Would a config var for --force-with-lease be useful?

2018-08-24 Thread Scott Johnson
Hello Everyone:

I'm considering writing a patch that adds a configuration variable
that will allow the user to default the command:

git push --force


git push --force-with-lease

As discussed here:


Now, I understand that there are downsides to having this enabled,
namely that a user who has this enabled might forget that they have it
enabled, and, as such, on a machine that _doesn't_ have it enabled (of
which they are unfamiliar) might then run the more consequential
command "git push --force", but my thinking is that adding this as a
feature to the git codebase as an _optional_ (i.e. not enabled by
default) configuration variable would then save some of us who use a
"rebase-then-force-push for pull request" workflow some time and

Of course, I don't want to submit a patch if this is a feature that
isn't likely to be accepted, so I wanted to get some thoughts from the
mailing list regarding this idea.

Thank you,

~Scott Johnson


2018-08-27 Thread Scott Johnson
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push.recurseSubmodules=check doesn't consider tags

2019-06-11 Thread Scott Johnson
I occasionally rebase my submodules. I realize the danger (historical submodule 
pointers could point to commits that get garbage-collected away) so I always 
create and push a tag before the rebase, to make sure the old commits will 
never get purged. I believe this is safe, based on some experiments I’ve run.

The issue: I set the config var push.recurseSubmodules=check, and it seems to 
insist on having a branch and not merely a tag. When I push the parent repo’s 
commits, I get failures: "The following submodule paths contain changes that 
can not be found on any remote”. This is overly pessimistic: the commits are 
there on the remote, and the tag demonstrates that.

Expected behavior: when the submodule remote has a branch or a tag with the 
submodule pointer as ancestor, the push.recurseSubmodules=check should succeed.

Actual behavior: the push.recurseSubmodules=check fails when only a tag, and 
not any branch, contains the specific commit hash.

I’m using Git 2.18.0, but I’ve checked newer Release Notes and didn’t see 

Below is a Makefile that demonstrates the unexpected failure. The “pre-rebase” 
tag should be sufficient to allow the check to succeed. Run this in an empty 

.PHONY: all clean

# Make sure no config settings, either /etc/gitconfig or ~/.gitconfig,
# affect this experiment. We will create our own ./.gitconfig.

# Configure globally (into ./.gitconfig)
$(GIT) config --global user.email "y...@example.com"
$(GIT) config --global user.name "Your Name"
$(GIT) config --global push.recurseSubmodules check
# Create upstream repos
mkdir sub.git && cd sub.git && $(GIT) init --bare
mkdir repo.git && cd repo.git && $(GIT) init --bare
# Create local repos
$(GIT) clone repo.git repo
$(GIT) clone sub.git sub
# Populate submodule
cd sub && echo "foo" > foo && $(GIT) add foo && $(GIT) commit -m 'rev 1 
of foo' && $(GIT) push
# Add submodule to parent repo
cd repo && $(GIT) submodule add ../sub.git && $(GIT) commit -m 'Add 
submodule' && $(GIT) push
# Track a new branch in the submodule
cd repo/sub && $(GIT) checkout -b aril && $(GIT) push -u origin aril
# Add commits to sub repo
cd repo/sub && echo "bar" > bar && $(GIT) add bar && $(GIT) commit -m 
'Add bar' && $(GIT) push
cd repo/sub && echo "foo2" >> foo && $(GIT) commit -am 'Add more to 
foo' && $(GIT) push
# Update parent with new submodule commits. Note: no push
cd repo && $(GIT) add sub && $(GIT) commit -m 'Update sub'
# Sub's master branch diverges
cd sub && echo "three" > three && $(GIT) add three && $(GIT) commit -m 
'Add three' && $(GIT) push
# Rebase submodule: this tag is enough to keep the old commits from 
being garbage collected
cd repo/sub && $(GIT) tag pre-rebase && $(GIT) push --tags origin
cd repo/sub && $(GIT) checkout master && $(GIT) pull --ff-only
cd repo/sub && $(GIT) checkout aril
cd repo/sub && $(GIT) rebase master && $(GIT) push --force-with-lease
# Update parent repo with newly rebased sub: this will FAIL due to 
push.recurseSubmodules=check unable to find HEAD^'s submodule pointer in any 
pushed branch in repo/sub
cd repo && $(GIT) add sub && $(GIT) commit -m 'Add rebased submodule' 
&& $(GIT) push

rm -rf repo repo2 repo.git sub sub.git .gitconfig

Feature Proposal: Track all branches from a given remote

2014-10-25 Thread Scott Johnson
Hello git experts:

Recently, I've encountered the problem where I would like to set my
local repository copy to track all branches on a given remote. There
does not appear to be a switch for this in the git-branch command
currently, however, I will admit that my somewhat limited
understanding of the git-branch manpage might be causing me simply not
to see it.

It seems as though this is a use case that some users of git encounter
now and then, as illustrated by this post:


I was thinking that it might be useful to add a new option to git
branch, perhaps something like:

git-branch --track-remote 

Where  specifies a given remote, and the command will
track all branches remotes//* to refs/heads/*.

So, for example, if I were to run:

git-branch --track-remote origin

and I had two branches on origin, master and maint, respectively,
after the command finishes, my local repo would now have two branches,
master (set up to track origin/master), and maint (setup to track

I'm not entirely sure how to handle naming conflicts, for example if
'maint' already existed on another remote, and was set up to track
from that remote previous to this invocation of the command.

If I were to start work on a patch, would there be any interest in
this feature, or are there reasons why it isn't currently implemented?

Thank you,

~Scott Johnson
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Re: Feature Proposal: Track all branches from a given remote

2014-10-26 Thread Scott Johnson
Hi Brian:

> [remote "origin"]
>   fetch = refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*

Yes, you're right, this works just fine as long as I move out from a
branch that's not in the remote in question, for example by doing:

git checkout -b nothing
git fetch

- OR -

git pull

Do you think there would be any interest in a patch that added this as
a simple command line option, though? I guess the idea of this patch
then would simply change this line in the .git/config file for the
length of the operation (and specified remote), execute the git pull
command, and then reset the configuration after the command finished.
(There really wouldn't be a need to affect the configuration on the
filesystem - simply the effective configuration used while git is
running for this operation).


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