RE: Switching branches not working in a cloned repo

2016-09-19 Thread Paul Williamson
-Original Message-
From: Jacob Keller [] 

>Try a fresh clone with "git checkout --track origin/web_dev" and then a "git 
>status -v" and let us know what happens. I suspect that older clones have the 
>correct branches already setup for tracking, but the new clone >isn't doing it 
>automatically, so when you run git checkout web_dev you're just creating a new 
>local copy.

Hi Jake, this worked!

Your explanation seems correct - I could still list the remote branches, thanks 
to the command that Philip suggested, but the linkage between the two was not 
there by default for some reason. Very strange, I have never seen that happen 

Anyway, this solution is sound and seems to set everything (history etc) back 
to how it should be.

Thanks very much for your help!


RE: Switching branches not working in a cloned repo

2016-09-19 Thread Paul Williamson
-Original Message-
From: Philip Oakley [] 

>Have you tried `git ls-remote` ?
>The `branch -r` just lists the local 'rtb's (IIUC).

Nice, I didn't know about that command - I tried it though and it does list the 
remote branches correctly. I checked the commit refs given and it tallies with 
the refs at the gitolite server end.

>It could be someone has accidently pruned or deleted that branch at the remote.

I don't think so, as I say it's a gitolite server, so usually nobody is on it. 
We just push to it and set up post-receive hooks for if updates need to be 
pushed on to a deployment server.

Do you know of ways to check if anything is corrupted within the repo? I ran 
git fsck, but that didn't show up anything.

>What version are you (they) on?

1.9.1 at both ends (my laptop and our gitolite server)

> Gmane had to quit. Try (see the help link)

Ah! Thanks. I tried searching but so far only turned up this thread.

> philip 

Thanks for your reply, Philip.


Switching branches not working in a cloned repo

2016-09-19 Thread Paul Williamson

We use git extensively on a number of repos. Recently, we have had a problem 
with one of them. This repo has a 'web_dev' branch. For copies of the repo 
cloned before a certain (recent but unidentified) time, we could 'git checkout' 
between master and web_dev and everything would be normal.

However, now if we clone the repo, we can no longer do 'git checkout web_dev'. 
Git doesn't complain, in fact there is no feedback and we are still in the 
master branch. Running 'git branch -r' still shows the branch as existing at 

If we try 'git branch web_dev' we then see web_dev listed locally and can 
switch to it BUT on closer inspection we realise that this action has created a 
new branch off master.

The first time we saw this was under Bash on Windows, so we thought maybe it 
was a beta problem, but a) other repos work as expected under that environment, 
and b) under cygwin, pulling the same repo to a new directory alongside an 
older copy shows that the problem occurs with the new clone, but not the one 
that that was cloned longer ago.

Also in this situation, there are no local outstanding code changes that might 
cause problems switching branches. This occurs right from a cleanly cloned repo.

It seems something has gone wrong with this repo, and we don't know what. It's 
a tough problem to google, and I was not able to search the gmane archives (DNS 

Any idea how to investigate?
