convert parts of a white backround

2000-09-06 Thread Christian Wenz

i have a graph with some curves over a white backround and i like to
transform some parts of the backround to an other colour. how can i do
this with gimp ???

sharpen gif ??

2000-08-29 Thread Christian Wenz

i scaned a coulor picture with gimp and saved it in a gif-format. after
that i load it in xfig to add some arrows and such stuff and write it as
an eps-file. now i see that the edges of the picture are not so sharp as
i expect. if i save the same one as postscript and after work with xfig
as eps i get more sharp edges but a huge file. is there a way to improve
the quality of gif with gimp or is it more a problem of the gif-format
itself ???

problems to unsubscribe

2000-05-04 Thread Christian Wenz

unfortunately i have problems to unsubscribe from this mailinglist. i
send an empty message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and get
an automatically created message back with a special adress. i send
another empty e-mail at this special adress but nothing happens. i still
get all mails from the group. has anybody an idea ??? 
E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Voice: 040-6302954

projection on a sphere ??

2000-01-14 Thread Christian Wenz

hello to all gimp-user,

i am new to this mailinglist and i hope that this is the rigth list for
my question.
i like to project a picture on a sphere. which plug-in can make this job

christian [EMAIL PROTECTED] uniTel.:040-42838 4389 homeTel.:040-6302954