Re: [Gimp-user] Re: CinePaint and Film Gimp

2004-03-05 Thread Robin Rowe

> Please stop making stuff up and rewriting history to suit your own story.
> You have no real idea what happened before you appeared.

You are right that I don't have the whole story and must rely upon what
others say who were actually there.

Unlike Sven or me, you were one of the sponsored Film Gimp developers,
correct? You were there. You can state what happened or didn't happen as
someone who was personally involved. Whether the question is how could GIMP
vote down Film Gimp with so much riding on it, or how could GIMP lose Film
Gimp through inattention, I'm curious to know how it happened. Can you tell

> You refused to actually help further GEGL by choosing to promote CinePaint
> instead. That's fine, it's your decision, but for someone who keeps on
> going on about not having discussions in public you never actually
> explained that one.

Well, I could discuss it if anyone asked me. ;-)

My main reason for not joining GIMP/GEGL is the very thing you are asking
not be talked about. Nobody from Hollywood is joining GIMP's second attempt
at implementing deep paint because GIMP wasted the effort last time.


[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Hollywood, California   Free motion picture and still image editing software

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Re: CinePaint and Film Gimp

2004-03-04 Thread Robin Rowe

> Please stop making stuff up and rewriting history to suit your own story.
> You have no real idea what happened before you appeared.

You are right that I don't have the whole story and must rely upon what
others say who were actually there.

Unlike Sven or me, you were one of the sponsored Film Gimp developers,
correct? You were there. You can state what happened or didn't happen as
someone who was personally involved. Whether the question is how could GIMP
vote down Film Gimp with so much riding on it, or how could GIMP lose Film
Gimp through inattention, I'm curious to know how it happened. Can you tell

> You refused to actually help further GEGL by choosing to promote CinePaint
> instead. That's fine, it's your decision, but for someone who keeps on
> going on about not having discussions in public you never actually
> explained that one.

Well, I could discuss it if anyone asked me. ;-)

My main reason for not joining GIMP/GEGL is the very thing you are asking
not be talked about. Nobody from Hollywood is joining GIMP's second attempt
at implementing deep paint because GIMP wasted the effort last time.


[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Hollywood, California   Free motion picture and still image editing software

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Re: CinePaint and Film Gimp

2003-09-17 Thread Carol Spears
i was talking to one of the xfree developers about changing the name to 
something else so you didn't have to keep typing Xthis and Xthat.  he 
took off to alaska.

who is on the xfree board?  i would rather ask the developers this, myself.

i have this feeling that 20 years later, they are able to rethink this 
naming scheme somewhat, especially when they run out of vacation money.


Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Re: CinePaint and Film Gimp

2003-09-17 Thread Manish Singh
On Wed, Sep 17, 2003 at 12:22:28AM -0700, Robin Rowe wrote:
> CinePaint won't go back to being Film Gimp and can't ever rejoin the GIMP
> project. That irreversible decision was made -- or not made according to
> Sven -- in 2000, long before I came on the scene. GIMP misplaced three
> man-years of Hollywood-funded open source work. That's an immense amount of
> time and money to lose, especially for an open source project. There can be
> no going back.

Please stop making stuff up and rewriting history to suit your own story.
You have no real idea what happened before you appeared. You have bits of
hearsay and you fill in the blanks yourself with "facts" that you pull out
of thin air.

Maybe if you spent more time coding and less time beating your own chest,
CinePaint wouldn't be perceived as the buggy, unstable piece of software
that it is. Maybe if you stopped letting your ego get in the way of things,
people wouldn't think you are hard to work with.

You refused to actually help further GEGL by choosing to promote CinePaint
instead. That's fine, it's your decision, but for someone who keeps on going
on about not having discussions in public you never actually explained that

Stop clouding this list with this drivel and go code instead. You have your
own project and your own mailing list to write useless crap on.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Re: CinePaint and Film Gimp

2003-09-17 Thread David Neary
Hi Marc, Michael,

Calm it down a bit.

 Marc A. Lehmann  wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 16, 2003 at 10:33:39AM -0500, "Michael J. Hammel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
> Obviously I did my homework better than you for example. No, I don't hate
> boards. I hate people who argue unfarily (like you, this is not the first
> ad hominem argument). Can't you just keep to non-personal arguments?

I think that you're probably more guilty of going ad hominem in
here Marc. That said, both of ye are going to wake the children.

