[Gimp-user] Adding threshold to guillotine?

2017-09-26 Thread rich404
>Hello gimp friends,
>While I am not new to Gimp (I think I first downloaded it in 2002 or
>something?!), I am new to not doing things like an idiot.
>I am scanning card art for a board game I am making, and I simply
>want to eliminate noise from the guillotine tool's output. There is a
>popular scan separator that doesn't quite do what I want, you have to
>go in and cut out all the negative space to make it true white.
>I use guides for correcting crooked scans and eliminating space. I
>know there must be a simple Guillotine with Threshold or eliminate
>size /= X sort  of script out there somewhere, I just can't seem to
>find it. Right now, guillotine creates dozens of tiny images of no
>value and then 9 images I want.
>Could someone point me in the right direction? You are welcome to tell
>me that I am doing this wrong as well and that there are better
>solutions. I like learning! :)
>I greatly appreciate your help.

Guessing you tried divide-scanned-images script. Best I got was 4 cards.

You might be able to do it using the Gimp g'mic plugin - the extract object

Draw in lines rather than set guides. 

A 2 minute demo https://youtu.be/fQ6zTxDOmaA 

A bit of care and I think you could get a decent result.  

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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[Gimp-user] Can't edit the brush

2017-09-26 Thread rich404
>From what I understand there's a button I can use to edit the brush,
>but unfortunately it's hidden under the desktop ribbon. I can't drag
>the window up because it just goes down again.

Is that Windows and a notebook, sometimes short on vertical screen-space.
However you should be able to fit a regular Gimp in.

A set of videos on installation.
https://www.gimp-forum.net/Thread-Gimp-Installation Sometime have a look at the
second one.

However, the immediate problem, Two solutions

1. Click the little left pointing arrow in the Brushes dock, choose edit brush.
see screenshot

2. Click the little left pointing arrow in the Brushes dock, detach the tab to
get to the edit icon. see screenshot

but...the only types of brush that can be edited are 'parametric' something.vbr
brushes, and this became largely obsolete after Gimp 2.6 when brush controls -
size, aspect ratio, angle - were added to the tool options.

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/688/original/menu.jpg
* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/689/original/detach.jpg

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[Gimp-user] 8 and 1 bit images

2017-09-26 Thread rich404
>I would like to save some images as both 8 bit 256 grayscale image and
>also 1 bit (2 color black and white).
>I see I can convert an image to grayscale but how do you select that
>you want to save the image as an 8 bit image. Also how do I save a 1
>bit (2 color black and white) as a 1 bit image or is it sufficient to
>save as an 8 bit image?

Gimp can create a 1 bit - black/white image. 

It needs to be converted to indexed mode Image -> Mode -> Indexed

Then check the 'Use black and white (1 bit) palette

You can then export the image as a gif or as a png

How to prove it is 1 bit. Imagemagick command line will give the image
properties or for a GUI XnViewMP as the screenshot.

Comparative image sizes, RGB 197k , grey 76k, 1bit 6k

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/690/original/indexed.jpg

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[Gimp-user] 8 and 1 bit images

2017-09-26 Thread rich404
>I would like to save some images as both 8 bit 256 grayscale image and
>also 1 bit (2 color black and white).
>I see I can convert an image to grayscale but how do you select that
>you want to save the image as an 8 bit image. Also how do I save a 1
>bit (2 color black and white) as a 1 bit image or is it sufficient to
>save as an 8 bit image?

oops.. missed the main question, Convert to grayscale Image -> Mode -> Grayscale

Export the image as a png or a jpeg (jpeg will use its 8 bit grayscale mode) or
probably a tiff as well.

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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[Gimp-user] 8 and 1 bit images

2017-09-26 Thread rich404
>Thanks for th quick replies which is really appreciated.
>I have only recently started to use GIMP2 and so in 'learning mode' at
>present. I had been using an old version of Paint Shop Pro which
>wasn't written very well to handle memory and so I couldn't create
>layers with large image files which GIMP2 can.

Used to use PSP 7 back in 2000 - ish.

Thinking about your original question, I was a little short on detail. If you
need a 1 bit (B&W) image but retain some sort of shading, you need to enable
dithering. It all depends on how you want the final result.

example see screenshot. 

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/691/original/dithered.jpg

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[Gimp-user] 8 and 1 bit images

2017-09-26 Thread rich404
>The mask files needed are exactly what you state - the 'white' area is
>'transparent' so when the original image (actually a satellite image
>of an area in the world) is 'compiled' together with the mask file the
>black area is interpreted as that part of the original image you want
>NOT included and the white area allows the corresponding area of the
>original image to 'show through'.
>I have attached the original satellite image and the 'water mask'. The
>black area in the water mask will result in all that part of the
>original satellite image being masked OUT and the white area will
>allow that part of the original satellite image to show through.
>Hope I have explained properly.
>Apart from an obvious smaller TIFF file (1 bit) it apparently results
>in the compiled image file (a file type BGL which is used with Flight
>Simulator) also being smaller.
>I guess it's just to make smaller files.
>I must get back to the 'scenery forum' and ask some questions.

looking at this

http://www.fsdeveloper.com/forum/threads/bland-mask-water-mask-how-to.18894/ it

"quote" ...is the watermask. This gives water characteristics to any black area.
The mask is an 8-bit tif using only black and white

So that is all you need. A grayscale image. If your image has transparency (an
alpha channel) remove it

Layer -> Transparency -> Remove Alpha Channel

export as as a tif

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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[Gimp-user] 8 and 1 bit images

2017-09-26 Thread rich404
>Thanks I use Windows 7 64 bit.
>I have seen reference to alpha channel but don't know that they are.
>Could you explain what an alpha channel is and is there a method of
>adding a layer which is not an alpha channel?
>Maybe I can EXPORT to another format then import into Paint Shop Pro
>convert and save?

An alpha channel is just a mask which tells the particular graphics application
used that any pixel is 'transparent' often represented by that checker board
pattern. Not all applications respect an alpha channel.

just do a search https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha_compositing

You can try a png with mode set a indexed 1 bit. the properties look like the

However, are you sure you are on the correct track, what does flight simulator
require. A layer mask in Gimp is B&W where black is 100% 'transparent' and white
is 100% 'opaque'. That provides the 'alpha channel'

(and ignore that Imagemagick command line, same as a Gimp grayscale with alpha.
My bad info)

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/693/original/indexed.png

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[Gimp-user] 8 and 1 bit images

2017-09-26 Thread rich404
Hate this mailing list format.

Attached the wrong image. However it does demonstrate that not all applications
will show transparency.

screenshot of properties attached

>rich: www.gimp-forum.net

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/694/original/1bitpng.jpg

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[Gimp-user] 8 and 1 bit images

2017-09-26 Thread rich404
>Sorry I forgot to mention that for this 'water mask' I do NOT need
>For the 'blend mask' I do need shading but that is the one I need to
>have as a grayscale 8 bit image which I think I am ok with now

oh...I know nothing about flight simulator x requirements

I can see what you are trying to do, but...

By definition 1 bit is black and white. Add an alpha channel and it is not 1 bit

The best I can suggest is not Gimp but command line ImageMagick.

depending on your OS (I use linux) a command 

convert file.tif -channel rgba -alpha on -colorspace gray out.tif

might do the job. You can see the file properties from the screenshot. Adding
alpha tacks on an 8 bit channel.

I suggest asking on the ImageMagick forum, where they are very helpful.

https://www.imagemagick.org/discourse-server/ in the User section

Give them as much info as possible, add a link to an example image if possible

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/692/original/im.jpg

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[Gimp-user] 8 and 1 bit images

2017-09-27 Thread rich404
>Thanks for your reply and advice.
>Maybe it's a personal preference but the guy who was replying to my
>thread at fsdeveloper.com suggested that I export the BLEND mask
>(layer where everything the user doesn't want to show painted with a
>25% BLACK brush so the edges are a greyscale and blend nicely) as a
>8bt 256 grayscale TIFF image and the water mask which is painted with
>a 100% BLACK brush as a 1 bit 2 color (black and white) TIFF.
>I guess they both can be as small as possible although he also reckons
>the 'compile file' (which uses the original satellite image and the
>water and blend mask image files) ends up smaller too. Once again just
>a preference of his to have all files as small as possible.
>I have in the past exported the mask/layer as a 24 bit BMP file and it
>all worked ok. Of course the BMP files are much larger.

Well, heed your experts advice.

A couple of points, that you might already know.

The 'paint tools' have their own opacity setting. No need for a 25% brush.

The Paint Tool introduces anti-aliasing at the edge. For the 1 bit indexed image
the anti-aliasing is 'lost'. Otherwise for 'hard' edges use the pencil tool.

Exporting as a tiff is not a problem, Use Mode -> Greyscale for 8 bit and 

remove any alpha channel, then Mode -> Indexed -> black and white (1 bit) for
that mask.

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/697/original/tools.jpg

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[Gimp-user] 8 and 1 bit images

2017-09-27 Thread rich404
Every shade of grey in between allows
>slightly less of the satellite background image to show through. This
>results in the satellite imagery to blend with the standard scenery
>and not have a hard line along the edge. Hope I have explained
>properly. Like the attached blend mask (taken from a video tutorial).
>Note the 'shading'
>If there is a better method to produce a grey scale between the white
>and the black please advise.

As mentioned before it works exactly the same with a Gimp layer mask. Of course
Gimp has various options, the standard is 'white' 100% transparency. Painting in
it with black or various greys permits a layer under to show.

The only thing I suggest looking into when making your images, is possibly using
a Gaussian blur which will create those blurred edges that create the blend.

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/699/original/mask.jpg
* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/700/original/preblur.jpg
* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/701/original/blurred.jpg

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[Gimp-user] 8 and 1 bit images

2017-10-02 Thread rich404
>I have heard about Gaussian blur but not sure how it is implemented.
>In my ignorance wouldn't it apply the same all over the image? What if
>I want a wider section of 'graduation' than others.
>For example (and what I am attempting to achieve) a coast line where
>the deep water starts at the edge of the land in some areas and in
>others there is a gradual deepening of water from the edge of land to
>say 500 feet from the shore.
>Consider the attached image of a coastline and on the left you see
>deep water extending from the land and on the right side the water
>gradually becoming deeper.

Gaussian blur is in Filters -> Blur -> Gausian and you get some idea of the
effect in the preview. It does apply the same over the whole image or selection
so it can be constrained that way.

Beginning to forget the original question but using a gimp layer mask as an

1. The mask painted with hard edges

2. After gaussian blur applied

3. The mask applied in Gimp.

Experiment with Gimp, there are no hard-and-fast rules. Stick with your known
procedures and try out other ways, then compare.

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/703/original/blur01.jpg
* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/704/original/mask.jpg
* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/705/original/inplace.jpg

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[Gimp-user] Adding color to file

2017-10-16 Thread rich404
Sometimes wonder about this mailing list format.

>I want to color parts of what has been sent to me as a black-and-white
>pdf (line drawing, basically). What I usually do in a case like this
>is to change the original layer to Multiply, then duplicate this and
>multiply again.

Guessing that the line drawing is faint and the multiply operation is to make
the outline darker. No need to set the base layer to multiply, it has nothing to
act on. As an alternative, have you tried Filters -> Generic -> Erode which
shrinks lighter areas, making the lines more distinct, or Color -> color Curve
and pull the curve down and to the right, that often works.

>Then I select each part of the drawing I want to color
>and bucket fill it (different colors for each). if I save this as a
>pdf and open it, all it shows is the colors without the line drawing.

I can not reproduce that. 

>if I save it as a png, all is preserved.
>My question is--should I save the pdf as a png or jpeg first before I
>start the entire process? It's a very low resolution drawing. Or does
>it matter? It's a big file (the original is on a 24"x36" sheet and it
>will probably be printed out at some point).
>I thank you for your help in advance!

