Re: [Gimp-user] You can follow the Discourse server in Thunderbird using RSS

2022-10-25 Thread Cliff Pratt via gimp-user-list
> Hi,
> you can use Discourse Gnome as a mailing list. The funny thing is, that
> using it as a mailing list, it requires to turn of the mailing list
> feature, not to enable it. Instead of enabling the mailing list feature,
> you need to choose the wanted tag, in your case it's probably "gimp".
> However, Discourse is not really a good mailing list, one of the
> countless reasons was mentioned by Brad Rogers: "The problem with
> discourse is when some ppl use it as a web forum and others use it as an
> ML.  Especially within the same thread.  It all descends into an
> unmanageable mess.   :-("
> For example, if we format a plain text mail, the forum will reformat it
> as a HTML mail, hence a lot of probably wanted spaces get lost.
> Here's a nice example, I recently made for a project in German.
> A simple simplified analog cam and a simple simplified digital cam [1].
> Without a lot of spaces removed by HTML and without an appropriate mono
> space font the ASCII graphics will become nonsense.
> This already becomes an issue, if you indent text like commands:
>$ apt moo
> Let alone it's output.
> (__)
> (oo)
>   /--\/
>  / |||
> *  /\---/\
>~~   ~~
>..."Have you mooed today?"...
> Regards,
> Ralf
> [1]
>   ┌───┐
>  └┼┬──┼┐
>Sucher ││  ││
>  ┌┼┴┬─┼┘
>   │ │ │
>   │ │ ├┬┐
>   │││ │││
>  Film und Vorhang │││ │ │ Objektiv mit Blende
>   │││ │││
>   │ │ ├┴┘
>   │ │ │
>   └─┴─┘
>   ┌───┐
>  └┼┬─┬┤
> Sucher mit Bildschirm ││ ││
>  ┌┼┴─┴┤
>   │   │
>   │   ├┬┐
>   ││  │││
>Sensor ││  │ │ Objektiv mit Blende
>   ││  │││
>   │  │├┴┘
>   │  ││ Speicherkarte
>   └───┘
> ___
> gimp-user-list mailing list
> List
> List membership:
> List archives:

What is "Ascii graphics"? Is it like emojis? 8-)

Seriously, text v HTML has been a problem since HTML email was introduced
along with top posting. Even if you tell people not to top-post, they don't
understand what that means and do it anyway. They send HTML formatted posts
to mailing lists because that's what their tools do.

BUT that is the way things are and no one is going to be able to turn back
the clock. Text only mailing lists are dead. (Not that Discord is
necessarily the right substitute for them). Sorry, but those who use
non-HTML mail and browse the Internet with Links are in a declining
minority. Let them use Gopher.

I'm not saying, don't try to do it. I'm saying that my estimate of the
possibility of success is very low.


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gimp-user-list mailing list
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Re: [Gimp-user] You can follow the Discourse server in Thunderbird using RSS

2022-10-25 Thread Ralf Mardorf via gimp-user-list
On Tue, 2022-10-25 at 10:29 -0400, Kat wrote:
> I have been a gimp user for years and been on the mailing list a long time.
> I like it better then having to go to a forum and log in I can keep 
> track of issues, updates and news
> I have also been a thunderbird user for years thank you ofnuts that I 
> can do a rss feed in here


you can use Discourse Gnome as a mailing list. The funny thing is, that
using it as a mailing list, it requires to turn of the mailing list
feature, not to enable it. Instead of enabling the mailing list feature,
you need to choose the wanted tag, in your case it's probably "gimp".

However, Discourse is not really a good mailing list, one of the
countless reasons was mentioned by Brad Rogers: "The problem with
discourse is when some ppl use it as a web forum and others use it as an
ML.  Especially within the same thread.  It all descends into an
unmanageable mess.   :-("

For example, if we format a plain text mail, the forum will reformat it
as a HTML mail, hence a lot of probably wanted spaces get lost.

Here's a nice example, I recently made for a project in German.

A simple simplified analog cam and a simple simplified digital cam [1].

Without a lot of spaces removed by HTML and without an appropriate mono
space font the ASCII graphics will become nonsense.

This already becomes an issue, if you indent text like commands:

   $ apt moo

Let alone it's output.

 / |||   
*  /\---/\ 
   ~~   ~~   
   ..."Have you mooed today?"...



   Sucher ││  ││
  │ │ │
  │ │ ├┬┐
  │││ │││
 Film und Vorhang │││ │ │ Objektiv mit Blende
  │││ │││
  │ │ ├┴┘
  │ │ │
Sucher mit Bildschirm ││ ││
  │   │
  │   ├┬┐
  ││  │││
   Sensor ││  │ │ Objektiv mit Blende
  ││  │││
  │  │├┴┘
  │  ││ Speicherkarte
gimp-user-list mailing list
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Re: [Gimp-user] You can follow the Discourse server in Thunderbird using RSS

2022-10-25 Thread Kat

sorry replied with wrong email address

I have been a gimp user for years and been on the mailing list a long time.
I like it better then having to go to a forum and log in I can keep 
track of issues, updates and news

I have also been a thunderbird user for years thank you ofnuts that I 
can do a rss feed in here

I joined Bretts new list also ... Yes I dislike the credit score 
(censorship) discourse user I would not willingly sign up

sincerely Kat

gimp-user-list mailing list
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[Gimp-user] You can follow the Discourse server in Thunderbird using RSS

2022-10-24 Thread Ofnuts via gimp-user-list

If you don't want to login regularly on Discourse, you can ask
Thunderbird (or some other RSS client) to set up a RSS feed:

- Right-click "Blogs and News feed" and click "Subscribe"

- Set the feed URL to ";
(actually, about any Discourse URL works, you just add ".rss" at the end

- Set the rest at your convenience.

I would post screenshots of the result, but this mailing list doesn't
support them (which is fairly ironic considering it is mostly about
gimp-user-list mailing list
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