> > No one is going to get the "rights" to the code if its under the GPL. 
> It's called "copyright", and the GPL is based on it. Please do a little
> research on that topic and you'll see that you are wrong.

It was made clear at camp that many coders weren't prepared to
hand over copyright, no-one can force them to, I wouldn't ask
them to. And having a steering committee or a board or whatever
you want to call it wouldn't change that. 

> > This sounds like FUD.
> Yes, because you don't understand the GPL and how it works, it seems.
> Also, it's not me who is constantly spreading FUD here, but you :(

Actually, it did sound like fud. The implication was "Board =>
you sign over copyright on your code". This is not the case. 

You now seem to be saying "Board + GPL => you sign over your
copyright", and that's incorrect too. Perhaps I'm
misunderstanding you though.

> Well, you are mixing up "board", "foundation", "central authority" all the
> time. It's difficult to argue with somebody who constantly changes his
> propositions. "central authority" is quite a different concept as "board"
> is, for example.

Actually, Michale seems to be implying that a board/steering
committee would be a central authority and a face on the project.
I think this is correct. You are saying that this type of central
authority might not be desirable. I think you're probably right
too, certainly with respect to several of the current developers.

For me, foundation and board are the same thing - the foundation
is the organisation, the board are its elected representatives.
That board can have as much or as little responsibility as its
members decide. It can also evolve to fill needs as they arise.
That is why we decided to create the gimp foundation and elect a
board (as a public face to the gimp), while at the same time
having rules sufficiently wide that the board could eventually,
if it were felt reasonable, be a steering committee for the
project, or ake release schedules, etc. But that was not the
intention when creating the foundation, and any such change would
probably need to be debated at a conference. I'll bring the
boxing gloves.

> > By lighting the fire of interest in the non-technical community that
> > often sparks motivation and interest in the project itself.
> Well, at least in the case of the gimp, interest is extremely high in the
> non-technical community, in case you missed that. And again: how does
> that help the developers?

As you said earlier, Marc, XFree is losing developers, and new
ones aren't coming in. I think that a few of the ideas we had at 
camp which are now being put in place will help with that, but we
also need more people involved in the project. More non-technical
people means more time for the technical people to do other
stuff. It also means more future technical people, as the
non-techs start working and get a bit braver :)

> Well, that works fine. Remember the big discussion about the 2.0 version
> number exactly because directions and plans on development _have_ been
> known outside the dveeloper community?

Actually, most of that discussion stayed inside the developer
community. The fact that there was a fight was bigger news than
the version change itself.

> This is exactly what is wrong about the idea. A foundation (like the
> one that is planned), as a mere instrument to collect money, maybe do
> publicity or similar tasks, is quite fine.
> It's when people want to take the power away from the developers where I
> say no.

A steering committee (which is what we all seem to be talking
about, albeit with different names) is usually developer driven.
It would not make sense to have it any other way, as you rightly

If we look at gnome, there are several committees - the
foundation board, the release team, the web team, the i18n
project, the bugsquad, all of whom have their own domain of
knowledge and competency The foundation board benefits developers 
by keeping all the organisational crap out of their way, the 
release team by creating and sticking to a release schedule, and
forcing all the sub-projects to do the same, and so on. 

In each of these teams, people come and go, but the team goes on. 
That's the benefit of a team. Perhaps if the GIMP oriented itself a
little more towards this idea of sub-teams with responsibility,
we would not have so much reliance on one or two core
individuals. And perhaps that would benefit the developers.



Re: [Gimp-user] Re: CinePaint and Film Gimp

2003-09-17 Thread David Neary
Hi Robin,

Robin Rowe wrote:
> Despite the code reuse in some areas, CinePaint and GIMP are actually
> diverging. CinePaint has a very different vision for the future than GIMP.
> We're pulling in features that further our mission, rejecting others as
> irrelevant, and building new designs that have no counterpart in GIMP.

That's somewhat unfortunate - perhaps you guys are having some
problems that we've already solved or thought about, and we can
get talking?

> CinePaint won't go back to being Film Gimp and can't ever rejoin the GIMP
> project. That irreversible decision was made -- or not made according to
> Sven -- in 2000, long before I came on the scene. GIMP misplaced three
> man-years of Hollywood-funded open source work. That's an immense amount of
> time and money to lose, especially for an open source project. There can be
> no going back.