First the PDF, which might contain vector objects incl text which can be scaled
to any size. Equally might contain an embedded bitmap which has an original
pixels-per-inch (ppi). Low resolution original then scaling that up will degrade
the line drawing in Gimp.

Next, Gimp will by default use 100 ppi when importing a PDF. It is up to you to
set the ppi value in the import dialogue.  ***Warning*** a 24" x 36" image @ 300
ppi is seriously large (see screenshot). A poster-size image rarely needs
printing at a photographic quality 300 ppi. Depending on viewing distance, a
rough guide is ppi = 1/((distance-in-inches x 0.000291) / 2) which for about 6
foot is 95 ppi.

What you need to do is ***ask the printing company*** for their requirements.
They want a monster image like a hole-in-the-head.

FWIW, my advice, import the PDF with say, 150 ppi. It will still be a large size
in memory maybe 500-600 MB) but not unmanageable.  Save in Gimp xcf format. Save
frequently, careful when saving, make sure the save procedure completes or you
might lose it. Lots of solid colour compresses well so a final export as png and
the file will be much smaller. Need a PDF for the printing company, very popular
these days. Open your png file, export as a PDF.

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/707/original/300ppi.jpg

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[Gimp-user] Batch combining multiple open images into one "contact sheet" - a lost script from years ago

2017-10-16 Thread rich404
>Hello once again, I am back with another script question, although
>this one I know exists, because I used it frequently a few years ago.
>All that I remember is that the man who wrote it hosted it on his page
>and that his name was Czech (I think). I have looked high and low, but
>can't seem to find it.
>Anyone happen to remember this script or know something like it?

>From your description, I think the one you are looking for might be IGLO -
Images Grid LayOut


An alternative is one of the g'mic filters 'montage' While the syntax for a
custom layout is less-than-obvious, a preset 'Horizontal Array' will take 9
layers and arrange in a 3x3 grid with options for scaling (down), spacing and
borders if required. see screenshots.

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/710/original/montage01.jpg
* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/711/original/montage02.jpg

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[Gimp-user] Batch combining multiple open images into one "contact sheet" - a lost script from years ago

2017-10-16 Thread rich404
Just remembering some of the 'wrinkles'.

As a linux user you should be ok, but the script downloads as a .tar
(*T*ape*AR*chive) file. That unpacks straight to a .scm file but any Windows
users reading this, might be baffled by the format.

I remember some years back on another forum, users (claiming to) losing work
with the script, Same as all work, save frequently, make backups.

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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[Gimp-user] Backgrounds

2017-10-16 Thread rich404
>I created an image and saved it as a png file.  I thought this was
>supposed to get rid of the white background color.  However when I
>tried to upload it to Printful to create a black t-shirt ,  the white
>background color is still there. What can I do? Any suggestions. I'm
>trying to crate t-shirts for a charity event and need them ASAP.

Did you remove the white background? Just saving as a png does not do that.

Did your png image look like the attached screenshot before your exported it?
The 'transparent' parts should show the typical checker-board pattern denoting

White can be removed using Gimp menu: Colors -> Color-to-Alpha , white is the
default color to remove.

That will also remove parts that you might want as white, so you might have to
start again or add as required.

I have not come across Printful before but they do have very reasonable


Make your base image in inches (say 10"x12" = 3000 x 3600 pix) and 300 ppi.
*But* remember Gimp is a raster editor and works in pixels so small imported
images when scaled up will be less-than-wonderful.

Work on new transparent layers. 

The Gimp default for adding a new layer is with transparency. Keep the base
layer visible (if it helps) until you are finished. Before exporting as a png
turn the visibility off. The 'eye' icon toggles on/off.

**Save** your work as a Gimp .xcf This keeps all layers, guides, 'text-as-text'
etc. in case you need to go back and alter.

**Export** as a png will merge the visible layers and 'lose' the guides and
layer boundaries only seen in Gimp.

Reminder, export as a jpeg and you lose transparency, back to square one.

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/712/original/print-shirt.jpg

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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[Gimp-user] Backgrounds

2017-10-16 Thread rich404
Just given their 'upload file' option a try, should be ok as outlined in
previous post.

see screenshot

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/713/original/test.jpg

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[Gimp-user] gimp-2.9.6-x64 startup errors

2017-10-19 Thread rich404
>Hello, I have this error at gimp 2.9.6 x64 startup.
>It is build from www.gimp.org.
>I' ve also tried build from partha, but i have different errors there.
>Can someone help please?

The latest gmic_gimp plugin is a bit of a monster, a folder containing 60 - 70
MB of files. The web site does mention somewhere that you need to install to a
separate folder then add that location in Edit -> Preferences -> Folders ->

*** Whatever you have already installed, remove it. ***

The default is adding a sub-folder to the existing plug-ins. 

For Gimp 2.9.6 I advise a completely separate location, one that is easily

Using Partha 2.9.6 (gimp.org the same) and latest gmic_gimp_qt installer I used
a location in C:\Users\my-name see screenshot 1

Added that to the Gimp 2.9 plugins paths see 2

Does it work, does here. see 3

The first run is a little slow, gmic creates a folder in ..\appdata\roaming for
its settings

When up and running, make sure you update the filters from the gmic_gimp

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/717/original/gmic01.jpg
* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/718/original/gmic02.jpg
* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/719/original/gmic03.jpg

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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[Gimp-user] gimp-2.9.6-x64 startup errors

2017-10-19 Thread rich404
>Hey Rich, thanks for the tips. So I reinstalled gimp and gmic, and
>made sure there were no leftovers, but it still have problems with
>gmic, even if it is installed in separate location. And the same
>"gmic_gimp_qt.exe - Entry Point Not Found" error is still there. :/

I know what the problem is but AFAIK it has been fixed with the latest
gmic_gimp. If you have a clean installation.

Go to this thread where you will find a replacement libcairo file


This about the whys and wherefores


Just a reminder, when you install Gimp 2.9.x it will migrate your old Gimp 2.8
profile resources including any old plugins that might/might-not work.

To clean up, rename your Gimp 2.8 profile (if you have one) to disable, delete
the existing Gimp 2.9 profile, start Gimp 2.9 to create a new default Gimp

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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[Gimp-user] Converting RGB files to CMYK

2017-10-19 Thread rich404
>Is it possible to convert files to CMYK in Gimp? I can’t figure out
>how to do it.
>Thanks for your help.

Gimp is an RGB editor, nothing built-in to create a CMYK image. 

There is (was) an old plugin separate+ http://registry.gimp.org/node/471 but the
links to the web page(s) are gone. I could probably fix you up with some
binaries if required, depending on operating system, if you give OS and version
of Gimp.

A better bet is *not* Gimp

1. Command line ImageMagick which could be something like

convert image.ext -profile sRGB.icc -profile cmyk.icc new.ext

where the cmyk.icc is the colour profile you want to use.

2. For a GUI, try Krita https://krita.org A full image editing application but
will convert between colour spaces.

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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[Gimp-user] gimp-2.9.6-x64 startup errors

2017-10-24 Thread rich404
>Right, so replacing libcairo fixed that error, but gimp still doesn't
>like my gmic installation.
>I have tried putting gmic in various places inside and outside of gimp
>installation (always in separate folder), tried that with zipped
>version and with installer, I always have those 'unable to run plugin'
>The Gimp version I'm using now is the one from www.gimp.org, not from
>Partha. Before I'll try another builds I'd rather use all my options,
>I am a bit afraid of making even bigger mess after installing another
>Gimp build over what I have here.

OK, I am running in a Win10 VM so easy to get a clean install. Fortunately Gimp
keeps everything well contained so uninstalling Gimp.x.x then deleting the Gimp
2.9 profile in C:\Users\yourname\appdata\ roaming should clean things up.

Using the gimp.org Gimp 2.9.6 and replacing libcairo does get gmic_gimp working.
As you correctly say, still a load of error messages about the gmic dll's.

I think you will have to accept these until a specific Windows gmic_gimp for
Gimp 2.9 is released.

Other than that, as Partha says, his version incorporates a version of
gmic_gimp, but will not be the latest version since gmic updates very regularly.

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list
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[Gimp-user] GIMP & RAW

2017-10-24 Thread rich404
>I’m very new to GIMP & this forum, slowly getting to grips with it
>(thanks to ‘How to Gimp’ & YouTube). However I’m experiencing one
>problem & I’m sure that this question has probably been asked several
>times before; how can I connect Gimp 2.8 & UFRaw?
>I have 2 RAW formats, Canon (CR2) & Panasonic (RW2). I ticked the
>boxes that were available when I downloaded UFRaw but in GIMP when I
>try to open an image in the folder where there are RAW files, nothing
>is shown to open. Conversely, in UFRaw, I can open RAW images but it
>won’t pass them to GIMP! However, one I opened an image in UFRaw,
>changed some settings (trial & error) then closed the image. Somehow,
>ay a later date I found that in GIMP I had the corrected image with
>the suffix .ppm. I don’t remember what I did!
>If someone could help or point me in the right direction I would be
>very grateful as I don’t want to keep working in jpeg

UFraw is now quite old and there is an updated version nUFraw. AFAIK both fail
to send the opened RAW image to the Windows version of Gimp, Which you have

Then there is the version of Gimp. Gimp 2.8.x operates in 8 bit per channel, to
get the best out of your RAW images, 16 bit is better. You get 16 bit with the
development version Gimp 2.9.x

The next issue is operating system. For linux you can compile from code, or if
using one of the 'buntus there is a ppa. Also a portable Gimp 2.9.x 'appimage'
which might work.

For Windows, it is a little more difficult, again compile yourself or there is a
precompiled standalone see:
http://gimpchat.com/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=15301#p211428 which details some of the

A much, much, easier way for Windows is Gimp 2.9.6 from www.partha.com which
comes with nUFraw pre-installed. This will co-exist with your existing Gimp so
nothing is lost.

The screenshot shows this version and a panasonic .rw2 opened. Click the 'save'
and the image is sent to Gimp.  Recommend going that route.

rich: www.gimp-forum.net 

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/721/original/nufraw.jpg

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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[Gimp-user] new download Microscopic icons

2017-10-25 Thread rich404
>I was able to download and open GIMP successfully with Torrent RT Free
>plus, but the tool bar and layering window icons are too small to use.
>I'll try to attach a screenshot.  I don't find a way to change the
>display.  Ideas?  I'm using a 13.3" screen.  Thanks.

HD display

You can get a larger (48x48) set of icons here:

They are archived as 7zip (.7z) files rather than zipped but when unpacked pop
that folder in your Gimp profile Themes  folder. Then select in Edit ->
Preferences -> Theme.

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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[Gimp-user] new download Microscopic icons

2017-10-28 Thread rich404
>I've tried again to re-download the color 48 file and have a copy
>without that extra (2) on the folder, but still no luck.  download,
>save, move, select, restart system.  Same results. No change.

It does work, if you read through the gimp-forum.net thread one issue was
unpacking the 7z file in Windows resulting in a double folder


rather than the correct...


check that first. I normally use linux, but in a Win10 VM screenshot shows the
folder structure.

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/725/original/10.png.jpg

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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[Gimp-user] Gimp channel mixer

2017-10-29 Thread rich404
>The problem is not the channel mixer, if I select background I can use
>the channel mixer OK, but the thumbnail is still in the image, my
>problem therefore is importing the image properly, why is the image
>being imported as two pages?
>Thankyou for replying so quickly earlier, I did not expect to receive
>a reply on a Saturday evening, I have been looking at a computer for
>too long now, I'm going for a beer, will log on later.

Going for a beer sounds good to me.

There are image formats where the file contains both the image and a thumbnail
used by some applications to show the image quickly usually for selection. That
is what you have. Two solutions, trial and error to determine the full image or
open both and delete the unwanted layer.

quote...I'm trying to use the GIMP channel mixer to reverse the red and green
channels in a TIF image. I'm using GIMP 2.9.6

Might not be as simple as the channel mixer, One way is decompose the image to
RGB layers.

