[GKD] Brazil Still Lacks a Digital Inclusion Strategy

2004-03-09 Thread Karen Higgs
OPINION: GESAC, SCD, FUST, XPTO and Digital Inclusion?

Carlos Afonso, director of planning at RITS - APC's Brazilian member
organisation, - outlines the digital inclusion opportunities and
initiatives carried out in Brazil so far, from the successful ones to
the dismal failures. According to Afonso, despite the flurry of acronyms
being thrown around, Brazil still does not have a national strategy that
will provide the majority of Brazilians with access to the internet. He
believe it's crucial that the Brazilan government gets involved in the
set-up of community telecentres and computers in schools and public
libraries -- the cheapest and most efficient way of democratising access
to information and communication technologies.


[Opinion originally published in Portuguese by RETS and translated into
English by APC]

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[GKD] E-Government and Democracy Report: Looking for Dev. Country Examples

2004-03-09 Thread Steven Clift
I recently added two slides to my Global E-Democracy Trends speech (see

One from India about the use of wireless Internet-based video
conferencing among district managers and another about a city in Turkey
that provide deep access to government financial information. These are
great e-democracy examples to present to the world.

Please take a look at the report I developed for the UN on E-Government
and Democracy. Let me know about examples in other countries that will
help us demonstrate what governments and others must do online to ensure
that democracy survives the information age.


Steven Clift
E-democracy expert and speaker

P.S. Anyone in Mongolia?  I'll be there in a couple of weeks presenting
on these issues.

E-Government and Democracy Report, World Summit Speech, More

* E-Government and Democracy: Representation and Citizen Engagement in
the Information Age

Download my recently released 40 page report from:


Commissioned to assist drafting of the United Nations World Public
Sector Report, this article articulates essential democratic outcomes in
e-government. Outcomes different from the usual notions of cost-savings
and service delivery.  The table of contents far below lists the case

Included are links to related articles and the new e-mail list for
e-government practitioners and experts interested in the democratic
opportunities of e-government.  To join this peer-to-peer knowledge
exchange, e-mail:


* Democratic Evolution or Virtual Civil War?

I put my http://E-Democracy.Org civil society hat on while speaking at
the Promise of E-Democracy side event at the World Summit on the
Information Society.  While my report above shares exceptional best
practices, my Geneva speech makes it clear that democratic will is
required to make what is possible - probable and universal.  Access my
text and the panel video, which included the Foreign Minister of Greece,
George Papandreou, Nicholas Negroponte, Stephen Coleman from Oxford
among others:


Also, the BBC World's Click-Online television program used the WSIS as a
back drop for a report and interview on e-democracy. See right column.

* Democracies Online Newswire, Top Ten Articles, Global E-Democracy
Trends Slides, E-Democracy.Org Technology

DoWire, the Democracies Online Newswire will under go some changes this
year as I integrate blogging technology into my content gathering. The
DoWire network now reaches 2600 people in over 80 countries. Subscribe


My articles collection http://publicus.net/articles.html, dating back
to 1993, now has a handy list of my top ten articles:


As I head to Mongolia for a speaking trip (with short stops Korea and
Japan) in a a week or so, my updated Global E-Democracy Trends slides
for 2004 are available at:


Finally, E-Democracy.Org (I'm the Board Chair) is recruiting the world's
top civic-minded techies to help us build our global platform for local
up citizen-based e-democracy. Help us help citizens join us as we start
our second decade of non-profit, non-partisan activity. Review our
technology notes and volunteer to help craft our project requirements
via our new E-Democracy Factory wiki:


If you haven't already, visit our U.S. election links starting point:


* That's all this year. Do you have something to share?

I am always looking for new and interesting content to share with my
primary source DoWire network.  Content on DoWire is often appears in
major e-mail newsletters, blogs, and the media.  Help me keep the
influential DoWire network in the loop.  Send submissions to:



Steven Clift
E-democracy expert and speaker
netclift - MSN/Y!/AIM

P.S. The table of contents from my UN article:

E-Government and Democracy: Representation and Citizen Engagement in the
Information Age

By Steven Clift

Initial Conclusions
Research Trends
Democratic Outcomes
Trust and Accountability
- Case 1 - Policy Leadership
Legitimacy and Understanding
- Case 2 - Budget Information Online
- Case 3 - About Government
Citizen Satisfaction and Service
- Case 4 - E-mail Notification and Personalization
- Case 5 - User Generated What's Popular Navigation
Reach and Equitable Access
- Case 6 - E-mail newsletters
Effective Representation and Decision-Making
- Case 7 - E-Parliaments
- Case 8 - E-Councils
- Case 9 - Decision-Making Systems
Participation Through Input and Consultation
- Case 10 - Advanced Online Input and Correspondence Systems
- Case 11 - Online 

[GKD] CFP: Sustainability and Community Technology: What Does this Mean for Community Informatics?

2004-03-09 Thread Michel J. Menou
Dear Colleagues,

The Community Informatics Research Network Inc. (CIRN) calls for papers
to its 2004 Inaugural Conference and Colloquium with the overall theme,
'Sustainability and Community Technology: What Does this Mean for
Community Informatics?, at the Monash Centre, Prato, Italy, 29 September
- 1 October, 2004. www.ciresearch.net/prato2004.

The event is meant to provide an opportunity for researchers,
practitioners, and policy makers to present findings and reflect in a
convivial atmosphere on key issues of concern for the future of enabling
communities with Information and Communication Technology (ICT).  It
will also be the founding organisational conference of CIRN.