Please, stop repeating this myth as if it were fact. Yes, some
people were employed to work on the gimp, and yes, much of the
work they did was not integrated into the gimp core. There, I
said it, we can agree. Now, for the good of both our projects,
and for inter-project relationships, please stop saying it. It
really doesn't help matters.

Actually, a lot of lessons were learned while doing HOLLYWOOD which
have now been absorbed into gegl's design by calvin and yosh.
While there was no conscious decision not to integrate the code,
there was perhaps an unconscious decision (if such a thing
exists) that there was a better way to do things.


   David Neary,
   Lyon, France
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Re: CinePaint and Film Gimp

2003-09-16 Thread Daniel Rogers
Hash: SHA1

This topic getting a little off topic and a little flamy.  Could you
please move the discussion off the list or more on topic?
- --
Daniel Rogers
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Re: CinePaint and Film Gimp

2003-09-16 Thread pcg
On Tue, Sep 16, 2003 at 10:33:39AM -0500, "Michael J. Hammel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> On Mon, 2003-09-15 at 20:58, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > We should also consider that xfree86 currently falls aparts exactly
> > because of the board (and wrecks for quite some time already). 
> Interesting, if clouded, view of this situation.

I think I have a very clear view of the innards of xfree86.

> The board (which is actually made up of the core developers)

Was. Just ask them. The president abused his unlimited power to silence
everybody and expell most core developers from the board.

> letting fresh air into the process.  The board remains.  XFree86
> remains.  Advances continue.  Exactly where has XFree86 fallen apart?

Well, I can't argue with you, sicne you are supposing something about the
future, on which I disagree. xfree86 is falling apart because developers
leave it and no fresh blood is joining.

> Did you discuss your opinion with any of the core developers or are you
> just stating the opinion without gathering any facts on the situation
> first?

As a matter of fact I discussed it with quite a few current and previous
board members and core developers. I think it's pretty representative.
XFree86 might be somewhat exceptional, as a single person holds all the
power, but if you look around, that is how boards work usually.

> And some live fine with them.  KDE, GNOME and Debian come to mind.  They
> don't appear to be falling apart either having established definitive
> goals, target audiences, rules for interaction with outside vendors or
> even *gasp* establishing release schedules.

However, there is a distinctive difference there: There is no need to
negotiate with the industry. And since this is your original idea behind a
board, these boards are pretty irrelevant.

Even worse, you could at least have made your homework and look wether
these projects even have a board. That's not the case, so I guess your
agrument is (again) not backed up by facts. It doesn't help you to accuse
me of not basing my opinions on fact, and I think that's pretty low of

> > GCC (one of the largest free
> > software projects) did fine, too, for a very long time. 
> Indeed it has.  Of course, it does have the Free Software Foundation
> (and no less than Stallman himself) as a guiding force behind it.  But I

That's just plain bullshit (sorry, but what are you trying to achieve
with spreading such misinformation??). It's you who is making claims that
are badly researched and shed a bad light on what you say. The "guiding
force" behind gcc is purely the developer community. Even if you take the
steering committee (which has "power" and says it "guides"), it only does
so when the community can't make a decision. Neither of these is the FSF.

The FSF has absolute power over gcc (the name), but as history has shown,
it doesn't have power over gcc (the project). The current state of gcc is
*exactly* the result of a board (of the FSF in this case) trying to force

> guess that doesn't count as a "board" in your opinion.

Of course not, because it isn't a board. That is independend of my
opinion, but a fact.

Why do you get this personal?

> If by this you mean the board doesn't try to snatch control away from
> the developers then that's probably true.  

That's what I meant, yes.

> > Boards are a concept alien to free software projects, since boards
> > work like "we decide, you do the work", which might work in corporate
> > structures, but doesn't work at all in free software environments.
> You see the world as black and white, Marc.  Not all boards are so
> manipulative.

Well, if a board doesn't have any power, there is no need to create one in
the first place. It serves no purpose if it cannot do anything.

> But there are many projects who could use an authoritative voice to keep
> the project moving.

That is exactly the problem: an authoritative voice. Gimp already has
authoritative voices.

If your assumption is that authoritative voices and boards are the same
thing, then you are mistaken. And if you think that boards and auth.
voices are not the same thing, then it has nothing to do with this

In other words: boards are not necessarily autoritative voices, and you
don't need boards to have that. What _are_ your arguments for such an

> for GNOME, and that project (even without a board, but with an
> authoritative figure at its helm) has done quite well.