Duplicate the decomposed image and copy/paste Red from no2 to Green in no1. 
Green from no 2 to Red in no1

Recompose the first decomposed image.

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/730/original/decomposed.jpg
* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/731/original/recomposed.jpg

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list
List address:gimp-user-list@gnome.org
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[Gimp-user] Gimp channel mixer

2017-10-30 Thread rich404
>Good morning, The platform I'm working on is Windows 10, when I export
>TIFF files from NX2, I simply put them in a folder on the hard drive
>under Pictures. I then use Windows file manager to organise them.
>I've tried right clicking and using the  "open with" option, but GIMP
>is not an available option. I have some files saved in the folder in
>.xcf format, if I right click on these, GIMP appears in the "open
>with" options.

To open a RAW file directly in Gimp 2.9.x you need a plugin.

The example using a sample NEF file is in my linux Gimp 2.9.7 using the nUFRaw
plugin which I had to compile myself because of changes to the Gimp 2.9 package.

For Windows, AFAIK the Partha version of Gimp 2.9.6 comes with nUFRaw
pre-installed. see www.partha.com

Otherwise the two applications that Gimp recognises by default and will use, are
Rawtherapee and Darktable. Both are monsters that will take over your computer,
but the place to ask question on this is not here, but https://discuss.pixls.us/

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/732/original/nufraw.jpg

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list
List address:gimp-user-list@gnome.org
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[Gimp-user] Gimp channel mixer

2017-10-30 Thread rich404
>And PhotoFlow, and any other raw processor that chooses to provide a 
>plug-in using the same sort of plug-in code that RawTherapee,
>and PhotoFlow provide.

Indeed there is PhotoFlow.

I do not normally reply to non-gimpusers-dot-com subscribers but...

The three mentioned have become applications that occasionally use Gimp rather
than Gimp plugins. Wonderful.

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list
List address:gimp-user-list@gnome.org
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[Gimp-user] Gimp channel mixer

2017-10-30 Thread rich404
>* rich404  [10-30-17 07:48]:
>a rather elitist attitude, isn't it?
>does a "gimpusers" subscribee have *better* standing or knowledge or
>manners than "non-gimpusers-dot-com" scribers?  and how would you know
>that someone using their own email addr was not a "subscriber" or
>even a contributor/developer or someone who wanted to be?
>but I may not qualify to even merit a reply :(.

Not at all,and I have great respect for Elle Stone.

How do I know who-is-who 

If you ever come come to gimpusers-dot-com you will see that forum members names
are in blue, mailing list in grey.

Personally I hate mailing lists, stopped using the occasional academic list 20
years ago. The inability of subscribers to edit their posts continually amazes.
Top posting 'thanks' followed by a page of nested quoted is not unusual.

When it comes to  etiquette, probably got a better sense than many. At one time
a four line signature was considered bad form.

Now to go and play at selecting pictures in the new CAPTCHA format that is a
real PITA.

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list
List address:gimp-user-list@gnome.org
List membership: https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gimp-user-list
List archives:   https://mail.gnome.org/archives/gimp-user-list

[Gimp-user] Gimp channel mixer

2017-10-31 Thread rich404
>There appears to be some confusion about raw loaders for GIMP 2.9.6.
>In response to rich404's post I tried opening a Nikon raw file
>directly into GIMP. It fails saying there is no raw loader installed,
>it then suggests using darktable or rawtherapee.
>I looked at the PARTHA.com site and it does state that uFRAW is
>preinstalled on GIMP 2.9.6, this is not true in my case.
>Another piece of confusion is on the sourceforge website where it
>states that Ufraw is only available as a standalone program under
>windows 10, it says there is a GIMP plug-in included, but it does not

You have every right to be confused.

The situation is:

ufraw is old and not updated - last release 2015. Apart from that, due to code
changes (file-raw-placeholder) the plugin does not work with Gimp 2.9.6

An updated re-mix nufraw https://sourceforge.net/projects/nufraw/ is more recent
but AFAIK there is no compiled-for-windows plugin there. This code also needs
updating to work with Gimp 2.9.6

For Windows Gimp 2.9.6 from www.gimp.org it is a vanilla version with no'extras'

Partha's Windows Gimp 2.9.6 standard edition does include a working nufraw that
will import a RAW image into Gimp from Gimp's open dialogue.

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list
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[Gimp-user] distorted text issue

2017-11-02 Thread rich404
>Hi All - I'm trying to add some curved text to an image using the text
>to path methodology.
>I've tried half a dozen fonts - but the all distort to the point of
>being unreadable.
>Is there a solution to this (that's easy to follow!, I'm pretty basic

It could be all sorts of things 

- A high degree of curvature for the path. Sharp corners do not work.

- A very small font size will make for poor quality.

- and of course if the text is too long for the path, it will shoot off to a

Try increasing the character spacing. You might have to also reduce character
size to fit the path. It is a trade off. see the attached screenshot.

An alternative is a python plugin from

The top one at the moment: ofn-text-along-path.zip  Unzip it, pop the
ofn-text-along-path.py in your Gimp profile (for Windows
C:\Users\your-name\.gimp-2.8\plug-ins Read the html description of use. It will
make a best-fit to a path as well as better kerning of characters.

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/733/original/fonts.jpg

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list
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[Gimp-user] Toolbox lost brush controls

2017-11-04 Thread rich404
>New User (15 min).  I did something and the brush controls at the
>bottom of the Toolbox disappeared. There is nothing below the FG/BG
>icon except the following message: "You can drop dockable dialogs
>here."  How can I get back the brush controls that allow brush sizing

Since you are such a new user, just go to the Edit menu -> Preferences and in
Preferences -> Window Management then click

Reset Saved Window Positions to Default Values 

then OK and restart Gimp.

For a demonstration: I did some videos here:

The second one on setting gimp up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQz0zCyVFJU 4

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list
List address:gimp-user-list@gnome.org
List membership: https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gimp-user-list
List archives:   https://mail.gnome.org/archives/gimp-user-list

[Gimp-user] Background Help

2017-11-04 Thread rich404
>Hi, Newbie here and awaiting a book to help. However I have a quickie
>project. I have created a word doc, blue text and converted to a pdf.
>I have opened the pdf and want to make the background white like a
>sheet of paper with the blue text on it. Is there an easy way to do
>this. I have literally downloaded the program and not started yet. I
>want to get my image printed on a blue T shirt for my kids for xmas.
>So it would be a blue T shirt with a white page on the front with blue
>writing on it.
>Any help apprciated. Many Thanks in advance.

The only advice you really need is changing the pixels-per-inch (ppi) setting
when opening the PDF in Gimp.

File -> Open and select the PDF file. You get a dialog as the screenshot. Change
the resolution from 100 ppi (Gimp default value) to 300 ppi (suitable for

One thing to note. The PDF will be rasterized and text converted to an image.
Otherwise the image will look exactly the same as the PDF and print the same as
the original doc paper size.

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/735/original/300ppi.jpg

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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[Gimp-user] How to process photos that center exactly on photo paper standard sizes.

2017-11-06 Thread rich404
>Apparently, no one on the internet knows the answer to this, nor does
>anyone on this board..

Not that, just that there is not a definitive answer. I use linux, Gimp 2.8.22,
the gutenprint plugin and a Brother inkjet.

Not a problem at all, any size, anywhere on the paper, borderless with the
qualification of a small border required to feed the paper through.

When it comes to Windows. Half the settings come from the Windows printer
driver, nothing to do with Gimp. On the other hand, the Gimp side fails. I
recall a post not so long ago where this was acknowledged, but no volunteer
there to fix what is a Windows problem.

The solution has been given many times over, do not use Gimp for printing. Use
some other application, maybe XnView or IrfanView or even the default Windows
application might do it.

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list
List address:gimp-user-list@gnome.org
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List archives:   https://mail.gnome.org/archives/gimp-user-list

[Gimp-user] ht outline transparent areas in one file and select the same in another?

2017-11-07 Thread rich404
>Sorry for the confused sounding subject!
>From a png of a whole dollar bill (A) I made a png of a dollar bill
>torn in half (B) where the other half is gone/transparent.  Now, I'd
>like to make a third file based on these two of the exact *other* half
>of the dollar bill.  i.e., keep everything in A that is transparent in
>B, and delete everything in A that is not transparent in B.
>I'm thinking, "Select the transparent area of B (how?), select that
>same shape in A (how?), invert the selection, and hit delete."
>Thanks for any help/suggestions-

Open the half note image

Open -> As-Layers a full note image

Make sure the full note layer has an Alpha channel. Layer -> Transparency -> Add
Alpha Channel

On the half note layer: Layer -> Transparency -> Alpha to Selection   screenshot

On the full note layer Edit -> Cutscreenshot 2

Turn off visibility of half note layer, Export as a png.

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/737/original/01.jpg
* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/738/original/02.jpg

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list
List address:gimp-user-list@gnome.org
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[Gimp-user] Heal selection Errors

2017-11-07 Thread rich404
>Hey all,
>Total GIMP newbie here, and pretty inexperienced in photo editing.
>Trying to get the "heal selection" feature to work, in effort to
>remove unwanted objects from a few images.
>I downloaded the "resynthesizer" plugin to my GIMP 2.8.22 install, in
>effort to use the "heal selection" tool similarly to how "content
>aware" is used in photoshop.
>The problem is, when attempting this on my computer, it gives me an
>error message everytime and aborts when using the picture I'm trying
>to modify, however OTHER pictures it can execute just fine. My
>procedure is I use "free form selection" to select around the unwanted
>object. Then I press filters-enhance-heal selection. I tried this once
>using a screenshot of my computer. Worked great. Tried it on another
>using a png of a pic I took on my iphone. It worked great.
>HOWEVER, the picture I'm trying to do this to was a TIFF. I realized
>it was indexed colors, so I changed mode --> RGB. That still didn't
>help. I confirmed lock pixels and lock channel alpha were both
>deselected. I'm at a loss here.
>I've even tried converting the tiff to a bitmap24 same results.  
>Any help here? I'd prefer to keep this image in TIFF or some other
>uncompressed image. It is a map that I will be blowing up to print on
>a large wall art, so I'd like to keep the highest fidelity possible.

Difficult to give any sort of answer when resynthesizer/heal-selection works
except on one particular image.

Better if you give some details - size and format of the tiff, even better if
you can post or link it.

What settings are you using with heal selection?

What OS are you using and where did you get the resynthesizer & heal-selection

Might help someone to come up with a solution.

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list
List address:gimp-user-list@gnome.org
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[Gimp-user] Heal selection Errors

2017-11-09 Thread rich404

>To Rich404's questions:
>-not sure the "format" of the tiff I thought .tiff was the format.
>I'm sorry.  (Link above - File attached)
>-Heal Selection Settings: I'm opening the file, changing image mode to
>RGB, then using free form select, then using filter -> enhance -> heal
>selection.  These are the only "settings" I make.  That process worked
>on an iphone picture.
>-I'm using windows 10.  I downloaded my plugins from

Resynthesizer has not been updated much, but there is a later version than the
one you downloaded.

I bundled 32 and 64 bit version + the python plugins some time ago. Guessing you
will use the 64 bit version. You can get them here:


There is also that link + a short video on usage here:


3 minutes duration. I really advise looking at it at least once.

Back to your problem tiff. Made with PS CS5 - 18509x11441 pixels, ppi set at 300
(for printing) 8 bit

but, always a but...

It is in indexed mode. Gimp 2.8.22 will open it in Win 10. There will be error
messages about invalid TIFF tags. When the image finally opens. Go to Image ->
Mode and check RGB rather than Indexed.

Make your selection (and you did not say how large that is) invoke
heal-selection, set your parameters, Ok it and wait.

The screenshots are in a Win10 virtual machine with **very limited** resources,
so should be no problem in a reasonable computer.

It might still fail for various reasons, too large a selection, too much pixel
border. If it does there will be some other way. Gimp always has,
'some-other-way'. You need to give details.

