2018-12-02 Thread Alizata Aron


My name is Miss Alizata  Aron. It give me a great pleasure to write you, it 
attracts me to write to you so that we can be friends if you will have the 
desire as me. i will be very happy to be in communication with you so that we 
can get to know each other better and see what happens in future. I await your 
reply so that i can tell you more about myself  and give you my picture. 

Have a blessed day.
Miss Alizata Aron.


2018-05-07 Thread Mrs.Renee Shine

I am Sister Renee Shine, I contacted you regards to the total sum of(3
million USD) which I signed and donated in your custody as the
beneficiary,I was diagnosed with the cancer of the esophagus it has
defied all forms of medical treatment and at this point i have few
weeks to live according to my Doctor,I had promise God Almighty that i
will use my fortune to bless the poor in the work of the Lord.

I am hopefully trusting in your faithfulness that you shall make use
of the fund for the very purpose to host the charities and the less
privileged as soon as the Bank Transferred it into your account, I
want you to always remember that this is the work of God, The 30% of
the money will be for you and your family, I will provide you with the
Bank (E-mail  Address) where I made the Deposit,  I wait your soon
reply as a matter of urgent so I can detail you properly now that i am

Please reply with my private email address:(

Remain blessed

Sister Renee Shine


2018-01-22 Thread Asana Hajraf

I am Mrs. Asana Hajraf and I am married to Mr. Hassan Hajraf from kuwait for 19 
years without a child and my husband died in 2014. I am contacting you to let 
you know my desire to donate the sum of $4.5 million to charities in your 
country which I inherited from my late husband. Due to my illness of cancer 
were confirmed out of just eight months, so it is my desire to see that this 
money is invested to any organization of your choice and distributed each year 
among the charity organizations, motherless babies home, schools and support 
for the men and women homeless or what you may consider to be the benefit of 
those less fortunate. I do not want this fund to be invested in a manner 
without God. As soon as I receive your reply confirming your acceptance of the 
work I tell you, I will give all relevant information to authorize the release 
and transfer the money to you as my duly appointed representative.
Mrs Asana Hajraf.

Greetings MY Dearest In The Lord

2017-12-13 Thread Mrs. Alla Babayeve
Greetings MY Dearest In The Lord

Please I know this may come to you by surprise ,because you do not know me, I 
need your assistance that is why I am writing you, it is my desire of going 
into relationship with you. I am Mrs. Alla Babayeve i am a Farmer/gold and 
diamond dealer 

I am a merchant of Russia nationality but presently residing in Kenya. I have 
been diagnosed with Esophageal cancer. i am currently admitted in a privet 
hospital,and I have some funds I inherited from my late loving husband Mr. 
Johnson Adams Babayeve, the sum of US$3.500.000 which he deposited in BANK Here 
and I need a very honest and The Lord fearing Christian that can use this funds 
for The Lord work and 20% out of the total funds will be for your compensation 
for doing this work of The Lord

I found your email address from the internet and decide to contact you. Please 
if you would be able to use these funds for the Lord's work kindly reply me 
Thank you and May The Lord bless you.
Your Sister In The Lord

Mrs. Alla Babayeve


2017-10-03 Thread Asana Hajraf

I am Mrs. Asana Hajraf and I am married to Mr. Hassan Hajraf from kuwait for 19 
years without a child and my husband died in 2014. I am contacting you to let 
you know my desire to donate the sum of $4.5 million to charities in your 
country which I inherited from my late husband. Due to my illness of cancer 
were confirmed out of just eight months, so it is my desire to see that this 
money is invested to any organization of your choice and distributed each year 
among the charity organizations, motherless babies home, schools and support 
for the men and women homeless or what you may consider to be the benefit of 
those less fortunate. I do not want this fund to be invested in a manner 
without God. As soon as I receive your reply confirming your acceptance of the 
work I tell you, I will give all relevant information to authorize the release 
and transfer the money to you as my duly appointed representative.
Mrs Asana Hajraf.


2017-10-02 Thread Asana Hajraf
I am Mrs. Asana Hajraf and I am married to Mr. Hassan Hajraf from kuwait for 19 
years without a child and my husband died in 2014. I am contacting you to let 
you know my desire to donate the sum of $4.5 million to charities in your 
country which I inherited from my late husband. Due to my illness of cancer 
were confirmed out of just eight months, so it is my desire to see that this 
money is invested to any organization of your choice and distributed each year 
among the charity organizations, motherless babies home, schools and support 
for the men and women homeless or what you may consider to be the benefit of 
those less fortunate. I do not want this fund to be invested in a manner 
without God. As soon as I receive your reply confirming your acceptance of the 
work I tell you, I will give all relevant information to authorize the release 
and transfer the money to you as my duly appointed representative.
Mrs Asana Hajraf.