So that proves that boards aren't necessary, right? Boards are not even
necessarily productive for a project.

> "doesn't work at all in free software environments" isn't even close to
> the truth here.

Well, I disagree. The only counterexamples are boards without any power or
voice. I wouldn't oppose those and agree they work fine with free software

> You sound like you speak more from hate of anything that smells of
> authority than from research of the facts.

Obviously I did my hom

Re: [Gimp-user] Re: CinePaint and Film Gimp

2003-09-16 Thread Michael J. Hammel
Interesting comments Marc.  Unfortunately, I couldn't disagree with you

On Mon, 2003-09-15 at 20:58, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> We should also consider that xfree86 currently falls aparts exactly
> because of the board (and wrecks for quite some time already). 

Interesting, if clouded, view of this situation.  The board (which is
actually made up of the core developers) has been closed minded about
its development efforts in the past.  The recent turmoil was a way of
letting fresh air into the process.  The board remains.  XFree86
remains.  Advances continue.  Exactly where has XFree86 fallen apart?

Did you discuss your opinion with any of the core developers or are you
just stating the opinion without gathering any facts on the situation

> And many
> other projects live fine without boards, too. 

And some live fine with them.  KDE, GNOME and Debian come to mind.  They
don't appear to be falling apart either having established definitive
goals, target audiences, rules for interaction with outside vendors or
even *gasp* establishing release schedules.

> GCC (one of the largest free
> software projects) did fine, too, for a very long time. 

Indeed it has.  Of course, it does have the Free Software Foundation
(and no less than Stallman himself) as a guiding force behind it.  But I
guess that doesn't count as a "board" in your opinion.

> Apache probably
> has less problems because they try very hard not do decide things over the
> heads of other people.

If by this you mean the board doesn't try to snatch control away from
the developers then that's probably true.  In fact, that's what a
guiding board should do - offer guidance on direction.  If the
developers remain open minded, they'll consider that guidance
seriously.  In Apache's case, it appears to work.

> Boards are a concept alien to free software projects, since boards
> work like "we decide, you do the work", which might work in corporate
> structures, but doesn't work at all in free software environments.

You see the world as black and white, Marc.  Not all boards are so
manipulative.  But there are many projects who could use an
authoritative voice to keep the project moving.  Miguel was such a force
for GNOME, and that project (even without a board, but with an
authoritative figure at its helm) has done quite well.

"doesn't work at all in free software environments" isn't even close to
the truth here.  You sound like you speak more from hate of anything
that smells of authority than from research of the facts.

As for boards being "alien" to free software, well, I've given a number
of examples to the contrary.  There are many more.

> Non-profit organizations are, on the other hand, often seperated from the
> project itself (esp. for the Gimp, as the developers feel afaics strongly
> against handing over the rights to the code to such an organization, which
> means it would have no rights at all to the gimp).

No one is going to get the "rights" to the code if its under the GPL. 
This sounds like FUD.  But developers may feel disinclined to handing
over the direction and control of the *project* (not the code itself) to
another group or individual.  That's a fair feeling considering the
efforts the developers have given to this point.  Because of this, any
authoritative leadership must have the support of the developers group
or it wouldn't be of any use.  If the GIMP developers are happy without
such leadership, then there really isn't any point in trying to
establish one.  It is my assertion that such leadership is missing and
would help extend GIMP's value to both the developers and the user

Please note that when I say "leadership is missing" I say that with
Sven's acknowledgment that he is not the central authority and that such
central authority does not exist.  I do not mean to imply that the work
Sven and the others have done to this point was without value.  To the
contrary:  The GIMP developers have done very well without central
authority.  I feel they can do even better with it.

> Recently I hear a lot about "target audience" and "have to work with the
> industry" and similar ideas.

You'll hear a lot more as open source catches on in the real world.

> In my opinion, this has exactly zero relevance. 

And you are entitled to your opinion, no matter how far removed from
reality it might be.

> The question to ask is:
> how would a board/non-profit-org help the _developers_. 

