Regression in patch add?

2018-04-15 Thread mqudsi
Hello all,

I'm currently running the latest version of git built from `master`, and
I'm running into what appears to be a regression in the behavior of the
piecewise `git add -p` when applying a manually edited chunk.

I first run `git add -p`, then manually edit a chunk (after hitting `s`
once, if it matters). The chunk originally contains the following:

# Manual hunk edit mode -- see bottom for a quick guide
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
"call dein#add('Shougo/dein.vim', {'rev': 'master'})

" Add or remove your plugins here:
-   " call dein#add('flazz/vim-colorschemes')
-   call dein#add('Haron-Prime/evening_vim')
+   call dein#add('flazz/vim-colorschemes')
+   call dein#add('danilo-augusto/vim-afterglow')

"core plugins that change the behavior of vim and how we use it globally

Under git 2.7.4, I can edit it to the following, which is accepted
without a problem:

# Manual hunk edit mode -- see bottom for a quick guide
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
"call dein#add('Shougo/dein.vim', {'rev': 'master'})

" Add or remove your plugins here:
-   " call dein#add('flazz/vim-colorschemes')
-   call dein#add('Haron-Prime/evening_vim')
+   call dein#add('flazz/vim-colorschemes')
+   call dein#add('Haron-Prime/evening_vim')

"core plugins that change the behavior of vim and how we use it globally

All I did here was remove one `+` line and manually add another (which
is a variant of the second `-` line).

Under git, the same piece is opened in $VISUAL for
editing (and if left unmodified applies OK), but when modified in the
to the same exact value, after exiting the editor I receive the
following error from git:

error: patch fragment without header at line 15: @@ -25,7 +25,8 @@

I'm not sure what to make of this.

Thank you,

Mahmoud Al-Qudsi
NeoSmart Technologies

Invalid memory access in `git apply`

2017-11-08 Thread mqudsi
**Resending as it seems that the attachments caused the last email to wind up
in a black hole**

There seems to be bug in the `git apply` that leads to out-of-bounds memory
access when --ignore-space-change is combined with --inaccurate-eof and
applying a patch.

On occasion, this can lead to error output like the following:

 mqudsi@ZBook ~> git apply --ignore-space-change --ignore-whitespace
 --allow-overlap --inaccurate-eof without_whitespace.diff
 *** Error in `git': malloc(): memory corruption: 0x02543530 ***
 === Backtrace: =

The original file being patched (clipboard.vim) and the patch file that I had
attempted to apply (without_whitespace.diff) are attached, along with the
full, unabridged output of the memory map as a result of the out-of-bounds
access (memory_map.txt).

The memory map output was generated under git 2.7.4; repeated attempts to
reproduce the memory map dump with both 2.7.4 and 2.15 produce the following

     mqudsi@ZBook ~/.c/nvim> git apply --ignore-space-change  
 --whitespace=fix without_whitespace.diff
 fatal: BUG: caller miscounted postlen: asked 248, orig = 251, used = 

Mahmoud Al-Qudsi
NeoSmart Technologies


* clipboard.vim:
* without_whitespace.diff:
* memory_map.txt: