Re: [Gimp-user] Asking for comparison to Photoshop, pretty please!

2020-12-22 Thread gimp-users . mbourne

Δημήτρης Γιάννος via gimp-user-list wrote:

   Oh, I also forgot the part about Photoshop being available for Tablets
and phones. Could there be similar plans for GIMP?

There's an entry on the FAQ about the lack of Android/iOS support:

I can't really help with a comparison.  I only use GIMP occasionally, 
mostly for fairly basic things, and have never used Photoshop.

I'd guess part of the problem with comparisons is that someone who uses 
Photoshop all the time (so already has a license for it) can just 
download GIMP for free, give it a go for a few hours and write a 
comparison.  But they'd perceive GIMP as difficult to use because it's 
not the same as Photoshop and they haven't got used to the differences. 
On the other hand, someone who happily uses GIMP all the time, and is 
really familiar with all its features, isn't so likely to pay for 
Photoshop just to compare it to GIMP.  But if they did, they'd probably 
encounter similar difficulties with Photoshop.  There may well be some 
reviews out there written by people who do use both regularly and can 
make a fair comparison, but the difficulty would be finding them (and 
knowing that you've found them!)


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Re: [Gimp-user] crop to content

2020-01-31 Thread gimp-users . mbourne

Liam R E Quin wrote:

On Thu, 2020-01-30 at 23:09 +0100, geop wrote:

So maybe I can suggest (somewhere) to the developers to add some
parameters that
permit some range in values for the border color in "Crop to

Once you do this you start eating into the main image, but it might be
an interesting option to have a "shrink wrap" option in rectangle
select or image crop, with a tolerance. Maybe there's already a script
or plugin that does this.

I'm no expert, but it seems that it should be possible to use the fuzzy 
select tool (with adjustable threshold) to select the border, then 
Select > Invert and Image > Fit Canvas to Selection?  Still with the 
caveat that it may eat into the wanted image.


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Re: [Gimp-user] GIMP SWAP Folder not honored

2018-09-19 Thread gimp-users . mbourne

Michael Schumacher wrote:

On 9/19/18 7:59 PM, stormy wrote:

if someone knows exact cmd, i can try it here, this is windows 10 and I'm new to
gimp, etc, so don't assume much :)

I'd try to set the environment variable XDG_CACHE_HOME to e.g.
f:\temp\gegl and see if this changes anything.

if you need advice on how to set these on Windows 10.

Try this before my suggestion - if it works, this is easier (and less 
confusing in future) than mucking around with directory junctions!


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Re: [Gimp-user] GIMP SWAP Folder not honored

2018-09-19 Thread gimp-users . mbourne

stormy wrote:
Thanks for all these details.  I'm not a developer, 

The detail I posted was mainly aimed at developers who might pick this 
up, in case they're not familiar with Windows conventions.

tried shortcut from:


to f:\temp\gegl0.4, but the short cut has a .lnk extension, removing it made the
shortcut have a .4 extension :)  in short, could not get it to work, and
processing of any large file is just not possible b/c it locks up the PC pretty
quickly as the swap is written to.. C:\...*some*place*... :)

if someone knows exact cmd, i can try it here, this is windows 10 and I'm new to
gimp, etc, so don't assume much :)

A shortcut probably won't work for this purpose. As you found, they have 
a .lnk extension, and the way they're handled by the OS doesn't do 
what's needed.

You might be able to achieve the right effect with an NTFS "directory 
junction". Windows doesn't provide a GUI for creating those, but it can 
be done from the command prompt. I believe you need to run the command 
prompt as administrator to do this.

1. Close GIMP.

2. Move "C:\Users\myuser\.cache\gegl-0.4" to "F:\temp\gegl0.4".

3. In Windows' Start menu, search for the "Command Prompt", right-click 
it and select "Run as administrator".

4. Enter the following command to create a directory junction:
  mklink /J "C:\Users\myuser\.cache\gegl-0.4" "F:\temp\gegl0.4"

5. Enter the following command to check:
  dir "C:\Users\myuser\.cache\"
In the output, you should see something like:
  DD/MM/  HH:MMgegl-0.4 [F:\temp\gegl0.4]

Opening "C:\Users\myuser\.cache\gegl-0.4" in Windows Explorer will look 
like it's showing a directory at that path - the address bar will still 
show "C:\Users\myuser\.cache\gegl-0.4", not "F:\temp\gegl0.4". However, 
what appears to be the content of that directory is actually stored at 
"F:\temp\gegl0.4", and any files created in one location will also show 
up in the other. Any other application (such as GIMP) will also believe 
it's working with files under "C:\Users\myuser\.cache\gegl-0.4", when 
they're actually stored under "F:\temp\gegl0.4".