You can save the file in Gimp .xcf format if you need to do more work on it.
Exporting, .png while compressed is a lossless format,  If worried about quality
use that.

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/739/original/01-working.jpg
* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/740/original/02-complete.jpg

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list
List address:gimp-user-list@gnome.org
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[Gimp-user] why Text is semi-transparent?

2017-11-09 Thread rich404
>I can't figure it out for the last hour or some going through
>everything and googling.
>Why my text (even the text tool box) is semi-transparent even though
>the layer is 100% opaque?

The text tool box is normally semi-transparent, at least it is on my

Is your text semi-transparent? You are not giving much of a clue with that

One thing that does show. It looks like it might have come from an animation, so
could be in colour Indexed mode.

If it is color indexed, change the mode to RGB - Gimp menu Image -> Mode -> RGB
and try again. See if it makes any difference.

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list
List address:gimp-user-list@gnome.org
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[Gimp-user] Multiple Images to Single File - Text

2017-11-13 Thread rich404
>I have a lot of old periodicals I'd like to convert to digital
>formats. Late 19th early 20th century magazines mostly. I can take the
>images, get them into gimp, crop/white balance, and then open all the
>edited images as layers and safe as a gif animation. That works. Can I
>do something similar and end up with a jpeg?

I am assuming that the gif format is only to 'bundle' all the images into a
single file, rather than an animation which will 'play' in a web-browser. If it
is an animation you are stuck with gif.

A file with multiple layers, that can be viewed easily. Jpeg is a single layer
format. Practically that leaves PDF format. While Gimp will export a pdf, it
flattens multiple layers giving a single page. There is a script to produce
multiple page PDF's but there are caveats. Have all the individual pages open as
separate images.

screenshot https://i.imgur.com/DmEhpzO.jpg

The script once installed is in File -> Create -> Export Multi Page PDF.

Give it a try, if it is a file size issue, than might not be any use.

An alternative is a command line application ImageMagick which produces (only)
marginally smaller PDF file size.

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/744/original/sg-save-pdf-multi.scm

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list
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[Gimp-user] Export inconsistencies

2017-11-13 Thread rich404
>Follow the attached link to view samples of photos that I shot on my
>Sony A700, opened in Gimp 2.9.7 via darktable, then saved via gimp
>first to xcf, then to tiff format.
>When editing these photos, my laptop display showed them as normal
>photo files.  However, when I Exorted them as .tiff, the results are
>inconsistent.  The first photo returned an image that seems to be a
>dim, monochromatic version of what I tried to import.  The second
>image appears normal.
>What am I doing wrong?

Using Gimp 2.9.7 so some version of linux?

I think your problem is in the color management & the color profile for the

As an example the screenshot where the right side is using a ColorMatch icc

All are in 32 bit linear floating point precision which might be part of the
problem. Is 16 bit not sufficient?

My advice go to https://discuss.pixls.us/ and state the issue there. Full of
people who only use Gimp 2.9.x with Darktable/Rawthereapee

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/745/original/profiles.jpg

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list
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[Gimp-user] Multiple Images to Single File - Text

2017-11-13 Thread rich404
>Thanks. Yes GIF is just because you can get all the images into a
>single file. I'll look at the PDF options but yes the file size does
>get to be an issue. Maybe I need to look at image to text conversion
>if such a thing exists.

That is Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and is a whole different topic.
There are free OCR applications around, do a search. Sometimes come bundled with
scanner software. If you can get it to embed images in the correct place and
observe formatting then you will get small files.

When it comes to Gimp and PDF all you can do is compare file size. 

A quick test. For a 3 page (A4) test, black text on white background, the pdf
came out slightly smaller than the 3 layer gif.

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[Gimp-user] Auto Crop

2017-11-13 Thread rich404
>Is the automatic crop option supposed to work when you have an object
>in front of a fairly standard background? I don't think I've seen it
>work. The intelligent scissors tend to get most of an objects but with
>lighting being variable it's never as easy as a manual crop.

Several different ways to extract a foreground other than the scissors tool. As
you say if the background is complex then the colour or fuzzy select tools might
only do a partial selection. But that might be enough combined with the quick
mask to paint in 'missing bits'. You should also consider using a layer mask to
the same effect.

Then the paths tool, often overlooked, but for smooth edges gives a good
selection. A bit labour intensive.

The most automatic is possibly the foreground select tool.


Made my rough selection around the area and painted in the area.

Gives a selection like: https://i.imgur.com/GVImhkI.jpg

But that is not the same as an Auto-Crop: https://i.imgur.com/SXk44fG.jpg

There are plugins to assist, in particular I find the g'mic plugin www.gmic.eu
with interactive foreground select useful.

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

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[Gimp-user] Channel Mixer Settings

2017-11-15 Thread rich404
>After saving various experimental Red / Green / Blue channel mixer
>settings...( into a file area entitled 'Load Channel Mixer Settings'
>)...I've found I no longer need / want some of the saved settings I
>experimented with.
>I'f like to delete some of them to clean up the list in the 'Load
>Channel Mixer Settings' file...but can't find any way to edit that
>list...can't find any way to delete adds that I'd made.
>If anyone can point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate

This is Colours -> Components -> Channel Mixer? in linux and Gimp 2.8.22 it
works as expected.

After the adjustments, click save, the default location here is the Gimp
profile, give it the file a name, click OK

an example https://i.imgur.com/KWn3Jsl.jpg

That is your first place to look. Then did you create a folder 'Load Channel
Mixer Settings' for the files? Only you know where that is.

Open and browse for that folder (if it exists). If you used it before, you know
where that is. The saved settings are text files

example https://i.imgur.com/6uhSkhQ.jpg

Delete the files in the folder 'Save Channel Mixer Settings' or wherever the
files are.

Always a good idea to give Operating System and version of Gimp in a question.
Guessing you are using Windows.

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

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[Gimp-user] Changing Image Zoom default

2017-11-15 Thread rich404
>How to permanently change the default zoom size from 12.5 to a larger
>Like most people, I hate repeatedly wasting unnecessary
>keystrokes...and after loading every photo into Gimp, I invariably
>find myself increasing the image size from the 12.5 default to a
>larger size for better viewing on my laptop.  I can’t find any way to
>edit / permanently change the 12.5 default size to something larger.
>The attached screen shot attached shows the zoom scale popped for
>illustration purposes...it's default is always 12.5, then I either
>have to over type the 12.5 with a different # or select one of the
>other sizes from the zoom scale.
>Win 10 Pro and GIMP 2.8.22...any help would be appreciated, thanks.

12.5 is not a 'default' value it is the value that will fit the image in the
Gimp window. A smaller image will have a different value.

It comes from Edit -> Preferences -> Image Windows-> Initial zoom ratio where
the options are **Fit to window** or **1:1**

1:1 with a 6231x4212 pix image will be 100% but that is not the way to go.

The usual way is to use the mouse scroll wheel + ctrl key (or if using a laptop
the equivalent on the mouse pad, up/down right-hand-side usually). Ctrl + scroll
will zoom in and out. The advantage is it zooms in/out around the mouse cursor,
so you zoom in to the bit of interest.

If you need a fixed zoom then you can always set up keyboard shortcut to one of
the zoom values.

Edit -> Keyboard Shortcuts. Choose a value, set a key as screenshot:

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

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[Gimp-user] Lensfun with Gimp

2017-11-17 Thread rich404
>I have Lensfun installed and working well with Huggin.
>If I want to use the Lensfun database in Gimp, do I just need the
>plugin, i.e. the plugin will find the installed Lensfun and not
>install a new database.
>As I haven't easily found the plugin for Opensuse Leap 42.3, I am
>assuming my best option is to build it from Github

AFAIK the only use for lensfun with Gimp is when you need to import a
digital-camera RAW image with a plugin.

OpenSuse 42.3 looks like still using Gimp 2.8.18 The only plugin I can think of
will be ufRAW, probably in the Opensuse repo to install. It is old, there is a
updated version nufraw which you will probably have to compile yourself. The
screenshot show that opening an image and the lens adjustments.

For applications that use lensfun, it will already be there as a hugin
dependency. Look for /usr/lib/liblensfun.so.0 or similar.

If you just want to apply a lens correction to an image there are Gimp filters,
look in Filters -> Distorts and 'Apply Lens' or 'Lens Distortion'

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/748/original/nufraw.jpg

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[Gimp-user] Need help with layers

2017-11-17 Thread rich404
>I've made two layers for this icon I'm making. The top layer is a
>slightly darker version of the bottom layer. I want to cut out the
>girl in the red dress on the top layer to make her look brighter in
>the icon.

Vaguely remember this one.

To brighten up put the top layer in 'Screen' mode. For more use 'Addition' mode
(but that will blow the colors out)

No need to link the layers. If you need more than that then probably have to go
back to the original image and edit from scratch.

rich: www.gimp-forum.net


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[Gimp-user] Need help with layers

2017-11-17 Thread rich404
>Thanks for responding! :)
>I don't think that'll do what I want to do. (I'm looking at the Layer
>Modes guide.)
>What I want is to make the light look more intense.  So I made the top
>layer darker and the bottom one darker.  

I recommend starting from scratch.

Take your original image and duplicate it.

Add a (white) layer mask to the top layer. If you paint in that in black it
shows the bottom layer. see: https://docs.gimp.org/en/gimp-layer-mask-add.html

Now you can adjust the two layers, top one darker, bottom one lighter. The
screenshot shows the bottom layer.

Attached un-edited .xcf with layer mask. 

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/753/original/colorcurve.jpg
* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/754/original/withlayermask.xcf

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[Gimp-user] Old posts?

2017-11-20 Thread rich404
>I want to read an old post I wrote to the forum, how can I do that?
>Sorry if you answered this before, I found no FAQ here.
>Thank you,

Any idea of date?

The only one that turned up in a search is this


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[Gimp-user] Need help with layer sizes

2017-11-21 Thread rich404
>I started an .xcf file with four layers.  The first layer is smaller
>than the others.  I intend to make them all the same size but want to
>edit them first.
>However, when I imported all four layers, the program automatically
>cropped them all to be the same size as the first layer.  I want them
>all to maintain their original size until I've edited them and am
>ready to crop/resize them to fit the first layer's size.
>I've tried Fit Canvas to Layers.  It doesn't fix the problem.

Gimp does not 'automatically' crop anything. It depends on the procedure used.

Please give more details of your work flow.

If you copy, paste and **anchor** the Floating-Selection it crops to the size of
the layer pasted into.

If you copy, paste and **To New Layer** then the size is retained but can be
larger than the canvas size. In that case use Image -> Fit Canvas to layers.

If you open several images using File -> Open-as-Layers then the canvas size is
the size of the first image opened. Use Image -> Fit Canvas to Layers. However,
the obvious is open the largest image first.

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

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[Gimp-user] separate +

2017-12-08 Thread rich404
>Can separate+ be added to 2.8.22?

You really need to state the operating system when asking this type of question.
The solution for Windows is different for say, linux and OSX another matter

Assuming Windows, you can try this how-to demo https://youtu.be/oQ5655I-wrY 

You need the files from here

Unzip it, there is a folder 'separate_plus_for_win7' inside that are these files
+ some others

icc_colorspace.exe libtiff3.dll separate.exe separate_import.exe  these go in
your Gimp profile C:\Users\your-name\.gimp-2.8\plug-ins

Explanation, the plugin nearly qualifies for ancient, needs that libtiff3.dll
from Gimp 2.6

Does it work in Windows 10, a quick test was ok, see screenshots.

What are the other files in that zip, There is the separate conversion utility
CMYKTool, have not tried recently might/might-not work in Win10 and a couple of
icc profiles.

