
I'm currently implementing LDAP Auth with Gitorious (Installed via 
So far everything works well, but one thing I didn't get working, maybe because 
it's not possible at the moment.

I want to restrict the user which are allowed to login, so that only users 
which in group_search_dn' Groups are allowed to login/autocreate a user.

This is my current authentication.yml (LDAP part only):

  - adapter: Gitorious::Authentication::LDAPAuthentication
    host: my.domain.com
    port: 636
    base_dn: DC=my,DC=domain,DC=com
    group_search_dn: OU=Gitorious,DC=my,DC=domain,DC=com
    login_attribute: sAMAccountName
    distinguished_name_template: "{}@my.domain.com"
      cn: fullname
      mail: email
    encryption: simple_tls
      username: cn=mybindusername,ou=serviceaccounts,dc=my,dc=domain,dc=com
      password: mysecurepassw0rd
    membership_attribute_name: memberof
    members_attribute_name: member
    cache_expiry: 0

In gitorious.yml I configured the following:

  enable_ldap_authorization: true
  enable_ldap_group_member_listing: true

Are I'm right ? Did someone already implemented this for own usage? :-)

-- Robert

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