By lighting the fire of interest in the non-technical community that
often sparks motivation and interest in the project itself.  Getting the
word out about the GIMP and it's plans and direction (and having helped
establish both) may help bring in new developers, which in turn *could*
(but is not guaranteed, of course) help to speed the process of
development.  It could also generate funding for hardware.  Perhaps even
small scholarships for students participating in the project.  Most
importantly (in my opinion, which is worth a

Re: [Gimp-user] Re: CinePaint and Film Gimp

2003-09-15 Thread Daniel Rogers
Hash: SHA1
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ( Marc) (A.) (Lehmann ) wrote:
| On Fri, Sep 12, 2003 at 01:40:12PM -0700, Daniel Rogers
|>>with as well - how to take a loosely organized group and work with
|>>outside, commercial groups who have more strict rules for interaction.
|>>XFree86, Apache, and others all formed boards and/or non-profits to help
|>>deal with the situation.  I believe its time the GIMP community
|>>seriously considered this as well.
|>it is not mearly being considered.  It is happening.
| I disagree, and think both of you are not talking about the same thing.
hmm, I agree with you, if your intrepretation of Mr. Hammel's words are
| I know a not-for-profit organization (with no rights to the gimp) is being
| created, however, that is very far from "taking a loosely organized group
| and work with commercial groups". The planned organization does not take
| the gimp group to do anything, as far as I can see.
Yes, you are right.

- --
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Re: CinePaint and Film Gimp

2003-09-15 Thread pcg
On Fri, Sep 12, 2003 at 01:40:12PM -0700, Daniel Rogers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >with as well - how to take a loosely organized group and work with
> >outside, commercial groups who have more strict rules for interaction. 
> >XFree86, Apache, and others all formed boards and/or non-profits to help
> >deal with the situation.  I believe its time the GIMP community
> >seriously considered this as well.
> > 
> >
> it is not mearly being considered.  It is happening.

I disagree, and think both of you are not talking about the same thing.

I know a not-for-profit organization (with no rights to the gimp) is being
created, however, that is very far from "taking a loosely organized group
and work with commercial groups". The planned organization does not take
the gimp group to do anything, as far as I can see.

  -==- |
  ==-- _   |
  ---==---(_)__  __   __   Marc Lehmann  +--
  --==---/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |e|
  -=/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\   XX11-RIPE --+
The choice of a GNU generation   |
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Re: CinePaint and Film Gimp

2003-09-15 Thread pcg
On Fri, Sep 12, 2003 at 03:09:32PM -0500, "Michael J. Hammel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> XFree86, Apache, and others all formed boards and/or non-profits to help
> deal with the situation.  I believe its time the GIMP community
> seriously considered this as well.

We should also consider that xfree86 currently falls aparts exactly
because of the board (and wrecks for quite some time already). And many
other projects live fine without boards, too. GCC (one of the largest free
software projects) did fine, too, for a very long time. Apache probably
has less problems because they try very hard not do decide things over the
heads of other people.

Boards are a concept alien to free software projects, since boards
work like "we decide, you do the work", which might work in corporate
structures, but doesn't work at all in free software environments.

Non-profit organizations are, on the other hand, often seperated from the
project itself (esp. for the Gimp, as the developers feel afaics strongly
against handing over the rights to the code to such an organization, which
means it would have no rights at all to the gimp).

Recently I hear a lot about "target audience" and "have to work with the
industry" and similar ideas.

In my opinion, this has exactly zero relevance. The question to ask is:
how would a board/non-profit-org help the _developers_. One can create
boards as much as one likes, this won't change nor create a single line of
code or code-change.

And if it doesn't help the people who write the code (e.g. by getting
specifications or the like), then I don't see why such a thing should be
founded in the first place.

So what are the benefits of a board for the developers? How would that
help them? How would such a board counter the frustration on the side of
developers that a board exists that has power but no obilgations? Where
does it get it's rights from? Who has to submit to it's decisions? How
is it elected (if at all)?

  -==- |
  ==-- _   |
  ---==---(_)__  __   __   Marc Lehmann  +--
  --==---/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |e|
  -=/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\   XX11-RIPE --+
The choice of a GNU generation   |
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Re: CinePaint and Film Gimp

2003-09-12 Thread Daniel Rogers
Michael J. Hammel wrote:

The problem here is one that other open source projects have had to deal

with as well - how to take a loosely organized group and work with
outside, commercial groups who have more strict rules for interaction. 
XFree86, Apache, and others all formed boards and/or non-profits to help
deal with the situation.  I believe its time the GIMP community
seriously considered this as well.

it is not mearly being considered.  It is happening.

Daniel Rogers
Gimp-user mailing list