An even older demo on use here, but it is Gimp 2.8 http://youtu.be/2rby7r771D4

Alternatives, For something with a GUI try krita,  command-line use ImageMagick

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/755/original/folder.jpg
* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/756/original/cmyk.jpg

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[Gimp-user] Image Rotation Auto Center

2017-12-08 Thread rich404
>I'm looking for a way to set the auto center for rotation to 53, 672
>instead of the image center. I have 1200 images to process and
>reducing even a few keystrokes makes a big difference. tks, S

Is it a different amount of rotation for each image?

If the rotation is constant, the the batch plugin BIMP can be used.

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[Gimp-user] New to GIMP- user manual for Mac OSX

2017-12-08 Thread rich404
>I downloaded and installed GIMP 2.8.22 from www.gimp.org/downloads/
>with no problem.  I'm running OSX 10.11.6 (El Capitan). I also grabbed
>the GIMP 2.8 User Manual install package from
>http://gimp.lisanet.de/Website/Download.html and successfully
>installed that.  I gather that is supposed to be integrated with the
>GIMP installation rather than as a standalone.  But when I open GIMP
>preferences, it shows that the user manual is not installed locally.
>And I can not find it anywhere on my startup volume.  What am I doing

No advice from Mac users? I use linux but have seen this type of problem
reported several times.

One thing is, a package from one source very rarely works with one from another
source. I unpacked the help pkg archive and just what is expected, basically a
HTML installation. Should be in ...share/gimp/2.0/help (maybe)

As an alternative, although standalone, there is a PDF here

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

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[Gimp-user] no image preview in folder

2017-12-08 Thread rich404
>When I save any Gimp 2.8.22 image in a folder, it won't give, me a
>preview of it in the preview pane. I have to open it up in Gimp again
>to see what it is. How do I fix this?

A bit scant on information. What OS and is this using the Gimp File -> Open
dialogue? - as screenshot 1

It could be the images are just too large. Modern digital cameras especially,
can produce large files.

Check in Edit -> Preferences -> Environment -> Image Thumbnails and see if
increasing the Max Filesize for thumbnailing changes anything. screenshot 2

If still stuck, there are free dedicated, graphics file managers such as
XnViewMP, that will display thumbnails and can be set up to open an image in

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/757/original/openimage.jpg
* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/758/original/maxsize.jpg

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[Gimp-user] no image preview in folder

2017-12-08 Thread rich404
>XnViewMP?? is it plugin or  any other software? 

Well, try and get Gimp working first. 

I suggested XnViewMP as an image manager/browser because it is multi-platform
and I do not know your OS.

see: https://www.xnview.com/en/xnviewmp/

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

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[Gimp-user] layer mode missing

2017-12-08 Thread rich404
>running 2.8.20 in Win 10. Want to do overlay. Mode option missing from
>Layer list.

Do you mean that:

The whole of the 'Mode' bar top of the layers is missing; as 1 in screenshot


There is a particular mode that you want but can not find in the drop down menu;
as 2 in screenshot

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/759/original/modemenu.jpg

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[Gimp-user] problems with understand how to resize images properly

2017-12-08 Thread rich404
>Hi, I too have an issue understanding how resizing works, especially
>with reference to Word.
>I wasn't sure if I should post a new thread, but decided this was sort
>of pertinent to my issue.
>Please let me know if I should create a new post.
>Basically, If I have a big image (a signature, black and white, about
>1000 pixels wide), then insert into Word, and resize it ( to about a
>tenth of it's size) it looks fantastic.
>If I take the image, resize it in Gimp (or anything else for that
>matter) from 1000 to 100, it looks really bitty and blocky, and
>inserting to Word it remains bitty and blocky..
>Why is this? Is this to do with the dpi as well? And is there a work

Gimp is a raster editor and works in pixels. When you scale an image, the pixels
are not scaled they stay the same so for your signature image reduced to 10%
means several hundred pixels are crammed into maybe a dozen: see screenshot 1

You can get a little improvement by pre-blurring the large image but 1-10th the
size is asking a lot.

For a better result convert the raster image into a vector image, typically a
SVG. You can do this using freeware Inkscape or there are online converters.

In a document for comparison, the type size is 14 to give some idea of scale.
screenshot 2

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/760/original/reduced.png
* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/761/original/example.png

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[Gimp-user] Create a new brush button disappeared

2017-12-13 Thread rich404
>Hi, how can I get the create a new brush button back? I made a brush
>yesterday, and today it has disappeared, and I can't find anything on
>youtube about this.
>There are 4 buttons at the bottom, the first one saying "save tool
>preset", the next "restore tool preset", the next "delete tool
>preset", and the last "reset to default values".
>I pressed the last one, and nothing happened.

Mixing up creating a brush preset with creating a new brush? 

The screenshots have the docks side-by-side to save space but they are there on
your Gimp, maybe in different places.

This is in the *** Tool Options *** dock

1. The brush presets assign characteristics to an existing brush. see:

New tool preset (1) brings up the preset editor, give the preset a name (2)
check the tick boxes and save (3)

2. Need to restore a preset: https://i.imgur.com/D6iBYLg.jpg click the icon for
a menu.

New Brush is in the *** Brushes *** dock

3. Click on Create a new brush, https://i.imgur.com/yftdQN5.jpg will bring up
the parametric brush editor. A parametric brush is some-name.vbr

Give it a name so you can find it again, Adjust the values to suit. Click on
refresh brushes and it will be there. https://i.imgur.com/UisppDJ.jpg

Other Types of brushes

4. A some-name.gbr is a bitmap brush, can be grayscale or colour. You can edit
one, open as an image, edit, *** export *** with the .gbr filename suffix. 
https://i.imgur.com/PpAZ1hb.jpg If you have the brush editor (vbr) editor open
the parameters are grayed out, they do not apply to this type of brush.

5. A some-name.gih is a Gimp image-hose, an animated brush. Briefly a layered
image, grayscale or colour. *** Export *** with filename suffix .gih.

That explains the types of brush but does not ask the question, Why a New Brush?

If it is a matter of brush size, and shape you should should be using the
sliders for size, aspect ratio, angle in the Brush Tool Options dialogue and not
creating a new brush.

rich: www.gimp-forums.net

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[Gimp-user] Pincil / brush will ont work

2017-12-14 Thread rich404
>For Windows users, re-installing Gimp over and over again rarely
>achieves anything, the problem is usually elsewhere.

6. Not brush related but often happens, A tiny selection is active. Bucket fill
is working so that is not the cause. Just something to look out for. Cure is
Select menu -> None

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

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[Gimp-user] Pincil / brush will ont work

2017-12-14 Thread rich404
>I know that it is something I have done or maybe not done but I
>download gimp about 3 different times tonight and each time I open a
>new image and click on the pencil / brush they will not work. the only
>thing that does seem to work for me is the fill bucket.
>thanks for any and all help you can provide me.

For Windows users, re-installing Gimp over and over again rarely achieves
anything, the problem is usually elsewhere.

Brush or Pencil not working? see screenshot for possible causes.

1. The most probable. An empty clipboard brush is active, select a different

2 and 3 The brush spacing is so large or size is so small the brush is not seen
in the context of the canvas. Set spacing to one and increase brush size.

4. One of the dynamics options is in force, set brush dynamics off.

5. Always a very slim chance that brush colour is the same as the canvas colour.
Change the foreground colour.

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/763/original/possible.jpg

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[Gimp-user] How to Lock layers?

2017-12-18 Thread rich404
>How do you lock layers or a particular layer on Gimp? 
>I've searched youtube for this, watched several videos on basics of
>layers (which is really time consuming), and the videos I watched
>didn't cover this tiny piece of info I'm looking for

Maybe you have already found your answer.

Best if you give Operating system and version of Gimp for any of these types of

For any particular layer you can prevent painting on it with the two locks in
the Layers dock. (A) Lock pixels and Lock alpha channel (transparency)

What you can not do is lock the layer against accidentally moving it. The move
tool in Gimp will move the layer with a solid pixel under the cursor, often that
is the background layer. A move layer lock is coming, next version of Gimp.

In the move tool options there is a tick box for move-the-active layer. Use that
and make sure you know which layer you are on.

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/764/original/lock.jpg

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[Gimp-user] Can you copy a path into a different layer?

2017-12-18 Thread rich404
>I keep trying to paste a path into a different layer, but it's not
>working. Am I doing something wrong? I have version 2.8.16

If you really mean layers within the same image. There is no need to copy. A
path acts on any layer.

If you mean between images

Click-and-Drag from the layers dock works here. Linux: Gimp 2.8.22

If that does not work for you, then export the path as somename.svg Then in the
other image, import it.

see: https://docs.gimp.org/en/gimp-path-dialog.html

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

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[Gimp-user] How to Lock layers?

2017-12-18 Thread rich404
>Am using 2.8.16 - nothing changes in the layers view to let me know
>that I have locked both pixels and transparency - is there not a way
>to see this?

Gimp 2.8.16 no mention of OS Are you using Windows or OSX or linux?

Did you look at the screenshot in the other post, it shows the locks top of the
layer dock.

No matter, here is another one. 

This in Windows and have to admit not as clear as say linux but the little icons
do change, dotted line around, bit of shading, depends on your Gimp theme.

A more useful indication is the brush cursor changes. see  screenshot

The ultimate indication is; Can you paint on the layer? Yes - not locked, No -

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/765/original/locked.jpg

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[Gimp-user] Can you copy a path into a different layer?

2017-12-18 Thread rich404
>If you really mean layers within the same image. There is no need to
>copy. A path acts on any layer.
>If you mean between images
>Click-and-Drag from the layers dock works here. Linux: Gimp 2.8.22
>If that does not work for you, then export the path as somename.svg
>Then in the other image, import it.
>see: https://docs.gimp.org/en/gimp-path-dialog.html

Should have looked at the docs. There is a path copy-paste function but it is
accessed from the Paths dialogue.

That is a right click in the Paths dock to bring up the menu. Then Copy or Paste
as appropriate.

If it is the same image, it is the same as duplicating the path.

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/766/original/copy-paste.jpg

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[Gimp-user] Saving path not working?

2017-12-18 Thread rich404
>I'm trying to save a path, but the ones I have saved so far are saving
>as files only and won't reopen as scalable svgs'. Am I supposed to add
>the extension .svg to them when I save them?

Yes, you do need to give the whole filename ie. file.svg (...and that is good
practice for all files that are exported..add the appropriate suffix: jpg, tif,

Just checking. You are using the paths dialogue menu? as screenshot 1

Opening is similar, use the paths dialogue screenshot 2

but, often a but,

Do not rely on it being on the canvas. The path will position itself in the same
location as the original image. That might be off the canvas. screenshot 3

Move it with the move tool. Make sure the mode of the move tool is correct,
third icon along in the tool options.

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/768/original/savesvg.jpg
* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/769/original/opensvg.jpg
* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/770/original/whereisit.jpg

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[Gimp-user] exchange color range to change tint

2017-12-18 Thread rich404
>I'd like to create colorful crystal ball images identical to these,
>but using different colors:
>(also got one attached here)
>I spent a few hours wrestling with Colors > Map > Color Exchange, but
>not having any luck.  I've tried sampling a number of different
>locations as the "from color", and many different values in the "to
>color".  Then with "lock threshold" checked I drag the thresholds up
>until everything in the image is selected to exchange.  The results
>are consistently pretty ugly, not the nice even gradients in the
>source files with plausible shades, reflections, etc..  They look
>white-ed out, splotchy, ...a little hard to describe.
>Any suggestions on how I might better manage a smooth exchange to new
>color neighborhoods?

You could try:

Desaturate the original image (using luminosity) 

Add a coloured layer on top

Change the layer mode to overlay

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/771/original/overlaymode.jpg

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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[Gimp-user] Gimp 2.8.22

2017-12-18 Thread rich404

>Question 1; Is 2.8.22 compatible with 32bit Windows XP and 64bit
>Windows10 ?