Hopefully that works. If not, the most likely difficulty is the "mklink" 
command. If you get any errors, be sure to mention the exact text of any 


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Re: [Gimp-user] GIMP SWAP Folder not honored

2018-09-18 Thread gimp-users . mbourne

stormy wrote:

Also what is the proper default cache folder expected on Windows if
were explicitly set?

I guess this is OK:


Just to note that this would /not/ be a sensible default location for 
GIMP (or GEGL) to store its cache files. This is under a directory where 
Microsoft Windows stores /its/ own data. To be honest I'm not quite sure 
what INetCache is used for specifically. As far as I can make out from 
searching it's something to do with Internet Explorer's cache or perhaps 
running plugins in protected mode. Not sure why anything to do with GEGL 
would have ended up there though... is there a GIMP or GEGL browser plugin?

A more sensible default would be somewhere under, say:
i.e. a GIMP-specific directory under the local appdata directory. The 
local appdata directory is relocatable (as is the whole C:\Users 
directory), so the path used should be more like:

Where %LOCALAPPDATA% is an environment variable (set by Windows) 
containing the correct path to the current user's local appdata directory.

I believe there are also Windows API calls to retrieve the local appdata 
path. Looks like perhaps SHGetKnownFolderPath (since Windows Vista) or 
(deprecated) SHGetFolderPathA for compatibility with older versions:

If using %LOCALAPPDATA% or the API calls to get the local appdata path, 
it may not really be necessary to provide an option within GIMP to 
change those paths. Anyone wanting to move GIMP's appdata to a different 
disk should be able to just configure Windows to move the appdata 
directories, and as a bonus other applications (should) also store their 
data at the new location.

Note that there's also a "roaming" appdata path. That shouldn't be used 
for large amounts of data, particularly if temporary or disposable 
caches. On networks using roaming profiles, the roaming appdata 
directory is synchronised to a server during log-on/log-off, which gets 
slow if there's a lot of data there. It might be useful for 
configuration files though, since change made on one machine should then 
be carried over to other machines the user log on to (if roaming 
profiles are being used). Apologies for some vagueness; I've never 
actually had to be concerned with the details. Probably best look up 
authoritative info on Windows roaming profiles and correct usage of 
"local" vs "roaming" appdata directories if this is of concern.


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Re: [Gimp-user] GIMP ---> Pixi: suggested name change

2017-05-09 Thread gimp-users . mbourne

Joshua Coppersmith-Heaven wrote:

Hi all,

GIMP is a great programme, but it is not a great name. Changing its
identity to something more likeable will help to get more users, and
potentially more developers.

There is a commercial image editor called Pixie (with an e), but not
Pixi. This makes sense, as long as the software remains a pixel-based

How about the Pixel Image Manipulation Program? Similar to the current 
name, but emphasises that it's a pixel rather than vector image editor.

(No, of course I'm not serious!)


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Re: [Gimp-user] Navigation Window Zoom Preview

2017-01-24 Thread gimp-users . mbourne

HambaHambaHamba wrote:

HambaHambaHamba wrote:
Perhaps View > New View - it gives you a separate window showing the
same image, which can be zoomed and scrolled independently. I think
Navigation Window is probably intended to highlight the area you're
currently working on, to help find your way around when working on
details of a large image.

Oh, I didn't know about the New View... but if I'm using
Single-Window mode, is there a way to only 'undock' the new view, or
is it only possible in a non Single-Window mode? With dual monitors I
could put the window on the other one and just record that if I want.
But can it be undocked? Or is that just for the tools?

Sorry, I've no idea about single-window mode. I assume the point of it 
is that you only have a single window so, if you want multiple windows, 
presumably the solution is to use multi-window mode? Then the two 
windows viewing the same image can be moved separately to wherever you 
want them.


