[GKD] Pakistan's Virtual University

2002-04-01 Thread Frederick Noronha


Pakistan places its hopes for speeding up IT education in a new 'Virtual
University'. Advisor to Islamabad's Ministry of Science and Technology
Salman Ansari, who met Frederick Noronha [EMAIL PROTECTED] at a
UNDP/Asia-Pacific Development Information Programme, explains what the
concept involves.

IT SIMPLY MEANS this: about two-and-half years ago, we assessed that we
were producing about 10,000 graduates in IT (each year). If we were to
distil from this, I don't think more than 1000 or 1500 were of very high
quality, explains Ansari.

Other calculations were revealing too.

For Pakistan's own internal needs and software exports, particularly if
the latter wanted to touch the ambitious billion-dollar target, the
country needed about  40,000 top-of-the-line people. Each could generate
export earnings of around 35-40,000 dolalrs, says Ansari.

This served as an impetus for revamping higher education, specially that
related to IT.

Pakistan put in about three billion rupees into existing government-run
universities. This money went for building faculty and labs and was
primarily focussed on the IT front.

The more we put in, the more we discovered that the weakest link there
is the faculty. So we tried to get a number of people. We advertised
heavily in (international publications like) the Economist, New York
Times and anything would get across the message to (overseas)
Pakistanis, says the IT advisor to the Pakistan government.

Ansari believes that after 9/11 -- and the response of the US to
religious minorities after the World Trade Centre attacks -- expats in
the West have started returning home in a flood, and want to
re-invest in Pakistan as they feel very insecure in the US.

But this, still, hardly suffices to cope with current needs.

One way to do so would be to create a very strong distance-learning
programme, where we could use common resources -- basically the faculty.
We went through the whole exercise of analysis, of meeting people,
visiting institutions like the Open University in the UK, and centres of
excellence in New Jersey, the University of Illinois (UIUC), says he.

But there were stumbling blocks to implementing this concent.

Number One was cost. Our students would have to pay Rs 70-80,000 per
month. This defeats the very purpose. Besides, the course material would
not be adequate. It assumes pre-requisites which students in Pakistan
simply don't have. For instance, it raises issues of language,
pronounciation, the quality of production (most were classroom
recordings), and the like, adds Ansari.

But one of the most important issues was copyright.

We wanted to use the material in classrooms, host it on the web,
broadcast through TV. So the only way we found we could get around this
was to generate content ourselves, says Ansari.

Thus came the Virtual University.

It will involve an initial cost of Rs 200 million (US$1=60 Pakistani
rupees). Later, several add-on features will come about. This will
include an education Intranet, and a TV educational channel... all
costing as much as Rs 1.5 billion.

Also planned are studios in different cities, plans to convert content
into digital format, creating indexes to allow for asynchornous learning
(students can opt for any time when they wish to study), and even
digital post-processing to improving the presentation of the material to
suitable standards.

Today as we talk (March-end), the first Bachelor of Computer Science
programme is being conducted, said Ansari.

Initially, only 1000 students are being formally enrolled as part of the
pilot project. Once it goes on-line fully, anyone in any part of
Pakistan will be able to sign-up for classes.

There will be some 28 tutoring centres, all being physical
brick-and-motar classes. Teachers will be physically present -- even if
not of the same caliber as those working at the apex -- to guide
students personally.

Students would also be able to 'talk back' to the lecturers via the
Internet, possibly getting an instant response too.

By September this year, the target is to have some 5000 students. By
end 2003, we should have 25,000 students enrolled in exactly the same
format, says Ansari.

Behind this plan, there are also other initiatives to open up the
Internet in Pakistan. So far, it has reached some 570 locations, and the
country has reduced the price of Internet bandwidth, by as much as 75%
recently, says Ansari.

Multi-metering of phone-calls to the Internet will also be a thing of
the past, he is hopeful. So, theoretically, one could sit 500 miles
from the main city and pay Rs 2 for a phone call, and Rs 5 per hour of
Internet time. For five hours of lectures, one would pay just Rs 27 (in
Internet and connectivity charges), says Ansari.

By December this year, Pakistan hopes that Internet access could reach
as many as a thousand sites in the country. Some are of very small
capacity, some are larger Class I areas with 2000+ lines, says Ansari.


Re: [GKD] Digital Divide vs. Social Divide.

2002-04-01 Thread Pamela McLean

Thanks to contributors who have raised this topic. The issues do need to
be clarified. How can we have clarity of  thoughts and communication
without clarity of language?

May I illustrate the problem by describing a project in rural Nigeria.
Its long term vision is for community development. Communication across
the digital divide is an important feature - but I am at a loss for
effective words to describe it if we are to avoid being misunderstood.

The project combines community development and digital bridges. It was
initiated by someone who belonged equally in the rural community and the
ICT community (the late Peter Adetunji Oyawale) and his vision for
development combined what he knew of the two cultures. The project 
foundations are both in rural Nigeria and also on the connected side of
the digital divide (more information on www.cawd.info).

In Nigeria, the project has the commitment of local chiefs, local
government officials, teachers and farmers, and the benefits of all
their formal and informal communication networks. That means the project
can communicate with considerable effectiveness across a large rural
area that has no telephone network, a postal service of dubious
reliability, and a large number of adults who need help with the written
word. With regard to descriptive words this is definitely a community
development project, and it aims to introduce sustainable initiatives.

On the connected side of the digital divide the project is supported by
people like me who knew Peter when he was a skilled ICT professional
working in the UK. I can easily take advantage of the Internet on behalf
of the project. This is what makes it, even at this early stage, a
project that reaches across the digital divide.

Communication between Nigeria and the UK is by whatever means we can
manage, and includes physically delivering web-page printouts to Nigeria
to overcome lack of Internet access for the community development
committee members. On both sides of the digital divide we share Peter's
vision for community development, which, to oversimplify, is based on
opportunities for self help through access to information.

Ultimately what we want to do is provide an integrated dynamic effective
multi-directional community information system. Our long-term vision
includes existing community communication structures, Community Digital
Information Centres (CDICs - staffed to provide a human interface and
maximise inclusiveness) offline web-page libraries, email, public
telephones, online web access, and a community radio service. We already
have some small pieces of this information system beginning to take
shape. These include a local broadcaster ready to help us do some slots
on existing radio channels,  the likelihood of a small solar powered
email bureau and web-page library in the heart of our rural area later
this year, and a probable VSO worker - to help act as a catalyst to
increase the two way flow of information among people at the edges of
the project.

So we have long term vision and something that we describe as a digital
bridge community development project. At one time those words seemed
right - but now they seem too empty and, in some people minds, almost
reduce down to 'putting some online computers in somewhere', or 'doing
some IT training'. What other words are there? How can we best describe
clearly and succinctly what we are trying to do?

Pam McLean

***GKD is solely supported by EDC, an NGO that is a GKP member***
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