Yes, The Gimp installer contains files for both 32 bit and 64 bit versions and
installs the appropriate 'flavour'. WinXP needs to be SP3 (almost a certainty
these days)

>Question 2; Does 2.8.22 install as a completely separate installation,
>having nothing to do with 2.8.14 ?  In other words can 2.8.14 and
>2.8.22 live peacefully together on the same hard drive without getting
>in each others way ?  (I'd only have one or the other open at  time)

No, Gimp 2.8.22 will replace your older version. What does remain is your Gimp
profile C:\Users\your-name\.gimp-2.8\ where (hopefully) you have all your extra
scripts / plugins / fonts / brushes ...
rich: gimp-forum.net

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[Gimp-user] Brushes can't do random scatter?

2017-12-23 Thread rich404
>I've tried to find a video on how to make a brush dynamic like
>scatter, different rotations, sizes, etcbut I can't find one.
>I've downloaded a few pearl images brushes, and can only seem to place
>them on the page exactly the way they were originally, even though I
>applied jitter to the brush. There just doesn't seem like there's a
>lot of options unless I'm not seeing them? Even if I want to change
>the angle of them, I would have to do that manually to every pearl I
>put down?
>I have Gimp 2.8.16

I do not think you will get the effect you want easily. The settings you should
look at are brush dynamics.

https://docs.gimp.org/en/gimp-tool-dynamics.html plus plenty youtube videos if
you search.

One thing to note is brush spacing. This is a percentage of brush size, not a
spacing in pixels.

The default pre-made dynamics are write-protected, so you need to make a copy of
one (say, dynamics off which is blank) which you can then edit.

some examples:

No dynamics - regular brush - https://i.imgur.com/oNgFUYM.jpg

Size varies with velocity https://i.imgur.com/SsCJ54u.jpg

More than one variable - size and spacing https://i.imgur.com/G5f36J2.jpg

Random size https://i.imgur.com/pY21zSD.jpg

Size and angle https://i.imgur.com/DBh0Yk5.jpg

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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[Gimp-user] Brushes can't do random scatter?

2017-12-23 Thread rich404
>Where do I find that mapping matrix?

Shown in the Gimp docs if you look. The correct way, Windows -> Dockable
Dialogues -> Paint Dynamics to bring up the list of dynamics. Then use the edit
icon to bring up the Mapping matrix. see screenshot1.

As with most Gimp there is another way. The dynamics icons in the Paint tool
options do the same as above. See screenshot2

Looks like you could do with an easy way to browse the Gimp help pages. You can
get a PDF version here: http://gimp.linux.it/www/meta/ It has a good searchable

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/777/original/opendynamics.jpg

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[Gimp-user] How to create sharp text image suitable for photobook?

2017-12-29 Thread rich404
>I'm putting together a photobook using one of the numerous, popular
>sites for this. However, no company supports non-ascii characters in
>their text tool.
>So, I'm creating a transparent image with just text in GIMP. However,
>as soon as I dump the image into the photo book editor, the text looks
>ok at first, but scaling to 200% viewing, it's clearly getting
>distorted and I worry the actual printing won't hold up:
>I want to maintain really sharp text because some of the details are
>clearly getting lost which are pretty important with the Thai
>I keep increasing the image parameters to get something that looks
>sharp in a really big and then scaling down from that but it's not
>working  - for the text box, I'm at 10" x 4" canvas size with 1,000
>ppi with 150 px font size... The image in the screenshot is a 292KB
>gif image using those dimensions which I would hope would have been
>sufficient, but it's clearly not.
>Any suggestions you can offer for settings?

Using one of the on-line providers for the photobook? Some have an off-line
application but the same comments apply. It is just a representation of the
final product. Might be good, might be awful. All you can do is provide as good
images as possible.

This example using 20 cm x 15 cm photobook template. In Gimp that is 2362 x 1772
pixels @ 300 ppi. Gimp is a raster editor, uses pixels and 300 ppi is generally
accepted as suitable for quality printing.

You could incorporate the text into the image itself. Add depth and then the
text. If you use png format then transparency is maintained. Not jpeg, it loses
transparency and introduces artefacts to text.

However from your post the text is separate to retain the background. Again use
png format with transparency. Gif will look very 'blocky / jagged'.

Make the text a suitable size for your Photobook. Any scaling on site will
degrade the image. The example text is 1800x400 pix for the 20x15 cm book
format. Font does matter, keep it simple.

Back to the comment at the top, the on-line preview does look horrible. Provided
the printer does not scramble anything (no guarantee there) the print should be

example: https://i.imgur.com/4VuiWhF.jpg

You could ask the printer for a sample. Unlikely to get one, otherwise check
reviews for customer comments

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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[Gimp-user] Unsupported color mode CMYK

2018-01-01 Thread rich404
>Hi all,
>I am facing an issue when trying to open a pre-configured PSD file due
>to an unsupported color mode: CMYK.
>Did anybody come across such an issue before and found a way to fix
>Your help is much appreciated!

As you found Gimp does not support cyan-magenta-yellow-black (cmyk) colour

Gimp is a red-green-blue (RGB) bitmap editor. Apart from that, support for PS
.psd files is very limited.

As a suggestion, open the image in the free application Krita see: www.krita.org

That also has limited support for PS layers, depends on the .psd image

Krita can convert the color-space to RGB and if required to 8 bit. Export as a
tiff and open the tiff in Gimp as layers.

The only real solution is pay for Photoshop.

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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[Gimp-user] Can't copy and paste into same layer?

2018-01-01 Thread rich404
>Ok, so I figured out how to paste a floating layer onto an existing
>layer - but it becomes a part of the layer and I can't move it around
>anymore. I thought I saw in another paid program the ability to move
>multiple objects around in a single layer - is that not possible with
>the gimp? Seems like a basic function to me that is a huge time saver
>is lacking - having to mouse into each layer before you move an object
>is really frustrating and time consuming

When you copy some image or selection and paste into an image you get a Floating
Selection (Pasted Layer) (1) see: screenshot A

You then have a choice, Anchor the layer (2) which merges the pasted item down
to the layer underneath it or Make a new layer (3)

If you want to move the pasted item at a later stage make it a new layer.

If you have several layers (4) see: screenshot B and want to move together,
click in the layer dialogue to toggle the lock on/off (5) The layers that are
locked together will move as one unit. Use the move tool (6) and to prevent
accidentally moving the base layer enable Move the active layer (7)

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/778/original/anchor-layer.jpg
* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/779/original/movelayers.jpg

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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[Gimp-user] Can't copy and paste into same layer?

2018-01-01 Thread rich404


>Seems like a basic function to me that is a huge time saver
>is lacking - having to mouse into each layer before you move an object
>is really frustrating and time consuming

Dealing with this separately.

The Gimp move tool will move the layer with the first solid layer it comes

Even if you are on say the background layer, enable the move tool, (move active
layer OFF)

Click on a solid part of the layer you want to move, that layer becomes
temporarily active, click to move it. Let go the mouse.

Returns automatically to original layer.

Do yourself a favour and forget about how PS works.

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/780/original/movelayer.jpg

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[Gimp-user] brush went from round to elliptical?

2018-01-02 Thread rich404
>I went to use a basic round brush, one of those that come with Gimp,
>and all of a sudden the thing is elliptical, no longer a circle - what
>could I have possibly done, lol?
>I can't figure it out and I've spent a bit of time scouring videos
>with no answers
>What can I do to get it reset to the way it was?

Try looking at the Gimp documents


Videos, not recommending this one, the black gimp theme makes it difficult to
follow, but it is slow and contains much information.


Ending up with an oval brush. You should check the paint tool options and in
particular the aspect ratio.

Usually it is click and drag to change the value but the mouse scroll wheel also
acts when hovering over the slider. Maybe you failed to notice.

The little circular icons reset each value to the default. Restarting Gimp will
have reset these values but that is the hard way of doing things.

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/781/original/brushtools.jpg

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[Gimp-user] Glow behind object without affecting object itself?

2018-01-02 Thread rich404
>Hi, I am trying to put a glow behind an object without affecting the
>object itself.
>I have tried alien glow which works fine for text, even though it
>modifies the text surface itself.
>But I have a moon,  and when I use the alien glow on the moon, it puts
>a layer directly over my moon making it like a gradient circle. So I
>can no longer see the moon as it was before. Sure its got a glow
>behind it, but that's not what I'm looking for. Any ideas on how to do

something like attached: 

Basic Gimp demo: https://youtu.be/6nWMwYASdyA

might get you started.


* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/783/original/moons.jpg

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[Gimp-user] I can't paint a white star.............

2018-01-03 Thread rich404
>I figured it out - restart Gimp solved it

Gimp does not possess magical powers to change its own settings, only when they
are reset by a resart perhaps.

Common reasons for the brush not painting.

1. There is selection active (could be as small as a pixel) and you are tying to
paint outside it.

2. The active layer is small and you are trying to paint outside it.

3. Trying to paint on transparency with the alpha-lock on.

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/787/original/nogood.jpg

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[Gimp-user] Gimp failing to load custom anything

2018-01-03 Thread rich404
>I feel like I'm the only one experiencing this from my google searches
>but randomly as I was  working on some illustrations on GIMP 2.8.22, I
>noticed my tool-presets and some of my palettes were no longer
>available, they just stopped showing up in dialog boxes.
>I have tried uninstalling, including getting rid of all the folders,
>and once I put my custom palettes and presets back in the folder I get
>failed to load data error. I even tried putting the custom files in
>another folder and and set the folder management to pull from that
>folder and I still get the same error. I've never faced this before
>and it is very aggravating. Any help would be greatly appreciated

Are you sure the user name in the error messages coincide with blanked-out name
for your Gimp profile?

Have changed/upgraded/reinstalled your computer / version of Gimp recently?

I can find a copy of those preset folders, vaguely remember them from years ago.
I think pre-Gimp 2.8 and they sort of work - I do not have the bespoke brushes
to go with them.

bottom line - more information please.

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/785/original/location.jpg
* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/786/original/working.jpg

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[Gimp-user] At 100%, my selection hasn't the size it should have

2018-01-04 Thread rich404
>I have an image and I'd like to define the dimension of a selected
>area. I fisrt select the area that I want to resize. I then select the
>tool (Shift + T) and resize the selection. I noticed that after
>resizing, when I visualize the image with a 100% scale, the size of
>the image is not correct. I have not a little difference of one or two
>millimiters that could be due to the screen or whatever. But a big
>difference (30cm instead of 35cm in my case).
>Is it a normal display problem ? I mean, if I print it, will the
>dimensions be good ?

First and most important. Gimp is a raster editor and works in pixels. It can
show cms as units for your convenience, but it still works in pixels.

If you are not sure about the printing size. Check Image -> Image Properties and
that shows information: Size in Pixels / Print Size / and Resolution (ppi)

Another way is turn off View -> Dot-for-Dot  see:

Providing the screen resolution is correctly set then, at 100% the image
displays as it is printed. See screenshot

>Second question :
>with this method of resizing, I only resize the selection. But what
>I'd like to do is to resize the hole image thanks to a reference
>within the image whose size is known. For example. if there is a rule
>on the image, I'd like to resize the whole image thanks to a size
>reference given by the rule.

Second Question. Not sure what you want.

A selection can be set to show centimetres in the tool options. Use the value
from that selection to enter into Image -> scale image. You might have to break
the link if the width / height proportions are different. See screenshot

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/788/original/dot-for-dot.jpg
* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/789/original/thesame.jpg

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[Gimp-user] At 100%, my selection hasn't the size it should have

2018-01-04 Thread rich404
>When I use the scale tool, I can see the dimension in pixels of my
>selection. I can also switch the unit and see measurement in mm. When
>printing this image, will I get the mm annouced in Image --> scale
>image ? Which are the same seen with the scale tool by the way.
>Because if I get what I have at the screen, it will be much smaller.
>Indeed, taking off the dot for dot, changes quite a lot the visual
>dimension. And it is much closer but still different...
>The screen resolution seems to be good though... I don't understand
>the difference between the image properties and the measurement on the

Sorry I do not really understand you. 

