Dear GKD Members, 

Kabissa has launched a new Web site for our TIME TO GET ONLINE project.
TIME TO GET ONLINE is an Internet capacity-building project for West
African civil society organizations that that was launched in November
2002. Initially, we targeted organizations in West Africa whose main
agenda concerns human rights, freedom of information, responsive
government and democratization. A set of self-learning materials has
been developed to help civil society activists and organizers to get
online and to integrate the Internet into their organizations. The
materials can be used as both a self-taught curriculum and as a
reference guide for users with varying levels of Internet experience and
expertise. The materials are available for download for African civil
society organizations. Local workshops serve as a supplement to the
learning materials and give organizations the opportunity for hands-on

To date, Kabissa has completed the pilot phase of this project, which
involved the development of pilot versions of the learning materials and
a first round of workshops. These workshops were conducted in Lagos,
Nigeria with over 35 civil society organizations and in collaboration
with Nigerianet and Media Rights Agenda. Future phases of the project
will include further improvements to the materials and workshops
throughout West Africa. We plan to replicate the project in other
regions and with a wider range of African civil society organizations.

You are invited to visit <> or write to
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to learn more about the TIME TO GET ONLINE project and
to get your own copy of the TIME TO GET ONLINE self-learning materials.
You can pre-order print and cd-rom copies as well as download the entire
book in electronic Adobe PDF format. Photos of the February workshops
can also be accessed through the Web site. Enjoy!

Best wishes,  

Tobias Eigen
Executive Director

Kabissa - space for change in Africa

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