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Re: [RFC] Rebasing merges: a jorney to the ultimate solution (Road Clear)

2018-02-17 Thread Jacob Keller
On Fri, Feb 16, 2018 at 5:08 AM, Sergey Organov  wrote:
> Hi,
> By accepting the challenges raised in recent discussion of advanced
> support for history rebasing and editing in Git, I hopefully figured out
> a clean and elegant method of rebasing merges that I think is "The Right
> Way (TM)" to perform this so far troublesome operation. ["(TM)" here has
> second meaning: a "Trivial Merge (TM)", see below.]
> Let me begin by outlining the method in git terms, and special thanks
> here must go to "Johannes Sixt"  for his original bright
> idea to use "cherry-pick -m1" to rebase merge commits.
> End of preface -- here we go.

I hope to take a more detailed look at this, also possibly with some
attempts at re-creating the process by hand to see it in practice.

> Given 2 original branches, b1 and b2, and a merge commit M that joins
> them, suppose we've already rebased b1 to b1', and b2 to b2'. Suppose
> also that B1' and B2' happen to be the tip commits on b1' and b2',
> respectively.
> To produce merge commit M' that joins b1' and b2', the following
> operations will suffice:
> 1. Checkout b2' and cherry-pick -m2 M, to produce U2' (and new b2').
> 2. Checkout b1' and cherry-pick -m1 M, to produce U1' (and new b1').
> 3. Merge --no-ff new b2' to current new b1', to produce UM'.
> 4. Get rid of U1' and U2' by re-writing parent references of UM' from
>U1' and U2' to  B1' and B2', respectively, to produce M'.
> 5. Mission complete.

Seems pretty straight forward, go to each branch and cherry-pick the
merge respective to its relative parent, and then finally re-merge
everything, and consume the intermittent commits.

> Let's now see why and how the method actually works.
> Firs off, let me introduce you to my new friend, the Trivial Merge, or
> (TM) for short. By definition, (TM) is a merge that introduces
> absolutely no differences to the sides of the merge. (I also like to
> sometimes call him "Angel Merge", both as the most beautiful of all
> merges, and as direct antithesis to "evil merge".)
> One very nice thing about (TM) is that to safely rebase it, it suffices
> to merge its (rebased) parents. It is safe in this case, as (TM) itself
> doesn't posses any content changes, and thus none could be missed by
> replacing it with another merge commit.
> I bet most of us have never seen (TM) in practice though, so let's see
> how (TM) can help us handle general case of some random merge. What I'm
> going to do is to create a virtual (TM) and see how it goes from there.
> Let's start with this history:
>   M
>  / \
> B1  B2
> And let's transform it to the following one, contextually equivalent to
> the original, by introducing 2 simple utility commits U1 and U2, and a
> new utility merge commit UM:
>   UM
>  /  \
> U1   U2
> ||
> B1   B2
> Here content of any of the created UM, U1, and U2 is the same, and is
> exact copy of original content of M. I.e., provided [A] denotes
> "content of commit A", we have:
> [UM] = [U1] = [U2] = [M]
> Stress again how these changes to the history preserve the exact content
> of the original merge ([UM] = [M]), and how U1 an U2 represent content
> changes due to merge on either side[*], and how neither preceding nor
> subsequent commits content would be affected by the change of
> representation.
> Now observe that as [U1] = [UM], and [U2] = [UM], the UM happens to be
> exactly our new friend -- the "Trivial Merge (TM)" his true self,
> introducing zero changes to content.
> Next we rebase our new representation of the history and we get:
>   UM'
>  /  \
> U1'  U2'
> ||
> B1'  B2'
> Here UM' is bare merge of U1' and U2', in exact accordance with the
> method of rebasing a (TM) we've already discussed above, and U1' and U2'
> are rebased versions of U1 and U2, obtained by usual rebasing methods
> for non-merge commits.
> (Note, however, that at this point UM' is not necessarily a (TM)
> anymore, so in real implementation it may make sense to check if UM' is
> not a (TM) and stop for possible user amendment.)

This might be a bit tricky for a user to understand what the process
is, especially if they don't understand how it's creating special U1'
and U2' commits. However, it *is* the cleanest method I've either seen
or thought of for presenting the conflict to the user.

> Finally, to get to our required merge commit M', we get the content of
> UM' and record two actual parents of the merge:
>   M'
>  / \
> B1' B2'
> Where [M'] = [UM'].
> That's it. Mission complete.
> I expect the method to have the following nice features:
> - it carefully preserves user changes by rebasing the merge commit
> itself, in a way that is semantically similar to rebasing simple
> (non-merge) commits, yet it allows changes made to branches during
> history editing to propagate over corresponding merge commit that joins
> the branches, even automatically when the changes don't conflict, as
> expected.

Git 2.16.2 on NonStop Test Status

2018-02-17 Thread Randall S. Becker
Just letting you know that we are one breakage reduced from 2.16.1. Now at 3
total (1308:23, 1404:52, 9001:134) - all of which were expected. Nice work.


-- Brief whoami:
  NonStop developer since approximately NonStop(2112884442)
  UNIX developer since approximately 421664400
-- In my real life, I talk too much.

Re: [PATCH] Makefile: remove *.spec from clean target

2018-02-17 Thread Junio C Hamano
Todd Zullinger  writes:

> Support for generating an rpm was dropped in ab214331cf ("Makefile: stop
> pretending to support rpmbuild", 2016-04-04).  We don't generate any
> *.spec files so there is no need to clean them up.
> Signed-off-by: Todd Zullinger 
> ---
> I noticed this minor cruft today.  Since we don't generate a
> spec file, this is at best unneeded.  At worst we could
> wrongly delete a users spec file if they happened to be
> working on it in their git clone and called make clean.

Makes perfect sense.  Thanks.

>  Makefile | 2 +-
>  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
> diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
> index c56fdc14ca..d135f8baa1 100644
> --- a/Makefile
> +++ b/Makefile
> @@ -2734,7 +2734,7 @@ clean: profile-clean coverage-clean
>   $(RM) -r bin-wrappers $(dep_dirs)
>   $(RM) -r po/build/
> - $(RM) *.spec *.pyc *.pyo */*.pyc */*.pyo common-cmds.h $(ETAGS_TARGET) 
> tags cscope*
> + $(RM) *.pyc *.pyo */*.pyc */*.pyo common-cmds.h $(ETAGS_TARGET) tags 
> cscope*
>   $(RM) -r $(GIT_TARNAME) .doc-tmp-dir
>   $(RM) $(GIT_TARNAME).tar.gz git-core_$(GIT_VERSION)-*.tar.gz
>   $(RM) $(htmldocs).tar.gz $(manpages).tar.gz
> -- 
> 2.16.2