When you use Image -> Scale Image you change the number of pixels in the image.
Gimp will produce an image width pixels x height pixels.

see: https://docs.gimp.org/en/gimp-image-scale.html

Printing is a different matter. The printed width is from the width pixels
divided by the pixels per inch (ppi). So the same image can be printed in many
different sizes just by changing the ppi.

see: https://docs.gimp.org/en/gimp-image-print-size.html

You can get the actual print size there or as before in Image Properties.

>I am trying to resize an image according to an image detail (the rule
>in my exemple) of which I know the size. When I select my detail
>reference, and set the dimensions with the scale tool, what I get is
>the resizing of the selection. The rest of the image is not resized at
>all. What I'd like to have is a homgenous resizing of the whole image
>thanks to the detail reference. To say it differently. I'd like to say
>to gimp : "resize the whole image knowing that this little detail is
>100mm long".

It is possible but you will have to do some arithmetic. use the gimp measure


Measure the distance on the image - the example is 132.6 mm needs to be 100 mm
scale factor is 100/132.6 As a percentage 77.4% There is a small error because
Gimp has to fit it to ***pixels***. see screenshot

The other question on screen resolution. Has to do with the monitor pixel

There is a setting Edit -> Preferences -> Display. Gimp might not get the
automatic setting correct. Sometimes you have to set it manually. The screenshot
shows my HD laptop (1920x1080) settings.

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/790/original/scale.jpg

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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[Gimp-user] At 100%, my selection hasn't the size it should have

2018-01-06 Thread rich404
>So if I understand well, to have the printed dimensions I want, it is
>not necessary to resize the image or play with the scale tool. All the


>I tried to figure out how I could get the same result by only changing
>the ppi. Is there a calculation that allows to get the same result
>that with the first method ?

A simple proportion calculation similar to scaling the image.

Open the Print size dialogue: Image -> Print size and note the print resolution.

Use the the measure tool to get a size for the known dimension.

Then it is measured size divided by known multiplied by existing print
resolution. see example.

Enter the result in the print size dialogue and ok it

Check the known dimension again with the measure tool. see example.

Note that the size of the image - top of window - remains the same. the image
has not been scaled only the information sent to the printer.

Notes on printing: 

If using Windows Gimp is not good at printing. Use some other application. I use
linux and that is a little better.

Some printers enforce small margins. Your 100% A4 size image might be scaled by
the printer to 95% Nothing to with Gimp up to you to ensure a suitable image

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/792/original/proportion.jpg
* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/793/original/newsize.jpg

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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[Gimp-user] At 100%, my selection hasn't the size it should have

2018-01-06 Thread rich404

>Ok here is the actual size of the image : 1173 x 2051 pixels 
>Printing size is : 413.81mm * 723.55 mm 
>And I want 201.6mm * 351mm
>(413.81/201.6) * 72 = 147.789ppi 
>(723.55 / 351) * 72 = 148.42ppi

Original size 1173 x 2051 pix @ 72 ppi - Required print size 201.60 x 351.00 mm

Open the Image -> Print Size dialogue. see: screenshot 1

The pixel size proportions and the required size proportions are not a perfect

The options - 

set the width to 201.6 height is a little off (352.5) see screenshot 2

set the height to 351.0 and the width is a little off (200.74) see: screenshot 3

You can break the link between x and y resolution and have 201.60 x 351.00 mm
This is ***never*** a good idea. It creates distortion in the image. see:
screenshot 4

rich: www.gimpforum.net

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/794/original/orig.jpg
* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/795/original/width.jpg
* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/796/original/height.jpg
* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/797/original/breaklink.jpg

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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[Gimp-user] At 100%, my selection hasn't the size it should have

2018-01-06 Thread rich404
>I have another question regarding the ppi question. The image I have
>has 72ppi*72ppi.
>I would like to print it even if I am far from the 300dpi quality. 
>Does it has a sense to take a resolution of 300dpi to do the
>calculation you have done to determine the size in pixels of the image
>In my case I'd like the image (once printed) to be 13,8189in lenght
>and 7,9370079in width.
>I want the image to have the best quality possible. Am I supposed to
>use 300dpi for the calculation

Give us a clue on the ***actual size*** of the image in ***pixels*** (remember
Gimp works in pixels) and you will get some advice on fitting the image to the
size you specified.

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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List address:gimp-user-list@gnome.org
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[Gimp-user] At 100%, my selection hasn't the size it should have

2018-01-08 Thread rich404
>Ahah I have another question because I realise that for what I really
>need, maybe this is not the correct solution..
>Actually, I have six photos. I must put these photos on two .jpg files
>in order to print only two files instead of six. And also to see at
>the same time differents details of the same object. Of course, these
>elements are all different one compared to the other. They have
>different size. So I guess that what I did first with the ppi
>calculation to have the correct printed size is good for one photo
>right ? But it doesn't work anymore if I must put these photos on the
>same file ? I suppose that I must first resize them one compared to
>the other ? Or is there some trick I don't know ?

You can go back to the first posts.

Gimp is a raster editor that works in pixels. If you use the measure tool
between two defined points and it is 100 pixels in first image and 120 pixels in
second image then to match, one of the images has to be scaled in the ratio

Another way is adding images as layers. When you open the first image (base
layer) then **open-as-layers** a second image. The second layer takes the
properties of the first image. The second layer can be scaled in place.

I am not sure if this is what you want but layers can be 'matched' using
plugins, it is called image registration.

This example uses a plugin ofn-layer-aligner.py from

The top layer in screenshot 1 is rotated and scaled to match the base layer as
screenshot 2. Notice how the whole layer is scaled (dotted line) and could be
lost if you do not resize the canvas.

If you are going to put 3 images side-by-side in a jpeg obviously a bit more
work is required. But the earlier comment still applies. The additional images
will take the properties (ppi etc) of the first opened image.

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/798/original/skewed.jpg
* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/799/original/scaled-rot-moved.jpg

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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[Gimp-user] At 100%, my selection hasn't the size it should have

2018-01-08 Thread rich404
>Tell me if I'm wrong, but this time, when the second layer will be
>scaled in place, there will be a loss of quality of the second layer ?
>This loss of quality is due to the scaling, which is intrinsic to the
>tool whether you scale up or down. It also depends on how much the
>scaling is important no ?

If you need to combine 3 images into one image somehow and two of those need to
be scaled to match, then you will have to accept that scaling down throws away
some pixels and scaling up guesses added pixels. You have an additional factor
in that the original image(s) are jpeg and there can be jpeg artifacts along

I saw your other post and while the reply was very detailed there is not
indication of the amount of scaling and the algorithm used. Gimp choices are
None - Linear - Cubic - Sinc(Lanczos3) Usually Sinc is better than the default

If the amount of scaling is large say 50% down to 25% then it is customary to
give the image a pre-blur using Gaussian blur with a suitable radius value ( 2
for 50%, 4 for 25% ) In my opinion not worth scaling to less than 50%.

Always difficult to give a proper answer when working in the dark. I have no
idea of the nature of the images you are using.

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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List address:gimp-user-list@gnome.org
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[Gimp-user] No Gimp-help - 2.8.22 Xubuntu 17.10

2018-01-13 Thread rich404
>I am running 2.8.22 Gimp on Xubuntu 17.10
>System:Host: dylan3u Kernel: 4.13.0-16-generic x86_64 bits: 64
>   Desktop: Xfce 4.12.3 Distro: Ubuntu 17.10
>Machine:   Device: desktop Mobo: ASUSTeK model: P7P55D LE v: Rev 1.xx
>serial: N/A
>   BIOS: American Megatrends v: 2003 date: 12/16/2010
>CPU:   Quad core Intel Core i5 750 (-MCP-) cache: 8192 KB
>clock speeds: max: 2668 MHz 1: 2674 MHz 2: 2674 MHz 3: 2674
>   4: 2674 MHz
>Graphics:  Card: NVIDIA G94 [GeForce 9600 GT]
>   Display Server: x11 (X.Org 1.19.5 )
>   drivers: nouveau (unloaded: modesetting,fbdev,vesa)
>   Resolution: 1920x1080@60.00hz, 1680x1050@59.95hz
>   OpenGL: renderer: NV94 version: 3.3 Mesa 17.2.2
>I wanted  local help files so installed gimp-help and  gimp-help-en
>via synaptic and updated preferences but Gimp ccould not see it..
>So I went went back to on-line help and now get
>Could not open 'http://docs.gimp.org/2.8/en/gimp-help.xml' for
>reading: Operation not supported
>Perhaps you are missing GIO backends and need to install GVFS?
>removed gimp-help and  gimp-help-en but no change
>So now no gimp-help either on line or local.  Not sure what went wrong

Something similar came up on another forum but concerning KDE DE. I use kubuntu
16.04, local help gives that "not installed" message and get that "Perhaps you
are missing GIO backends and need to install GVFS" message for online help.

Strangely, installing GVFS + its raft of dependencies also permits the local
help to work.

Do you have it installed? (Sorry no 17.10) A xubuntu 16.04 VM - synaptic

It is also worth checking the language setting in Edit -> Preferences.

Works here: local files open in Firefox https://i.imgur.com/G9rsq18.jpg

One last thing on installation. It is not the packages gimp-help and
gimp-help-en to install, it is gimp-help-en which pulls gimp-help-common in as a

Still not working? I do not bother with local help and very occasionally go
straight online to gimp docs.

A useful alternative to local help is the help files as a PDF. English version
here: http://gimp.linux.it/www/meta/

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list
List address:gimp-user-list@gnome.org
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[Gimp-user] smoothing curves

2018-01-15 Thread rich404
>I made a circle; selected the border; and filled with color; and some
>of the curve was real rough during those hard turns.  Is there a way
>to smooth them?   How about inkscape and vectors??
>Thank you,

Gimp is a raster editor and works with pixels that are rectangular, so any curve
will have steps.

To give an appearance of smoothness anti-aliasing is used, semi-transparent
pixels to blend the hard edges.

Two things to consider with Gimp, 

1. The image mode. If the image is indexed, there is no anti-aliasing. The fix:
Image -> Mode -> RGB see: comparison.

2. The size of the image, pixel steps in a logo or icon, are more noticeable
than say a large circle on a poster sized image.

Using a vector. A vector circle can be scaled to any size. If imported into Gimp
as a svg, it will be anti-aliased. Then size comes into play. Exported, usually
as a png anti-aliasing will be applied, Then size comes into play. Printed or
displayed as a svg it will be anti-aliased

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/801/original/mode.jpg

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list
List address:gimp-user-list@gnome.org
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[Gimp-user] won't print direct from gimp

2018-01-17 Thread rich404
>When I push command P,  the gimp printer page shows up; and in preview
>you can see the image; but when I push print the paper comes out
>When I export to the desktop (MAC-  Sierra)   It prints fine from the
>"Preview Application".
>I would like to print direct from Gimp.
>Thank you,

Maybe some OSX user will come to your aid.  Often the solution is **not** Gimp -
use some other application for printing. Something like xnviewmp for example.

A longshot, great if you can get it working and your printer is supported is


screenshot shows it in linux.

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/802/original/gutenprint.jpg

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list
List address:gimp-user-list@gnome.org
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[Gimp-user] no fonts in folder in contents

2018-01-17 Thread rich404
>I would like to have fewer fonts in my Gimp.  Many seem to repeat.  I
>went to applications/GIMP/Contents/Resources/share/gimp/2.0/fonts. 
>There are zero items there.   Where should I look now?   I have Gimp
>Thank you,
>Yes, there was a font folder in my user library and it had one font
>which I put in  and four documents like fonts.list fonts.scale

You need an OSX user to give a proper answer.

Gimp does not come with any fonts. It uses the fonts installed in the system,
which might be very many. In linux I can disable many of the never-used fonts to
reduce the number seen by Gimp.

