Re: adjust /import layers function

2000-09-21 Thread Renzo Lauper

Are you using the most recent version of gimp (1.1.25)?


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Re: selection to paths?!

2000-09-07 Thread Renzo Lauper

Hi Coleen

 On my laptop, when I choose  the Layers, Channels... menu item, I get the
 tabbed inspector that has only two tabs: Layers and Channels.  Isn't there
 supposed to be a paths tab?

The paths tab was not included in version 1.0.4 yet. Try to install 1.1.25 the most 
recent version which is really stable already, I use it almost daily and crashes are 
_very_ rarely.

 Also, I'm used to working fast in Photoshop with keyboard shortcuts...
 does GIMP have that functionality?

Gimp does support shortcuts in a very useful way. You see the already defined 
shortcuts in the menus to the right like "Ctl+D" for example. To define your own 
shortcut just go to the desired command in the menu, and press the desired shortcut. 
If this shortcut was assigned to another command already, the old one will be 
overwritten. Isn't that easy?


Not any more, OK? :-)

Hope this helps
    Renzo Lauper

-- LINUX: Reboot once a year...just for fun.
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2000-09-07 Thread Renzo Lauper


Anybody with Script-Fu experiences?

I would like to write a very small script (actually my first...), which would be able 
to do the following for me:
- Add a drop-shadow (script-fu-drop-shadow)
- Flatten the image (gimp-image-flatten)
- Save this "new" picture under the old name (gimp-file-save)

Here is my try:

 cut here -
(define (script-fu-wof-shadow image drawable)

(script-fu-drop-shadow image drawable "8" "8" "15" '(0 0 0) "80" TRUE)

(gimp-image-flatten image)


"Fuegt einem Bild einen Drop-Shadow hinzu, fuehrt Flatten Image aus und speichert das 
neue Bild."
"Renzo Lauper ([EMAIL PROTECTED])"
"Renzo Lauper"
SF-IMAGE "Image" 0
SF-DRAWABLE "Drawable" 0)
 cut here -

Thanks in advance
Renzo Lauper

-- LINUX: Reboot once a year...just for fun.
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Re: Working with selections and channels.

2000-09-06 Thread Renzo Lauper

Hi Simon

I hope I got your problem right, if not this solution might not help... :-)

After having scaled/moved/rotated your floating selection create a new layer out of 
it. Afterwards activate this new layer and choose Layers-Alpha to Selection. This 
should get your scaled/moded/rotated car selected again.

Hope this helps
Renzo Lauper

On Wed, 6 Sep 2000 13:51:30 +0100 
Simon Wood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,
 I've been exploring the more advanced aspects of Gimp (well more advanced than 
Paintbrush anyhow).
 I think I've got the right end of the stick when it comes to channels as a method of 
storing selections for later use. However I've across a problem/feature I can't think 
of a way to work around.
 1). Take a picture, select an area (such a sports car) and convert this to a channel 
- great works fine.
 2). Deselect area (as if you're doing something else) and use channels to restore 
selection, cut and paste - I now have the selection as a floating selection.
 3). Move/Rotate/Scale the selection to a different area of picture, I want to save 
this new selection/position to another channel so I can do work with it later - but I 
can't seem to do it.
 Whilst the selection is floating the 'convert to channel' is greyed out, and as soon 
as I defloat to current or new layer I lose my selection.
 Anyone have any workarounds??
 Simon Wood
 PS. If you believe what you see, my other three cars are also Porsches ;-)

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Re: convert parts of a white backround

2000-09-06 Thread Renzo Lauper

Hi Christian

If you want to convert all the white background, try the "by Color..." out of the 
select menu and use the bucket fill afterwards.

If you want to select a particular white area which is surrounded by your curves use 
the magic wand (is this the word in englisch?) ("Zauberstab"), the forth icon in the 
toolbox and click in the white area. This tool selects an area until it reaches a 
border with a "threshold"-difference to your starting point.
Think of it as a stone thrown into water, which produces waves. Those waves go on in 
all directions, until they reach something, that stops them - in your picture this 
border is a different color which differs threshold (Tool Options dialog) from the 
starting color (where you clicked.)

Hope it helps
Renzo Lauper

On Wed, 06 Sep 2000 10:39:20 +0200
Christian Wenz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 i have a graph with some curves over a white backround and i like to
 transform some parts of the backround to an other colour. how can i do
 this with gimp ???

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Re: Gamma correction for photos

2000-08-31 Thread Renzo Lauper

Hi Rick

Try Image-Colors-Levels and play with the levels. Often just a click on the 
"auto"-button helps a lot already.
What you can try also is the entries in Image-Colors-Auto-.

Hope it helps
    Renzo Lauper

On Thu, 31 Aug 2000 13:43:35 -0700
Rick Rosinski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello, all.
 I am using Gimp 1.1.24, and I am working with photos.
 I have scanned lots of photos, all which are a bit too dark,
 using Sane 1.0.1 with Umax 1220S.  I want to change the gamma
 level the photos so it looks "normal", more like the prints which
 I scanned.  Can anybody help me here? 
 Thanks in advance.
 Rick Rosinski

-- LINUX: Reboot once a year...just for fun.
-- Take a look at

AW: Scanner suggestions

2000-08-16 Thread Renzo Lauper

Hi Kate

In case you are considering bying a UMAX scanner be aware, that their SCSI
card is not supported by linux but instead you would have to get another
SCSI adapter like adaptec. Besides that, UMAX scanners are great.


I'm new to both linux and the gimp - and will be picking up a scanner
shortly. I've got SuSE 6.2 - a stripped down version that came with the
SuSE for Dummies book, which had Gimp 1.1.7 with it.

(Please don't tell me to upgrade - I'm not confident enough yet to install
a new version, and except for some script-fu bugs, it's working pretty

Anyhow, any suggestions out there for a scanner? There are several listed
in the book, but I thought I'd see what suggestions might come my way, as
it's a bit outdated.

I don't need anything particularly elaborate - my work will consist of
scanning a few photos and rough sketches.