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Re: [Gimp-user] Lost My User Profile

2017-01-12 Thread gimp-users . mbourne

GimUsr999 wrote:

Are the files in your recycle bin? Maybe you could restore them from

No, there was nothing in recycle that I could see relating to gimp.  (I also
looked at all the HIDDEN files that no longer had their addresses, after being
deleted.)  Also, if they were available, it seems that the system restore would
have used them.  The restore point was created just before installing gimpshop.

Windows' System Restore only restores things like device drivers and 
system configuration, not user application configurations. It provides 
some chance of recovering if the system fails to boot properly after 
updating Windows or device drivers, not a complete backup of your data.

You'll need to restore the .gimp-2.8 directory in your user profile 
folder from a previous backup (probably one from before installing 


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Re: [Gimp-user] Choice of language

2016-10-15 Thread gimp-users . mbourne

ferren wrote:

GIMP 2.8.18 under Sierra on Mac suddenly started using Greek as its native
tongue. While I can transliterate Greek, and recognize anything remotely like
international scientific vocabulary, I am at a loss when it comes to finding out
how to get back to English or some other language I am comfortable with.

I tried installing a new download, but simply trashing the Greek-speaking
version had no effect on whatever file keeps track of language choice.

The language has probably been set in your user-specific configuration, 
which is intentionally kept through a reinstall, so that all your 
customisations are retained.

I looked at MacCleaner as a way of removing all the auxiliary files, but it
appears to be a scam site.

Any clues about getting back to English?

If you don't mind manually editing configuration files:
- Close GIMP
- Open the file ~/.gimp/gimprc in a text editor (in case you're not 
familiar with the conventions, ~ represents your personal home 
directory; .gimp is a hidden directory so if you're using a graphical 
file browser you might have to type the name into the address bar or set 
an option to show hidden files)

- There is probably a line looking something like:
(language "el")
- Change that line to:
(language "en_GB")
- Save the file
- Start GIMP; hopefully it's now in UK English

If you'd prefer a different dialect of English, the other options are 
"en_CA" for Canadian and "en_US" for American.

If you can manage enough of the GUI in Greek, you'd be looking for:
- Edit > Preferences (although I think Mac has a different convention, 
so this might be something like GIMP > Preferences)

- Interface (second item in the left side of the preferences dialog)
- The top option in the right side is "Language"; select your preferred 
dialect of English; each language has the code in square brackets after 
that, so you'll be looking for an option including "[en_GB]", "[en_CA]" 
or "[en_US]" (whichever dialect you prefer)

- Click "OK" (middle of the 3 buttons at lower right of the dialog
- Hopefully GIMP is now in English


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Re: [Gimp-user] quick discussion about new feature

2016-10-15 Thread gimp-users . mbourne

black-explorer wrote:

Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V, Ctrl-Shift-N

Good answer. But I'm looking for a mouse solution (right click mouse).
Remember we have more than 3 different input modi:

3. computer keyboard
2. mouse
1. touch-pad screen

In that case:
- Edit > Copy
- Edit > Paste as > New Layer

Or for the exact equivalent of the keyboard shortcuts Ofnuts mentioned:
- Edit > Copy
- Edit > Paste
- Layer > To New Layer

"Edit" and "Layer" can be accessed either by right-clicking on the 
image, or on the menu at the top of the image window.


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Re: [Gimp-user] [Bug 771949] problem in Safari

2016-10-08 Thread gimp-users . mbourne
I don't think I've ever tried emailing replied to bug notifications, but 
not surprised that doesn't work otherwise they'd probably get filled 
with spam. You should be able to log in at  
though, using the same username and password as when you reported that 
bug. Did you get any errors when you tried doing that?

I've added your comments to the bug, but can't help much more than that 
since I don't use a Mac or Safari.


ugajin wrote:

Sorry, to have to start a new thread. I tried replying directly, but the e-mail 
bounced, and I am prevented from logging in (see message below).


 Forwarded message 

From :

To : "gimp-web" (GNOME Bugzilla)"
Date : Tue, 04 Oct 2016 10:00:19 +
Subject : Re: [Bug 771949] problem in Safari
 Forwarded message 

I use Safari mostly for sites that require passwords, so it is not without 
irony that I find that I must reply by e-mail and that I am prevented from 
logging in to GNOME Bugzilla.

