[Gimp-user] apply gradient to text, include & preserve alphs

2020-02-02 Thread ottenm
I've tried about 15 solutions that describe applying a gradient to text, and
can't figure out how to include the tiny alpha'ed outlines around the letters. 
The results look great, but not impeccable.

I start with black text and I've tried selecting it with layer -> transparency
-> alpha-to-selection AND with select by color, but when you zoom, you can see
some of the pixel borders are left out of the selection.  I can get those
borders included by increasing the threshold on select-by-color, but when I
apply the gradient it doesn't preserve the alpha values and ends using a solid
color (worse/blockey result).

Any tips are welcome!

ottenm (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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[Gimp-user] make the sky bluer (color selection and editing)

2019-01-26 Thread ottenm
Partly solved!

> I don't know how to select by color, but only within a certain area of the

Select the "certain area of the image" first.
Then Select by Color, but change the Mode to "Intersects"
Then click on the color you want to select.

Still need to take those selected areas/colors and drag them toward a darker
blue.  Will continue the search ...

ottenm (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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[Gimp-user] make the sky bluer (color selection and editing)

2019-01-26 Thread ottenm
I have a landscape photo filled with trees.  Through the trees you can see
dozens of sky and cloud spots in the background.  I'd like to select the blue
sky areas (a fairly large range of blues), and shade them all a little darker
toward one of the bluer sky colors in the image.

I'm comfortable with selection by color, and adjusting the threshold to include
more/less.  But I don't know how to select by color, but only within a certain
area of the image.  In other words, selecting by color and clicking on one of
the sky spots, is selecting dozens of non-sky spots all over the image that I
don't want to change (say, blue flowers, cars, and so on).

Once I get the right blue spots selected, I'd like to find a fluid way to
drag/explore the color changes.  I've used Color Exchange, but only to set one
color, then set the other color, then the thresholds, then hit ok to see how
that one change looks, then go back and change the settings and run again).  Is
there a way to get my blues selected, and watch them change as I drag toward the
darker shades, stopping when they seem just right?

Thank you for any help.  Apologies for the wordy descriptions.

ottenm (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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[Gimp-user] exchange color range to change tint

2017-12-18 Thread ottenm
rich404!  Can't thank you enough!

Here's the steps I'm following:

Colors > Desaturate > Luminosity
Layer > New Layer > Transparency
Select foreground color > bucket fill
Window > Dockable Dialogs > Layers > adjust opacity and mode for this layer
(both at the top) to:
   Overlay, Screen, Addition, Hard light, Grain merge

Great results overall.  Struggling to create some brighter spheres as the
desaturated originall image is very dark/black (so even if I foreground a bright
color, it darkens significantly as I bring in the other layer).  Have tried
tweaking the brightness and contrast on the desaturated original, but the
reflection spots blur and loose definition.

Still, had none of that in my original question and your answer really helped. 
Would never have found it on my own.  Thank you!

ottenm (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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[Gimp-user] exchange color range to change tint

2017-12-18 Thread ottenm
I'd like to create colorful crystal ball images identical to these, but using
different colors:
(also got one attached here)

I spent a few hours wrestling with Colors > Map > Color Exchange, but not having
any luck.  I've tried sampling a number of different locations as the "from
color", and many different values in the "to color".  Then with "lock threshold"
checked I drag the thresholds up until everything in the image is selected to
exchange.  The results are consistently pretty ugly, not the nice even gradients
in the source files with plausible shades, reflections, etc..  They look
white-ed out, splotchy, ...a little hard to describe.

Any suggestions on how I might better manage a smooth exchange to new color

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/767/original/blue.png

ottenm (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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[Gimp-user] ht outline transparent areas in one file and select the same in another?

2017-11-07 Thread ottenm
Impeccable Rich!!  Thanks a million for your time, so helpful!

ottenm (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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[Gimp-user] ht outline transparent areas in one file and select the same in another?

2017-11-06 Thread ottenm
Sorry for the confused sounding subject!

>From a png of a whole dollar bill (A) I made a png of a dollar bill torn in 
(B) where the other half is gone/transparent.  Now, I'd like to make a third
file based on these two of the exact *other* half of the dollar bill.  i.e.,
keep everything in A that is transparent in B, and delete everything in A that
is not transparent in B.

I'm thinking, "Select the transparent area of B (how?), select that same shape
in A (how?), invert the selection, and hit delete."

Thanks for any help/suggestions-

ottenm (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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[Gimp-user] map all colors that aren't already white/gray/black, to #808080?

2017-03-26 Thread ottenm
Thank you Ofnuts!  Worked like a charm!

ottenm (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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[Gimp-user] map all colors that aren't already white/gray/black, to #808080?

2017-03-24 Thread ottenm
I think I got it all crammed into the subject line!  I have some images with
color spots in them that I would like to turn gray, but I want all the color
spots replaced with the same shade of gray (not to darker/lighter shades of gray
depending on how dark/light the original color was).  Also want original whites,
grays, and blacks left as is.

I started using Color > Map > Color Exchange but the threshold is either missing
too much or grabbing too much.  Not sure how to select everything that isn't
white, gray, or black.

Hope that makes sense, apologies if it doesn't or if there's an obvious fix I'm
missing due to genetics or disposition.

ottenm (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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