Re: [GKD-DOTCOM] Is Profitability Essential for Sustainability?

2004-11-11 Thread Ed Deak
rpose of economic competition is to eliminate competition". Today
the main purpose is to raise incomes for a few and expropriate the lives
of many with the perceived power of imaginary money.

The key to poverty elimination is the promotion of self sufficiency and
not specialization, as demanded by economists and politicians. A
certain degree and percentage of specialization is necessary, but it
causes incompetence and reliance on systems controlled by special
interests. Whenever the words "self sufficiency" are mentioned,
economists go frantic, claiming that it increases costs. Quite the
opposite. They don't know what reals costs are, because they have no
models to calculate them. Human labour doesn't cost anything to an
economy. It only takes benefits, or if you like loot, from the pockets
of special interests, who claim to be THE economy, because they managed
to usurp the control of the strings of money creation and investment, in
other words colonization and forced collectivization.

I have spent a lifetime on the planning and running of self sufficient
family and locally based production systems and know that they work and
bring a lot of benefits to the practitioners. Total self sufficiency is
an impossible dream, but even with limited self sufficiency people can
live very well on very low incomes and use far less resources in the

The reason economists oppose self sufficiency is that incompetent people
must rely on the buying every item and service for their survival and
this raises their phoney GDP, which also includes the tremendous waste
and pollution of physically inefficient, but economically "efficient"
production systems.

I'm in daily contact and exchanging information with a well known and
prominent scientist friend, well known by Al Hammond, working out of
Winnipeg in the sustainability field. Just last week he was telling me
of the plans for the dislocation of millions of farm families in China
and jamming them into new cities. In the name of phoney "economic
efficiency" of course, disregarding the fact that city dwellers use far
more water, 1400 gallons per person per day in the USA and Canada, plus
all other resources, but all that waste will raise China's GDP even

In conclusion I would only like to add that there's no point in talking
about poverty without going back to the basics on what the causing
factors are. Technology, among other things, can indeed solve much of
the problems, provided it is used in well planned doses and within
limits, because in its present overcapitalized form it is one of the
main reasons for the daily growing poverty and income gap statistics,
which in turn also jack up the substance abuse, family violence, crime,
accident and illness figures.


Ed Deak, 
Big Lake, BC, Canada

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Re: [GKD-DOTCOM] Can Technology and a Business Approach Make Globalization Work for the Poor?

2004-10-28 Thread Ed Deak

I just got onto this forum and may have missed a lot, but as a small
organic rancher I feel you are ignoring a lot of pertinent facts when
talking about farming, especially in so called developing countries.  I
live in the middle of British Columbia, Canada, considered the
wealthiest country on Earth.

Right now I have made a deal to change my bull and have to get rid of my
5 year old, beautiful, healthy bull. There's about $10,000 worth of fast
food outlet hamburger meat in that bull, yet, I've been begging people
to take him for nothing, because our livestock prices at the farm levels
have been artificially destroyed by big business lobby groups, while
making huge profits at the retail levels both here in Canada and in the
USA.  Meanwhile there are almost 800,000 people in foodbank lines in
Canada, 65,000 more than a year ago, over 13% of them employed in some
chickenfeed, part time jobs, like millions in the USA and our animals
are worth nothing while people starve.

By next year thousands of Canadian ranchers will be put out of business,
their lands and holdings picked up by multinationals for a song. About
1.5 million Mexican farmers have been pushed off the land by NAFTA, the
Mexican middle and small business class destroyed, by some independent
estimates 70% of the country pushed below the poverty level, while their
imaginary GDP numbers doubled.  The figures are all there in the open,
if somebody's willing to look for them.  In India there have been and
are mass suicides by farmers,  in Poland and estimated 3 million farmers
will be forced off the land by their EU membership.

While you are talking about the wonderful effects of hi tech etc. on
farming communities, what will happen to these millions who still had
something while they were on their lands, but now have nothing in city
slums ?

For example, do you realize that up till now 97% of Iraqi farmers used
to reseed their own saved seeds, but now, as the legacy of Paul
Bremner's proconsulate, using their own seed has become illegal and
they'll be forced to buy their seeds from implanted multinationals ? 
What will happen to them? How many can survive ?  What are the long term
effects on the land and on human health of GM seeds and plants forced on
the World by a few corporations on their way to control the global food
supply ?

Please no neoclassical economic rhetoric.  I have been in farming on and
off, both at the chemical "Green Revolution" and organic levels since
1948 and hold the 1991 copyright on the only scientifically correct
definition of economic efficiency, well tested on World Bank forums,
used in PhD dissertations remaining unbroken.

As far I'm concerned, neoclassical economics may have started off as an
error, I will give Milton Friedman et al, that much credit, but by now
have become the biggest poverty creator and destroyer in history.

If you, or anybody, really intends to look into the causes and solutions
of daily growing global poverty and income gap, you won't find it in
ideological theories.  The claimed purpose of economics is supposed to
be "The science for the management and distribution of scarce
resources".  In my 59 years of historical and economic studies, plus my
own personal experience in 4 countries under every know political
ideology, I haven't found any evidence of any known economic theory that
came anywhere near this stated purpose.

Are there any solutions?  Yes, there are, but first we have to forget
everything we think we know and make a complete break with the past and
present, using them only as experience and bad examples.  Meanwhile
40,000 children will starve to death around the world today and every
day, while their governments and economists are reporting glowing GDD
and "growth" figures.

This is all for now.  With all the very best and cheers, 
(Ed Deak, Big Lake, BC, Canada)

On 10/27/2004, Al Hammond wrote:

> Cornelio Hopmann raises some important points. I agree that IT may often
> be used by service providers rather than by the poor directly. But I
> don't agree that there is no connection between what companies can sell
> to the poor and the needs of poor households. In conjuction with
> Professor CK Prahalad and others, we have documented a number of win-win
> business models. I realize that such approaches are still controversial,
> and that examples of corporate practices that have not benefitted the
> poor still come readily to mind. But for example, ITC, an Indian company
> that has put Internet-connected computers in farmers' houses, situating
> these e-choupals so that each serves 600 or so farmers, and supplied
> daily market prices for crops, found it necessary to create trust and
> economic and social value in order for its business model to succeed.
> They are now serving 4 million farmers. The case study can be found on
> . Nor is this an isolate