However, in answer to your question, perhaps the following information may 
help. In developer mode there are 5 warnings shown in the Safari console, which 
I note are not present in Google.

font-awesome.min.css:4:1907 Unexpected CSS token: :
font-awesome.min.css:4:2070 Unexpected CSS token: :
font-awesome.min.css:4:2236 Unexpected CSS token: :
font-awesome.min.css:4:2407 Unexpected CSS token: :
font-awesome.min.css:4:2580 Unexpected CSS token: :

These in turn each refer to the attribute higlighted in the following css rules:

.fa-rotate-90 {
 filter: progid: DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=1);
 -webkit-transform: rotate(90deg);
 -ms-transform: rotate(90deg);
 transform: rotate(90deg)

.fa-rotate-180 {
 filter: progid: DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=2);
 -webkit-transform: rotate(180deg);
 -ms-transform: rotate(180deg);
 transform: rotate(180deg)

.fa-rotate-270 {
 filter: progid: DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=3);
 -webkit-transform: rotate(270deg);
 -ms-transform: rotate(270deg);
 transform: rotate(270deg)

.fa-flip-horizontal {
 filter: progid: DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=0, 
 -webkit-transform: scale(-1, 1);
 -ms-transform: scale(-1, 1);
 transform: scale(-1, 1)

.fa-flip-vertical {
 filter: progid: DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=2, 
 -webkit-transform: scale(1, -1);
 -ms-transform: scale(1, -1);
 transform: scale(1, -1)

Please let me know if this helps, and/or if I can be of further help or 


 On Tue, 04 Oct 2016 08:22:05 + "gimp-web" (GNOME 
Bugzilla) wrote 

  Michael Schumacher  changed bug 771949
What  Removed  Added
   Ever confirmed   1

  Comment # 1 on bug 771949 from  Michael Schumacher  Very few of us use the 
OSX/macOS platform, so debugging this will most likely have to be done by you. 
Is there some web developer extension you can install in Safari to check what 
is happening?

   You are receiving this mail because:  You reported the bug.

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Re: [Gimp-user] Color mismatch between display and printer

2016-10-02 Thread gimp-users . mbourne

Jan Kandziora wrote:

Am 29.09.2016 um 19:53 schrieb James Moe:

I imported one of the images from Gimp and printed it. The result
was the same: an off-color green tint. This implies the problem is
the printer, not Gimp or Libreoffice. While there a few processing
steps between an app and the printer, I would expect them to treat
the output data as sacred.

No, you got that wrong. The printer driver has both text and raster
input. It's not Libreoffice which does the rasterization of text. So
text colors can be handled differently by the printer driver than
raster data.

I hadn't considered that text and images might be handled differently! 
As well as trying Scribus as Jan suggests, it may also be worth trying a 
similar test with blocks of colour from GIMP, and see if the magenta 
comes out any different than it did from LibreOffice.


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Re: [Gimp-user] Color mismatch between display and printer

2016-10-02 Thread gimp-users . mbourne

James Moe wrote:

On 09/27/2016 02:38 PM, wrote:

Your printer probably has a feature to print a test page, usually
accessed from the printer properties, which will print some patterns in
various colours to check for blockages.

   Yes, it does. And I have. The test patterns look normal and are
complete. Initially the patterns had missing segments; after a number of
cleaning cycles they finally became complete.

That sounds like any blockage is probably cleared now.

One other thing I often do when
having problems with colours is to create a page of text in LibreOffice
consisting of the following in a large bold font:
Each word formatted in the corresponding colour. Print that and see how
it comes out. I suspect the magenta will come out faint if at all, and
the red and blue will be off-colour (the red appearing more towards
yellow and the green more towards blue).

   I have created such a test document, cool idea. All of the colors
print normally AFAICT; the magenta *may* be a bit light, I have no way
to be certain. All of the colors are solid, and look like the color they
claim to be. The test document was created in Libreoffice.
   I imported one of the images from Gimp and printed it. The result was
the same: an off-color green tint. This implies the problem is the
printer, not Gimp or Libreoffice.

I wonder if something is slightly off, but not enough to notice with the 
solid blocks of pure colours. Maybe the magenta is coming out slightly 
light, which may be either a hardware or software problem...

While there a few processing steps
between an app and the printer, I would expect them to treat the output
data as sacred.

Not necessarily. That's where the colour profiles others have mentioned 
come in, transforming the colours sent by the application with the 
intention that they print correctly on a particular printer - but if set 
incorrectly they'll produce incorrect output.