2017-09-14 Thread Asana Hajraf
I am Mrs. Asana Hajraf and I am married to Mr. Hassan Hajraf from kuwait for 19 
years without a child and my husband died in 2014. I am contacting you to let 
you know my desire to donate the sum of $4.5 million to charities in your 
country which I inherited from my late husband. Due to my illness of cancer 
were confirmed out of just eight months, so it is my desire to see that this 
money is invested to any organization of your choice and distributed each year 
among the charity organizations, motherless babies home, schools and support 
for the men and women homeless or what you may consider to be the benefit of 
those less fortunate. I do not want this fund to be invested in a manner 
without God. As soon as I receive your reply confirming your acceptance of the 
work I tell you, I will give all relevant information to authorize the release 
and transfer the money to you as my duly appointed representative.
Mrs Asana Hajraf.

Jag är fru Asana Hajraf och jag är gift med Mr Hassan Hajraf från Kuwait i 19 
år utan ett barn och min man dog i 2014. Jag kontaktar dig för att meddela dig 
min önskan om att donera summan av 4,5 miljoner dollar till 
välgörenhetsorganisationer i ditt land som jag ärvde från min sena make. På 
grund av min cancercancer bekräftades på bara åtta månader, så det är min 
önskan att se att pengarna investeras i valfri organisation och fördelas varje 
år bland välgörenhetsorganisationerna, moderlösa barnhem, skolor och stöd till 
män och kvinnor hemlösa eller vad du kanske anser vara till nytta för de mindre 
lyckliga. Jag vill inte att denna fond ska investeras på ett sätt utan Gud. Så 
snart jag mottar ditt svar bekräftar din acceptans av det arbete jag säger till 
dig, kommer jag att ge all relevant information för att tillåta frigivningen 
och överföra pengarna till dig som min vederbörligen utsedda representant.
Fru Asana Hajraf.

Dearest Chosen One

2016-10-06 Thread Mrs. Amina
Dearest Chosen One

With Due Respect And Humanity,I was compelled to write to you under a 
humanitarian ground. My name is Mrs Amina Mohammed, My Husband was a director 
in a trading company here in Cote D Ivoire.We were married for 36 years without 
a child.  He died after Cardiac Arteries operation.

And Recently,My Doctor told me that I would not last for the next Eight months 
due to my cancer problem and stroke) .Before my husband died he lodged the sum 
of four million five hundred thousand dollars,(US$15,500.000.) in a bank here 
In Ivory Coast.

Presently,this money is still in a bank here. Having known my condition I 
decided to donate this fund to any good God fearing man or woman that will 
utilize this fund the way I am going to instruct herein.

I want somebody that will use this fund according to the desire of my late 
husband to help Less privilaged people,orphanages,widows and propagating the 
word of God.

I took this decision because I don't have any child that will inherit this 
fund,And I don't want in away where this money will be used in an unGodly way. 
This is why I am taking this decision to hand you over this Fund.

I am not afraid of death hence I know where I am going. I want you to always 
remember me in your daily prayers because of my up coming Cancer Surgery.

Write back as soon as possible any delay in your reply will give me room in 
sourcing another person for this same purpose.

God bless you as I hope to hear from you as soon.

Yours Sincerely Sister

Amina Mohammed

Dearest Beloved

2014-07-22 Thread Mrs Susan Patrick
I am Mrs. Susan Patrick, suffering from cancerous ailment.I want you to 
establish my husband money (35,000,000.00 GBP) to charity home for the upkeep 
of widows, widowers, orphans,destitute, the down-trodden, physically challenged 
children. My Doctor told me recently, that I have limited days to live due to 
the cancerous problems that I have been suffering from. You can contact me 
through my personal email Address. Please assure me that you will act just as I 
have stated Here in. Email:

Hope to hear from you soon.
Remain Blessed,
Mrs. Susan Patrick
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Dearest Beloved One,Urgent Mail From Mr.Steven Mensah.

2014-02-07 Thread Steven Mensah
Dear One,
How are you and your family, hope all is well ? As the world is
defined as a global village, I don't want you to get this letter as a
surprise but as an opportunity that will put smile on your face. With
due respect I propose this business to you, to make it brief I want to
transfer $3.5 Million US Dollars into your bank account.

The fund belong to our deceased customer who died with his entire
family in 2008 China Earthquake leaving nobody for the claim and as
such I decided to contact you as a partner to enable us claim the
fund. 50% of this fund will be for you and 50% for me.

Hit reply on this e-mail to contact me only if you're interested in
this business and for more details. I am assuring you that the
transaction is 100% Risk Free. Above all a line of reply is highly
appreciated in this regard as soon as possible if you are
interested.Please Reply To This  E-Mail:

Thank you

Mr.Steven Mensah.
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