wrote:

 I believe GIMP can do everything you want, except transform everything
 as a group.  *sigh*  If you can transform everything as a group, I
 have no clue how to do it.

under filters there is the option of filter all layers which allows quite 
a lot of functions, click on it to see.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] retouching dark photos

2005-08-06 Thread sam ende
On Saturday 06 August 2005 22:10, Andrew Robinson wrote:

 Wish I knew how to work the curves. Any recommend a good tutorial?

i've not worked that one out at all, have no idea what it's supposed to 
do. my first step is pretty much like yours -try the simplest method 
first which in my case would be to adjust brightness and contrast and 
then to look at colour balance, both under the layers/colours menu. i 
then may use the levels tool which allows you adjust alpha and the rgb 
channels in parts of the image rather than the whole image.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Newbie Question

2005-07-12 Thread sam ende
On Monday 11 July 2005 20:30, Joao S. O. Bueno Calligaris wrote:

 You have to further trim down your selection, by using the selection
 by color and clicking on the desired color.
 In order for the new selection to be within the original selection,
 you have to use the select by color tool in the intersection mode
 - click on the fourth mode icon, at the top of the tool options
 dialog, afeter picking the  select by color tool - check the tool
 tip to see if it is intersect selection.

he can also increase or decrease the selected areas by moving the 
threshold slider and choosing anti-aliasing or feathering depending on 
the effect he wants to achieve.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] drawing a simple rectangle ; drawing an arrow (newbie)

2005-07-11 Thread sam ende
On Saturday 09 July 2005 17:42, Akkana Peck wrote:

 As for arrows, I usually draw all the lines by hand (click at one end,
 shift-click at the other). I don't know if there's a shortcut for
 making good arrowheads.

not as far as i know.
a simple way to make them is to use the square selection tool.
open a new image (say 100x100)
draw a square with that tool copy and paste it as a new layer and fill 
with colour (or gradient or whatever). rotate it by 45 degrees, select 
half of that square with the square selection tool (say the complete left 
hand side to the middle)and hit cut.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Re: Web colour palette choice helper

2005-07-07 Thread sam ende
On Thursday 07 July 2005 18:05, Kevin Coyner wrote:

 I don't know of a plugin into Gimp that does this (certainly would
 be cool though), but I've found this website helpful when trying to
 put colors together:

am i being really thick ?, the colour picker does this, no addtional 
software/plug-in needed.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: Bleeding edge, WAS [Gimp-user] pygtk and 2.3.1

2005-06-29 Thread sam ende
On Wednesday 29 June 2005 12:40, John R. Culleton wrote:

 Back to the drawing board. :(

poor you :(. i am reading this thread with interest and am thinking of 
having a go myself but i am reluctant to do this incase it overwrites my 
current installation. can i install, or try to install the gimp 2.2.7 in 
a seperate folder/dir which will not interfere or overwrite the current 
working version of gimp i have ?

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] export and print ( update )

2005-06-29 Thread sam ende
On Tuesday 28 June 2005 23:27, Richard Nagle wrote:

 Too bad one canĀ¹t use the real epson driver... with Gimp.

it seems to me your problem is with gimp print and not gimp per se. did 
you ask at the the gimp print forum as i suggested some while ago ?

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] kaladascope plug-in

2005-06-27 Thread sam ende

i downloaded the kalaidascope plug-in but don't know how to get gimp to 
'see' it. i am running gimp 2.2.6 on debian sarge, is there a page/url 
which describes how to do this or could somone please explain the steps i 
need to do ? thank you very much in advance.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Gimp / C86 / Mac

2005-06-22 Thread sam ende
On Wednesday 22 June 2005 14:34, Richard Nagle wrote:
 Gimp 2.2.6,
 with Gimp-Print 4.2.7

hi, i really have no idea but this page suggests if the problem is not 
addressed in their faq to ask in the gimp-print project forum, have you 
tried there ?

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] filmgimp and gap

2003-09-14 Thread sam ende
On Sunday 14 September 2003 01:07, Carol Spears wrote:
 what is the difference between these two things?

i'm not sure either, though i have thought that gap might be 'easier' to 
run without gimp on machines that have limited resources, maybe i'm 
wrong, i have no idea of the technologies involved.
whati have been doing with gap is to use xaos output and add effects.
gap does not support png though and what i do is to open the first image 
of the sequence and then convert them all to jpegs, after doing whatever 
it is i do i then can use gap to make an mpeg. i can't do any of that 
with cinepaint afaik. a problem i have found is that an image created in 
xaos is 'out of image resolution bounds' according to gimp, not knowing 
how to change that i end up often generating a couple of thousand message 
errors :), does this have something to do with the 8 bit resolution 
thingy ? (sorry, i am really not technology minded).

cinepaint doesn't seem to have any of the functions gap has ? i fact i 
haven't been able to discern what functions it does have that gimp 
doesn't, so i'm not sure why one would want to merge ?


Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] filmgimp and gap

2003-09-14 Thread sam ende
On Sunday 14 September 2003 14:37, Carol Spears wrote:

 well, lets work on gap then.

it's not a bad program, not much available documantation wise which has 
its plus and minus points, i discover you can do things it was probably 
never intended for but otoh finding i'm doing things in ways totally 
convoluted and uneccesary and so i hesitate to write it up myself.

 i was not able to build it from cvs, but the tarball i got from
 http://sven.gimp.org worked.  to be honest, i have not played with this
 plugin very much.  i have a tough time with a single image 

 can someone add png and mng support to it?  both png and mng have that
 comment space  :)

it would be useful. remember i asked a while back how to convert pngs ? 
turns out you can do it in gimp with gap (duh :) and way easier than 
imagemagik and the like as it keeps the numbering sequence necessary for 
further work, but it would be much more useful if one didn't have to 
convert in the first place.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] xaos and gimp animation

2003-07-16 Thread sam ende
On Wednesday 16 Jul 2003 21:13, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ( Marc) (A.) (Lehmann ) 

 (maybe add some other switches to set fps etc.) or use another format
 instead of .xcf and convetr it to xcf by load/save within the gimp.

thank you, i have had many tips now and have to try them all out, 
including scripting (eeek :)


Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Plaster Wrap

2003-07-05 Thread sam ende
On Friday 04 July 2003 12:48, Khiraly Kalman wrote:

 Which tool can I use in Gimp to obtain the same result(or similaire)
 the Plaster Wrap tool from Photoshop?
 ( http://chocolate.inf.elte.hu/khiraly/linux/portaltut/index.html
 ^^This tutorial -step 5)

i've has a look and there doesn't seem to be a way of doing that, there 
isn't such a filter as far as i can see, you could try embossing it 
lightly as another layer and then pasting that on top, inverting the 
colours and  blurring etc and you'll get something similar but not the 
same, considering the overall result (wthe effect you want to achieve) i 
don't really think it's a big loss to be honest :)


Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Metal tutorial

2003-06-26 Thread sam ende
On Thursday 26 June 2003 14:17, Khiraly Kalman wrote:

 Im trying to reproduce some photoshop tutorial in gimp. Im stoned at
 this tutorial:


 i have no idea how to do STEP 10 in GIMP, does anyone have some idea?

that is pretty neat, had a go myself but changed it around a bit at the 
end. step ten _is_ tricky and i couldn't get it exactly either but if you 
goto filters/lighting effects and chose 'create new image' and then click 
on the 'light' tab and chose light type 'point' and dark blue as colour 
and postions; x=0.40, y=0.10 and z=0.25 and then click on the material 
tab and check that ambient is 0.40, diffuse 1.00 you should get a fairly 
accurate if washed out similar effect. 
you can then play around with lightness/contrast to make it a bit more 
like on the tutorial (and maybe someone even knows how to do it better, 
but that's what i did. i then bumpmapped this new image with the one 
indicated in the tutorial. filter/map/bumpmap, selecting linear map and 
playing around with the levels until it looked the same or similar to the 
one on the tutorial and then dragged this new image onto the old one as a 
new layer.
i didn't like the blood bit much so made mine transparent.


Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] turn tools loose??

2003-03-02 Thread sam ende
On Saturday 01 March 2003 21:27, Gracia M. Littauer wrote:
 a friend asked this question which I couldn't answer since I haven't
 really used the tools so far.

 I hate to ask such a dumb question on a public list, but I still
 can't figure out how to get a tool to turn loose!  I pick up,
 for example, the rotator tool.  I'm finished rotating, but I
 can't put the tool down.

 Any answers

selct a differnt tool to replace it, my 'default' is the move tool.


Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] image size

2003-01-09 Thread sam ende
On Thursday 09 January 2003 04:02, Jon Winters wrote:

 How large are your large images?  I can toss 2MB (JPEG) 2560x1920 images
 around all day and my computer doesn't miss a tick.

4000x5 0r 6, its the layers that make it big, sometimes i have 10 or more 
layers. xcf not jpeg, same image as jpeg is nothing sizewise.

 I consider large images to be 100MB or more and I haven't opened one in
 a long time but I expect it would probably slow my system down.


 My system is a dual 800Mhz PIII with 256MB of SDRAM and a Matrox G400
 video adapter.  (I think the video card has 64MB of memory)

i think you're showing off now :)

 Check the settings on your tile cache.  Mine is set to 128MB and I think
 the default was a woefull 32MB.

cache is set to 256, i wanted to do more but it wouldn't let me, well it 
would but it sorta didn't work anymore then :)
it doesn't like it if you resize  a layer x2 but do x 12 by accident instead 


Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] image size

2003-01-09 Thread sam ende
On Thursday 09 January 2003 03:36, Fred Bazolo wrote:
 from sam ende, Thu, 9 Jan 2003 01:42:19 +:

 When my file gets to be about 100 megs in size, it is hard to get any work

yes, so i end up copying visable and paste as new to work on that, that also 
helps with the undo, cos its impractical to set that much higher than 10x 
when you're doing large images as well.
but it means i end up having several version of the same image in diffenrt 
stages stored, which uses tons of disk space, of which i have enough but 

Files up to 25 megs or even 30 megs do fine, without a lot of waiting
 around for things to stabilize. Depends on your system I suppose.

smaller images are no problem. in fact when i started using gimp i had a much 
smaller machine, only 64 memory, barely up to gimps minimal requirements and 
it did fine

 What I have is an Athlon 1200 Mhz Tbird, 768 megs of ram, about 15 gigs of
 HD space to play with. Not real slow but hardly extraordinary.

 I've never used a complete version of Photoshop. 

me neither, nor a trial version.

I stopped using
 proprietary software two or three years ago. Used to use Corel Draw, and
 can remember years ago when a five meg graphic would take an hour to
 display, and I was ecstatic! Ha! Things keep getting better.

:), still takes awhile to render some fractals though.

 I have read that with the larger files Photoshop does seem to have an
 advantage. That, along with the CYMK thing, are what seem to keep it alive.

iit does have some neat functions, i like the idea of a history brush. maybe 
one could get rid of some functions in the gimp that are the same or nearly 
the same or aren't much use to make room for other differnt ones. for 
instance in the light effects we have flare fx and gflare, and i think gflare 
has the same flare in it as flare fx, that's only a little thing i know, but 
there are other examples of duplication ( i just can't think of any off the 
top of my head)

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] GIMP Image Size Limits

2003-01-09 Thread sam ende
On Thursday 09 January 2003 04:31, Kevin Myers wrote:

 2. Would anyone out there care to suggest a readily available commercial
 Linux distribution that is extremely easy to install, learn, and use for
 unsophisticated users with primarily Windblows experience?

mandrake, is a bit bloated but easy, self installs pretty much like windows, 
so it only take about an hour or so to get up and running. you do need to 
know exactly what type of monitor you have for setting up though and 
hopefully you don't have a hsp modem :)

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] list reply

2003-01-08 Thread sam ende
On Wednesday 08 January 2003 16:29, you wrote:
  as an aside, i have read that photoshop has a function that allows you to
  go back and undo selected parts of images. i think that's neat, because
  sometimes, especially with layering you like some changes an additional
  layer makes but you lose other parts you liked (iyswim), hence with this
  tool you can just select the bits you would like retain by selecting that
  part and undoing the change just for that part.
  is there anything similar in the gimp ? if not is it possible to do ?

 In GIMP, you can do what you describe with a layer mask.  Last I saw,
 that's how you did it in Photoshop, too.  Here's a short run-down of the

yes, and thanks for showing how to do it but psp actually has a tool that 
does that, took me ages to find the refernce again, but its mentioned here, 
its called a history brush

now that is really nifty isn't it ?:))
the history palette is good too. i find increasing the undo levels in gimp is 
impractical on large images; it slows down the machine too much, even at a 
tile cache size of 256, and 10 levels of undo are nothing if painting small 
strokes, so its a bit awkward and i think a history palette would sort that 
out ?

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: list reply

2003-01-08 Thread sam ende
On Wednesday 08 January 2003 21:08, you wrote:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (2003-01-08 at 1522.21 +):
  thank you all those who suggsted how to convert rgb into cmyk. i would
  have replied but then i noticed that hitting 'reply' on my reader (knode)
  would send the reply to the individual and not the list. ack.
  why ?, i can't find a way of changing this either. i think that's

 The list owner decided changing reply-to is bad. Others think changing
 is good. In any case, the best is to get a mailer that can do normal
 reply, group reply and list reply.

thank you for your response.
but the links are about munging ? the addresses aren't munged, it is just set 
up so i can't reply to the list automatically, plus i get two mails when 
someone replies, one on the list and one privately. i have to then not only 
type in gimp adress but also delete duplicates. i am on several lists where i 
do not have to do this.
as to changing mailer, this is a linux based mailer. i do not like netscape 
and mutt i find annoying, having to edit mails in vi and view html in other 
windows, etc etc.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] image size

2003-01-08 Thread sam ende
it seems is a problem with gimp. 
large  images slow down my machine quite a bit, somtimes to the point of 
impractabilty, but they are sizes not so untypical of people who need to make 
prints of their graphics.
now i'm hesitant to recommend gimp to people who i know tend to need print 
quality grapics/pictures, but then perhaps proffesssional graphic artist use 
larger/better machines ?

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] rgb to cymk

2002-12-24 Thread sam ende

i need to convert an xcf)from rgb to a cymk tif (for commercial printing) 
image, how do i do this best ?


Gimp-user mailing list