On Jan 8, 5:22 pm, Steven Sroka <sroka.ste...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 7 January 2011 03:13, Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
> > You couldn't just use git to pull the repository?
> git would be used, but the compressed tarball would be quicker to
> download if the maintainer of the script I was talking about could
> program the script to download the tarball first. For efficiencies
> sake .)
> Btw, I keep getting this error when I try to clone the Qt repo that I need,
> # kdesrc-build running: 'git' 'clone' '-v' '--'
> 'git://gitorious.org/+kde-developers/qt/kde-qt.git'
> '/home/steven/kdesrc/qt-copy'
> Initialized empty Git repository in /home/steven/kdesrc/qt-copy/.git/
> fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
> fatal: early EOF
> fatal: index-pack failed
> Do you know why Gitorious keeps dropping the connection?

I am the developer of the script Steven is mentioning (kdesrc-build).
The problem he has is essentially just that the git clone (not pull,
which works ok) for large modules hosted on gitorious.org times out.

I had Googled information on this last year (http://lists-archives.org/
git/700614-cannot-clone-redirecting-stdout.html) and instituted a
simple workaround in kdesrc-build to simply leave qt-copy's git-clone
procedure output to the terminal instead of redirecting it to a log
file. The -v flag is also passed for this purpose.

I did not report a bug since it appears you all were already aware of
the effect.

Apparently the workaround is not working in Steven's case however. (I
have not had occasion to test re-cloning Qt since, and I'm not
particularly eager to start now ;)

kdesrc-build includes support for Subversion module bootstrapping via
tarball snapshots, which wouldn't be hard to retrofit onto your Git
checkouts, which is why I mentioned that as a possibility. Other
workarounds are probably acceptable too, just let me know. Ideally if
the tarball option is used screen-scraping would not be required to
figure out a specific sha1 to download (i.e. it should ideally be
possible to download based off of a branch or tag name from the client

I'm tracking this at KDE bug 262145 (https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?
id=262145) but I should be receiving replies to this thread as well if
you just want to keep the discussion on this group.

Thanks for any tips!

 - Michael Pyne

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