Apart from specifying a colour profile, there may be other settings in 
the printer preferences which might affect the colours. For example, my 
Epson printer allows me to specify:

- Quality: Draft, Text, Text & Image, Photo, Best Photo
- Paper Type: Plain, Matte, Gloss, Photo, etc.
- On an "Advanced" tab, there's a colour mode settings button to adjust 
brightness, contrast, etc. and even nudge the colours in a certain 
direction - which can give everything a green (or any other colour) tint.

It may be worth going through the printer preferences checking each tab 
of options and/or resetting to defaults, in case they've been 
accidentally changed.

   Do the apps reference some common system values for deciding the
output color balance?

On Windows, the initial settings in the printer preferences usually come 
from those set in Windows' Control Panel. Anything set incorrectly there 
will affect most applications. If you find something wring in the 
printer preferences, you should be able to correct it permanently by 
finding something like "Printers" (exact name varies for each version of 
Windows) in Control Panel, then right-click your printer and select 
"Printing Preferences..." from the menu.


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Re: [Gimp-user] Color mismatch between display and printer

2016-09-27 Thread gimp-users . mbourne

James Moe wrote:

   This is a continuation of the topic "Color mismatch when an image is

Then why not reply to that thread, or at least keep the same subject...?

opensuse 42.1
linux 4.1.31-30-default x86_64
gimp 2.8.16

   Display color profile: Adobe RGB (1998)
   I have a Epson PM225 inkjet color printer.

   Several months ago the printer output an image whose color was a very
close match to the displayed image. Currently, the printer's output has
a strong green tint, a poor match to the display.
   The previous topic had several discussions regarding color profiles. I
have tried a variety of them for the display. None of the profiles has
made the slightest difference in the output.
   In GIMP settings for Color Management, (Edit :: Preferences :: Color
Management), I have set the "Printer simulated profile" to US Sheetfed
Uncoated. It has made zero difference to the output.
   One of the suggestions was to create a color profile for the printer.
The docs make no mention of how to do this. Epson does not offer a ICC
profile for that printer.

1. How do I create a color profile for a printer?
2. Why has the output image changed color?
3. Why has changing the color profiles made no difference whatsoever?

Before going to the complexity of colour profiles, a quick question - 
does this only happen with GIMP, or other applications (e.g. LibreOffice 
/ Word) as well?

From what I recall of your previous message, the printer hadn't been 
used for those several months. If all applications are affected, it 
sounds like you may have dried magenta (red) ink clogging the printer. 
Although you replaced the cartridges, ink can still dry in the print 
heads, and maybe even between the cartridge and heads.

Your printer probably has a feature to print a test page, usually 
accessed from the printer properties, which will print some patterns in 
various colours to check for blockages. One other thing I often do when 
having problems with colours is to create a page of text in LibreOffice 
consisting of the following in a large bold font:

Each word formatted in the corresponding colour. Print that and see how 
it comes out. I suspect the magenta will come out faint if at all, and 
the red and blue will be off-colour (the red appearing more towards 
yellow and the green more towards blue).

Alongside the test page feature, your printer probably also has a 
head-cleaning function. It might need to be run several times to clear a 
severe the blockage.


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Re: [Gimp-user] Problems with print setup using Epson XP-960 Photo

2016-09-12 Thread gimp-users . mbourne

Joaquín Ferruz Melero - wrote:


 I'm trying to use Gimp 2 with my new XP-960 Photo printer, but
have found some problems with print setup. I am using the 2.18 version
running in Windows. What I am trying to do is the following:

  * I want to print a 27,5 cm-wide photo on a A4 format (that is,
slighty smaller than the A4). I want the photo to be centered, so
there should be a blank zone all around it.
  * To do this, I set up the printing resolution (see print_res.jpg)
  * If I select "print" and "page setup" the dialog seems to display
exactly what I want in a small window (see conf_page.jpg): A
centered image in the middle of the A4 format.
  * I finally set up the XP-960 driver preferences (see general.jpg and
more_options.jpg). As I am printing test images, I have selected
standard paper and printing quality.

When I print a .jpg test image I find that it is not
centered on the paper sheet. Instead, the image is printed starting on
the upper-left corner, thus leaving two wide blank bands on the right
and bottom ends of the A4.

   Could it be a compatibility problem with the XP-960 driver? I
can print centered images with Paint without any problem.