This is reasonably up-to-date and might give a clue to a suitable font manager. 
(w*w*w.jklstudios.com/misc/osxfonts.html un-mux the url - it kicked in some sort
of protection by the forum software)

Any fonts that *only* you will only use with Gimp should go in your gimp
profile. Something like /Users/MyName/Library/Application Support/Gimp/2.8/fonts
if that is what is used these days.

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list
List address:gimp-user-list@gnome.org
List membership: https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gimp-user-list
List archives:   https://mail.gnome.org/archives/gimp-user-list

[Gimp-user] Plugin Request: Voronoi

2018-01-20 Thread rich404
>Hey folks,
>Once upon a time, I got a /lot/ of mileage out of a GIMP plugin called
>Voronoi.  I was described at the plugin registry site as:
>"The ultimate Gimp pattern generator. Technically it generates 2D

Never sure if anything from the gimpusers.com forum gets through to the mailing

However, the voronoi plugin was compiled for Windows Gimp 2.8 by samj some time
ago both 32 and 64 bit versions. Use the appropriate 'flavour'.

rich: www.gimp-forum.net


rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list
List address:gimp-user-list@gnome.org
List membership: https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gimp-user-list
List archives:   https://mail.gnome.org/archives/gimp-user-list

[Gimp-user] cannot get new brushes mac

2018-01-22 Thread rich404
>I have been trying to follow the tutorials, but have not had any luck.
>I downloaded a new brush with a ending of .png.  I am running MacOS
>Sierra.  I just downloaded GIMP and want to add some brushes.  I am
>completely perplexed after trying to find files and such for the last
>four hours.
>I am not a super tech expert so do not know how to dig into code.  Is
>there an easy way to do this?  I think I was able to export and change
>them to .gbr and I thought I finally found a brushes folder to put
>them in (they are in there), but nothing shows up on the main program.

A png is an image file and not a Gimp brush.

The Gimp brush types are something.vbr, something.gbr, something.gih and also
some photoshop something.abr

There is an 'older' article here: worth reading for details

You can use your png as a temporary brush by copying (all or some) it. It then
appears as the 'clipboard' brush - very first in the brushes dialogue.

As you found can also export the png as a Gimp .gbr brush, export to the Gimp
profile brushes folder and it is saved for future use.

The Gimp docs on exporting:  https://docs.gimp.org/en/gimp-using-brushes.html

Gimp profile for a Mac:  (always baffles me as a linux user) 


or possibly /Users/{your_id}/Library/Application Support/GIMP/2.8/brushes

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list
List address:gimp-user-list@gnome.org
List membership: https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gimp-user-list
List archives:   https://mail.gnome.org/archives/gimp-user-list

[Gimp-user] Autochrome Emulation

2018-02-09 Thread rich404
>I like the look of Autochrome, one of the first early color
>photographic techniques.
>I have read a very thorough tutorial showing how to emulate the
>process using Photoshop
>I downloaded the color profile and can apply to an image using Gimp.
>There is another part involving the unique grain. Does anyone know how
>to do this using Gimp?

Looked at that PS procedure, but life is too short.

There are a couple of Gimp scripts that might do the job.

http://registry.gimp.org/node/24197  elsamuko-photochrom.scm


http://registry.gimp.org/node/24639 FIL (Film Imitation Lab)

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list
List address:gimp-user-list@gnome.org
List membership: https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gimp-user-list
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[Gimp-user] Retaining Layers in EPS export

2018-02-21 Thread rich404
>I realize that GIMP is primarily raster, but is there any way to
>export a high-resolution (300dpi or higher) image that will retain the

Not primarily raster, is raster. A little search and not looking promising. 

This a bit old but probably correct https://forums.adobe.com/thread/485325

I can get a multipage tiff out using ImageMagick but not much of a solution,
Inkscape still looks the best bet for a stack of png images. Layer-to-image size
in Gimp to preserve position.

Trace bitmap for each layer, not a big deal: https://i.imgur.com/LHXUHhU.jpg Of
course might be different if you have a thousand of these to process.

Gives an SVG as attached. The text would be better as text rather than scanned
if you know the font (no text layers in your xcf file. Was this originally a

>layers (no automatic flattening) and resolution?  EPS files are
>exported flat and the resolution is reduced dramatically in the
>exported image.

How are you determining this? Open an EPS in Gimp and the default resolution is
100 (same with PDF and SVG) Up to you to set a value. Use 300 on that EPS you
have, for printing quality.

Is the object of the exercise to get a larger than 800 x 1200 image - that is
your gimp size for printing?

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/813/original/drawing.svg

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list
List address:gimp-user-list@gnome.org
List membership: https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gimp-user-list
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[Gimp-user] Paintbrush Symmetry tool

2018-02-21 Thread rich404
>I can not for the life of me seem to locate the dialog box for the
>symmetry tool. I go to windows>dockable dialogs and it is not there as
>an option. is these feature no longer part of the program?

It should be there: What operating system? and if Windows, version of Gimp
(gimp.org or partha or samj)

For non Gimp developement users. Development version of Gimp required - 2.9.x

Windows -> Dockable Dialogues -> Symmetry Painting adds the dock

Drop down menu in the corner of the dock to choose the type.

All in one screenshot attached. Gimp 2.9.9 Kubuntu 16.04

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/817/original/symmetry.jpg

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list
List address:gimp-user-list@gnome.org
List membership: https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gimp-user-list
List archives:   https://mail.gnome.org/archives/gimp-user-list

[Gimp-user] Why is this color mapping not working?

2018-02-21 Thread rich404
>I'm using Gimp 2.8.18 on Mac High Sierra.  I want to do what I hope is
>very simple -- switch out one color with another.  I wanted to change
>the white to a dark gray and teh black to a lighter gray.  I first
>changed the white color, which went ok.  Then, I want to change all
>the black to a gray color -- #D3D3D3.  I open my image, go to the
>Color menu, and select "Map" and then select "Color Exchange".   Then
>I select the relevant colors and click "OK".  However the result
>(attached) is disappointing.  It is very difficult to read the numbers
>in the scale.  Am I missing something?  Or there others colors at play
>Thanks for any advice, - Dave

Not the best way, guessing some sort of selection to choose the background
leaving semi-transparent pixels around the text.  A jpeg especially tends to
promote artefacts around text.

A better way.

Remove the background using Colour -> Colour-to-Alpha White is default 

Lock the transparent pixels on the layer using the alpha lock in the layers

Bucket fill the layer with the d3d3d3 gray.

Add a new layer under and fill with the darker gray.

Something like this is best exported as a png which because of the 2 colours is
smaller than a jpeg.

screenshot and xcf is attached. xcf should still have alpha lock in place as

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/818/original/no-selection.jpg
* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/819/original/scale.xcf

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list
List address:gimp-user-list@gnome.org
List membership: https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gimp-user-list
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[Gimp-user] Paintbrush Symmetry tool

2018-02-21 Thread rich404
>It should be there: What operating system? and if Windows, version of
>Gimp (gimp.org or partha or samj)

Just tried the latest partha version for someone and the symmetry drop down
options menu is missing.

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list
List address:gimp-user-list@gnome.org
List membership: https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gimp-user-list
List archives:   https://mail.gnome.org/archives/gimp-user-list

[Gimp-user] Paintbrush Symmetry tool

2018-02-21 Thread rich404
>Just tried the latest partha version for someone and the symmetry drop
>down options menu is missing.
>rich: www.gimp-forum.net

oops.. my bad, the menu does show, needs an open canvas.
Time to pack in for the day, I think.

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list
List address:gimp-user-list@gnome.org
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[Gimp-user] Batch processing on an iMAC

2018-02-21 Thread rich404
>I need to process upward of 700 pictures through GIMP with a simple
>- Open a picture file
>- Export it as a JPG file
>which enables these files to be uploaded in a custom database
>(programmed with Cold Fusion - not by me!) which only accepts the JPG
>Can anybody give me some ideas or a script to do that?
>GIMP is not scriptable with the MAC Script Editor, and it seems only
>some Unix-level commands using the Terminal app will work.
>Thanks in advance, as this would save me a lot of hours doing this

If I had to do this? Not Gimp, use ImageMagick. see

Can be a simple as.

magick mogrify -format jpg  *.png

will convert a folder full of png images to jpegs.

On the other hand, if you want to see each image before exporting, the attached
rough-n-ready script exports to a 90 quality jpeg. You need to specify the
destination but only once per session. Unzip, pop in your plugins folder (it is
python) check that it is executable.

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/820/original/save90.py.zip

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list
List address:gimp-user-list@gnome.org
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[Gimp-user] Batch processing on an iMAC

2018-02-21 Thread rich404
>Thank you very much...
>I may try your suggestion.

I still advise ImageMagick for 700 files however as a demo two scripts *.scm
which go in your Gimp profile scripts folder (no need to make these executable)

sg-sequential-edit.scm and quick-export-jpeg.scm zipped them both up and

A quick video demo of these in use with keyboard shortcuts which reduces
open-export-close to two key presses.


* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/821/original/sg-scripts.scm.zip

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list
List address:gimp-user-list@gnome.org
List membership: https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gimp-user-list
List archives:   https://mail.gnome.org/archives/gimp-user-list

[Gimp-user] File/Create/Scanner ... on GIMP 2.9.8

2018-02-21 Thread rich404
>No problem getting to my scanner on current release of GIMP.
>Looking at the development version (GIMP 2.9.8) and the
>File/Create/Scanner option is not listed.
>Is there something I need to do on the development version to see and
>be able to select my TWAIN drivers?

For some reason the TWAIN plugin is not included in the 2.9.8 installation
package that comes from gimp.org

It is included in Partha's Gimp 2.9.8 www.partha.org You could try that. 
However, I am using a Win10 VM  for Windows try-outs and my printer/scanner is
not connect so not a given that it works.


rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list
List address:gimp-user-list@gnome.org
List membership: https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gimp-user-list
List archives:   https://mail.gnome.org/archives/gimp-user-list

[Gimp-user] File/Create/Scanner ... on GIMP 2.9.8

2018-02-21 Thread rich404
>Tried Partha's Gimp installed on a straight Windows 10 machine (no VM)
>and it did add the Scanner/Camera entry to the File/Create menu but
>with no twain drivers listed.
>Not sure what else is needed?
>Thanks for pointing me in this direction.

Could be this problem


64 bit drivers not recognised. Depends on scanner? Install 32 bit TWAIN driver?

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list
List address:gimp-user-list@gnome.org
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List archives:   https://mail.gnome.org/archives/gimp-user-list

[Gimp-user] Blur/Smudge/Clone tool no longer working

2018-02-21 Thread rich404
Dear me, typo, hate this mailing list format.

>Your image is in Indexed Colour Mode. Lots of tools do work in that

That is of course, Lots of tools do not work in indexed mode.

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list
List address:gimp-user-list@gnome.org
List membership: https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gimp-user-list
List archives:   https://mail.gnome.org/archives/gimp-user-list

[Gimp-user] Frustrating path tool behaviour

2018-02-21 Thread rich404
>New user here. I am trying to remove a background using the path tool.
>So I am following a video that shows how to use the tool.
>What I do is to select the path tool and drawi carefully the inner
>part of the drawing but halfway doing so, when I have marked about 150
>points it randomly changes to another tool and I lose all the points
>that I have marked till then. Undoing with the cmd-Z does nothing.
>This is really frustrating as I carefully do it without touching any
>other key?. What am I doing wrong?
>Thank you

What platform and version of Gimp and any other information?

Apart from maybe an OSX bug, the only possibility for either linux or Windows is
use with a graphics tablet.

Normal Gimp procedure is a different tool for tablet and mouse. Using a
mouse/tablet switches tools.

Did you check that the path has actually gone for good. Changing tool here in
linux leaves the path but it is not visible. Making visible in the paths
dialogue, reselecting the path tool and it is possible to continue.

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list
List address:gimp-user-list@gnome.org
List membership: https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gimp-user-list
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