World Congress of Citizens Network, Buenos Aires, 5-7 December 2001
(Global CN2001)

Global CN2001 Workshop 5

Virtual technologies and open source software and hardware for communities.
Information management

Call for participation
Deadline: June 30th 2001

David Wortley (UK)   Gareth Shearman  (Canada)  Larry Stillman  (Australia)
Background to the Workshop

Information Communications Technology (ICT) is increasingly seen as a vital
component in facilitating sustainable community networks. The range of
hardware, software and telecommunications technologies becoming available to
communities can be bewildering to experienced ICT professionals, and since
the majority of community initiatives are driven by individuals and groups
whose background is not in technology, there is a need to share knowledge
and experience of those best practices in hardware, software and
telecommunications solutions which support sustainable community networks.
Global CN 2001 Workshop 5 aims to provide a framework for sharing of
Information Communication Technology best practices. We are seeking
solutions which engage and empower ordinary, non-technical citizens to
develop the social and economic wealth of their community.

What hardware, software and telecommunications solutions provide this
empowerment and contribute to sustainability ? We are inviting contributions
from both providers of technology solutions to community networks and those
who have direct experience of implementing technology in community
technology, learning and media centers as well as virtual networks.

Potential Issues for debate

Windows vs Unix - which platform offers community networks the most
manageable and sustainable future ?
Virtual Community Development Tools - what tools are available to help
community groups develop their aspirations ?
Open Source Software - is there an opportunity for global community networks
to develop hardware and software toolkits for community networks ?
Virtual Conferencing Technology - what technologies are available to support
real-time collaboration and knowledge sharing ?
Community Media - what role can streaming media and community radio play in
community development ?
Software for Sustainability - is community commerce a practical reality for
developing revenue streams and what other revenue earning applications are
available ?
Community Broadband - how can communities ensure access to the full
potential of broadband technology ?
Mobile media centers - what hardware, software and telecomms solutions are
available ?

We invite citizens, ICT professionals working with community technology,
social entrepreneurs, managers of community technology centers, researchers,
etc., to contribute to the presentation of documents, videos, and other
multimedia formats that can be included in the Workshop. The reception of
Abstracts of no more than 400 words (Arial 11, 1.5 space, A4 page size) must
be sent by email no later by June 30, 2001 to :-

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> with copy
to the Workshop Coordinators, David Wortley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
Gareth Shearman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, and Larry Stillman 

Abstracts should include the title, author's name, institution, address,
telephone, e-mail and URL and will describe clearly the proposed
presentation, paper or activity.

***GKD is an initiative of the Global Knowledge Partnership***
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