26.07.2013, 05:50, "Torsten Bögershausen" <tbo...@web.de>:
> On 2013-07-25 14.19, иванов иван wrote:
>>  hello! there is problem vith git and cyrillic (utf-8) names of branches. 
>> branch creates perfectly, but when i clone this remote branch to local host, 
>> there are 2 bugs:
>>  1) "git branch" doesnt show checked branch with asterisk (while on remote 
>> server it does)
>>  2) "git push" gives 2 errors: "fatal: BRANCH_NAME cannot be resolved to 
>> branch." and "fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly"
>>  thanks.
> It could be helpful if you could provide more information.
> The best could be a step-by-step instruction using a some "mini repo",
> so that we we can reproduce the problem.
> I have done an illustrating example using UTF-8,
> (not cyrillic, I don't have these letters on my keyboard ;-)
> tb@linux:~$ mkdir cyrill
> tb@linux:~$ cd cyrill/
> tb@linux:~/cyrill$ git init
> Initialized empty Git repository in /home/tb/cyrill/.git/
> tb@linux:~/cyrill$ echo File>File
> tb@linux:~/cyrill$ git checkout -b bränch
> Switched to a new branch 'bränch'
> tb@linux:~/cyrill$ git add File
> tb@linux:~/cyrill$ git commit -m "Add File"
> [bränch (root-commit) e39d84e] Add File
>  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
>  create mode 100644 "File"
> tb@linux:~/cyrill$ git branch
> * bränch
> tb@linux:~/cyrill$
> tb@macos:~> git clone tb@linux:~/cyrill
> Cloning into 'cyrill'...
> tb@linux's password:
> remote: Counting objects: 3, done.
> Receiving objects: 100% (3/3), done.
> remote: Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
> tb@macos:~> cd cyrill/
> tb@macos:~/cyrill> git branch
> * bränch
> tb@macos:~/cyrill> ls -l
> total 8
> -rw-r--r--  1 tb  staff  6 Jul 26 03:39 File
> tb@macos:~/cyrill>
> ===================
> Other question:
> what does (on Mac OS)
> git config core.precomposeunicode
> give you?
> /Torsten

okay, i've changed core.precomposeunicode to true and seems it solved the 
problem, branches are listed just fine and git push goes good as well. i didn't 
look that way at first time, thought that is case for filenames only, not 
thank you all for responces, i guess this time problem is really solved now. :)
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