This is bug #562619 . 
The problem is apparently in the GTK+ library used by GIMP, not in GIMP 
itself, though that doesn't help us users much. strata_ranger notes in 
Comment 26 of that report that the offset seems to be in error by a 10:1 
ratio, so multiplying the offsets in the page setup dialog by 10 might 
give the correct result; I haven't tried that myself though.

   Another strange problem comes up if I try to change the size
of the output format in page setup from A4 to, for example, A6 (about
10x15 cm). I can change it, but to no avail, because if I close the
dialog and open it back again it keeps showing an A4 format.

This looks similar to bug #698035 

These features apparently work fine on Linux, and unfortunately there 
are very few Windows developers working on GIMP, so they're not likely 
to be fixed very soon unless someone able to do so comes along. In the 
meantime, the usual advice is to export the finished image from GIMP and 
use something else to print it.


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Re: [Gimp-user] Selection to Path

2016-02-27 Thread gimp-users . mbourne

Ofnuts wrote:

You have a a very valid point however, getting a circle/ellipse
selection to overlap an existing circle/ellipse is not very easy;
framing it with a rectangle selection and then getting the
circle/ellipse that fits the rectangle would often be easier.

In GIMP 2.8.10 on Windows, the ellipse select tool shows a rectangle 
around the area, as well as the ellipse to be selected. It can also be 
adjusted before using the selection, so you don't have to get it exactly 
right first go.

Which version are you using? 2.8.10 is rather old now, but it would seem 
a bit of a backwards step to have removed those features in newer versions.


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Re: [Gimp-user] Send to back???

2016-02-27 Thread gimp-users . mbourne

Darryl Baker wrote:

Hi, I am probably not sending this to the correct forum but maybe I will find someone who 
knows the answer.  I am trying to send a selection behind another part of the image.  In 
other graphics programs all you have to do is select "send to back" and viola.  
I don't understand why the gimp developers could not make their program just as 
intuitive.  Can you please tell me how to do this in GIMP or direct me to the people who 
have the answer.
Thank you, Darryl

I think you'd need to put the selected part on a separate layer, then 
move that layer down the layer stack. But unless the part you're trying 
to move is already on a separate layer, you'd end up with a gap in the 
original image which you'd need to fill in.

You don't mention which particular "other graphics programs" you're 
comparing to, but it sounds like they're probably vector editors like 
Inkscape, MS Visio or LibreOffice Draw. With those, each rectangle, 
circle, line, etc. is a separate object which can overlap others and be 
in front or behind them. GIMP is a raster editor, dealing with setting 
the colour and transparency of pixels rather than vector objects. If you 
draw a red square, then draw blue square overlapping it, some of the 
pixels which were set to red when drawing the red square are changed to 
blue to form the blue square (unless you put the blue square on a 
separate layer). You can't move either square to uncover the rest of the 
red square, because they don't exist as separate objects.


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Re: [Gimp-user] How to use bleed and cropping: BIG correction

2015-10-21 Thread gimp-users . mbourne

Sebastian McShane wrote:

How do I stop getting all of these Gimp emails?

At the bottom of every email is a "list membership" link:

List membership:

Near the bottom of that page is a box to enter your email address, and a 
button to "unsubscribe or edit options".


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Re: [Gimp-user] Reg:Usuage of the Gimp for my Organization

2015-09-22 Thread gimp-users . mbourne

srikanth wrote:

I am Planning to install the GIMP software for the users in my Organization.

Now I want to know is there any special license required to use the
software. If so, please share all the details for the purchase of the

The license is here:

The GNU General Public License (GPL) is a common free software license, 
so it's useful to be aware of the various versions and the impact they 
have. There's a guide and FAQ about the GPL v3 here:

No need to purchase - GIMP can be downloaded free from:


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Re: [Gimp-user] How do I get GIMP to print a pic centered on the paper like it shows in the preview

2015-03-24 Thread gimp-users . mbourne

candeschultz wrote:

Having trouble printing out a pic, centered on the paper (like it shows in
the preview).
I've tried everything I can think of and nothing seems to work.
I don't have that problem PS, PSP, or in fact with any of the other editing
I use.  What's the secret?.Izzy

Are you on Windows? Which version of GIMP?

This sounds like:

It would be useful to confirm if it still happens on a more recent 
version than 2.8.10, since I haven't got around to updating.


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