Re: git svn clone - Malformed network data: The XML response contains invalid XML: Malformed XML: no element found at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/5.26/Git/SVN/ line 312

2018-01-21 Thread Eric Wong
Jason Pyeron  wrote:
> I am asuming that this is an issue caused by codeplex's svn
> from tfs implementation. Does anyone here have any insight?

Seems like it, even using svn(1) fails (see below)

> r27599 = 9e769d8327767a155d7b96b7cc28579cf0ed4c93 (refs/remotes/git-svn)
> Malformed network data: The XML response contains invalid XML: Malformed XML: 
> no element found at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/5.26/Git/SVN/ line 312.

OK, so lets find out what the next commit is after r27599:

  svn log -v -r 27599:HEAD

  # which tells me r27864

  svn diff -r 27599:27864
  # which tells me:
  svn: E130003: The XML response contains invalid XML

strace only shows encrypted data, so maybe there's a flag or
debug option you can enable in SVN itself to see what was in the
bad XML or maybe contact the admin to see if it can be fixed.

git svn clone - Malformed network data: The XML response contains invalid XML: Malformed XML: no element found at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/5.26/Git/SVN/ line 312

2018-01-21 Thread Jason Pyeron

I am asuming that this is an issue caused by codeplex's svn from tfs 
implementation. Does anyone here have any insight?

$ git --version
git version 2.15.0

$ git svn clone smtp4dev
Initialized empty Git repository in 
r20111 = 443d627cdfeeb240162b9f089ab50c6f058a1260 (refs/remotes/git-svn)
A   trunk/smtp4dev/smtp4dev.csproj
A   trunk/smtp4dev/Resources/Icon2.ico
A   trunk/smtp4dev/Resources/Icon1.ico
A   trunk/smtp4dev/RegistrySettings.cs
A   trunk/smtp4dev/Properties/Settings.settings
A   trunk/smtp4dev/Properties/Settings.Designer.cs
A   trunk/smtp4dev/Properties/Resources.resx
A   trunk/smtp4dev/Properties/Resources.Designer.cs
A   trunk/smtp4dev/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
A   trunk/smtp4dev/Program.cs
A   trunk/smtp4dev/OptionsForm.resx
A   trunk/smtp4dev/OptionsForm.Designer.cs
A   trunk/smtp4dev/OptionsForm.cs
A   trunk/smtp4dev/obj/Debug/smtp4dev.Properties.Resources.resources
A   trunk/smtp4dev/obj/Debug/smtp4dev.pdb
A   trunk/smtp4dev/obj/Debug/smtp4dev.OptionsForm.resources
A   trunk/smtp4dev/obj/Debug/smtp4dev.MainForm.resources
A   trunk/smtp4dev/obj/Debug/smtp4dev.exe
A   trunk/smtp4dev/obj/Debug/smtp4dev.csproj.GenerateResource.Cache
A   trunk/smtp4dev/obj/Debug/smtp4dev.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt
A   trunk/smtp4dev/obj/Debug/ResolveAssemblyReference.cache
A   trunk/smtp4dev/MainForm.resx
A   trunk/smtp4dev/MainForm.Designer.cs
A   trunk/smtp4dev/MainForm.cs
A   trunk/smtp4dev/lib/log4net.dll
A   trunk/smtp4dev/lib/cses.smtp.server.xml
A   trunk/smtp4dev/lib/cses.smtp.server.dll
A   trunk/smtp4dev/Email.cs
A   trunk/smtp4dev/bin/Debug/smtp4dev.vshost.exe
A   trunk/smtp4dev/bin/Debug/smtp4dev.vshost.exe.manifest
A   trunk/smtp4dev/bin/Debug/smtp4dev.vshost.exe.config
A   trunk/smtp4dev/bin/Debug/smtp4dev.pdb
A   trunk/smtp4dev/bin/Debug/smtp4dev.exe
A   trunk/smtp4dev/bin/Debug/smtp4dev.exe.config
A   trunk/smtp4dev/bin/Debug/log4net.dll
A   trunk/smtp4dev/bin/Debug/cses.smtp.server.xml
A   trunk/smtp4dev/bin/Debug/cses.smtp.server.dll
A   trunk/smtp4dev/app.config
A   trunk/smtp4dev.suo
A   trunk/smtp4dev.sln
A   trunk/smtp4dev.4.5.resharper.user
A   trunk/Setup/Setup.vdproj
A   trunk/Setup/Debug/
A   trunk/Setup/Debug/Setup.msi
A   trunk/Setup/Debug/setup.exe
A   trunk/Setup/Debug/LICENSE
A   trunk/Setup/Debug/LICENSE.log4net
A   trunk/Setup/Debug/LICENSE.cses-smtp-server
A   trunk/LICENSE
A   trunk/LICENSE.rtf
A   trunk/LICENSE.log4net
A   trunk/LICENSE.cses-smtp-server
A   trunk/_ReSharper.smtp4dev/Xaml/CacheProvider.dat
A   trunk/_ReSharper.smtp4dev/WordIndex.New/6/61e28584.dat
A   trunk/_ReSharper.smtp4dev/WordIndex.New/.version
A   trunk/_ReSharper.smtp4dev/WebsiteFileReferences/.version
A   trunk/_ReSharper.smtp4dev/TodoCache/9/3ace61b9.dat
A   trunk/_ReSharper.smtp4dev/TodoCache/.version
A   trunk/_ReSharper.smtp4dev/ProjectModel/ProjectModel.dat
A   trunk/_ReSharper.smtp4dev/CachesImage.bin
W: +empty_dir: trunk/Setup/Release
W: +empty_dir: trunk/smtp4dev/obj/Debug/Refactor
r20114 = 569cc523b14d6346f3198f37b27fccb8cb572ab1 (refs/remotes/git-svn)
... It chugs along then ...
W: -empty_dir: trunk/Rnwood.Smtp4dev/Behaviour.cs
W: -empty_dir: trunk/Rnwood.SmtpServer/SmtpRequest.cs
r27599 = 9e769d8327767a155d7b96b7cc28579cf0ed4c93 (refs/remotes/git-svn)
Malformed network data: The XML response contains invalid XML: Malformed XML: 
no element found at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/5.26/Git/SVN/ line 312.

I have tried to fiddle with --log-window-size but nothing seemed to work. 


-   -
- Jason Pyeron  PD Inc. -
- Principal Consultant  10 West 24th Street #100-
- +1 (443) 269-1555 x333Baltimore, Maryland 21218   -
-   -