Further details of the conference will be forthcoming shortly. Please
bookmark the website for updates. CIRN members will receive a conference
discount (see www.ciresearch.net for membership information), and the
number of places available is limited. Please forward this notice to

Call for Papers

Papers (full length for blind peer review and discussion or position
papers) from researchers and practitioners are invited. Possible topics

.Defining 'sustainability' in a community technology context: is it
an adequate concept? What are its meanings and how are they relevant?

.Are there alternate concepts which are more practicable and how are
they linked to the life of communities and community networking?

.Sustainability and the Digital Divide: Friend or Foe?

.The political economy of community technology sustainability:
dependency on government, and funders' understanding of 'sustainability'

.Community Technology Sustainability in different spheres:
developed, developing countries: are there universal principles?

.The sustainability criteria of national and international financial
institutions and donors: Explanations and Critiques

.Indigenous and first nations people and the sustainability of
community networks

.Gendered technology and the sustainability of community networks.

.Is there a connection between sustainability and 'social capital'?

.Time, virtual space, geography and network sustainability

.Power relationships in networking and their impact on

.The policy dimensions (dementia) of sustainability

.Evaluating 'sustainability'

.Case studies of 'sustainability' in different community informatics

.Case studies of the policy frameworks and applications of

## A special issue of Community Informatics: A Global E-Journal will be
prepared as part of this event and contributors to the event will be
encouraged to submit their papers for either the peer-reviewed or the
commentary section of the journal.

*Doctoral Colloquium*

The CIRN Doctoral Colloquium offers PhD students a special forum on 29
September 2004 where they will have a chance to present their research
plans and discuss them with peers and established senior researchers.
Interested students should prepare a 2 page summary of their research.
This should provide a context for the research, describe the methods
being used, the progress to date and expectations and hopes from the

Please submit your 2 page application by 1 April 2004 to: Marcus Foth at

Applicants will be notified of acceptance by 1 June 2004. Successful
applicants will be asked to prepare an 8 page paper on their research by
1 August 2004. For further details please contact the organiser of the
CIRN Doctoral Colloquium, Marcus Foth, at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Key Dates

*Abstracts of papers (in English only) should be sent as soon as
possible. Please submit abstracts to Professor Michael Gurstein
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) or Larry Stillman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) by 1 April

*Full Papers (up to 5,000 words, including references) are due 1
August 2004 for blind refereeing via peer review and inclusion in the

This deadline is final if you wish to be included in the publication.
Papers can be in English, French, Italian, German or Spanish. There will
be a prize given for the best refereed paper and a second, for the best
paper submitted by a student (please indicate on your submission whether
you are a student). Position papers (up to 2,500 words) are also welcome
and are due by 1 August 2004 if the abstract is accepted.

Research students are particularly encouraged to attend to present

*Interim Conference Committee

Michael Gurstein, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
Peter Day, University of Brighton, UK
Don Schauder, Monash University, Australia
Michel Menou, CoVITALC (Virtual Latin American and Caribbean Consortium
for Telecentres Research), Ecuador
Larry Stillman, Monash University, Australia
Scott Robinson, Universidad Metropolitana, Mexico
Graeme Johanson, Monash University, Australia
Wal Taylor, Central Queensland University, Australia
Beris Gwynn, Foundation for Community 

[GKD] Invitation to Virtual Conference on Indigenous ICT Use

2004-03-09 Thread Michael Gurstein
Kuh-ke-nah International Indigenous SMART Communities Gathering

17-18 March, 2004

In the Oji-Cree language of Northern Ontario in Canada, Kuh-ke-nah means
everyone...together. For Oji-Cree people it describes a traditional
network of families living and surviving  in the vast wilderness that we
now know as the Canadian Shield. Today, Kuh-ke-nah also describes
Canadas SMART First Nations.

The SMART First Nations Demonstration project is a three year initiative
led by the Keewaytinook Okimakanak (Northern Chiefs) Council in
partnership with the government of Canada that blends community
leadership with technological innovation. Together with everyone the
Kuh-ke-nah First Nations are defining a new network of community
development, opportunity and wellness.

During the past ten years, the Deer Lake, Fort Severn, Keewaywin, North
Spirit Lake and Poplar Hill First Nations have applied information and
communications technologies (ICTs) to build new skills and transfer
knowledge, reduce longstanding forms of cultural isolation and physical
remoteness and enhance community well-being.

Since 2000, these communities have adopted a SMART approach to ICT
development. Each year theyve identified and implemented new education,
health and cultural services. And everyday the people living in the
SMART First Nations are showing others how everyone really can be
brought together through the use of ICTs.

The Kuh-ke-nah International Indigenous Gathering is the culminating
event of the SMART First Nations Project.  The Gathering will provide a
virtual space for bringing together Indigenous people from around the
world to show how they have used information and communications
technologies. Participants will demonstrate on-line how they are
influencing positive change in their communities by addressing community
needs, achieving community development goals, improving community
services, supporting cultural expression and building new capacities.

The Kuh-ke-nah Network will host a virtual two day conference where
lessons learned, good practices and the SMART project outcomes will be
shared. On-line delegates and guests will exchange views and workshop
new approaches and alliances. Kuh-ke-nah Chiefs and community ICT
champions will show how advanced e-learning, telemedicine and community
development applications have been both influenced and supported by
Indigenous values and needs.

This conference will appeal to Indigenous ICT workers and policy-makers
alike. Community representatives as well as government, academic and
industry representatives will make the Kuh-ke-nah SMART International
Gathering a diverse and rich experience -- a new world of communities in
development. Register now at:


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