DOT-COMments eNewsletter - May 2005 (Issue 11) The May 2005 issue of the DOT-COMments newsletter is now on the DOT-COM Alliance web site. This issue focuses on Gender. The full newsletter can be accessed online at:
Forward articles to your friends and colleagues, let us know what you think of the articles, search for articles by country or type of activity, or explore the rest of the DOT-COM Alliance site. Here is a list of articles in the May 2005 issue: 1. Editorial: A Gender Perspective What has the DOT-COM Alliance done to address these issues and ensure women's ability to take advantage of IT opportunities? The articles in this May 2005 issue of the DOT-COMments eNewsletter provide some answers to this question. <> 2. Women and ICT Policy Focusing efforts into increasing women's participation in policy, regulatory and advocacy issues is an effective and powerful way to achieve competitive and fair levels in the ICT sector. This has the potential to increase the role of women in community decision making, where they can influence policy issues at any government level. With increased participation, women can then ensure that gender issues are taken into account in ICT resource planning and administration. <> 3. Gender Strategies in dot-ORG Projects What do dot-ORG projects in Mali, Brazil, Macedonia and Uganda have in common beyond the fact that they all involve the provision of some form of information technology? They have all designed strategies that take gender into account, strategies that ensure that women have the same opportunities as men to access and utilize information technology. <> 4. Marching for Gender Equity in Peru High in the Peruvian Andes a grassroots movement supporting gender equity has taken hold. Led by a group of primary school students and their teachers, the community of Cerro de Pasco is taking a closer look at the implications of equal treatment and rights for men and women in the public and private spheres. <> The DOT-COM Alliance is funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID): (GDG-A-00-01-00009-00, dot-GOV; GDG-A-00-01-00014-00, dot-ORG; GDG-A-00-01-00011-00, dot-EDU). You can subscribe to the newsletter through the DOT-COM Alliance web site or email me directly to be added to our mailing list. Best regards, Barbara Fillip [EMAIL PROTECTED] Information and Dissemination Coordinator DOT-COM Alliance ------------ ***GKD is solely supported by EDC, a Non-Profit Organization*** To post a message, send it to: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To subscribe or unsubscribe, send a message to: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. In the 1st line of the message type: subscribe gkd OR type: unsubscribe gkd Archives of previous GKD messages can be found at: <>