Re: [Gimp-user] loading jp2 images

2020-01-28 Thread The Tick

If anyone's still interested, irfanview 4.50 32-bit (on windows) opens
the image and shows a very large, color, arial view of some rural, green

On 1/28/2020 11:36 AM, Partha Bagchi via gimp-user-list wrote:

Psot=12 implies that it's a special case that can be read by Kakadu.
Otherwise Psot has to be greater or equal to 14.

I used the Kakadu demo viewer and it still shows me 1 grayscale layer.
Sorry, this is where I stop. :)

On Tue, Jan 28, 2020 at 12:16 PM rich404  wrote:

You're obviously resourceful. :)

Anyway, that image opens as grayscale for me. As a check, I opened it
Photoshop and that's a single layer grayscale as well.

I initially thought it might be an old version of lib libopenjp2 (ubuntu
uses 2.3.0 ) but trying out an appimage with the latest 2.3.1 makes no

Might be this for you clever guys ;)   If I use imagemagick identify
end of the report is:

Version: ImageMagick 7.0.9-17 Q16 x86_64 2020-01-23
identify: Empty SOT marker detected: Psot=12.
 `OpenJP2' @ warning/jp2.c/JP2WarningHandler/237.
identify: UnableToOpenConfigureFile `colors.xml' @

I still think an libopenjp2 issue rather than Gimp.

rich404 (via
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Re: [Gimp-user] Making a gif or video from time-lapse photos

2017-10-02 Thread The Tick

On 10/2/2017 12:17 AM, GimpyGapper wrote:

i have tried searching all over the web and here and other gimp
forums, and youtube for this, but surprisngly i cannot find the info i

i enjoy taking various speeds of time-laps photographs, and would love
to now elarn how to animate them, and hear that gimp is ideal for this

i simply wish to arrange the photos in the correct order/series, then
make them into little animated gifs and videos, and perhaps loops of
the same.

are there any decent tutorials where i won't get bogged down with
other stuff i won't need?
i am so frustrated trying to do what i hoped would be a simple thing
to learn, but so far gimp is just confusing me.
(what is the 2warning.pat"? and what is it warning about?)

replying to my own post here, BUT:
here is an EXCELLENT tutorial on exactly what i was after which may help anyone
you could use this for anything from rapid screenshot animation, to animating
time-lapse, of, say, a plastecine model like Morph (if anyone ever watch UK TV's
Take Hart art program in the 70s)

ImageMagick is much easier:

magick convert -dispose previous -delay 10 +repage FRAMES/*.gif -loop 0 

I've found that converting each frame to a GIF prior to running the 
above results in a smaller result.

I have also used ffmpeg to make a MP4 movie from individual images:

Create a file "durations.txt". Ex.
  file frame1.gif
  duration 1
  file frame2.gif
  duration 1
  file frame(N-1).gif

The last image does not have a "duration 1" line.


  # Windows cannot do globbing for input images
  # -pix_fmt yuv420p required for quicktime & windows media player
  # -fps=10 required for vlc media player which cannot deal with a
  # lower fps
  ffmpeg -f concat -i durations.txt -framerate 1 -vsync vfr -c:v \
libx264 -preset slow -crf 22 -an -vf fps=10 -pix_fmt yuv420p \
-y MOVIE.mp4

I've done this on windows but these tools are available for unix too. 
ImageMagick was developed for unix. You can easily find documentation 
and examples via a quick google.

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Re: [Gimp-user] Copy text layers as text or python script to mass generate text layers

2017-09-25 Thread The Tick

On 9/25/2017 8:36 PM, Scott Jacobs via gimp-user-list wrote:

Maybe I am missing something, but why do you not just drag-n-drop the desired 
layer to the new image?
I just File->New 'd two images, created a text layer in one, and drag-n-drop 'd 
it into the other.
The first image's layer was intact, and the second image now had a new layer 
that was a duplicate of

the first image's layer - was definitely a text layer, as I was able to then 
text-edit it.

That never occurred to me -- I'll try it asap.
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Re: [Gimp-user] Copy text layers as text or python script to mass generate text layers

2017-09-25 Thread The Tick

On 9/25/2017 10:20 AM, The Tick wrote:

This is gimp 2.8.22 on windows

I want to merge two images and both have quite a few text layers. I
found that an edit->copy does not copy a text layer -- it makes it an
image layer. I really do now want that since I will definitely have to
modify some of the text in the future as I continue expanding the image.

1) Am I missing something? Is there a way to copy a text layer between
2) If not, perhaps I could write a very simple, one-time script to mass
create the text layers (I'd have to move them to the correct locations
but that is simpler than click-enter text-click and move for each of the

I found the reference to script-fu but I have never wrapped my head
around scheme/lisp and I don't want to start now. Where are the docs for
the python interface? I am assuming there is some interface to create a
text layer via scripting.

I found the docs for gimp python; now:

1) How to get "print" statments? I started filters->python fu->console 
but apparently a "print" does not write to the console?

2) How can I refresh the script? So far I restart gimp but that is 
getting tedious.

3) Is there an online site with hints on how to debug a gimp python script?

For reference, here is the script. It apparently runs but I get no new 
layer and no progress/console output. I did not expect it to work first 
time so now I'd like some pointers on how to debug it.

from gimpfu import *

def mass_text(img) :
print "Does this go to console?"

pdb.gimp.progress_init("Mass text insert ...")

font = 'Arial Bold'

pdb.gimp.set_foreground( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 )

# Create a new text layer (-1 for the layer means create a new layer)
layer = pdb.gimp_text_fontname(img, None, 0, 0, "This is my text", 10,
   True, 24, PIXELS, font)
img.add_layer(layer, 0)

"Mass Text",
"Mass create text layers",
"Mass Text Layer insert...",
mass_text, menu="/Tools/MassText")


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[Gimp-user] Copy text layers as text or python script to mass generate text layers

2017-09-25 Thread The Tick

This is gimp 2.8.22 on windows

I want to merge two images and both have quite a few text layers. I 
found that an edit->copy does not copy a text layer -- it makes it an 
image layer. I really do now want that since I will definitely have to 
modify some of the text in the future as I continue expanding the image.

1) Am I missing something? Is there a way to copy a text layer between 
2) If not, perhaps I could write a very simple, one-time script to mass 
create the text layers (I'd have to move them to the correct locations 
but that is simpler than click-enter text-click and move for each of the 

I found the reference to script-fu but I have never wrapped my head 
around scheme/lisp and I don't want to start now. Where are the docs for 
the python interface? I am assuming there is some interface to create a 
text layer via scripting.

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